The Matchmaker Tool Is Uncooperative

Chapter 80: The cannon fodder bamboo horse is deceived 9


Wu Siyuan felt that he might have stayed in the laboratory for too long, so that he couldn't hear what the leader in red said clearly, and had auditory hallucinations.

Otherwise, a temple of light that the world respects and trusts from the bottom of its heart? Why would the red-clothed leader full of kindness say such words.

Wu Siyuan thought that the psychedelic mushroom was something that the leader in red had asked him to take before, but just wanted to use it to develop an antidote.

After all, he turned the mountain into that ghost at that time, and the place where saints gather like the Temple of Light will definitely not sit idly by.

At that time, he handed over the psychedelic mushrooms,? He thought it was just to make an antidote to clear away the poisonous fog.

But, what is this leader in red going to do now

Wu Siyuan stared at the leader in red with wide eyes, trying to find the truth from the amiable smile of the leader in red.

The leader in red repeated, "You heard me right,? I'm really asking you how to maximize the effect of the psychedelic mushroom."

Wu Siyuan looked at him with a complicated expression, what's going on.

"I just use this for self-defense."

"Well, I know. But you also know my position,? There will always be people who don't have eyes,? So..." the leader in red continued.

Wu Siyuan looked at him deeply for a long time, he didn't believe what the leader in red said.

However, if he refuses to offend the leader in red, it will not be so easy to handle.

What's more, the leader in red took the initiative to clean up the mountain for him.

Wu Siyuan led the leader in red, "I haven't done it to the maximum extent, but I can try it. But there is a condition that no one should know that I did it."

The leader in red readily agreed, "Yes!"

Wu Siyuan has been doing experiments for several days, and he finally purified ten bottles of the enhanced version of the psychedelic mushroom.

He put away three bottles by himself, and provided seven bottles to the leader in red.

"The enhanced version you want."

After the leader in red took it, he asked curiously, "Aren't you curious about what I use it for?"

Wu Siyuan asked back, "Isn't it used for self-defense?"

The leader in red smiled lightly, "You're right."

Seeing the leader in red leave, Wu Siyuan heaved a sigh of relief.

It would be false not to be curious, but he dared not ask,

The leader in red is much stronger than him, and he doesn't want to lose his life because of it.

However, he could ask in other ways.

For example... his good classmates, good teammates.

Looking for his former classmate, the magician of the Department of Light, Wu Siyuan asked straight to the point, "Do you know the leader in red?" Wu Siyuan described some appearances of the leader in red.

All this time, Wu Siyuan never asked the name of the leader in red.

"Master Newman? God, how do you know Master Newman?"

Wu Siyuan quickly denied it, "I don't know him, I just saw him on the street not long ago. I'm rather surprised that I don't remember such a red-clothed leader in our temple."

The classmate said, "Well, the Newman leader came to investigate some things. His disciple died while doing a task not long ago."

The classmate bumped into Wu Siyuan, "Alvin was still there for that mission. Apart from him, there is only one paladin still alive."

Wu Siyuan understood, and soon he wanted to understand everything.

This Newman leader should have come to seek revenge on Alvin.

Maybe it's inconvenient to shoot directly, so he came to him for poison in a detour.

Also, when someone told him to go up the mountain, he was seen by Hierarch Newman.

Wu Siyuan thought for a while, his disciple died tragically during the mission, and it is normal for the person who is still alive after venting his anger.

Then investigate Alvin, and the value of venting anger will definitely increase again.

Moreover, he also heard from his classmates that the disciple of the leader in red couldn't even find the weapon he used.

Wu Siyuan suddenly realized, no wonder the leader in red appeared there.

He suddenly punched the palm of his other hand, so, is the red priest planning to use the potion he prepared to punish Alvin and another paladin

Nice guy, really nice guy.

It must be that the gods think that Alvin's life has been too smooth recently, so he can't see it, so send the leader in red to clean up the protagonist.

What an exciting thing this is, before he even takes action, someone is scrambling to deal with the protagonist Alvin.

Sure enough, wherever the protagonist goes, he will attract hatred.

Apart from being unhappy when Alvin went to clear the poisonous fog, the rest of the time was very good.

When he came back, it was a blessing in disguise, and he was directly promoted to an intermediate magician. The archbishop praised him for it in front of everyone.

Although studying in the Temple of Light is very boring most of the time, you even have to listen to the prayers of boring residents. But the wealth obtained here is more than he expected.

After several missions, several dignified people did not come back. Alvin felt that his status in this temple was getting higher and higher.

Brian's attitude towards him is getting better and better, and tonight is the time for him to give himself an answer.

He is confident that Brian will give him a satisfactory answer.

Alvin has been determined since going through so much. As long as he maintains sufficient wealth and resources, Brian will not leave him.

Although this truth made him very frustrated, who made him like Brian, and that fetter has always affected him, and he was still willing to continue to indulge Brian in this way before he failed to break the tight connection between him and Brian of.

Sure enough, Brian did not disappoint him, and gave Alvin an accurate answer shyly.

The two embraced, not realizing that the purple smoke was spreading behind them.

When they found out, it was already out of control.

The place they are in is not a hidden grove or anything like that. Instead, it is a church for everyone to pray in the Temple of Light.

Wu Siyuan's specially made psychedelic mushrooms not only paralyze people's nerve centers, but also amplify their inner desires.

For example, now, after Brian nodded, looking at Brian's scarlet face, Alvin wanted to swallow him into his stomach.

He hugged Brian.

Needless to say, they magnified their desires, and under the influence of the enhanced version of the psychedelic mushroom potion, they did indescribable things in the church.

At first, only the leader in red saw it.

In fact, he just wanted to make Alvin painfully poisoned.

Excessive inhalation of psychedelic mushroom gas can cause paralysis or even paralysis. They would stare blankly, foam at the mouth, and twitch.

After getting the antidote, he became paralyzed directly, becoming a useless person, unable to live or die.

After that, he will make Alvin into a puppet, and he will be ravaged by monsters every day.

But the enhanced version of the psychedelic mushroom potion made by that student didn't directly make Alvin collapse

He didn't want to continue watching the next thing. Although the leader in red left by himself, he attracted many people to enter.

It is conceivable that this eye-catching event has opened the eyes of many believers, apprentices of the temple or others.

Wu Siyuan never expected that his enhanced version would have this effect.

The leader in red immediately asked Wu Siyuan to question him, but did not stay there to wait for the result.

His eyeliner, will tell him everything.

Wu Siyuan was secretly happy, this, cooking raw rice and cooked rice is also a happy event.

This can completely prove that his task is almost completed.

However, he couldn't put his joy on his face.

The leader in red was obviously unhappy.

Wu Siyuan thought for a while and said: "The biggest effect of psychedelic mushrooms is to express people's inner desires. No one thought that his desire is this. The most important thing is, Your Excellency, what you said to deal with is He!"

In fact, the leader in red is not unacceptable to the current result. After such a big scandal, I believe the archbishop will not protect him anymore.

What's more, what he just saw.

That Alvin's lover was actually holding his precious disciple's staff.

The leader in red now just wants to make these two people into puppets.

Oh, and what is this little mage named He Siyuan in front of him talking about.

Wu Siyuan continued: "Your Excellency may not know that I have some connections with Alvin. When I was in the junior magic school, I was often implicated by him. Fortunately, my magic strength was not bad at that time, otherwise, I would have been involved by him a long time ago." Killed several times."

Only then did the leader in red really look at Wu Siyuan seriously, "Then why haven't you done anything to him for so long?"

What else could be the reason, of course I want them to get married. But now the two of Alvin are doing this in public. Although they are still young, whoever makes this place is not modern. In their world, they can fall in love and get married freely at the age of 16.

So, it is still possible to get married.

Wu Siyuan thought for a while and said, "Of course it's because the God of Light is protecting them! I don't want to do anything until I'm sure. So I've been working hard to improve my strength, and finally I can kill them with one blow."

"Is it the God of Light?" the red-clothed leader muttered to himself.

He never understood why the archbishop protected Alvin so much. Even because of Alvin, the Temple of Light has already lost a lot of fresh blood.

But if you talk about the God of Light, everything will make sense.

This made him even more eager for revenge.

Since God cannot clearly see the filth of the people under him, let him let God see clearly.

As for God's revenge, he didn't care.

Knowing that He Siyuan is a fellow, the leader in red has a less aggressive attitude towards Wu Siyuan.

At least, the potion this time made Alvin and the others lose their hearts.

Such a serious place as the church should be used for pleasure, and nothing should be said.

Such a dramatic development made Wu Siyuan want to watch it live.

Alvin, who was woken up by the archbishop himself, realized that something serious happened to him after he woke up.

The archbishop's face was dark, he didn't know what to do now.

Although he can use his own power to take over Alvin, his position may not be guaranteed in this way.

Looking at the uneasy person in front of him, he had to seek advice from the Pope first.

Alvin and Brian are trapped in a room in the Temple.

Residents and students of the Magic City passed on things about Alvin and Brian, and the pictures were vivid and even came out.

The two of them were grounded and couldn't go anywhere, and they had to wait for punishment and the eyes of other people in the temple.

Brian bathes in tears all day long, which makes people feel pity.

However, Alvin was only bored. If he is punished, he will definitely not be able to stay here. If I had known it earlier, I would have confessed to Brian.

As for Brian, his whole head was thinking about how to tie up Alvin.

Not long ago, he overheard what the Archbishop and the Pope said. Alvin was the chosen son appointed by the God of Light to stay in the Temple of Light.

Therefore, he had to hold Alvin tightly in his hands.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-08-21?00:47:12~2021-08-22?17:55:00~

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: Lanmisu? 10 bottles; I was bald that year...? 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!