The Mightiest System

Chapter 10: Kill the Decapod


Chen Feng naturally knew in his heart that the inability to improve was naturally due to the task, and the task restricted his improvement. This system has advantages and disadvantages, but as long as there are tasks to do, all problems will disappear.

"The teacher decided to let you go down the mountain to practice first, to see if you have improved." Shi Lun said.

Shi Lun threw out a piece of talisman paper, and then Chen Feng heard the system prompt. "Player Chen Feng has received the spiritual practice task 'Experience', may I accept it?"

Chen Feng has been waiting for this task for a long time, so he will naturally accept it.

"In the green bamboo forest to the south of Tianji Mountain, there is a kind of spirit beast 'Decapod'. You go and get ten unicorn horns, and I will refine a suitable weapon for you as a teacher." Shi Lun said. . "The talisman paper given to you earlier, you stick it on your chest, you can enter and exit here at any time."

Chen Feng had a slight smile on his face. This master treated him fairly well and even gave him a pass. Elder Lu only got a one-time paper talisman before.

After receiving a dagger for hunting the horn of the 'Decapod', Chen Feng quickly left the secret room.

Now that he has received the task, he can't wait to complete it.

Arrived at the foot of Tianji Mountain, drove south for ten miles, and came to a green bamboo forest.

In the bamboo forest, Chen Feng also found this kind of spirit beast. This is a spirit beast of the sixth-level plant system. Its whole body is emerald green, and it looks like it is segmented. In the bamboo forest, it is not easy to find them for a while.

This is a spirit beast that belongs to the early stage of spiritual enlightenment. In Master Shilun's opinion, the strength of this full insect is about the same as that of Chen Feng. As long as Chen Feng can kill ten of them, it is enough to prove his strength. He was not given a weapon. A dagger is only used to take horns and attack, and it is not very helpful.

This decapod has a body divided into ten segments, and each segment has two legs.

Finding the worm, Chen Feng flew up and punched in the air. The wind whistled, and the green bamboos beside him swayed in the wind.

This attack of pure strength can actually generate turbulent air flow, which shocked even Chen Feng himself.

He now has 110 points of strength, so his power is naturally unparalleled.

In this game, with Chen Feng's own initial attributes, even if he is more than ten levels, he will not be able to reach 110 points of strength, unless he gets some hidden missions to add attributes, or after reaching level 60, he will become an immortal. Immortal attribute rewards.

"Boom..." sounded, the ground vibrated, and the worm suddenly broke into two pieces. Obviously, Chen Feng killed it instantly with a single punch.

Stepping forward, using force with one hand, he pulled out the horn without even using a dagger.

This power is as powerful as a bull god possessed, and Chen Feng is very confident when he succeeds with one move. Turning around and volleying and striding in the air, the thighs volleyed and swept across the air.

All of a sudden, the legs were turbulent, and several green bamboos broke in unison, and the decapod insect hiding in a few green bamboos was blown away by the shock force of the broken green bamboos.

After several somersaults in succession, the full-fledged insects ran wildly at full speed.

The bamboo leaves on the ground were blown by the strong wind blown by the rushing movement. Immediately, the bamboo leaves flew in front of Chen Feng's eyes. Seeing that the insects were about to run away!

Picking up a broken bamboo casually, Chen Feng took a big step among the flying bamboo leaves, leaned forward, and waved the big hand holding the green bamboo, the green bamboo burst out of the air immediately.

The emerald bamboos that flew out of the sky quickly formed an air current that shook the falling leaves, and some of the fallen leaves were even torn apart by the air current.

With a wail, the "decapod" was pierced by bamboo knots and stuck on the ground, unable to move forward, and its body rolled on the spot.

Stepping forward, he stomped heavily on the body of the "Decapod", grabbed the horn with one hand and pulled it hard, and actually pulled the horn down alive.

In the great pain, the "dead worm" died in Huangquan.

Although this full-bodied insect has the same level of spiritual cultivation as himself, it is not his opponent at all. After getting two unicorns, there are only eight left to complete the task.

But it is not so easy to find this decapod in this bamboo forest. Chen Feng looked around, but he didn't see a decapitate. Even if there was, he was probably too scared to come out because of Chen Feng's previous methods.

Since the decapods are spiritual beasts of the plant system and grow in bamboo forests, their nests must be under the roots of green bamboos.

Chen Feng searched for holes at the roots of many emerald bamboos. After a while, he really found a hole the size of a washbasin. This must be the lair of the decapod.

Stride the body and squat on the ground, supporting the ground with one hand, the body shape is like a bow. With one hand raised, he punched hard at the edge of the hole.

Suddenly there was a sound of "bang!...", the ground shook, the green bamboos shook wildly, and more than half of the hole collapsed.

Suddenly, the arm was pulled away again, and several consecutive punches were punched down violently, the edge of the hole was cracked, and the grass slope was shaken up.

Feeling the air blowing out of the hole, Chen Feng's supporting hand suddenly exerted force, and his body turned upside down and fell backwards.

At the collapsed hole, a decapod crawled out.

The small one is really hiding in the hole. With a sneer on his face, the body that flipped backwards on his head grabbed the ground, and the body unexpectedly volleyed forward again.

This body shape was controlled very cleverly, like a thrown stone suddenly flew back upside down.

Seeing Chen Feng flying towards him, the full worm rolled his body and swept his tail. The green light is flickering, and the blessing at the tail increases the attack power.

"Overestimate one's abilities." With a sneer, the body reflected in the air suddenly punched out, and this punch naturally hit the tail of the decapod.

Immediately, the green light disappeared, and the tail attack blessed by spiritual power was no match for Chen Fengchun's powerful punch.

The tail of the decapod is dull and pale, and the carapace at the tail is all off.

The full worm let out a miserable cry, and swung its body in unison, wanting to leave.

"Where to escape?" Chen Feng shouted loudly, stepped forward quickly, grasped the tail of the worm with both hands, and shook his hands, the body of the worm actually left the ground.

Stepping down and pulling back violently with one hand, the body of this worm, which is longer than Chen Feng, actually passed his head in the air.

When the head of the decapod passed by Chen Feng's head, he slapped it hard with one hand, and the body of the decapod rolled over. Grab the horn on the head of the decapod, take a big step, and pull the arm forward.

The full worm howled, blood flew out, and Chen Feng pulled out another unicorn.

After collecting the one-horn, Chen Feng searched for a cave in the root of the emerald bamboo, and forced out the decapods to hunt for the one-horn.