The Mightiest System

Chapter 15: So savvy! new task


"Disciple, since you have a sword, as a teacher, I will give you the basic sword moves of our sect, Spirit Sword Break, and you will practice more in the future." Afterwards, Yu Zhenzi said in surprise. "Feng'er, you are already in the middle stage of spiritual enlightenment?" Chen Feng hadn't been promoted before, so he didn't notice it, but now he accidentally discovered that his apprentice had already been promoted.

"Yes, master." Chen Feng replied.

"Although your promotion is not as I expected, I am very satisfied with your progress." Yu Zhenzi said, he is naturally satisfied with Chen Feng's actual combat. Such a battle is not only desperate, but also able to display his strength during the battle. All of them are displayed, and no action is superfluous. He crossed the realm and killed many spirit beasts. Such strength made him feel a little frightened.

He knew about Chen Feng's battle, but Chen Feng didn't know that his master had actually been secretly observing him.

"Player Chen Feng has acquired the spirit-opening skill 'Spiritual Sword Break', and the initial level of the skill is Chucheng." The system prompt sounded.

Holding the Qingfeng sword in his hand, he pointed out the sword, the blade vibrated, and the spiritual power actually formed a sword energy form from the Qingfeng sword, and finally shot out.

The air flow was turbulent, the air sword was shooting fiercely, and the sound of the wind was harsh.

"Whoosh..." sounded, and the ground turned out to be a hole the size of a little finger.

The power of this sword skill is pretty good, but what kind of power will it be if you practice it to the state of Dzogchen

Seeing Chen Feng unleashing the Spirit Sword Po, Yu Zhenzi was very shocked. He only explained the essentials and demonstrated it, but he knew it and could still perform it. This comprehension is really terrifying, there is no second person to be found in the entire history of Tianjimen.

In fact, it's not that Chen Feng's comprehension is too strong, but that the game system integrated into Chen Feng's body is too strong. The voice control read the essentials of Yu Zhenzi's narration, and recorded Yu Zhenzi's sword moves. After data analysis, the sword moves were formed and systematically added to Chen Feng's mind and body.

Chen Feng opened the attribute board again and checked his latest attributes.

Character: Chen Feng

Level: Level 10 (100%) Giant Spirit Godhead

Strength: 110

Constitution: 81

Dexterity: 26

Speed: 31

Spirit power: 25

Attributes: Fire, Earth

Spiritual practice level: mid-spiritual enlightenment

Reputation: 100

HP: 810

MP: 250

Attack power: 1100

Mana: 350 (Green Wind Sword increases mana attack by 100 points.)

Defense: 810

Movement Speed: 310

Skills: Giant Spirit Fist (Consume 1000 MP, power attack power doubled.) Thousand-machine illusion hand (complex handprint superimposed with spiritual power, its speed can reach invisible. Each time it is used, consumes 200 MP.) Sword Spiritual Breaking (formed on the spiritual sword with spiritual power, and shot out with the sword as a medium. Each time it is cast, it consumes 10 MP points.)

Weapon: Qingfeng Sword (The mana attack power increases by 100 points, each time it is cast, the physical attack will be added to the mana attack.)

"Warning... Warning... Warning..." At this time, the system sounded. "Due to the system update, as long as the player has spiritual weapons or equipment, they can combine physical attacks and mana attacks to form an attack. Once the player does not have spiritual equipment or weapons, mana attacks and physical attacks cannot be combined. .”

Chen Feng was a little surprised, but also a little sighed. Surprisingly, the combination of physical and mana attacks, his current attack power is very powerful! And with spiritual power attacks, when encountering spirit beasts, combined with mana power attacks, it is not as difficult as a single physical attack.

What's amazing is that the update of this system is too fast! But fortunately, there is no need to stop the update, otherwise he really doesn't know what he will be like!

If the system update is shut down, will Chen Feng remain motionless, unable to control his body, or will his consciousness disappear? This is something he doesn't know.

(Note: If the physical attack here is to attack spirit beasts, then the attack power will be reduced exponentially. Spirit beasts belong to the type of mana, and mana belongs to the potential beyond human beings, and physics is the attack of ordinary people. How about the attack of ordinary people, How can it cause much damage to extraordinary people. So the physical attack here is not the same as the mana attack that can reduce the same amount of blood.)

Now that Chen Feng's attack has mana fusion, his physical attack is also equivalent to mana attack. Physical attack 1100 points, plus mana 350 points, a total of 1450 points. With such an attack power, if he encounters a decapitated boss, he can almost kill him instantly.

Yu Zhenzi fell into deep thought, as if thinking about something? In his opinion, this disciple's understanding is astonishing. It seems that there is some special ability in his strength? During the observation, he also noticed something wrong? Could it be that he really did this because he took Zhu Guo

After a long time, Yu Mako thought a lot, but in the end it seemed that he had made up his mind? And said to Chen Feng: "There is a Chiyan Cave fifty miles away from Tianji Peak. No one has entered this cave for many years. In recent years, monsters have appeared in the villages near Tianji Peak, and many village names have died. I have always sent It is my responsibility to eliminate demons, and according to long-term observation, these monsters are likely to come out of this red flame cave." When Yu Zhenzi spoke, his brows were furrowed, and he seemed a little worried. "I sent disciples to enter one after another, but none of them came out alive, and there were no news of the elite disciples of the two sects as soon as they went. I want to send you to investigate."

Hearing Yu Zhenzi's words, Chen Feng was overjoyed, knowing that there was another task to take. Once there is a task to accept, then it is likely to be a spiritual cultivation task! "I don't know what the master needs the apprentice to investigate?" Chen Feng said.

"This Chiyan Cave is divided into four layers, and each layer is full of dangers. This time, I want you to observe around the Chiyan Cave to see if there are any monsters coming out of the Chiyan Cave. You don't need to enter Chiyan Cave, but there is a time limit, this is a kind of test for you! If the time is too long, I am afraid that it will be difficult to rescue the trapped disciples." Yu Zhenzi said, in fact, he knows that this task is easy. It looks very simple, but in fact it is very difficult. The difficulty lies in his time limit.

"I don't know what is the time limit for this mission?" Chen Feng asked, he had an intangible feeling that this mission might not be as simple as it appeared on the surface.

"Two hours, you start now and count the time immediately." Yu Zhenzi said.

"Sure enough, this task is really not easy." Chen Feng was secretly shocked, but at this time he quickly left Tianji Stone Mansion, and said loudly: "Master, don't worry, this disciple will definitely complete the task."

Chen Feng spoke with confidence, and he didn't know where his confidence came from

This Tianji Stone Mansion is fifty miles away from Chiyan Cave. With his current ability, it takes an hour to go back and forth, that is, two hours. And this hour can't rest, and the speed of driving can't be slowed down, which is a bit difficult to overcome.