The Mightiest System

Chapter 715: Enter the Earth's Core Earth's Core Passage


In the hell of the First Star Continent, while advancing towards the palace of hell, Chen Feng beheaded the cultivators of other clans, causing certain damage to the cultivators of other clans, and at the same time, he had to give them a look.

Of course, a person's power is limited! No matter how much Chen Feng could kill, he couldn't change the plan of cultivators from other races to unite and attack human cultivators. He can't change it alone, and he doesn't have the ability to change it. But I can make as many as I can, and I can kill as many cultivators from other races as I can. It is best to kill some overlord-level powerhouses, so that it will cause more damage to other cultivators!

But it's a pity that until now, Chen Feng has not beheaded a cultivator at the overlord level. He has killed hundreds of cultivators of the transcendent! Tianchen cultivator even beheaded tens of thousands. After beheading so many cultivators, there is no overlord-level cultivator. It seems that cultivators of the overlord level are rare and rare among the cultivators of that clan!

Chen Feng knew that as long as he entered the palace of hell, there would definitely be powerful people at the overlord level who would come to stop him and kill him. After a long time, he has used various methods, various attacks, and various Taoism, and finally came to the palace of hell.

In fact, with the speed of Chen Feng's overlord realm, no matter where he is in hell, it will not take much time to advance to the palace of hell in the depths of hell! However, along the way, he met many cultivators who stopped him, so he slowed down his driving speed too much! However, these cultivators from other races have not reached the overlord level, so they are not his opponents at all!

Even if the number is large, it can't hurt him! Because the overlords and powerhouses in the universe cannot make up for their numbers!

"I didn't expect that among the cultivators of the human race, there was such a strong person as you, such a master?" At this time, there were many different voices in the palace of hell. "Is he a hegemony master, galaxy level? His strength is at Tianchen level..." "Yes, yes, I'm really courageous. It seems to be the core of the earth that came to bed in the star hell." "Yes! Newborn calves are not afraid of tigers!"

Listening to these voices, Chen Feng was sure that there should be four cultivators in total. Moreover, the realm of these four cultivators should all be cultivators of the overlord level.

After slaughtering for such a long time before, I did not meet a single cultivator of the overlord level. Now, within a short while, he actually encountered four overlord-level cultivators. It seems that this hell palace in the depths of hell may be the headquarters of the coalition forces of cultivators of other races. Even if it is not the headquarters, it is at least a more important command fortress for cultivators of other races.

If the strong man in this palace can be beheaded, it will bring serious losses and injuries to the army of cultivators from other races.

Among the four cultivators, Chen Feng was able to detect that there were two Galaxy-level overlord cultivators, and there were also two Tianchen-level overlords.

Perhaps one-on-one, Chen Feng, the overlord of the lower-level galaxy, has the strength to fight against any overlord cultivator here. However, with these four people united, it would be difficult for him to be an opponent!

This time, even if he didn't want to do it, he had to do it! Because the passage to the core of the earth is in this hell palace. Guarding the palace of hell, it seems that the cultivators of other races want to occupy the resources of the earth's core. If you can't get it yourself, don't let the cultivators of the race go to explore it.

In fact, no one has successfully obtained the resources and power in the core of the earth, whether it is human race or cultivators of other races. Of course, there is one person who must be excluded, and that is Ni Tian.

He is the only one who has obtained the power of the earth's core, but, after obtaining the power, he does not own the earth's core, and he also has no way to possess the first star continent.

"Boy, did you come to the palace of hell to find the passage to the core of the earth?" At this time, the voice of a master cultivator came, but the voice did not come out.

After hearing this, Chen Feng knew that the other party would not make a move for the time being. If he did, he would have done so early in the morning! He nodded and said. "That's right, I'm going to enter the core of the earth. If you want to do it, do it! I don't want to talk nonsense and waste time?"

"Hahaha..." At this time, another voice came, but still no one appeared. "Boy, you seem to want us to beat you very much, don't you really deserve it!..."

"It's the first time I've heard of such a funny thing, and it's the first time I've met. No, we haven't met each other. We're going to fight each other. I owe you a beating..." Another voice also sounded.

Chen Feng frowned, and then said: "Say, what do you want?"

"What don't we want to do?" A voice said lightly. "However, we can indeed allow you to achieve the purpose of coming here this time..."

"What?" Chen Feng also thought that his ears had heard it wrong. He originally thought that he would fight a big fight and go through a fierce battle before he entered this palace of hell, opened the gate of the palace of hell, and entered the passage to the core of the earth.

However, now, this matter has developed so smoothly. Things become very simple in an instant! With such a simple face, Chen Feng couldn't believe it!

"Boy, you haven't heard that you can enter the core of the earth, and we won't stop you." The voice came from the palace.

Then, in front of the gate above the palace, the gate was opened with a "creak"! "Boy, please!" At this time, another voice came, as if tempting him to enter the palace.

Chen Feng was puzzled and hesitated, because he didn't know whether he should go in or not. There seems to be some kind of conspiracy here, but the several major overlords did not unite to overthrow him as a galaxy-level junior overlord.

"Hahaha... boy, why don't you dare to go in? I'm afraid..." the voice came out. Then, another voice came out again. "Boy, you can go in with confidence. I won't assassinate you. Even if I assassinate you, it won't be now. We, indeed, have our goals. Therefore, we won't deal with you until our goals are achieved." of… "

Chen Feng nodded. "So, what is your purpose?" Such a question is actually very idiotic to ask. Since others have a purpose, how can they tell their enemies and outsiders about this purpose!

However, things are strange! Because, the other party actually answered his words. "We want you to go in, we want you to pass through the passage in the core of the earth. This is almost a passage of death. You are actually our pathfinder."

Later, another strong man added: "One is that you died in the passageway to the core of the earth. The other is that you passed through the core of the earth, but were killed by us in the core of the earth together." where... ”

The dialogue, questioning and answering of the two parties are like idiots. However, Chen Feng then nodded. "Okay, I believe..." Then he strode into the gate of the palace and entered the interior of the palace.

The world is so big, there are really idiots in the world. This Chen Feng seems to be such an idiot. It seems that a pair of idiots have collided with each other. The fire of idiots is really erupting!

The other party said the plan himself, and at the same time said the plan to kill. It was obviously a conspiracy, and he said it so bluntly that it had become a public conspiracy, so this idiot went back and fell for it and became their wayfinding stone.

However, it happened that there was an idiot like Chen Feng who went there.

Chen Feng is naturally not an idiot. First of all, this palace is the only way to enter the core of the earth. After that, he also had his own reasons for entering. At least the other party's conspiracy was revealed. These strong men were originally from different races. Killing him was certain, and there was no way to escape it!

It is because the other party has taken a fancy to Chen Feng, and because he has a reason to go, so these alien cosmic overlord cultivators express themselves so clearly and straightforwardly, because, even if they want to lie to this kid, You can't lie, so why not just say it outright, maybe this smart kid will accept it, but it's not necessarily true!

And the development of the facts is indeed like this. Chen Feng went, and Chen Feng stepped on the passage to the core of the earth. And in a secret room in the palace of hell, four extremely strong men were talking to each other.

The light in this secret room is extremely dark, and, here, it is an extremely large lost, in lost, there is no other decoration! Some of them seem to be ferocious beasts, but they can speak human words, and at the same time, some parts are quite human-like.

It's like a dragon, hovering around its body, it's not dragon claws, but human hands. A horse has a human head, and what is even more frightening is that a giant snake has a human face.

Seeing these terrifying things in a dark place without light is indeed a bit eerie. Don't look, these four strange monsters are actually the four overlords who talked to Chen Feng before.

Each of them is a strong overlord, of course, two of them are galaxy-level overlords like Chen Feng, and the other two are more advanced, Tianchen-level overlords!

In fact, Chen Feng didn't have anything to worry about about his choice. In fact, the choice was very simple. Either, he died in the tunnel, or gained strength in the underground core to fight the great overlord, or it was not the core of the earth at all.

However, he has his own reasons for going. Chen Feng, he wants to deal with Chen Feng, he needs strength now, needs to be strong. If he wants to be strong in a short time, then the first star continent is his only choice!

With the First Continent of Stars and his own Star Continent mysteriously mutated by the power of chaos, he has the confidence to fight Chen Feng. Even if it is death, he has to fight hard! Their own destiny has been controlled by them since their birth.

He is not reconciled, he wants to overthrow the final conspiracy, he wants to protect the people he needs to protect!

"Ah..." Roaring and yelling, Haotian penetrated the power of chaos all over his body, using the law of nothingness, holding the painting halberd of scourge in his hand, his whole body turned into a stream of light, rushing towards the dangerous road to the core of the earth .