The Mightiest System

Chapter 718: Tianchen overlord becomes


In fact, the reason why Chen Feng had such a great ability was to instantly break the oppressive seal of the opponent and pull the two girls back to his side in an instant. It is entirely because of the effect of time and the law of nothingness, otherwise, how could he have such abilities.

However, due to the limited strength of his current realm, once the law of time and the law of nothingness are used, he cannot protect himself. The passage to the core of the earth will be reduced, and his body will be damaged. .

That's the reason, in order to save the two girls, Chen Feng had to endure huge trauma himself! "It's okay, the situation is urgent now, you can't stay here any longer, I will send you to a safe place, and I will come back to you when I finish my work."

"We're not leaving..." Now that they had been rescued by Chen Feng, there was no need for them to continue acting.

The two women were holding Chen Feng's arm at this moment. Obviously, they missed Chen Feng very much during this time.

"No, you have to go, otherwise, I can't protect you, maybe I can still live without you..." Chen Feng said anxiously, while covering the two girls with the power of chaos, he retreated quickly.

"None of you can leave, you all have to die..." At this time, the four overlords were surprised by Chen Feng's ability just now.

But when you see him hurt, you understand everything! After all, they are not idiots, nor are they fools. "Hahaha... Chen Feng, you have been seriously injured, you can't escape..."

"Listen, I will send you to my Star Continent, which is my natal celestial body. On it, if I die, the Star Continent will be broken, and you will know my life and death. Only when I send you there can I feel at ease , In addition, I have two wives, where are they, you can go to them..." Chen Feng retreated while fighting, and said to the two women.

At this moment, Miss Mu and Mrs. He Roumei didn't blame Chen Feng for being flirtatious. After all, it was a time of crisis, so it was unnecessary to say those things.

The two women nodded, agreeing with Chen Feng's approach. "Okay, let's go back, but you have to promise us that you must come back alive..." The two women were very reluctant and looked at him worriedly.

Chen Feng nodded heavily, and said firmly. "Don't worry, I'll come back alive! I'm still short of having a romantic relationship with you guys. When the time comes, we'll travel around the world..."

When the two women heard this, they were very moved, because Chen Feng was still thinking about them when they were in such a dangerous situation.

Chen Feng knew that it was almost the last moment, and Chen Feng was also taking action. Once there is a chance, it is possible to fight Chen Feng at any time. As for the relationship between the children, there is no chance or time to talk about it now.

When he was with his wife when he returned to Star Continent, he planned to find He Siqi, the woman who had always loved him and he also loved, and wanted to give her a title, but he couldn't find it.

He couldn't find it by using the system. He suspected that He Siqi had left the scope of the system. He didn't know if she was in danger now. He guessed that He Siqi might have been taken away just like the first blood puppet he created.

And the person who took He Siqi away, he guessed, should be Chen Feng without a doubt.

He was definitely going to use He Siqi to threaten him, this made him very worried.

"The gate of the stars, open." Chen Feng roared, and circulated the power of chaos in his body to open the gate of the stars in his body. "Quick, come in..."

"Crazy..." Although the two girls were reluctant to part with Chen Feng, they entered the Gate of Stars as fast as lightning. If they were slower, they knew that it would cause some trouble for Chen Feng!

"Hahaha..." Seeing the two women enter the Star Gate, Haotian closed the Star Gate in time. "You dare to use women to threaten me, you are going to die, you will all die today."

Now, Chen Feng no longer has any scruples! He can desperately fight with them, kill these four overlord-level cultivators, refine them, and he can be promoted to Tianchen-level overlord.

Of course, refining also takes time. Now, he feels that time is very urgent for him.

"Boy, don't be ashamed. Although the two girls escaped, the goal has been achieved, because you have been seriously injured. Do you think that you, who are seriously injured, can be compared with us? A joke... a joke..." The overlord cultivator smiled coldly with.

"Really? If that's the case, no wonder I... I'll let you know the fate of offending me. Do you think I really only have these strengths?" Chen Feng smiled coldly, stepped, and walked in the passageway to the core of the earth. In the middle, the scourge painting halberd pointed in the air, and the power of chaos circulated around his body. "The gate of Tianchen is open, lend me the power of chaos in Tianchen..."

His Star Continent was originally made of chaos crystals, so what he summoned the power of Star Continent to add to him was the power of chaos. "The power of one hour, superimposed, becomes my body of chaos..."

"This..." At this moment, the four overlord level powerhouses were terrified. "This kid, what are you doing... Run away..."

Feeling like the power of chaos in a world was surging, the four overlord-level cultivators were all terrified. They don't want to fight anymore, they just want to flee. Because, this power is too terrifying!

"Death..." Chen Feng said domineeringly and coldly, and stabbed out with a spear, and all the power of chaos was gathered at one point in an instant. "Broken..." Just like this, the power of chaos gathered at one point directly pierced a hegemony cultivator who cast the cosmic shield.

Killing in one shot, it can be seen how powerful Chen Feng is at this time

The one who was beheaded was originally a cultivator whose realm was similar to his. The overlord cultivator used the protective shield for the purpose of letting the other three escape.

However, no one could have imagined that Chen Feng's killing power was so strong. It turned out that he was beheaded with one shot.

"If you want to escape, it's not so easy..." With another shot, another escaped cultivator was directly shot by the gathered power of chaos.

For the overlord who is killed, all energy and death will be swallowed by the power of chaos, and then merged into the body with the power of chaos. "You too must die..."

"Let's go..." The remaining Tianchen overlord powerhouse cast a defensive shield and said to another Tianchen level overlord. "We must avenge us... the golden body of the universe... ah..."

"No one can leave..." At this time, Chen Feng was like a god of slaughter. The power of chaos, after shooting through the Tianchen cultivator, did not stop at all, and it also smashed another cultivator who opened the space to escape before he had time to escape.

This attack can be described as killing two birds with one stone. A galaxy overlord, after instantly killing two galaxy overlords, was able to kill two higher-level Tianchen overlords in one blow. This strength is really so strong that it is against the sky.

Now, the attack power he displayed is comparable to that of the overlord in the early days of the universe! Strong, really strong, terrifyingly strong.

The long hair danced, and he stepped to stand in the passage to the core of the earth. At this time, the ground and walls here are already full of potholes and a mess. Around his battle field, even the power of the universe in the passage to the core of the earth has been wiped out!

After a long time, the power of the universe from the core of the earth emerged. After beheading the four cultivators, Chen Feng fell to the ground, lying on the ground, letting the chaotic power of the passage suppress him.

With the help of all the power of Star Continent Yichen, he is also extremely weak now! If he couldn't kill the four overlords, I'm afraid he would be the one who died next!

Extremely weak, with the eighth level of cosmic power, the skin and flesh began to tear, and the blood also flowed out.

Naturally, Chen Feng would not wait here to die. He must have known that he would be so weak when he made such an attack. Since he still wants to launch such an attack, it is obvious that he should have countermeasures!

The cultivators of the four overlord levels used their resources and energy, Chen Feng activated the system, and used the system to perform methods that he could not perform now, so that the eighth level of cosmic power would not tear his body apart.

Gradually, Chen Feng lay on the ground, began to practice, and recovered from his injuries.

He needs to rely on the resources and abilities of these overlords, and he wants to promote his own realm. Only after he has promoted his own realm, can he have greater hope through the pressure of the universe below.

Although the resources and energy for cultivation are sufficient, time is a problem. Although the law is mastered, it is impossible to let the time be fixed at one or two years without going away.

This law of time, except in the interlayer of time and space, can be fixed for a long time. Outside, it generally fixes the time of a space to be temporarily slow, which is suitable for coordinating attacks. Once the law is used, the time will jump to synchronize with the entire universe.

Even the law of time cannot escape the shackles of the universe. After all, the law of time in the universe belongs to the time in the universe.

From lying down at the beginning, Chen Feng gradually sat up and realized the state of selflessness during his cultivation. Under the suppression of the eighth level of cosmic power, this sitting is a hundred years.

In fact, in his heart, he was still very anxious, because such a long time had passed, he was worried that Chen Feng would go to the Star Continent, if that happened, it would be a great disaster!

However, fortunately, Chen Feng did not go there. This is strange, where did this Chen Feng go? He neither came to kill himself, nor went to the Star Continent to start the killing ring.

In fact, how did Chen Feng know that at this time, Chen Feng was restricted, so he didn't have time to deal with Chen Feng.

It was originally designed to frame Ni Tian, but how did he know that the hundreds of millions of soul formations were unable to kill Ni Tian. Moreover, this battle will continue for a long time.

It wasn't until Guards broke free from the formation of hundreds of millions of souls and escaped with serious injuries that this battle was considered to have come to an end. However, Chen Feng naturally wouldn't let go of this opportunity. He had managed to injure him once and took advantage of his illness to kill him. If he missed this opportunity, he might not have another chance.

Of course, everything that happened between Ni Tian and Chen Feng is beyond Chen Feng's knowledge!

A hundred years later, Chen Feng's realm has already been promoted to become the overlord of Tianchen.

His strength has naturally increased greatly, it is not comparable to a hundred years ago, and he is now more proficient in the law of time nothingness. Moreover, the power of the power of chaos is even stronger!

The realm of the Tianchen overlord, but he has the strength of the general early universe overlord. Of course, in the universe, even the initial cosmic overlords are few and far between!

Becoming the overlord of Tianchen, Chen Feng was able to step through the eighth-level cosmic pressure channel, but he failed to pass it. Because, even through the eighth-level passage, he still cannot pass the ninth-level passage.

Although he still doesn't have the ability to pass through the ninth-level cosmic power channel, he has a solution!