The Mighty Cauldron: Extreme Alchemist!

Chapter 178: Make another breakthrough


After the promotion assessment, Xu Shangao and Wu Mengsheng came to visit Fang Lin at the same time and express their gratitude to Fang Lin.

Because before the assessment, Fang Lin also gave the two a lot of help, so that they could pass the assessment smoothly.

Except for the two of them, everyone else who followed Fang Lin at Medicine Hunting Peak failed to be promoted smoothly.

There is nothing that can be done about it. The promotion assessment is extremely difficult for most disciples. Xu Shangao and Wu Mengsheng were both lower-class disciples and stayed for several years before they got to where they are today.

Without enough accumulation and strength, even if Fang Lin helped them, it would not have any effect.

To put it bluntly, if you want to pass the assessment, you mainly have to rely on yourself.

After this promotion assessment, Danzong added a group of Dantong disciples, including a few people that Fang Lin had previously been quite optimistic about.

Among the formal disciples, there are also many who have been promoted.

It seems that Fang Lin's rise has made these formal disciples feel the pressure and unleash unprecedented potential.

Ouyang Jing also returned to Danzong before the assessment and participated in the promotion assessment.

When people like Ouyang Jing and Meng Chaoyang reached their status, they could actually choose not to participate in the assessment, but none of them chose this way and they all participated in the assessment.

And the purpose of their assessment is also aimed at the identity of true disciples.

The upper class disciples go one step further and become true disciples. They can choose an elder to become their disciple, or even worship under the first sect.

So far, there are five true disciples in the Dan Sect, three of whom worship under the first Gu Daofeng, one worships under the Yan Zhengfeng family, and the other worships under the other elders.

As for Wuzong, there are more true disciples, eight in total.

Once you become a true disciple, your identity and status will undergo earth-shaking changes. It can be said that as long as you become a true disciple, you can escape the constraints of disciple status and exercise the same rights as ordinary elders.

True disciples have the qualification to meet the sect master directly. Basically, the leaders of Zixia and Zixia sects will be selected from true disciples.

Compared with the true disciples, the status of the four great disciples of Danzong is still very different. The four great figures combined are far less important than one true disciple.

And no matter who among the Four Shows, even Ouyang Jing who has drifted away from the Dan Sect, is very eager to become a true disciple.

After all, from the bottom of his heart, Ouyang Jing still hopes that the Dan Sect can be changed, and to achieve all this, becoming a true disciple is a key step.

However, it is naturally not that easy to become a true successor. There are two hard conditions. If they are not met, there will be no possibility of becoming a true successor.

One is to have the qualifications of a second cauldron alchemist, and the other is to reach the third level of Earth Yuan.

The four outstanding figures of the Alchemy Sect are all Erding alchemists, but their martial arts realms are too different, so they are destined to be impossible to succeed.

An elder of the Dan Sect has said that within five years, no more true disciples will be born in the Dan Sect, which is enough to illustrate the degree of difficulty involved.

In addition to the true disciples, the formal disciple structure has undergone many changes this year.

Gu Liuli, who successfully climbed to the top of Xunyao Peak and participated in an alchemy competition with Wanyao Sect disciples, successfully passed the assessment and was promoted to a superior disciple.

Among the lower-level disciples, in addition to Xu Shangao and Wu Mengsheng, there were more than a dozen who were successfully promoted, which suddenly made the number of middle-level disciples much larger than before.

Generally speaking, Danzong's current momentum is still good.

After the promotion assessment, Fang Lin started refining alchemy again.

Having stayed at the first level of the Earth Element for some time, Fang Lin felt that he could almost take a step closer.

Someone just sent a lot of alchemy furnaces just before. Although Fang Lin didn't like many of them, it was quite suitable to use them all to practice Jiuding Tongtian Jue.

As for the elixirs, they were naturally used to assist breakthroughs. Otherwise, it would be quite difficult to advance to the second level of Earth Yuan just by devouring those mediocre elixir furnaces.

Fang Lin could think of more than a dozen types of elixirs to assist breakthroughs in his mind. He didn't need to choose at all and started refining them directly.

Naturally, Dugu Nian studied humbly from the sidelines and wrote down Fang Lin's movements one by one.

After refining the elixir, Fang Lin began to retreat and break through, telling Dugu Nian not to let anyone disturb him.

Dugu Nian already knew that Fang Lin was going to break through, but he still tried his best to protect Fang Lin.

After all, a breakthrough is not a trivial matter, and if someone interrupts, it is likely to fail.

Although Dugu Nian is usually aloof, he still has a brain at critical moments.

The breakthrough lasted for eight days. On the morning of the ninth day, when Dugu Nian was drowsy in the yard, Fang Lin opened the door and walked out.

The sound of pushing the door startled Dugu Nian and he almost fell off the wicker chair.

Fang Lin let out a long breath, full of energy, and his whole body seemed to have endless strength.

Dugu Nian looked Fang Lin up and down, feeling that Fang Lin didn't seem to have changed much, but something seemed different.

"Stop looking." Fang Lin said lazily.

Dugu Nian was also tired. He had not rested for the past few days as a protector, so he yawned and went back to the house to sleep.

Fang Lin successfully reached the second level of Earth Element.

However, after the breakthrough, Fang Lin also felt a little emotional. The further the Nine Cauldrons Tongtian Jue reaches, the more difficult it becomes to practice, and the higher the level of the alchemy furnace that needs to be devoured.

"If we devour those ordinary pill furnaces again in the future, the effect will probably be minimal." Fang Lin said secretly in his heart.

On the third day after Fang Lin successfully broke through, Fang Lin was summoned and went to the Danzong Hall.

When I got there, I saw that it was already a crowded place. Many elders were here, as well as many formal disciples.

Fang Lin arrived relatively late, and many people looked at him as soon as he arrived.

"Senior Brother Fang."

Some official disciples greeted Fang Lin with quite respectful expressions.

Gu Daofeng sat upright with an expressionless expression, watching Fang Lin walk into the hall, and then said: "Okay, everyone is here."

The more than twenty disciples were all confused. What were they doing to make these middle and upper class disciples anxious

Yan Zhengfeng stood up, looked at the disciples in the hall, and said with a serious face: "I have called you here today because there is a task that you need to complete."

Task? Fang Lin frowned slightly. What mission requires so many people to go out together

Yan Zhengfeng added: "A stronghold of our Dan sect in Baixiang Mountain was attacked by Feng Qianqiu, causing heavy losses in personnel. Therefore, I sent you to supplement and garrison the Baixiang Mountain stronghold."

Hearing this, the twenty-seven official disciples present, except Fang Lin, all showed shock.

Feng Qianqiu actually attacked a stronghold of their Zixia Sect. When did this happen? Why is there no news at all