The Mighty Cauldron: Extreme Alchemist!

Chapter 37: Shake three mountains


On the stone platform, Elder Zhou's expression changed, and his eyes were fixed on Fang Lin's movements.

"This is..." Elder Zhou whispered, with a look of disbelief in his eyes.

Fang Lin's three palms were seen falling, and there was a muffled crackling sound inside the Jinyan Cauldron.

At Lu Jiuhe's place, the Qingyan Cauldron also trembled violently.

"How could this happen?" Lu Jiuhe panicked. The blood-coagulating pill had come to an end. Why did the pill furnace suddenly vibrate

Fang Lin looked a little tired. He looked at Lu Jiuhe and suddenly smiled.

Lu Jiuhe was in a hurry, but still couldn't stop the vibration of the alchemy furnace, and his expression became more and more nervous and panicked.

"What's going on? Something seems wrong."

"Why did Senior Brother Lu's alchemy furnace vibrate so violently?"

"What's the reason for the crackling sound in Fang Lin's alchemy furnace?"

Everyone around them also noticed something unusual. The crackling sound of Fang Lin's alchemy furnace could not be heard. Lu Jiuhe's alchemy furnace kept shaking in place as if it had been stimulated.

"Could this be..." Mu Yan in the distance suddenly exclaimed, but did not say anything.

Meng Wuyou looked at Mu Yan doubtfully and said, "Could it be something? You can tell me."

Mu Yan shook her head. She was not sure whether her guess was correct. She did not continue to explain at the moment, but just said to wait and see what happens.


Suddenly, the lid of the Jin Yan Cauldron flew up and fell to the side.

Immediately afterwards, a large cloud of white smoke rose up from the Golden Flame Cauldron, and it turned out to be in the shape of a dragon.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this, and no one could remain calm anymore.

"The smoke turned into a dragon! It turned out to be a vision of the smoke turning into a dragon!"

"Oh my god! I thought this was just a legend in a book!"

"Coincidence! It must be a coincidence!"

The smoke that turns into a dragon is a phenomenon recorded in many ancient books on alchemy. Whenever a pill comes out of the furnace with the smoke turning into a dragon, it means that the pill that comes out of the furnace is definitely of high quality.

The dragon formed by white smoke lingered for a long time, rising towards the sky, and then gradually disappeared from sight.

Lu Jiuhe stood there stupidly, the Qingyan Cauldron in front of him was still vibrating. When he saw the white smoke dragon, an extremely bad premonition arose in his heart.

"I'm afraid the outcome of this competition is hard to predict." A formal disciple said with a frown.

His words aroused the agreement of many people. Before, they all believed that Lu Jiuhe would definitely win, but now that the white smoke dragon appeared, everyone was unsure. Such a vision meant that the elixir was absolutely sure to be released. It is of high quality. Unless Lu Jiuhe also refines the blood coagulation pill of high quality, or the quality is improved to a higher level, he can possibly surpass Fang Lin.

But the question is, is it possible

Superior quality is almost the limit, and beyond that, it is perfect quality, which is almost impossible to refine.

At this time, everyone smelled a strange fragrance of redwood, not very mellow, but fresh and elegant, just like the sandalwood, which was endlessly memorable.

"This fragrance makes you feel relaxed and happy just by smelling it."

"I feel a lot more relaxed all over."

"The Danxiang alone must be of good quality."

Kang Lu's face was particularly ugly as he listened to the comments of the people around him. He clenched his fists tightly and gritted his teeth.

"I don't believe it! He has just become an official disciple. I don't believe he has such a superb alchemy technique!" Kang Lu roared in his heart.

At this time, Fang Lin looked into the alchemy furnace and saw nine milky-white elixirs lying quietly under the alchemy furnace. Each one was pure and flawless, like mutton-fat white jade.

Elder Zhou came down and looked shocked when he saw the nine blood-coagulating pills in Fang Lindan furnace.

"Elder, please take a look." Fang Lin said with a slight smile.

Elder Zhou nodded and eagerly took out the nine pills, holding them high in his hand for a closer look.

When Lu Jiuhe saw the milky white pill in Elder Zhou's hand, his expression suddenly changed, and there was a trace of despair in his eyes.

"High-quality blood-coagulation pills! Nine!" Elder Zhou said loudly to everyone present after checking each blood-coagulation pill.


As soon as these words came out, everyone exploded. Whether they were Dantong disciples, formal disciples, or Wuzong disciples who came to see the excitement, they all stared at Fang Lin in disbelief.

"Oh my God, it's of the highest quality!"

"I never expected that!"

"Smoke turns into a dragon, it's true!"

For a time, exclamations and praises about Fang Lin continued to pour out from everyone's mouths, which was completely opposite to the previous disparagement of Fang Lin.

Kang Lu and others stood there, listening to these compliments, not to mention how awkward they felt.

Especially Kang Lu, he most wanted to see Fang Lin lose face in front of everyone, but the situation at this moment was completely opposite to his wish.

"It's not over yet. Senior Brother Lu might be able to refine a high-quality blood coagulation pill. Fang Lin hasn't won yet!" Kang Lu suddenly shouted.

Everyone looked at him with a bit of disdain and ridicule. The winner was now clear. It was unlikely that Lu Jiuhe could refine a high-quality blood coagulation pill. Even if his character really exploded, it would still be impossible. After refining a high-quality blood coagulation pill, it would only be a tie with Fang Lin at best. Fang Lin could be said to be almost invincible.

Elder Zhou returned the elixir to Fang Lin, and when he looked at Fang Lin again, there was obvious appreciation and surprise in his eyes.

Fang Lin smiled, swayed, and sat down on the ground.

"Elder, don't blame me, I'm really tired." Fang Lin said with a wry smile.

Elder Zhou shook his head and said: "No problem, just now you shot the alchemy furnace three times in a row. Could it be that your method was to shake three mountains?"

Fang Lin didn't hide anything and nodded.

Seeing Fang Lin's admission, Elder Zhou's face became more surprised, but more filled with joy and excitement.

"What a shock to three mountains!" Elder Zhou said loudly.

Fang Lin rolled his eyes. Is this old guy afraid that others won't know that he can shake three mountains

As expected, when they heard the words "Zhen Sanshan", Mu Yan and Meng Wuyou in the distance looked shocked, while Wu Zhen and Zhao Dengming were in disbelief.

"The ancient alchemy technique recorded in ancient books shocked Sanshan, and it actually appeared in an inferior disciple."

"This Fang Lin must have a great background."

"It turns out that it is Zhensan Mountain. No wonder there are dragons and white smoke appearing."

The alchemy furnace is like a mountain. Between three earthquakes, all the steps of alchemy are completed instantly, so it is called "Three Mountains of Shock".

Fang Lin's three blows just now seemed simple, but they exhausted Fang Lin's mental strength, which is why he was so tired.

At this time, Lu Jiuhe's elixir was also released.

But Lu Jiuhe took one look, screamed, threw his head up and fainted on the ground.

Elder Zhou went over there and looked at Lu Jiuhe's condition first. Seeing that he was just fainted and not seriously injured, he looked at Lu Jiuhe's alchemy furnace again.

After a while, Elder Zhou looked strange and said loudly: "Lu Jiuhe's alchemy failed!"