The Mighty Cauldron: Extreme Alchemist!

Chapter 5: Is he a genius?


Hearing Fang Lin's words, many Dantong disciples present, including Elder Mu Yan on the stone platform, had extremely exciting expressions on their faces, and they all looked at Fang Lin, as if they were looking at monsters.

How shameless a person must be to say such shameless words

Even Lu Xiaoqing, who was worried about Fang Lin, was so amused by Fang Lin's words that he couldn't laugh or cry. Please, can you still think deeply when you are obviously dozing off? The snoring gave it all away.

Elder Mu Yan was also so angry that she looked ugly. She had always been strict, but when she met someone like Fang Lin, she told lies with her eyes open, which made her even more displeased with Fang Lin.

Fang Lin seemed very calm. He looked at Elder Mu Yan without any guilt. This calmness surprised Mu Yan.

But he was surprised. Elder Mu Yan had already made a calculation in his mind and said immediately: "Fang Lin, are you saying that you are not sleeping, but listening to my lectures?"

Fang Lin nodded and said: "The disciple is indeed listening carefully to the elder's teachings, and there is absolutely no trace of distraction."

"How shameless!" This was the inner thought of all Dantong disciples at this moment.

Elder Mu Yan's mouth curled up, and he said: "In that case, I will ask you a few questions to test you, all of which are about what I just said. If you can answer it, I will not pursue it any further. If If you can’t answer, I will definitely break your limbs and then cancel your chance of promotion!”

As soon as these words came out, many people looked at Fang Lin with pity in their eyes. Not only had his hands and feet broken, but he also had to cancel a promotion opportunity. This punishment was not light.

In five years, Dantong's disciples only have five opportunities for promotion, and every failure means one less opportunity.

If Fang Lin is punished today, he will only have four promotion opportunities. This is simply the harshest punishment for Dantong disciples.

Lu Xiaoqing's face was full of worry, and he wanted to plead for Fang Lin, but thinking that he was just a disciple of Dantong, how could he be qualified to plead for Fang Lin

Kang Lu, who was sitting at the front, looked like he was watching a good show, as if he was waiting for the scene where Fang Lin's limbs would be broken.

Just when everyone thought Fang Lin would be hesitant, Fang Lin said decisively and calmly: "Then let the elders come up with the question."

"This kid seems to have given up on himself." Kang Lu shook his head slightly. He was a dead tree with no qualifications, but he played such a role. It was really disappointing.

"Fang Lin, Fang Lin, you and Lu Xiaoqing are so close, I want to see if Lu Xiaoqing will still pay attention to you after your hands and feet are broken?" Sun Hao looked at Fang Lin with a sneer on his face, eager to see to Fang Lin's miserable end.

Mu Yan looked at Fang Lin and felt a little confused. Why did this man look so confident? His eyes were so clear and there was no fear at all. This was really unusual.

"Listen carefully, I just mentioned, what is the effect of this Qiuyuebai flower?" Mu Yan asked the first question without thinking too much.

As soon as this question was raised, many Dantong disciples below knew the answer. Lu Xiaoqing also knew it and wanted to tell Fang Lin secretly.

"This question is simple. Qiuyuebai is a cold herbal medicine. Taking it directly can relieve fire symptoms and suppress the warrior's impetuous blood. However, taking too much will cause the warrior's Qi and blood to stagnate, and in severe cases, damage the meridians. Qiuyuebai can be used for refining Make Autumn Dew Pill, Bingyan Pill, Xuanshui Pill, and Frost Pill." Fang Lin said unhurriedly.

When Mu Yan heard this, she had a look of surprise on her face, and the Dantong disciples present also stared at Fang Lin in disbelief with their eyes wide open.

Lu Xiaoqing looked at Fang Lin in surprise, never expecting that he would actually answer.

"How could he answer the question? Isn't he a loser who is just waiting to die? Did he really listen to the lecture?" Sun Hao looked ugly, and he never expected that Fang Lin could answer the question.

Kang Lu had a look of astonishment on his face, and then he frowned slightly.

"This kid is a bit unexpected." Kang Lu said with a half-smile, and others didn't know what he was thinking.

The most surprised person was Mu Yan, because she was convinced that Fang Lin was indeed napping just now and was not listening to her class at all. There was no doubt about this.

But now Fang Lin answered his question very calmly, without any flaws. It was simply the most perfect answer.

"What's wrong, elder? Could it be that the disciple didn't answer correctly?" Fang Lin asked suspiciously when he saw Mu Yan didn't speak.

Mu Yan came back to her senses and frowned, feeling that Fang Lin was deliberately disgusting her at this moment.

"You answered very well, but I have two more questions. I hope you can continue to answer them correctly, otherwise my punishment for you will not change." Mu Yan said.

Fang Lin smiled and said, "Elder, feel free to ask questions."

"I don't know whether to live or die!" Many Dantong disciples couldn't help but secretly say, feeling that Fang Lin was too complacent. Did he think that if he got lucky enough to answer one question correctly, he could answer all the questions correctly

Mu Yan was also angry. After thinking for a while, she came up with a more difficult question.

"Listen carefully, what herbs are needed to refine the Qingxin Pill I mentioned before?" Mu Yan said.

As soon as this question came up, many Dantong disciples present looked like they were thinking hard. Only a few people knew the answer in their hearts, and Kang Lu was one of them.

This question is no longer difficult for ordinary Dantong disciples to answer, and the difficulty of the questions in the promotion assessment is no more than that.

When Mu Yan was teaching just now, he didn't explain it in much detail. Now that he raised this question for Fang Lin to answer, it seemed a bit more deliberately embarrassing.

Lu Xiaoqing wanted to tell Fang Lin the answer, but even she didn't know the answer to this question. After all, she was only a disciple for a month, so this question was not something she could answer at all.

At the moment, Lu Xiaoqing could only pray to Fang Lin for blessings. There was nothing she could do to help.

Fang Lin looked at Mu Yan, smiled, and said, "This disciple also happens to know this question."

"Oh? Then tell me." Mu Yan was surprised, but she still didn't believe that Fang Lin could answer this question.

Most of the people present felt that Fang Lin was trying to hold on. This question is so difficult. How could you, a loser who has only been around for a month and is waiting to die, be able to answer it

Just listen to Fang Lin say: "Qingxin Dan is just a low-level elixir. To be precise, it is a low-grade human-level elixir. It has the effect of calming the mind and calming the mind. It is not so much a elixir as a tonic. It has an effect on warriors." It’s not big, it needs Jingyou Grass, Rootless Water and Light Flower to refine it.”

After Fang Lin answered, the entire alchemy altar fell silent, and you could hear a pin drop.

Everyone looked at Fang Lin with strange eyes, and everyone's expressions were very exciting.

Mu Yan's eyes were filled with brilliance. Fang Lin's answer could not be more standard. But the key point is how could Fang Lin answer it well

Lu Xiaoqing opened her mouth slightly, feeling surprised and happy at the same time, while Sun Hao, who was not far away, had a pale face, as ugly as if he had eaten a dead rat.

Kang Lu's expression at the front also changed, becoming a bit more solemn.

Fang Lin didn't care much about the surprised expressions of those present.

Just kidding, I, Fang Lin, am also a dignified alchemist, okay? Asking me to answer such a simple question is simply insulting me, okay? If it weren't for the fact that we couldn't help ourselves now, I, Fang Lin, wouldn't even bother to answer this kind of question.

If Fang Lin was still Fang Lin in his previous life, if anyone asked him such a question, Fang Lin would definitely jump up and slap that person in the face, and then kick him away more than ten miles away.

A dignified alchemist wants to answer your question about an inferior elixir. Isn't this an insult

When Fang Lin answered this question, he was extremely depressed, but when he saw the surprised and unbelievable expressions of everyone around him, he felt a lot more comfortable.

Elder Mu Yan was finally moved. He put away his displeasure at Lin Xuan being the leader, and became more curious and suspicious.

"Fang Lin, how many years have you been a disciple?" Mu Yan couldn't help but ask. If you were a veteran disciple for three or four years, you would be more likely to know the answer to this question.

Fang Lin said: "It has only been a month since I started as a disciple."

The expression on Mu Yan's face froze, and she couldn't help but say: "You have only been here for a month? How is this possible?"

After hearing Mu Yan's words, many of the Dantong disciples below looked embarrassed. They were all Dantong disciples who had been practicing for a few years, but they couldn't even compare to a new disciple who had been practicing for a month. It was really embarrassing. .

But it's strange. He has only been in Fang Lin for a month, and he has been almost wasted for this month. How come he has become so good at this time? He answered two questions in a row without any mistakes.

Fang Lin said with a smile: "It's true that the disciple has only started for a month."

Mu Yan suddenly remembered that Meng Wuyou once mentioned to her a new disciple named Fang Lin, who had a rare body of a dead tree blooming into spring. Could it be this boy

Thinking of this, Mu Yan was even more surprised. Although it is rare to have a dead tree with spring, he can have such a good knowledge base of plants and trees after just one month of entry. This kind of performance is not like a person who is just waiting to die.

"Fang Lin, you surprised me. I have another question. Even if you can't answer it, I won't punish you." Mu Yan said.

Hearing this, Lu Xiaoqing was extremely pleasantly surprised. He felt relieved and gave Fang Lin an encouraging look.

When Sun Hao from a distance saw this, he was very jealous, and Fang Lin became more and more resentful and jealous.

"Excuse me, elder." Fang Lin said neither humble nor overbearing.

Mu Yan nodded, without looking down on Fang Lin, and asked directly: "Three-leaf Chaoyang Fruit, where does this thing usually grow?"

As soon as this question came out, Kang Lu, who was sitting at the front below, suddenly changed his expression.

Others noticed his expression and asked cautiously: "Senior Brother Kang, what's wrong with you?"

Kang Lu said in a deep voice: "I got this question wrong in the last promotion assessment."

When others heard this, they were all shocked.