The Mighty Cauldron: Extreme Alchemist!

Chapter 71: Fang Lin's backer


This purple mark was extremely dazzling. Kang Lu's face turned pale, his lips were trembling, and his eyes were filled with fear and despair.

The others all trembled in their hearts, secretly thinking that Fang Lin was really ruthless. He just gave poison as he said, without any ambiguity.

"Fang Lin, you're done! You're done! If you feed me poison, you are harming your fellow disciples. The elders of the Dan Sect will never let you go!" Kang Lu yelled crazily, as if he was going crazy.

Hearing this, Fang Lin had no expression on his face, while Xu Shangao, Wu Mengsheng and others looked worried.

Kang Lu was right. Although Fang Lin's practice of feeding poison was cruel, it still violated taboos. Once he left the drug-seeking peak, Kang Lu would definitely make a fuss, and Fang Lin wouldn't be able to take it anymore.

Even if the Lost Heart Pill takes effect and Kang Lu loses his mind and becomes a madman, Fang Lin will not end well.

Kang Lu laughed ferociously and looked at Fang Lin with extremely vicious eyes, as if he had temporarily forgotten the poison of the Lost Heart Pill in his body.

Fang Lin curled his lips slightly and said, "Do you think I'm so stupid? Look at your heart again. Are the purple marks still there?"

Kang Lu subconsciously looked down and was stunned. The purple marks that were still there were now strangely gone.

Everyone was dumbfounded, what's going on? Why does it disappear after a while

"What on earth did you do?" Kang Lu was going crazy. Are you kidding me? Have I been poisoned

Fang Lin sneered and said: "The Lost Heart Pill is naturally still in your body, and the purple mark will only exist for a while and then disappear. It cannot be detected by any means unless someone digs out your heart. I discovered that the toxicity of the Lost Heart Pill has no characteristics. Who would believe that you were poisoned by the Lost Heart Pill? Based on your one-sided words?"

Kang Lu immediately shouted: "There are them, they have all seen it, these people can all testify for me!"

Fang Lin nodded, then turned to look at everyone present.

Except for those led by Fang Lin and Li Min, the other Dan Sect disciples took a few steps back in fear. Some of them were timid and did not dare to look at Fang Lin.

"Kang Lu said you would testify for him? Let me ask you, will you?" Fang Lin looked at everyone and asked with a smile.

No one answered. At this moment, everyone was so shocked by Fang Lin that they didn't even dare to fart.

Fang Lin glanced around, and he knew very well that once these people left the Medicine Seeking Peak, someone would definitely testify for Kang Lu, and he had to find a way to do it.

Fang Lin is not worried about people like Xu Shangao and Wu Mengsheng. As for those led by Li Min, there is no need to worry too much, just give them a little warning.

The most worrying thing is that the Dan Sect disciples led by Kang Lu are basically Kang Lu's people, and many of them are even Yu Qiufan's people. They are not so easily suppressed by Fang Lin.

Even if they dare not speak now, as long as they leave Medicine Searching Peak, everyone will surely stand up and testify against Fang Lin for killing his fellow disciples.

At that moment, Fang Lin rolled his eyes, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said to the Dan Sect disciples led by Kang Lu: "I will give you two choices. One is to become my enemy and accuse me of poisoning Kang Lu after you get out. However, there is no sign of poisoning on Kang Lu. Even if you testify against me, at worst I will be suspected and I will not receive any real punishment. The other way is to follow me. I will give each of you a bone tempering pill. There are two ways. Where to go, you decide for yourself, right?”

After a pause, Fang Lin continued: "Let me tell you something more. I have a close relationship with Miss Han Yinyue. Even if Yu Qiufan is one of the top four talents in Danzong, he can't compare with me in terms of background. If something goes wrong, Miss Han will come forward to protect you. There is really no future for you following Yu Qiufan. Following me is equivalent to following Miss Han. Who has more weight? You can understand it by thinking about it with your heels, right?"

Those words stunned everyone present for a long time, and it took a while to fully digest them.

Kang Lu sat on the ground and sneered, saying: "It's so shameless to say that he and Miss Han are friends? How could Miss Han know a low-class disciple like you?"

Fang Lin said to him with a smile: "You don't have enough weight, so naturally you don't know about my relationship with Miss Han. It will be clear when you go back and ask your backer Yu Qiufan. I think he knows this based on his background." It’s still enough.”

Kang Lu was silent, and felt uneasy for a while. Although his reason told him that Fang Lin's identity was too different from that of Miss Han, and it was unlikely that they would have any intersection, Fang Lin's words were true, and Kang Lu also felt that Doubts arose.

Others looked at Fang Lin in shock, secretly thinking that Fang Lin had such a big background and actually knew Miss Han. With this kind of relationship, he could really go sideways in Zixia Sect.

The weight of Yu Qiufan and elders is simply not comparable to that of Miss Han. Even ten Yu Qiufans cannot compare to half of Miss Han.

But after all, it was Fang Lin's one-sided statement. Many people only doubted it and did not believe it.

Fang Lin knew that these people would not completely believe him, so he patted the Jiugong bag and saw a piece of white jade appear in his hand.

The white jade is not pure Wuxi. It has several natural lines on it, which has a different kind of beauty.

On the white jade, there is a big moon character carved on it.

Seeing this piece of white jade, Kang Lu suddenly turned pale and collapsed on the ground.

Others were also shocked and lowered their heads with respect.

This white jade is unique to Han Yinyue and is known to everyone in the Zixia Sect.

Apart from Han Yinyue, only Qing Jianzi, a genius of the Wuzong who had a good relationship with Han Yinyue, had a piece of this white jade. Apart from this, no one else had obtained Han Yinyue's white jade.

But now, Fang Lin actually has such a piece of white jade in his hand. Doesn't this further indicate that he has a close relationship with Han Yinyue

All words are not as effective as this piece of white jade. No one doubts Fang Lin's words anymore.

Kang Lu knew that he was finished. Not only was he poisoned by the Lost Heart Pill, but Fang Lin was still related to Miss Han. Even if he had Yu Qiufan as his backer, he could no longer defeat Fang Lin.

Xu Shangao, Wu Mengsheng and others were reassured. With the relationship between Han Yinyue and Miss Han, they felt even more stable following Fang Lin.

Li Min looked at Fang Lin with a bit of envy in his eyes. This man was really different from other people. Look at the relationship between him and Miss Han.

Li Min glanced at Kang Lu mockingly again. With the support of Yu Qiufan, Kang Lu was domineering in Danzong. Now that he met Fang Lin, an even more vicious person, he was completely cured.