The Most Loving Marriage In History: Master Mu’s Pampered Wife

Chapter 33: Need a marriage (3)


Mu Yuchen glanced at Xi Xiaye with his eyes that were as deep as the sea, and while taking the mobile phone, he called Amo and asked him to come over to deal with it, and then Xi Xiaye got into the car a little helplessly.

After Xi Xiaye fastened his seat belt, Mu Yuchen started the car and drove forward slowly.

"Don't you want your painting?"

The sudden low voice broke the silence in the car, and woke up Xi Xiaye, who was leaning on the back of the chair and looking at the night scene outside the car window leisurely.

She turned her head leisurely, looked at him who was concentrating on driving, hesitated for a moment, a dim stream of light appeared in her silent starry eyes, and lightly pulled the light-colored and indifferent lip line, "I'll see you off."

Anyway, he has already seen it, so she doesn't care.

"I know those words are not your handwriting."

After thinking about it, Mu Yuchen suddenly said such a sentence, and as soon as he said this, Xi Xiaye immediately raised his eyebrows and looked at him in surprise.

"Your signature and handwriting are on the Nanjiang project plan you submitted earlier."

Mu Yuchen explained it this way.

"How do you know that I don't really think so in my heart? I'm afraid I'm really so vicious." Xi Xiaye smiled awkwardly and sighed sadly, "Seeing that they can be together happily, I'm actually very sad. Unbalanced, there is always an urge to destroy them, but it is still under control... "

"It shows you are a normal person and you should be happy."

Mu Yuchen responded silently, then paused, then suddenly said in a deep voice, "However, I don't deny that your friend has some truths, the most direct and most effective way to let the past become the past is to start a new life , to win a round, let go of everything and forget about it.”

Hearing this, Xi Xiaye suddenly fell silent, and Su Nan's words just now echoed clearly in his ears—

Find a high-quality man and get married before that dog couple, show off your affection sweetly, and trample them to death with one foot! Outburst of anger...

The method sounds ideal and beautiful, but how many people can really show the courage to come to such a crazy self-exile

Marriage is not a racing car, will she have such courage

What's more, where would she find someone as crazy as her to have such an unruly exile with her

Thinking of this, Xi Xiaye suddenly lowered his eyes in a lonely way, took a breath, and helplessly raised his hand to rest on the side car window, gently pressed his dizzy head, squinted his eyes slightly, and his eyes were a little dazed Looking at Mu Yuchen who was driving, he said in a low voice, "I'm afraid I won't be able to bear the consequences, besides, it's extremely unfair to the person who paid, and we can't just because One tragedy creates another tragedy, doesn't it?"

"How do you know that what you are creating is a tragedy, not a comedy? Some things, you can't always look at them so pessimistically, otherwise, you will be trapped only by yourself."

Mu Yuchen suddenly sighed slightly, and his voice was very low. If he said that, he didn't know if he said it to the woman next to him or to himself.

It seemed that Mu Yinan's old voice began to echo in his ears again—

Chen'er, let the past be the past, life still needs to go on...

For a moment, he suddenly felt a little tired.


He feels tired...

These days, people who have been stranded by the years have been tossing and turning in the lonely city of wounds for many years, probably because they have penetrated the water that was hard to recover at the beginning, and time can wash away all memories. Perhaps, he should also have an epiphany.

His thoughts were very complicated. After thinking about it for a long time, he felt a sudden pause in his heart. He didn't know what drove him to step on the brakes in an instant. The Porsche that had been moving forward suddenly stopped. He suddenly turned his head and saw To the woman who propped her head and closed her eyes.

Seeing that her elegant little face looked a little dim under the dim light, it seemed that there was an unspeakable melancholy breath, and the whole person looked a little tired, and suddenly found that she was actually very thin, her body shrank Under the windbreaker, it is very thin.

"Xi Xiaye... I think, maybe you, like me, need a marriage."

After Mu Yuchen's words fell, Xi Xiaye, who closed his eyes and meditated, suddenly became stiff. He slowly opened his lightly closed eyes, turned his head quietly, and looked at the man beside him in a daze. His eyes were as deep as the night sky, and there were countless undulating lights in his pupils, which made it impossible for her to see through them. However, she seemed to see something in them.

For example, sincerity.

Another example is fatigue and pity.

Do you feel pity for her? Or pity for himself

If she had known earlier, he should also be a person with a story, and she didn't want to ask about it. After all, other people's feelings have nothing to do with her. Even if she understood it, it would be meaningless.

"you… "

There was a little mist in her starry eyes, and she stared at him blankly, without turning a corner at all in her head.

Seeing that she was in a trance, Mu Yuchen's indifferent lips suddenly curved slightly, and his deep voice was rare and soft, "If you don't mind, just marry me and be my wife, Mu Yuchen. Mistress, in that case, she should be able to win."

Mu Yuchen's words were crisp and direct, flashing across the dark night sky like a thunderbolt, instantly causing Xi Xiaye's mind to go blank for a moment, and he was startled by his words.

Seeing that Xi Xiaye was dumbfounded for a long time without answering, Mu Yuchen smiled lightly. He has always been a person who immediately makes plans and puts them into action when he has an idea.

Years of military career, as well as experience in business, have contributed to his current decisive methods, and further precipitated his current calm and calm temperament.

A person who is in business should pay attention to the pursuit of a win-win situation. If he marries the woman next to him, it may be a good thing for both of them, isn't it

"I'll give you a chance to think about it. After three days, tell me your answer, huh?"

He looked at her quietly, his deep voice was soft and full of unspeakable charm...