The Most Powerful Chairman in The History

Chapter 1: Unreliable dad and unreliable phone


At the door of Belden Mall, a young young man sat on the curb and sighed constantly.

The bicycle was parked diagonally to the side, and several advertisement sheets were stuck on the handlebars, covering the young man's face in this square inch of shade.

"Bai Hao, Bai Hao, you're a real bastard. What are you doing in such a hurry? Let's do it! Part-time job can't keep up, let alone the money saved to propose to Panpan!"

Bai Hao, the young man sitting on the crouch of the road, kept talking to himself, and kept looking at the time on the phone.

In fact, Bai Hao is very poor. And Jiangbei University is notoriously poor.

It's not that there is a paralyzed father and a seriously ill mother in Bai Hao's family. On the contrary, the rural life of the two fathers and mothers is extremely comfortable. But after Bai Hao was admitted to university, it was as if Bai Hao's father and mother had never given birth to the son of Bai Hao. They did not care about all expenses except tuition, and they called themselves self-reliance.

As a result, Bai Hao, who was cruelly abandoned by his parents, could only be cheeky and spent two weeks with his classmates. He recognized everyone in the class earlier than the counselor, and quickly became a school campus. Well-known pauper.

Of course, it is not only poverty that makes Bai Hao famous, but Bai Hao is so poor that he can still catch the flower of Gu Panpan...

Seeing that the time came to nine o'clock, Bai Hao completely died of part-time work, and began to figure out that after paying for the red BMW that was knocked off by himself, he would have to work a few jobs a day to save the money again. Come out, buy the lipstick and perfume she wants for her girlfriend, and eat the big meal she wants to eat.

"Bai Hao? Didn't you go to work? Why are you here?"

Bai Hao was counting the days with his fingers, and suddenly raised his head when he heard the sound. He saw his longing girlfriend, Gu Panpan, and a very rich boy with hair spray on his head.

"I drove someone else's car, waiting for the owner. Gu Panpan you... is this your classmate?"

Bai Hao briefly said what he had passed by, his eyes fixed on his arms together, and the advertising sheet in his hand was quietly crushed into a ball.

Gu Panpan is a good girl. Even if she knows she is poor, she has been dating herself for two years without hesitation, so it is definitely a misunderstanding to be with other boys...

Bai Hao told himself this, but the next second. Gu Panpan relentlessly knocked Bai Hao down into the abyss.

"This is my boyfriend, Zheng Shao. I originally wanted to call you and let me know, but since I happened to meet him, I will say it in person to save you from entanglement. Let's break up."

"You're Bai Hao? You rubbed my car?" Zheng Shao looked at Bai Hao up and down, his eyes full of contempt. A two-handed demonstration climbed up to Gu Panpan's waist, kneading and squeezing in front of Bai Hao's face.

"I am a new car. A set will cost 430,000 yuan. You have to pay for it. Okay, you can get it for 3,000 yuan."

Zheng Shao glanced at the scraped piece of patent leather, and had an estimate of the repair cost in his mind. But after all, Bai Hao is Gu Panpan's poor ex-boyfriend. With such an opportunity in front of him, how can Zheng Shao take it seriously.

"I hate it! Can you take it easy?"

Gu Panpan was very uncomfortable being pinched, so he gave Zheng Shao a "Little Fist of Love" with a smile and gave Bai Hao a triumphant look.

"Let Bai Hao lose money? Don't say three thousand, I see, he can't get it even if he is thirty! Entering Belden Mall, he wouldn't even buy a cold drink for me. I can't be stingy! It's better to be a brother..."

In front of Bai Hao, Zheng Shao's hand on Gu Panpan's waist slowly moved up, and he moved restlessly.

"Panpan, are you threatened by this guy? It doesn't matter, let's face things together, don't do stupid things..."

Bai Hao looked worriedly at Gu Panpan, who was completely leaning against Zheng Shao's arms, but still felt that Gu Panpan would definitely have his own difficulties in doing so.

"Don't do stupid things? The biggest stupid thing my old lady does is to find you such a poor and stupid trash!"

Gu Panpan turned his head from Zheng Shao's arms, and said ironically without hesitation.

"I thought you were a self-reliant, self-reliant, potential stock that can achieve a career. I followed you. As a result, two years have passed. After two years of suffering with you, you don’t even have to grow up. I tell you. Bai Hao! Now when I think about what I have done in the past two years, I just feel sick!"

Bai Hao stared blankly at his originally gentle and kind girlfriend and now changed his face, only to feel chills all over his body.

"Did you fall in love with me purposefully?"

"That's natural. Do you really think anyone will like you, a poor ghost who even buys a bag of instant noodles?"

Bai Hao was silent.

Indeed, all the brothers in the dormitory were surprised when they learned that Gu Panpan had followed him. In the words of the third child: This thing is so mysterious.

I just didn't expect that the truth of this love was actually made by the third child.

"You are so vain, money is so important to you?"

Bai Hao frowned and asked, still not giving up the hope of persuading Gu Panpan to come back. After all, Gu Panpan has been very good to himself in the past two years...

"Vanity? A poor ghost like you can use this word to comfort yourself! Do you know why I never promised to sleep with you? Just because this most precious investment is not worth wasting on you Body! I just didn’t expect you, the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, to have lived like this for two years..."

"Isn't that right? Baby. I don't want you to be touched by others."

Gu Panpan was sarcasm, Zheng Shao put his arms around Gu Panpan's shoulders and kissed her lips suddenly: "If someone else touched you, I would be jealous..."

Hearing Zheng Shao's "also", Bai Hao's heart was severely pricked.

Is this the truth

It turns out that my gentle and tough girlfriend is actually a very scheming gold worshiper

Then what is oneself? A joke


Bai Hao wanted to say something, but in the end he only uttered one word.

"What are you? You guys are lucky today, because you haven't touched Gu Panpan for two years, the car repair fee doesn't matter what you want, get out of here!"

Zheng Shao let go of Gu Panpan, gave Bai Hao a fierce look, and got into the car with Gu Panpan.

"Don't take a pee and take good care of your virtues, such a beautiful girlfriend, even you are worthy?"

Zheng Shao spat at Bai Hao, stepped on the gas pedal, and drove away swayingly.

The money that Bai Hao was preparing to propose was still intact lying in the balance, but the person preparing to propose was sitting in someone else's luxury car and wandering away. It's... It's hard to explain in a word.

Bai Hao thought, the phone rang in his pocket without warning.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I didn't intentionally release the pigeons, but I scraped someone else's car, and waited for the owner..."

"Asshole, don't you look at your name when you answer the phone?"

There was a very distressing voice over the phone.

"Father." Bai Hao yelled helplessly, realizing that he was having trouble.

"How does your old man think of me?"

"Stop! Your mother is cooking, what do you say if I ask, don't delay Lao Tzu's wife's cooking."

Bai Hao silently listened to his unreliable dad saying unreliable words. For countless times in his life, he felt that he was the child picked up by his father.

"where are you?"

"At the gate of Baitong Mall on Huai'an Road."

"Be honest with that, don't move, wait for someone to pick you up. Your aunt said there is something for you..."

Aunt? When did I have an aunt

"... It seems to be a few companies or something. I don't know what her industry is on your side. In short, it's needed for you, and just keep it. Don't ask questions to disturb the world of your mother and me. All right. It's gone, it's hanging up!"

Bai Hao looked at the hung-up phone with a dazed expression on his face, and vaguely heard his father shouting his wife from a distance before he hung up the phone.

But the most important thing is: how many companies my dad asked me to accept from my aunt

Are you sure it's a few companies instead of a few kilos of sweet potatoes

Bai Hao just felt that the whole world was mysterious. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)

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