The Most Powerful Chairman in The History

Chapter 119: Young Master Bai is not a gentleman


"What's wrong? Ready to go?"

Seeing Bai Hao hung up, Li Fei walked over and asked, obviously he was very curious about what happened to Bai Hao.

"Something happened to a friend."

Bai Hao simply explained that he was about to go out. However, when Bai Hao walked past Li Fei, his steps suddenly stopped, and the expression on his face instantly froze.

Underground parking lot of Yucai Building. He knows the location, but Yucai Building... where is it

It's not just a question of where the Yucai Building is. Even how to get down the mountain and how to find the fat man is a problem. After all, Bai Hao doesn’t have a car, he doesn’t know how to drive, and three...

Bai Hao turned his head and looked at Li Fei, who was looking at him curiously, and gradually got an idea in his heart.

Locals, who have a car, know how to drive, Li Fei has everything. And the most crucial point, if something really comes out, there is also this young master Li, right

Thinking of this, Bai Hao's face suddenly put on a very kind smile.

"Do you know where Yucai Building is?" Bai Hao asked.

"what's happenin"

Li Fei hesitated for a while, did not say that he knew or did not know, he just felt that he was stared at by Bai Hao and made his whole body cold.

If Li Jun were here, he could definitely guess what Bai Hao was calculating with his son. But at the moment, Li Fei, who is not yet familiar with Bai Hao's routine, can only foolishly ask Bai Hao what to do.

"How about showing me a way? Just go to Yucai Building and find a friend." Bai Hao said with a smile.

I sent myself to Yucai Building, can I still follow along to see the situation

Although Bai Hao didn't want to admit it in his heart, at this time and place, the name of Li Fei, Li Fei, was much louder than himself. If you don’t use such a good tour guide + driver + amulet, don't you become a fool? You know, Young Master Bai never advertised himself as a gentleman.

"Okay. I'll let you go with me. It just so happens to buy some clothes."

Although there was a bad premonition in his heart, he thought about it as a child from Grandpa Bai's family. He shouldn't be considered a greedy person for power and wealth. Li Fei just thought about it and agreed.

Just go out to buy clothes. In the past, I didn’t need anything to stay in the army all year round, but now I have retired and I am ready to enter a special department that my grandfather said. I have to make some changes.

In addition, it is rare to have a friend with similar status and status. You must know that because of strict family education and year-round military life, and excluding political opinions different from those at home, Li Fei's social circle in the capital is not much larger.

Or in other words, there are many who know Li Fei and want to be friends with him, but few are truly qualified and regarded as friends by Li Fei.

Now that he agreed to go with Bai Hao, Li Fei went upstairs and took the car key from the room, ready to go together with Bai Hao who was waiting in the living room.

Just when Li Fei closed the door and was about to go downstairs, the door of Old Li's study was suddenly pushed open from the inside. The two elders, Bai Dashan and Li Chongding, walked out together.

"Grandpa, Grandpa Bai."

Li Fei met the two old men and greeted them very politely. Bai Dashan looked at Li Fei three times with a satisfied gaze, nodding his head frequently while watching.

"Li Fei? Not bad, not bad. Old Li, your grandson is really good."

Father Li gave Bai Dashan a fierce look, then looked at Li Fei's dress and the car keys in his hand, frowned and asked: "You are just coming home! Why, are you going out?"

"Yeah. Go out and stroll with Bai Hao."

Li Fei replied, seeing the eyes of Old Man Bai becoming more and more satisfied after listening to his answer, Li Fei always felt a little weird. If he hadn't soberly remembered that he was a man, Li Fei would almost think that his grandfather had sold himself to Mr. Bai to be his grandson-in-law.

"Oh, good shopping, good shopping."

As Bai Dashan said, he showed a provocative look in front of the old man.

Old man Li was very depressed about Li Fei's decision to leave as soon as he got home, but Bai Dashan was waiting by his side to see his jokes, so he nodded and said dryly: "Be careful."

Li Fei replied, but didn't take it to heart, turned around and went downstairs to look for Bai Hao.

This is Huaxia Capital, how could it be unsafe

Seeing Li Fei go downstairs, Li Chongding sighed softly, a bit of melancholy appeared in his muddy eyes.

The old man Bai noticed the change in his old friend's dark color, and his expression was also a little sad.

After watching Li Fei's head disappear under the stairs with a serious look, Bai Dashan suddenly spoke after hearing the brief but inaudible conversation between Bai Hao and Li Fei stopped abruptly in the sound of the sudden closing of the door.

"The people of the Heihe organization have already entered the country. It would be dangerous to let Li Fei leave the army at this time."

"I know."

Old man Li replied very calmly. Bai Dashan frowned slightly when he heard the old friend's answer.

"Then letting him retire from the army at this time will be very eye-catching. If you wait a little longer..."

Waiting a little longer will be much safer than joining the Special Operations Department with a high profile now. The current approach is too risky. Are you not afraid that Li Fei will be targeted and killed by foreign forces

"That's my grandson! Can I harm Xiuyun because of his favor?"

Old Man Li glared at Old Man Bai, obviously dissatisfied with the hidden meaning in Old Man Bai's words.

"Relax. The truth is true and false, the more I do this, the more they will think that Li Fei is just a ***, old man, you should still worry about that in your house!"

Elder Li said something pointedly.

"Although the children Dahai and Baimei have hidden Bai Hao very well over the years. But they have been included in Heihe's kill list. You know, Bai Hao is the species of Bai Dahai! And the one who sat on the sea back then Something..."

"It is his ability to abduct a daughter-in-law from an opponent!"

The old man Bai blew his beard and stared.

Although he was a little upset about Bai Dashan's marrying Hu Wen without notifying him, his heart was still upset when he thought that this daughter-in-law was abducted from the opponent by his own son.

"He has the patience, but he also provokes an annoyance. The Rockefeller family may not move Bai Hao, but people from other families may hate Bai Dahai and his son. Besides, Bai Hao and Dahai are so similar , Heihe would never deserve Bai Hao's chance to become the second great sea."

Elder Li calmly analyzed what he said was obviously much more reliable than Bai Dashan. (To be continued) (End of this chapter)