The Most Powerful Chairman in The History

Chapter 78: Know why the powerless person should make it difficult for the powerless person


"That said, because your Chief Wang is protecting the Black Dragon Gang, so you can only release Song Zhengyan and the others?"

After listening to Officer Ren's explanation of the situation, Bai Hao calmed down, thinking about something silently, while Tang Yu looked at Bai Hao's reaction enough, and asked with narrowed eyes.

"Yes. But I can still detain them for a few hours and let them go out until the chief comes here early tomorrow morning."

Ren Fan quickly stated to the two of them, for fear that Bai Hao would be dissatisfied with this helpless way of handling the problem.

"You should hate the Black Dragon Gang! It's not the kind that talks about it, but actually dare not act or testify when it's really critical."

Bai Hao looked at Ren Fan's bitter expression and asked suddenly. When asked by Bai Hao, Ren Fan began to feel uneasy again.

I now persuade Bai Hao to give up the report and give up the complaint. What is the difference between Bai Hao and the kind of person that Bai Hao said

Ren Fan is not stupid. When Bai Hao asked him, he almost immediately guessed Bai Hao's intention to ask himself like this. So Ren Fan was silent for a moment, raised his head, and told Bai Hao firmly, "If there is a chance to solve the Black Dragon Gang's downfall of Chief Wang, I will definitely not hold back."

"Oh I see."

As Bai Hao said, he stood up from his seat.

"Let's go, Tangyuer, after having been tossing for so long, it's time to go back to sleep."

Ren Fan looked at Bai Hao with a dumbfounded look and got up to go out without saying anything. He couldn't figure out what Bai Hao was thinking.

If you are planning to bring down the Black Dragon Gang and the King Game, shouldn't you sit down at this moment and take a good total

If not, you should also express your anger and dissatisfaction with this matter, or express your understanding to me!

What is the routine of preparing to go without saying this

Not to mention Ren Fan's bewilderment, even Tang Yu doesn't tell what Bai Hao is thinking at the moment.

However, Tang Yu was used to seeing Young Master Bai convulsions, so he was not surprised by Bai Hao's behavior. But seeing that the incumbent police officer looked a little at a loss, he kindly asked Bai Hao.

"Is this done?"

"Anyone who is a police officer has said that he can do nothing but not go home and sleep waiting for someone to treat him to dinner?"

Bai Hao rolled his eyes.

"You take a look, what time is this? We have to pay attention to a regular schedule of work and rest, understand?"

Bai Hao walked out the door calmly, as if he hadn't heard any bad news. A group of police officers who guessed the development of the matter looked at each other.

"What's wrong with this person? Is it irritated?"

"Director Wang is really outrageous!"

"Shhh, keep your voice down! If Director Wang hears it, do you still want to do it?"

Bai Hao listened to the police officers whispering on the side, grabbed his mobile phone and held up Teacher Lin Yi again with expressionless expression, and led Tang Yu out of the police station's door.

"Bai Hao!"

When he got out of the police station, Tang Yu stopped Bai Hao, who was behaving extremely abnormally, hesitantly.

"Are you OK!"

"What can I do? I just feel tired and want to go back to rest early. Let's drive, let's send Teacher Lin back first."

Bai Hao said nonchalantly, and changed the subject before Tang Yu spoke again.

How could Bai Hao not be angry when he encountered such a disgusting thing? No matter how calm he was, Bai Hao still felt like a fishbone stuck in his heart, and he felt uncomfortable.

But what can I do

The police officer is a good police officer, Bai Hao can see that. Precisely because Officer Ren is a good officer, when Ren Fan knelt down in front of him to apologize, Bai Hao felt a heart-wrenching sadness. There was even a deep sense of fatigue.

Bai Hao is not incomprehensible about the powerlessness of the police officer. Even if he has settled down in the capital and has become a veritable young master Bai, he has been used to poor life and has worked countless jobs, but Bai Hao can clearly understand the sense of powerlessness that he has no place to send out and has nowhere to be strong. .

And these root causes are money.

Because of the money, Chief Wang will abandon his own ideals and escort the Black Dragon Gang; because of the money, the Black Dragon Gang has become more lawless and impunity, behaving in Yangcheng; because of the money, the police officer will step on the victim’s bones to the evil. The forces compromised in exchange for the hope of her daughter's survival.

In addition, the reading app I am using recently has a lot of books, full of books, and fast updates!

Just tonight, Bai Hao realized the power of money for the first time, and realized what his aunt had handed over to him.

It’s a good saying that money can make ghosts go around.

At this moment, Bai Hao just wanted to get a good night's sleep, so as to get rid of his fatigue at this time, so that he could regain his strength and completely solve the so-called Director Wang.

Bai Hao has money. Quan, Bai Hao doesn't have it, but the Bai family has it! In order to get rid of the scourge of Director Wang, Bai Hao doesn't mind asking his grandfather to tell his aunt to save his face!

"Where does Teacher Lin live?"

However, after the car drove smoothly on the avenue, Tang Yu suddenly asked Bai Hao to ask questions.

Where does Teacher Lin live, how does he know? He and Teacher Lin are nothing more than a simple teacher-student relationship! Where does the family live? Is Bai Hao able to inquire casually

Seeing Bai Hao's reaction, Tang Yu also froze.

This is troublesome. Teacher Lin Yi drank more than half a bottle of spirits, and even got a rice medicine. Bai Hao and Tang Yu couldn't just throw them away at such a place!

"Why... send you there"

Thinking of Tang Yu's appearance when he peeped at Teacher Lin before, Bai Hao asked tentatively.

"Ms. Lin, she doesn't know me. When she wakes up and sees me a stranger, how can you tell me to explain?"

Tang Yu frowned, his expression unhappy.

Although I think Teacher Lin Yi is pretty, I can't leave a bad impression on Teacher Lin as soon as we meet!

"Go to your new home! Three rooms, one for one person, I will stay with you tonight and watch you!" Tang Yuyi said righteously, Bai Hao just wanted to laugh.

If you want to make friends with Teacher Lin, just say it straight! Still looking at myself, such an arrangement may indicate who is looking at whom 1

However, Bai Hao finally did not refute Tang Yu's proposal. He called the brothers in the dormitory to explain the situation, and asked the brothers to go back to the dormitory first.

Everyone in the 107 dormitory was already complaining about Bai Hao's behavior of sneaking halfway. Now I heard that Bai Hao had to invite the big guys to live in the dormitory when something happened. Bai Hao said it badly, and he even signed several treaties for bereavement, which was regarded as quelling the matter.

After the phone call, Bai Hao, who was already very tired, couldn't help but feel even more tired.

"You get off the car with Teacher Lin first, and I'll stop."

As it was closer to home from the ground, Tang Yu put Bai Hao and Lin Yi down at the gate of Jinzhu Garden, and drove to the underground parking lot by himself.

Bai Hao hugged Lin Yi and swaggered into the community by swiping his card in front of the guard on duty. While seeing the guard stunned, he was also secretly frustrated.

Holding a comatose woman in the middle of the night, wouldn't it be something illegal? Do you call the police or... (to be continued) (end of this chapter)