The Most Shining Little Chicken in the Wolf Palace

Chapter 14


After a busy morning and noon, Chris and Jing Yi went to take a nap.

Qiao Xi didn't have the habit of taking a nap, so she wandered to the edge of the forest alone.

A tiger was resting in the grass, yawning, and even wanted to turn over and put his feet up in the sky.

Hearing the movement, it opened its copper bell-like eyes.

Qiao Xi pushed aside the bushes and met these eyes abruptly. She was startled, and almost made another cry.

Fortunately, he quickly reacted and covered his mouth with his wings, and the chicken and the tiger began to look at each other silently.

... I always think this tiger is a little fatter than last time

Qiao Xi thought carefully.

The tiger blinked, but didn't move, only flicked its tail lazily.

Not long after Qiao Xi settled down, Jing Yan personally took him to meet three beasts.

At that time, he held Chicken Joe with one hand and gave a solemn thumbs up to the three beasts.

Qiao Xi was stunned: "What are you doing?"

"Teach them to recognize people," Jing Yan was also very serious when he spoke, "This gesture means that I brought a good person, and I can't chase after seeing it later. It took me a month to adjust them all!"

As he spoke, he shook his thumb and stared at the beasts sternly, as if to say, "Do you understand?"

The three beasts nodded ignorantly, their eyes very pure.

Later, Qiao Xi learned that the three beasts were gifts from the tiger prince, the bear princess, and the snake prince to Jing Yan. Only they knew about it. Others in the Wolf King Palace, including the Wolf King, probably They all thought that the three beasts were bought by Jing Yan himself.

As for the fact that these three beasts are now well adapted to this strange way of tuning, the princess of the bear clan rolled her eyes as a representative and said, "Everything follows the master, Jing Yan is just a sand sculpture!"

Thinking of this, Qiao Xi laughed again.

Behind Qiao Xi, the python slipped down the tree trunk spitting letters, and was suddenly startled by a black wolf behind the grass, and suddenly retracted back to the tree.

The black wolf stared at the chick not far away, both paws trembling and covering his chest.

Qiao Xi didn't laugh twice, then heard two voices from far and near, and immediately stopped.

"Get used to it as soon as possible, and don't show that expression in front of Jingyan Palace in the future!"

"I think he didn't notice me at all... Didn't you realize that he didn't care about us at all? Even Captain Rhine!"

Qiao Xi was stunned, while Tiger shook his ears and turned his head to look in the direction of the sound.

The two guards were probably in the process of patrolling, and they came here while chatting.

Not far behind Qiao Xi, the black wolf who had been following him for a long time couldn't care about the idiot, and his face sank.

"He won't even attack the guards, will he?"

"No, this kind of thing..."

"You don't look like you're saying 'no'..."

The other person seemed to hesitate and said: "When the incident happened three years ago, some guards were indeed injured, but it was not His Highness Jing Yan who was injured, but his three beasts..."

"—What's the difference! He raised those three beasts, that is, three watchdogs! Who would keep such beasts in the forest behind the palace in the entire wolf clan palace? He is cruel by nature, maybe it's true eat raw meat!"

The other person paused, lowered his voice and wanted to discuss: "Actually..."

At this moment, the owner of the angry voice pushed aside the grass, turned around, bumped into a tiger and a chicken in front of him, screamed in fright, took a step back and sat on the ground.

Another person hurried over, and his face changed when he saw Qiao Xi: "Qiao, Your Highness Qiao Xi..."

If it’s just a tiger, it’s fine. Except for the incident three years ago, the three beasts, including the tiger, have never attacked them. As long as they don’t attack and the beasts can’t understand human words, it doesn’t matter.

But this bird prince... won't listen to everything, right

Thinking of this, the guard immediately sweated profusely.

Qiao Xi looked at the guard who fell to the ground.

The guard hurriedly got up and looked around in a panic: "His Royal Highness, me, my..."

Jing Yan hid not far away, stared coldly at the two guards, and looked at Qiao Xi's back uneasily.

After Qiao Xi got to know them, he quickly became involved with them, so that Jing Yan only thought that Qiao Xi had heard some rumors about him when he was with Jing Yu before.

Jing Yan wanted to go out and explain a few words, but going out now seemed to reveal the fact that he was stalking Qiao Xi

After being so entangled for a while, he let the two guards finish the whole process.

But at this moment, he really didn't want to see Qiao Xi's appearance of misunderstanding him. He was determined to go out, and suddenly he heard Qiao Xi say, "You were sent to protect Jing Yan, right?"

Jing Yan took a step.

The two guards were stunned.

The relatively restrained guard said in a tight voice, "...Yes."

Qiao Xi only looked at the guard who had just fallen and asked slowly, "While slandering Jingyan, protect him at the same time?"

The expressions of the two guards changed.

Jing Yan was also a little surprised.

In the past, Qiao Xi really didn't even dare to fight the guards, and the eldest prince of the fox clan reminded him on behalf of his fourth brother a week ago.

But now that he has planned to completely change himself, he has decided to say whatever he wants, do whatever he wants, and stop suppressing himself.

As for Qiao Xi, she was fed up with all kinds of slander and speculation about Jing Yan from outsiders.

Hearing his words, the guard looked ugly and lowered his head, but perhaps because he was not so afraid of Qiao Xi, he said in a low voice: "What I said is also true, what is slander..."

"Stop talking!" the person beside him shouted, "I'm sorry, Your Highness Qiao Xi, I didn't manage my subordinates well—"

"You discussed Jing Yan's affairs with him just now." Qiao Xi's eyes moved to him and pointed out this point calmly.

The opponent choked.

Qiao Xi said in a cold tone, "I'll tell Jing Yan about this, so let's go."

The two guards panicked, and the young man immediately said angrily, "It's not just the two of us who are spreading this kind of thing. If it didn't happen, how could it be spread! You want to flatter Jing Yan, but also Don't see if Jing Yan will eat it at that time - uh!"

The tiger suddenly got up, knocked the guard a few meters away, and let out a threatening roar.

Another guard immediately pulled out the qiang, pointed at the tiger tremblingly, and took two steps back.

The next second, his eyes moved down, and his complexion was completely white.

Qiao Xi heard the low voice of the black wolf behind him: "Try to point this gun at the two of them again."

The guard gently supported the tree trunk: "His Royal Highness Jing, Jing Yan!"

Qiao Xi looked back and said in surprise, "Why are you here?"

"... Just, happened to pass by, cough," Jing Yan bit his head and mumbled. Seeing Qiao Xi had no doubts, he was relieved. He took a deep look at Qiao Xi, walked over and stood beside him, facing the two guards. Coldly said, "You don't have to stay in the escort team from today, go back to where you came from!"

"Your Highness—" the two guards hurriedly called out.

They were all sent by the wolf king, and being driven out by Jing Yan was equivalent to screwing up the task given by the wolf king. The wolf king would not take back two weak subordinates!

They wanted to ask for forgiveness, but the tiger stepped forward and stared at them.

The two guards gasped and shivered, not daring to say any more, and finally looked at each other and fled in a hurry.

Qiao Xi asked angrily, "Are all the guards like this?!"

"No, don't be so angry." Jing Yan raised his wolf claws and touched Qiao Xi's head.

He knew the situation in the escort team. Some old people were afraid of him and didn't dare to speak. The newcomers would talk a little bit more, but he didn't usually talk about it before him, so he didn't know it. It wasn't that Jing Yan could bear it, but He didn't bother to care about them at all—the ones guarding the forest were not only the escorts sent by his father, but also those his mother left him, and he used the latter more.

In the situation just now, Jing Yan was really nervous. Although it is easy to explain, even if Qiao Xi only showed the fearful look that he had just met for a second, he would still be very sad!

However, Qiao Xi's reaction reassured him greatly, and even felt that it was extraordinarily ironing.

"Qiao Xi, are you really not afraid of me?" Jing Yan looked at Qiao Xi gently and said.

"Of course not!" Qiao Xi thought about it and said seriously, "I don't believe what they said, you're not that kind of person! And—"

Qiao Xi said solemnly: "And your heart is hurt!"

Jing Yan: "...?"

Qiao Xi made up her mind a lot, and even said it with a bit of distress: "You must have suffered a lot, don't worry, I understand you! If you don't want to say it, don't say it, I understand it! It's been too long, sometimes If you accidentally erupt, you will lose control and be misunderstood, but daring to fight against an unfair fate is a very handsome thing in itself! You are very handsome, Jing Yan!"

Jing Yan: "… "

Qiao Xiaoxi, what are you talking about? ?

Jing Yan stood there stiffly, when Qiao Xi looked at him expectantly, he was silent for a second, chose to swallow all the explanations in his throat, nodded calmly, and said vacantly: "You are right. …”

When Qiao Xi heard the words, he immediately nodded with bright eyes, and he knew that he had guessed right!

Jing Yan silently wiped his face with his claws. What should he do? He didn't know what Qiao Xi had in mind. If he explained it casually, would it seem like it would break his handsome image in Qiao Xi's heart? ?

Jing Yan asked the deepest and most perplexing question in his heart.


Jing Yan raised his eyes and looked at the little chicken in front of him again.

He admitted that his initial heartbeat came from the humanoid Qiao Xi, but he followed Ji Zai Qiao all day and was in a state of dizziness all the time.

Whether it's Beauty Joe or Chicken Joe, he likes them all! All cute!

This little guy seems to have got into his heart, making his heart itch to death as soon as he sees it.

"Qiao Xi..." Jing Yan had lived to this day, and it was the first time he really tasted this feeling. He was shy and throbbing, and even when he called out the other person's name, his voice was sweet.

Qiao Xi blinked and looked at him suspiciously with the tiger behind him.

Jing Yan stared at him fixedly and promised, "I will definitely become more handsome!"

Even though Qiao Xi was surprised that he liked men and his attitude was a little vague, it was not enough to make Jing Yan give up hope.

Just try to pursue Qiao Xiaoxi more handsomely!

That night, after taking a bath and burning incense, Jing Yan sat at the desk.

There was a sketchbook spread out on the desk, he held the pencil, and with a little concentration, he drew on the paper rustling.

It's no longer the comic style it used to be.

A realistic chicken in sketch style slowly appears in the pen.

On the other side, Qiao Xi received a call from a friend of the whale clan, and said in surprise: "... eh? You are coming to the wolf clan too? Meet? Ah... "

He thought for a while, then wagged his tail and said, "It should be fine!"

The author has something to say: Chicken is a realistic chicken, Joe is Mary Sue's Joe~