The Most Shining Little Chicken in the Wolf Palace

Chapter 38


Jing Yan was still a little absent-minded after returning to the house.

Although Qiao Xi explained that the object of his dream had no face, since the thought of "Does Qiao Xi secretly like someone" came up, he has been a little dizzy.

In such a situation, it's not good to ask Qiao Xiaoxi directly...

In fact, he didn't dare to ask.

Should... Shouldn't it

He sighed, washed the foam off his body under the shower, and heard a knock on the door while wiping his body.

Putting on his bathrobe, he went out and opened the door. He saw the little chick standing at the door, looking up at him.

"Qiao Xi? What's wrong?" Jing Yan asked in surprise.

Little Chicken said weakly: "Jing Yan, I, I can't sleep a bit, can I sleep with you tonight..."

Jing Yan was stunned, and immediately said: "Of course, come in—"

Before the words were finished, the chick flapped its wings and flew up. He subconsciously reached out to catch it, and the chick just sat between his arms, looking up at him.

... so well-behaved to throw a hug!

Jing Yan's Adam's apple rolled. to say, although he was still in a low mood just now, but now he has been cured again!

Qiao Xiaoxi is really great!

Jing Yan coughed lightly, hugged Qiao Xi to close the door, and walked into the house, her voice could not help being gentle: "Are you still thinking about what happened just now?"

"Well..." Qiao Xi sniffed the smell on Jing Yan's body and asked in a low voice, "Just after taking a shower?"

"Yes, I'm still a little dry," Jing Yan put Qiao Xi on the bed and said, "Wait a minute, I'll go back and wipe."

"it is good… "

When Jing Yan finished wiping his body and came out, Qiao Xi moved into the bed and took the initiative to make room for Jing Yan.

Jing Yan glanced at him with a smile. After climbing into the bed, just as he was habitually trying to reach out and fetch the chick, the chick moved to his side, next to him, with the chick's head on his arm.

Jing Yan: "!!!"

Melted, melted, heart melted!

Qiao Xi is not good at doing too much things, so she only dares to be next to Jing Yan like this.

Jing Yan's figure is tall and strong. Just leaning on his arm makes Qiao Xi feel a special sense of security.

He couldn't help rubbing it, and said softly, "Jing Yan..."

"Huh?" Jing Yan couldn't help reaching out and rubbing Qiao Xi's head, and said in a low voice, "Don't think about what happened just now, go to bed early today, maybe just have another dream tomorrow."

"Um… "

In the exam city before, although he and Jing Yan lived in the same room, it was a double bed. So apart from the night that Jing Yan was drunk, this was the first time the two of them slept together seriously.

Qiao Xi's heart seemed to float on the lake.

And comfortable... And swinging, cough!

Jing Yan is warm, handsome, and has a cute personality.

I really like him.

"Jing Yan," Qiao Xi suddenly wanted to ask for some reason, "You... have you really never found someone who matches the feeling of the person in your painting?"

Jing Yan was startled.

It was easy to ask, but after the question, Qiao Xi also became nervous.

Of course, he wasn't particularly nervous, because he thought that Jing Yan probably hadn't discovered it yet.

When he asked Jing Yan this question not long ago, Jing Yan's answer was still no, and when the fox clan talked about the young prince who was a bit like the person in the painting, Jing Yan's answer was "different".

Then there should be other considerations... What kind of person does Jing Yan like

Qiao Xi suddenly wanted to ask this question, probably because he had an illusion in his heart.

Until now, he still had a vague impression of his humanoid appearance, but he had actually thought about it during this time, would the type he liked with Jing Yan match

Qiao Xi really doesn't know.

Anyway, he remembered that he was thin and had long hair. Maybe he looked like that after wearing the suit in the painting

And Jing Yan, is it because he has always regarded him as a friend, so he didn't think about that

If one day, Jing Yan realizes that he can also be a lover, will Jing Yan fall in love with him if they have similar temperaments

Qiao Xi may just want to test it out. He has these thoughts in his heart, and even if Jing Yan hasn't thought of it yet, has he ever had similar buds in his heart

But for now, if Jing Yan is still indifferent, it's fine, without him, there must be no one else.

When Jing Yan heard Qiao Xi's words, his heart swelled for a while.

He whispered, "Qiao Xiaoxi, do you know when I painted that painting?"

"Huh?" Qiao Xi wondered, "When?"

… after you came.

After I met you, my mind was full of you.

That painting is not what I use when looking for a lover, that painting was born for you alone.

If you open the album now and turn back, you will see more of you.

You who smiled and crooked your eyes in the flower field, you who opened your wings and tilted your head to look at me, you who basked in the sun with your eyes closed on the rocks by the lake...

That's a picture album that belongs to you alone.

Jing Yan didn't answer, and Qiao Xi pulled him nervously.

Jing Yan hesitated, finally sighed, and said vaguely: "Anyway, I don't have a situation at the moment." If they are not together, what can happen.

After a pause, he asked again, "Qiao Xiaoxi, how about you?"

Suddenly there was a rhetorical question, and Qiao Xi blinked.

Jing Yan took a deep breath and couldn't help but summon the courage to ask, "Have you... found the person you want in your heart?"

One person and one chicken looked at each other, and the room was quiet.

Seeing that the little chick seemed to have settled down, Jing Yan was a little nervous and a little regretful. He was about to say "Forget it, when I didn't ask", suddenly he heard a very light sentence.

Thinking he heard it wrong, he asked in a daze, "What?"

Chickie's head rested on his arm again.

Qiao Xi said softly: "When I change back into a human form... I'll tell you."

Jing Yan froze in place.

Tell him when you're back in human form... Wait, what does this mean, there's someone in your heart

Jing Yan's heart sank, but he felt something was wrong.

Why wait until he's back in human form to tell him

Qiao Xiaoxi seems to be quite serious about telling him this.

what happened

anyone? no one

Jing Yan was even more confused.

"Qiao Xi..."

He also wanted to say, the little chick urged: "Turn off the lights to sleep, hurry up!"

Jing Yan: "… "

No, he can't sleep like this, Qiao Xiaoxi!

However, Qiao Xi's attitude was very firm, and Jing Yan was simply stunned without saying a word.

Did Qiao Xiaoxi come here specially to torture him tonight? ?

Qiao Xi doesn't care, he will never say it at this moment anyway!

But wait until he turns back into human form...

Qiao Xi could have a hunch that by that time, he might not be able to hold it any longer.

Although he was still ambitious when he came back, he wanted to seduce Jing Yan, but if he had that kind of dream a few more times, how could he still be able to hold on to it.

No matter what Jing Yan thought in his heart or how he would treat him afterwards, at that time, he would probably be unable to help himself to confess.

So tonight, let him rest first.

Let go of your mind, let go of the troubles of love temporarily, and hope to have a good dream, hey!

Jing Yan was full of words and couldn't say anything. He was so bored that he stared at the ceiling sluggishly and couldn't close his eyes.

And the little chick beside him rested on his arm, and soon fell asleep.

Perhaps stimulated by his illness tonight, after the little chicken fell into a dream, he saw the man he was thinking of.

... It's really a good dream!

The other party was wearing the same dark bathrobe as before going to bed, and his chest was so beautiful that Qiao Xi's eyes were straight.

He was surprised and delighted, but after the other party picked him up, he lowered his head with a chuckle, his lips gradually moved closer...

Hey, no need for black feather hypnosis, just a dream?

In the dream, Qiao Xi was flattered in addition to being ashamed.

On an autumn night, insects chirped.

After a long time, the sky gradually turned bright, and the crisp birdsong sounded in the forest.

The room was quiet. The first one to wake up was Chris, who insisted on exercising in order to transform himself as soon as possible. The second and third woke up were Jiaoyue and Axue, the fourth was Heiyu, and the other three were still screaming. Huo sleep.

When preparing breakfast, Jiaoyue said to Heiyu, "When can I start hypnosis today?"

Kuroba recalled the time of the next time and said, "It's almost the afternoon."

Jiaoyue nodded, looked back at the wooden house where the big black wolf lived, and showed a meaningful smile.

And in the hut.

The two were lying side by side on the bed.

One of the thin and weak young people curled up slightly, resting his head on the shoulder of the man beside him.

The black-haired man was awakened by some movement outside, and opened his eyes in a daze.

Ah, it's dawn...

How long has he slept, and last night he struggled so much that he didn't fall asleep...

In other words, he has completely given up struggling...

Last night, thinking about whether Qiao Xiaoxi had someone he liked, he almost had a heart attack. Now he doesn't want to listen to Qiao Xiaoxi telling him the answer to that question. He thinks it's better to die early and give birth sooner. He confessed directly and gave himself a relief...

Just thinking about it, Jing Yan suddenly felt something was wrong.

The weight on the shoulders, the warm breath, the touch on the side is wrong!

He turned his head suddenly, and saw the humanoid Qiao Xi snuggling beside him, her face flushed from sleep.

Jing Yan: "… "

Can't you change your body in a false pregnancy

Haven't you been hypnotized for the second time yet

Why did Qiao Xiaoxi change back...

Jing Yan looked confused: "... Qiao Xi?"

The young man beside him rubbed against him and opened his eyes sleepily.

Jing Yan suddenly suffocated.

It was really because of the entanglement all night, and now he naturally thought of Qiao Xi telling him the answer when he changed back to human form, but he didn't want to hear it anymore—

Before he could think of it, the young man suddenly stretched out his slender arms and wrapped his arms around his neck, softly muttering like a spoiled child, "Jing Yan, my back hurts a little..."

Jing Yan: "...?"

Um? … where does it hurt

After the young man murmured, he seemed to smile very sweetly, then closed his eyes and leaned over, his soft lips pressed on Jing Yan's lips.

A "chirp".