The Most Shining Little Chicken in the Wolf Palace

Chapter 49


After listening to Jiaoyue's words, Qiao Xi became very concerned about Lu Yin, after all, they had similar experiences.

But Qiao Xi is not familiar with Lu Yin after all, so it is difficult to talk about those **** topics.

Therefore, he and Lu Yin maintained a lukewarm relationship of nodding their heads to say hello to each other when their eyes met, and occasionally speaking.

On the other hand, Chris and Jing Yi came very diligently—they had not given up expecting Qiao Xi to receive a love letter, for fear that the world would not be in chaos.

On Friday, their bizarre behavior finally attracted Axue and Kuroba.


A little leopard, a little black wolf, a little chicken, a white rabbit and a butterfly sat in a row behind the desk... The butterfly stopped directly on the desk.

The wolves were shocked, what a big family!

Qiao Xi felt suffocated - a love letter caused the case of the forest mass exodus, Jing Yan won't find anything, right?

"Didn't Jingyan and Jiaoyue ask?" he asked cautiously.

"Huh? We just told them," Hei Yu said, "What?"

"No, nothing!" Qiao Xi was a little empty.

"It's a little weird, you guys," Kuroba asked Chris directly, "What are you two doing here every day?"

The little leopard and the little black wolf rolled their eyes and pretended to be indifferent: "It's nothing, listen to the class carefully and study hard!"

Even Ash didn't believe it.

At this moment, Lu Yin walked in, and when he saw the scenery in the last row, he paused.

He looked at the entire classroom again - he always liked to sit in the back, but at this time the three rows in the back were full, and there was only one seat left beside Qiao Xi.

Knowing that Lu Yin likes to sit in the back, Qiao Xi took the initiative to say, "I have no one here, sit down."

Lu Yin was silent for a moment, then nodded.

Seeing a real person for the first time, Kuroba and Axue exchanged glances.

After Lu Yin sat down, Qiao Xi noticed that he had injuries on his face, and was stunned at the corners of his forehead and mouth.

The injury was covered by foundation or something. It wasn't obvious. If you didn't look carefully, you wouldn't be able to spot it, but Qiao Xi just noticed that it was an unusual complexion.

"Are you injured?" Qiao Xi asked in a low voice.

This kind of injury... looks like someone got hit.

"No... I'm fine." Lu Yin seemed to be taken aback, probably didn't expect Qiao Xi to notice it so carefully, and quickly tilted his head.

Qiao Xi said quickly: "It's not obvious, it's hard to see."

Lu Yin was stunned, nodded slightly, touched his face, and said softly, "I accidentally bumped into it, it has already been applied."

Qiao Xi's words rolled around his mouth, but were swallowed back into his stomach.

Seeing that Qiao Xi didn't ask any more questions, Lu Yin breathed a sigh of relief, looked at Qiao Xi with a grateful look, and suddenly thought of something, and asked, "By the way, are you going to the welcome party tonight?"

It's the party where the queen will come too... This school is a famous school. Every year, the welcome party and the New Year's party will be held very grandly. It is not uncommon to invite heavyweight alumni and even nobles, but the queen herself comes directly, which is also considered It's a rare one.

According to Jiaoyue, the principal is quite embarrassed. He is familiar with Jing Yan, and Jing Yan and the queen are in an antagonistic relationship, but the queen asks to come to the party, and he is not easy to refuse.

Qiao Xi didn't intend to go, but Lu Yin took the initiative to mention this for some reason, so he tentatively asked: "...Do I need to go?"

Thinking of the girl who was going to perform on stage tonight and was half-dead because of lovelorn for the past few days, Lu Yin said in a subtle tone, "... If you can, let's go and have a look. It should be interesting."

If I see Qiao Xi... Maybe I can make Ruan Yue "resurrect".

Qiao Xi doesn't care. Although the queen will be there, it's fine if they don't meet each other. Just take a look.

So it was settled, Hei Yu and A Xue simply stayed, and they had nothing to do when they went back anyway.

And because he was concerned about the origin of Lu Yin's face injury, Qiao Xi thought about it and tried to ask Lu Yin to act with them.

Qiao Xi opened her mouth to invite, and Chris and Jing Yi, who had always been enthusiastic, also said "come here" and "together". Lu Yin was a little hesitant at first, but then the kindness was difficult, so he agreed and stayed with him all day. They are together, from class to dinner.

When walking on the road, I don't know if it's because of this group of... small animals of different races, or because of that particularly cheerful little chicken, they always attract a lot of attention.

That kind of gaze made Lu Yin frown, but when he turned to look, no one in the group of small animals cared, only his own.

Lu Yin was stunned.

In the evening, the group went to eat and then walked to the school.

Qiao Xi's small suitcase was taken by the guard. Like Chris and Jing Yi, he only carried a small bag with his belongings on his back, very relaxed.

When they were about to reach the school gate, a voice came from behind them: "Lu Yin!"

Several people stopped, turned around, and saw a man in a black jacket.

Because it was already dark, they couldn't see their faces clearly, they only knew that they were definitely not students.

Lu Yin's expression tightened, and he said, "... I'm a friend. I'll go over and take a look. You can go there first."

After saying that, he trotted towards the man.

"It's still early anyway, wait," Hei Yu said, "I want to drink milk tea, how about you?"

Several pairs of eyes looked at him.

After a minute.

Suddenly there were a bunch of small animals at the door of the milk tea shop, all of them looked up at the menu table seriously.

The clerk was instantly stunned, and her aunt smiled and said, "What do you want to drink?"

"I want oolong tea!"

"I want to drink milk capped..."

"Speaking of black feathers, how do you drink like this?"

"I can become a human, anyway, I always carry a transformation ball with me when I go out." The super trumpet for the Butterfly Tribe hangs on the tail.

"No, no, don't you know how popular the 'sea, land and air' is now! What if you turned into a humanoid and exposed us together!"

"... What should I do, anyway, I want to drink milk tea!"

The clerk continued to hold her face and screamed in her heart: Although I don't know what "sea, land and air" is, my sister can hold it and feed you!

In the end, Kuroba decided to share a cup of milk tea with Axue.

It was almost ten minutes after I got the milk tea, and Lu Yin hadn't come back yet.

Qiao Xi thought that Lu Yin's expression was a little wrong just now, and she was still not at ease, and said, "I'll go take a look."

"Let's go together." Chris and the others followed.

They are opposite the school gate, which belongs to the dormitory area, and their history students seem to live nearby, so it's not surprising that the man just waited for Lu Yin in this dormitory area.

The group walked towards the door that Lu Yin and the others had entered just now, but did not see Lu Yin, and walked inside again... When passing between the two buildings, they heard a muffled sound.

They quickly stopped and looked inside - Lu Yin was grabbed by the man's collar, he was struggling with the man's hand, and the man's hand was raised high, about to wave it down!

Qiao Xi exclaimed: "Lu Yin!"

The man was startled, turned his head, and there was still anger in his eyebrows.

Chris immediately went into a state of alert and roared, "What do you want to do?!"

"Shut, it's none of your business!" The man's eyes widened!

Qiao Xi dropped the milk tea and ran over, the man pushed Lu Yin out, and the latter slammed into another wall! And the man was about to kick Qiao Xi, and the little leopard and the little black wolf also rushed forward, throwing down the milk tea, one directly smeared on the man's face, and the other bit the man's leg!

The man screamed and fell backwards!

Just as he was about to transform and escape, he kept following Qiao Xi, and quickly realized that there were four guards who were in a wrong situation. They stepped forward and restrained the man. At the same time, they used an electric shock baton, which directly caused the man to temporarily lose the ability to transform.

"Your Highness, are you all right?!" the guard shouted.

"It's okay," Chris said. "Tie him up!"

Qiao Xi... Qiao Xi seems to be useless, so she hurried to Lu Yin's side and said, "Are you alright? Are you injured?"

In other words, Lu Yin's injury in the morning was probably caused by this man!

Black Feather and Axue also hurried over.

Lu Yin trembled slightly, got up from the ground, and said hoarsely, "No, it's fine."

"You, what are you doing!?" The guards were wearing regular clothes, and the man didn't know why, and roared angrily, "I want you to take care of those who teach me!?"

Lu Yin hesitated, but finally lowered his eyes.

Jing Yi shouted, "Cover his mouth too, hurry up!"

The guards quickly took out tissues and handkerchiefs and stuffed them into the man's mouth.

Man: "Woooooooooo!!!"

One of the guards stepped forward and helped Lu Yin up.

And the man who was suppressed on the ground was still staring at him.

Lu Yin shivered a bit and quickly looked away.

At this time, several tall men in suits also ran over, and when they saw the scene here, their expressions changed: "Young, young master!"

Two of them stepped forward and supported Lu Yin.

"Master, are you alright?"

"He did something to you? Young master, why didn't you call us over!"

"Bodyguard?" Hei Yu asked, "It's a little late."

Hearing the word "bodyguard", the man on the ground was surprised.

The bodyguards immediately cramped up.

Lu Yin explained in a low voice, "I made them... They were not allowed to come over without receiving my call. I don't blame them."

The bodyguards had been standing in the distance just now, because it was too dark, and they didn't know what happened.

It's just that the young master once instructed that this man should not be nervous when he came to him, so even though they all felt that this man was a trouble, they kept holding back and did not make any move.

It wasn't until they saw a group of people rushing in just now that they realized what was going on, and they rushed out without getting an order regardless of the young master's previous orders.

At this moment, although they don't know Qiao Xi and the others, it doesn't prevent these bodyguards from guessing what's going on here, and said, "Master, I already said that this guy must be treated, you've always been afraid of him—"

Another bodyguard slapped him and told him to shut up.

And Lu Yin lowered his eyes.

Qiao Xi is quite tangled. Lu Yin seems to be a person who likes to keep things in his heart. Qiao Xi doesn't like asking desperately when others are unwilling to speak, but in his heart he always feels that if he doesn't care, Lu Yin doesn't know what to do next. what will happen.

After thinking about it, he said, "Send someone to the police station? Or... to your parents?"

According to the bodyguards, it's not just once or twice that men come to find fault. If they can come to the door again and again, it is estimated that no elders of the Lu family know about this man.

The man immediately yelled "woohoo".

Lu Yin shook his head in a panic: "No, no."

The bodyguard immediately persuaded: "Master, this person can't let this go any longer."

"He wanted to hit you just now!" Chris and Lu Yin had completely opposite personalities, and subconsciously said, "And aren't you afraid of him?"

Qiao Xi suddenly thought that when Lu Yin left with the man just now, he said that the man was his "friend", but the man just said that Lu Yin was "I'm a man", he asked: " are threatened by him ?"

In this situation, it seems like... After breaking up, I was entangled.

Lu Yin opened his mouth, and suddenly, he murmured, and his body changed.

The bodyguards and guards quickly let go, and the boy transformed in an uncontrolled way in front of their eyes, his body shrank, changed, and finally was covered under a pile of clothes.

The guards quickly took off their clothes, and everyone saw... a little white pig appeared in front of them!

The hair is longer and thicker than that of animal pigs, but it is far inferior to that of ordinary wolves. With that appearance, it is really similar to a pig.

The little white pig regained his senses, realized that he was completely transformed, and suddenly became hysterical, screamed "Ow Ow", and ran around in panic, as if he wanted to escape, but when he thought that there were more people outside, he backed away, Finally, he got down on the ground, covered his head with his two short claws, and got up miserably.

Qiao Xi and the others were stunned, and the man who was suppressed on the ground gave a contemptuous sneer.

The bodyguards rushed over, took off their clothes and covered Lu Yin: "Master!"

Lu Yin cried very miserably, Qiao Xi and the others hurried over after they reacted, and comforted: "It's alright, it's alright."

Black Feather: "It's okay, no one saw..."

Axue interrupted Hei Yu's apparently unqualified comfort, and said gently, "Don't be afraid, it's normal to have uncontrollable transformations when you're emotional, just calm down."

"It's very cute, don't, don't cover it like this..." Chris said stupidly, "I have never seen such a cute wolf clan!"

"That's right, obviously very cute!" Jing Yi quickly comforted, "Qiao Xi is also very cute, and I am also very cute!"

When Chris heard this, he quickly turned his head and said, "Look, you can also carry private goods at any time!"

Jing Yi: "I am holding myself, and you are holding your man!"

Chris: "That's also a clip, it's the same with private goods!"

Jing Yi: "It's different! A single dog is different from a current charge!"

Chris: "Ouch!"

Jing Yi: "Ooooooooooooo!"

Hei Yu, A Xue, Qiao Xi: No, when did these two learn how to howl with Jing Yan's blindness!

Lu Yin was originally collapsing. Hearing the little leopard and the little black wolf howling at each other in front of him, he couldn't help but slowly stop crying, blinking tears in confusion and raising his head from the cover of the bodyguards.

Seeing him looking up, Qiao Xi quickly said, "Lu Yin, it's alright, don't cry."

The little white pig flinched again. His eyes were red, he looked at Qiao Xi, and then at the man not far away.

"Let this person be handed over to your parents!" Chris said. "Let your parents handle it!"

The man immediately screamed "woohoo" vigilantly.

"Does he know who you are?" Ash asked.

The man showed a suspicious look, and probably even Lu Yin's bodyguard was the first time he saw him today.

Lu Yin choked, paused, shook his head, and whispered, "He doesn't know... He only knows that I am rich, so after breaking up... "

Qiao Xi was almost certain that her guess was correct, and asked, "What did he threaten you with?"

Lu Yin moved his lips.

"Say, what are we afraid of!" Chris said impatiently, "We'll help you solve the problem on the spot!"

"Master..." The bodyguards also sighed.

"..." Lu Yin said softly, "He said that if I don't give him money, I will expose my animal shape... I, I managed to transform steadily and walk out of the house, I don't want to... "

"Hey, your mouth is so cheap," Hei Yu said, "Then just get rid of him, what are you afraid of?"


Lu Yin said in a trance: "You mean killing people to silence?"

Black Feather: "Yeah!"

Man: "Woooooooooooooooo!!!!"

Kuroba said very calmly: "With the power of your family, wouldn't it be easy to get rid of a person secretly? Especially this kind of guy, at first glance, he looks like a maggot living at the bottom of society, and it disappears one day. found out."

Chris nodded: "Black Feather is right. In other words, how did you find such a boyfriend, your eyesight is too bad?"

Axue said gently, "Black Feather, Chris."

The two consciously shut up and stopped the intimidating behavior.

Qiao Xi was confused and asked, "...why didn't you tell the family?"

Lu Yin paused and said hoarsely, "I-I don't know, I think I'm terrible, causing a lot of trouble for my parents..."

Maybe he finally couldn't help but want to pour out his emotions, Lu Yin lowered his head and said intermittently: "Because the animal shape is like this, I have never dared to go out since I was a child... Even when guests come to my house, I just want to hide... It took a long time until my body was able to stabilize and transform, and then I dared to go out to study..."

"Later, I met him a few years ago..." Lu Yin lay on the ground again, covering his head, "I like men, but I never thought that anyone would like me, because I think they know my animal shape is I definitely can't accept what it looks like! But that time I accidentally got drunk and transformed in front of him, but he didn't dislike me at all, so I just... "

"Did you see what he looked like at the time?" Qiao Xi asked with a sigh, "Are you sure, he really..."

Lu Yin shook his head.

The truth is obvious.

Whether it was because Lu Yin was drunk and didn't see clearly that day, or because the man had already discovered that Lu Yin was rich and approached him with a purpose in mind, what Lu Yin saw that day was not the man's true face.

And the true face of this man is the sneer he made when he saw Lu Yin transform.

"After breaking up, he started to use my animal shape to blackmail me. I, I didn't dare to let the bodyguards deal with him... Because as long as he was provoked, he would spread my animal shape out..."

Hei Yu interjected: "This kind of person is really only worthy of death."

Everyone:"… "

Man: "Woooooooooooooo!!!!"

The guard kicked him and told him to shut up.

Lu Yin slowed down and continued talking.

To this man, he repeatedly flinched, always tensing a string.

Just now, he was hesitant to let the bodyguard appear.

But when he hit the wall and was rescued by Qiao Xi and the others, he instantly felt very tired.

Can't go on like this any longer.

I can't keep being threatened any longer.

But he really didn't want his family to know about it.

He whispered: "My life is already terrible, I really don't want to add more trouble to them and let them down even more. Just because someone accepted my animal shape, they fell in love with such a man, and the result was not at all. It's a burden that I can't shake off, and I don't have the face to say such a thing at all."

Even Ruan Yue, who grew up with him since childhood, did not know that he had broken up with this man long ago and was entangled by him.

In fact, the number of times the man beat him was not too many. Last night, he lived in the apartment. When the man came over, because he didn't want the bodyguard to pay too much attention, he let the man into the room to talk. In a place where the bodyguard could not see, this man was the first time Moved to him. However, when he woke up today, he was wearing makeup, which most people didn't notice at all.

Just now, even if the bodyguards rushed to his side, in such dim light, they obviously didn't see it.

And now... after the transformation, those wounds are hidden under the hair, and it must be harder to find if you don't look carefully.

That's why he was able to hide it from others until now.

Lu Yin just really felt bad, everything was bad.

He didn't know what to do either, and he didn't want anyone to discover his worse side, and at the same time wanted to get rid of this man's entanglement.

Qiao Xi sighed.

After thinking about it, he asked A Xue, "Is there any way to make this man shut up?"

The man flinched and stared at them with wide eyes.

White Rabbit said gently: "Even if you don't kill people, there are many ways to make a person shut up forever."

Qiao Xi: "..."

Others: "… "

No, this threat is no less than Kuroha and Chris!

Ah Xue really just looks gentle, but her heart is as terrifying as the moon...

A Xue turned her head and said to the little white pig, "Lu Yin, you have to remember your own identity. It's too much to make yourself so embarrassed in the face of this kind of person."

Lu Yin shuddered and closed his eyes.

He knew that he was too cowardly.

As the only child of his parents and the most important heir to the family, he is not qualified at all.

Axue said: "You should leave it to your parents, okay? They are fully capable of handling this man's mouth."

Man: "Woo woo woo!" He finally felt a deep fear from the vague words of the animals present!

Lu Yin panicked, as if he wanted to say something, but the guard had already picked up the man. At the same time, a flying car landed between the two buildings after receiving the order, and the guard shoved the man directly. When two of the bodyguards saw this, they didn't care about Lu Yinhui's objection, so they quickly followed.

Seeing Lu Yin struggling, Qiao Xi said, "Do you think your parents love you?"

Lu Yin was startled and nodded.

They have been protecting him, so he feels that he has caused them a lot of trouble, and is not willing to cause them more trouble at all.

"My parents don't even look at me very much," Qiao Xi said, "I still remember sometimes, they would frown when they saw me accidentally."

Lu Yin had heard of Qiao Xi's situation in the Bird Clan Palace before, but he didn't expect it to reach this level.

As a parent, do you really dislike your children to such an extent?

He was stunned: "But you were born by them..."

"Yes, my genes are also inherited from them, so I didn't understand it when I was a child. It's okay if others laugh at me, why even my parents treat me like this," Qiao Xi's tone was very relaxed, "and mine My older brothers and sisters also laughed at me and bullied me. I only have one older brother who treats me well, and it was only after I went out to study that I met friends who liked me. "

"Can you imagine the feeling that your family almost doesn't care about you and love you?" Qiao Xi said, "You are better than me. Your parents care about you and love you, if I were in your position I will feel guilty for causing trouble to them, but if someone like this bullies me, I will definitely sue my parents! Lu Yin, when you have the ability to take revenge on the person who bullied you, don't be a bun .Don't wrong yourself."

"No, Qiao Xi, I don't think you like that kind of man at all!" Chris said.

Lu Yin: "..."

He was embarrassed.

Qiao Xi laughed dryly and said solemnly: "That's right. I used to have low self-esteem, but I quickly figured it out, it's not my fault that I grew up like this, and I think I look good too. .Is it a mistake to just look different from others? It shouldn't be like that."

"Anyway, I feel much better after I accept it calmly. Because I don't feel inferior, I don't think that as long as there is someone who can accept my animal form, I must hold on to something... I only like to be able to attract My people, so I met Jing Yan!"

Lu Yin hesitated: "But..."

"I know this level is difficult to overcome. No one can force you, and no one can help you. You can only overcome it yourself," Qiao Xi said warmly, "but I think you can try to face yourself like this. The truth is Yes, when you really appear in the crowd with a special appearance, there will still be many people who like you. If you are afraid, we can accompany you, no matter how many eyes look over, we will be by your side. "

Qiao Xi joked: "Actually, you have seen it too. Every day I go to school, many people look at me!"

"My brother would definitely be jealous if he was there, Qiao Xi, you are really getting too much attention in school!" Jing Yi shouted.

"But if Qiao Xi appeared in human form, it would definitely be very popular, and Jing Yan would also be jealous..." Hei Yu said.

"That can't be helped, Jing Yan may be destined to be full of vinegar!" Chris said seriously.

Qiao Xi: "..."

He took a breath and said seriously to Lu Yin, "As long as you walk and sit up straight, everyone deserves to live with their heads held high."

The little white pig was slightly shocked, his eyes widened, as if he heard the beating of his heart.

Qiao Xi stretched out her wings to the little white pig, her eyes curved: "Okay, stand up and stop crying."

And Lu Yin looked up at him and looked at these people.

Night fell, and the lights dimmed.

He was a little dazed.

Live with your head held high...?

Jing Yan and Jiaoyue returned to the forest a few hours earlier than expected because the matter was handled ahead of time.

But in the forest... there was no one there!

Jing Yan was surprised: "They haven't come back yet?"

All they knew was that in the morning, Hei Yu and A Xue were bored and ran to Qiao Xi.

Jing Yan was about to take out his mobile phone when Jiaoyue thoughtfully said, "There is a welcome party tonight. Maybe they went to watch it. I didn't expect to tell us, because we had to come back later."

Saying that, Jiaoyue narrowed her eyes again and said, "Speaking of which, I seem to have heard Hei Yu say that Chris and Jing Yi have been running with Qiao Xi these days. I don't know why, but they may have been curious about it today. ran over."

He and Jing Yan have not been in the forest during the day these days, so I don't know the specific situation.

Jing Yan stopped dialing the phone.

Jiaoyue raised her eyebrows and said, "Let's go quietly and have a look?"

Jing Yan put down the phone and looked solemn.

And the other end-

When the matter was almost finished, the bodyguard asked Lu Yin, "Master, shall we take you to the off-campus apartment? We will take care of the man's affairs, so don't worry!"

Lu Yin lived in the dormitory most of the time, and occasionally stayed in an off-campus apartment prepared for him by the Lu family. Lu Yin looks like a little white pig at the moment. I am afraid that even if he is enlightened by a friend, he will not be able to appear in the crowd in this appearance for a while.

Chris asked Qiao Xi: "Then we still go to that party?"

Qiao Xi thought for a while and said, "I've stayed anyway, so just take a look."

Lu Yin involuntarily looked at the little chicks and the others.

After discussing it, Qiao Xi turned to Lu Yin: "Then... you go back to rest first?"

Lu Yin opened his mouth.

At this moment, the flying car holding the man had already taken off, and another Lujia flying car descended.

The back and forth speeding car attracted the attention of many students outside.

Those vaguely gathered eyes made Lu Yin shiver, but when he saw Qiao Xi and the others...

Lu Yin hesitated for a long time, and an impulse stirred in his heart.

After a few breaths, he gathered up his courage and said to the bodyguard: "You let the speeding car just stop somewhere else, wait for me, wait for me... wait for me to finish one thing."

The bodyguards were stunned.

Little White Pig ran over and said to Qiao Xi and the others, "I-I'll accompany you to the Grand Theater."

Qiao Xi was a little surprised.

In this state... go to the Grand Theater?

What this means is self-evident.

Looking at each other with the friends, Qiao Xi looked at Lu Yin again, nodded happily and said, "Okay."

Lu Yin's bodyguards and the palace guards cleaned up the mess on the spot, while looking at the direction where the little white pig left.

Lu Yin followed behind Qiao Xi and stepped out step by step.

The Lu family's speed car moved away, and Lu Yin trembled slightly with every step.

The heart is in fear, and the blood flow rate is also increasing.

I want to retreat, I want to hide in a corner that no one can see, I want to stay like this for a lifetime.

But at the same time, a voice echoed in his mind.

"—Don't let the people who love you down again."

"—If you want to change yourself, you can't really be like this all your life!"

So Lu Yin took a step by step, standing in front of the dormitory building, under the street light.

At that last step, he seemed to hear a heavy "dong" sound.

When he felt the gaze falling directly on him, he couldn't help shaking, and kept his head down.

Little Chicken was beside him, comforting: "Don't be afraid, it's alright!"

"I'm used to being the focal point!" Chris said seriously.

"It's impossible to be cute without attention!" Jing Yi said firmly.

Lu Yin: "..."

Why do you have such strong self-confidence?

However, he took a deep breath, still trying little by little, and raised his head.

Behind him, the bodyguards were a little surprised, and then mixed emotions surged in their hearts.

The little white pig's eyes are dark, against the warm lights, the pedestrians going back and forth, the dormitory building with countless lights on, everything is disturbing.

How long has it been since you saw the outside world from this angle?

Lu Yin was a little dazed.

"Come on, it's almost too late, let's go." Qiao Xi encouraged.

Lu Yin swallowed his saliva and nodded.

The little chick wobbled and turned around, the white rabbit was holding the milk tea, the milk tea was not sealed, the butterfly flew to the side and sucked it, the little leopard and the little black wolf got into a fight, and shouted: "Ah, talk about us The milk tea is gone!"

The people on both sides cast their gazes at them, but they didn't look sideways, they walked forward calmly, walking in their own lives.

Lu Yin couldn't tell how he felt at this moment.

He seems to have put down something, gained something, and seemed to close something and open something.

In the end, a little bit of light gathered in his eyes.

He quickened his pace and followed up with the group of people in front of him.

Get out of the dorm area.

Cross the flowing road.

Enter the extraordinarily lively campus tonight.

Keep moving forward, moving forward.

Ruan Yue sent a message to Lu Yin: "Are you here yet? This girl has reserved a VIP seat for you. Call me when you arrive."

Soon, she received a reply: "Hello, Miss Ruan, I'm the bodyguard of the young master. Something happened to the young master, and the mobile phone is on our side. The others have already gone to the Grand Theater, but will they It's not very clear whether you stay to watch the show, why don't you contact Xiao Li, he is behind the young master."

Ruan Yue looked confused, what happened?

"Are you waiting for a friend?" the elegantly dressed woman put down her teacup and asked.

Ruan Yue thought for a while, then got up and said, "Sorry, my friend seems to have something wrong. I'll go out and wait for him. Queen, you can sit first!"

The queen's smile stopped for a while, and then she kept smiling and said, "Well, it's okay, you go first."

When the girl left, her face sank.

The Ruan family and the Lu family are especially fond of children. Although the old fox spirits of the two families have been reluctant to express their opinions, as long as they can capture the hearts of these two children, everything is possible.

But they rarely come out for activities, and they hardly even participate in palace banquets, so it is difficult for her to get in touch with them usually.

It was a rare opportunity, she tried to get closer to them as much as possible, but the little girl kept trying to perfunctory her.

And the Lu family... seems to be in the same class as that bird prince.

The queen clenched her hands tightly, got up and said to the attendant, "Go out and have a look."

Ruan Yue ran out of the VIP room, went down to the first floor, and came to the corridor, when she saw... a group of small animals.

When she noticed a little white pig inside, she said in shock, "Lu Yin?!"

And, and there is also Qiao Xi! ! !

After several days of depression, her mood finally showed signs of recovery. Ruan Yue didn't care about blushing, she ran over, looked at Qiao Xi, then looked at Lu Yin, and said, "You... why did you come out like this? You're not afraid anymore. ?"

The little white pig raised his head and his eyes were shining: "I feel... it seems to be fine!"

Ruan Yue was surprised.

As a child, Lu Yin knows how much her animal-shaped psychological shadow is.

She also persuaded many times, poured a lot of chicken soup for the soul over the years, but it never worked.

But now... Lu Yin dared to appear in public in the form of a beast! Can he finally take this step? !

In the end what happened?

Is it with…

She blushed and looked at the chicken.

Qiao Xi smiled at her and expressed her friendliness.

Lu Yin knew what she was thinking and said, "Well, it was Qiao Xi and the others who said something to me..."

Ah, it really is!

She hurriedly said: "Your bodyguard said something happened to you, what happened?" It is absolutely impossible to just "say something" as simple as that!

Lu Yin said: "This is a bit complicated, I'll tell you later."

After that, he took a deep breath and closed his eyes.

When he opened his eyes again, he said, "I have to go home first, I can't stay to watch your performance."

Is it such a big deal?

Ruan Yue was stunned for a while, and when she regained her senses, she puffed up her face again, glared at the little white pig, and said with her hands on her hips: "Hmph, I have been friends with you for more than ten years, and after so much effort, I was unable to give you to you. Come on, now Qiao Xi and the others say you'll be fine, and they want to whet my appetite!"

"It's because I have a similar experience with him!" Qiao Xi quickly explained, fearing that her friend would turn her back, "and there is indeed something going on in his family..."

Seeing Qiao Xi hurriedly explaining, Ruan Yue stuck out her tongue with a smile: "I'm joking!"

Lu Yin said helplessly: "She likes this..."

Everyone laughed.

Ruan Yue looked at the white rabbit again and nodded with a smile.

A Xue was finally able to insert a sentence and introduced: "This is Ruan Yue, Miss Ruan's family."

That is... the remaining child of the four major families!

The two sides formally introduced each other. Although they usually only heard of their names and did not know them, the first official contact was not too unfamiliar, perhaps because their personalities were more compatible.

"Then why don't you come to the Grand Theater and go home." Ruan Yue said to Lu Yin at the end of the conversation.

"I don't know why, but I really want to try this feeling before I go home." Lu Yin looked at Qiao Xi and the others, and said in a hoarse voice, "With them... I feel more courageous."

Qiao Xi asked him with a smile, "Are you fully prepared?"

"Yeah!" Lu Yin had already made up his mind.

His bruises were hidden under his hair and couldn't be noticed without looking closely, but they were there.

And no matter how unbearable this picture is, it is also him, the one who has been worried about by his parents since he was a child, who has been cared for by his family since he was a child, and who he must face head-on.

Whether you will be reprimanded or see your parents disappointed, no matter what, you have to pass this test and live calmly after today.

"Lu Yin," Although she didn't know what her friend was going back to, Ruan Yue could vaguely guess, and she said in a complicated mood, "Come on!"

Lu Yin's heart was full of courage at this time, he nodded vigorously and said, "Yeah!"

Ruan Yue looked at him and couldn't help raising the corners of her lips.

It's great to be able to make this change...

Afterwards, she looked at Xiaocaiji again, and said indifferently, "Although I don't know what happened, I still want to thank you all. It's really not easy for Lu Yin to cross this hurdle..."

The girl said while looking at the little cabbage chicken with bright eyes.

Qiao Xiaoxi is really... powerful, cute, and kind-hearted! I've only known each other for a few days, but I've been able to make sense of Lu Yin's dead brain!

Her eyes are really right!

How could such a good man be snatched by that black wolf...

Ruan Yue lamented, but at this moment, I don't know if it was because Lu Yin, who had given her a headache, finally showed signs of changing herself, and she felt a little relieved.

After all, who hasn't lost a few loves, it's enough that she doesn't like the wrong person anyway.

Put down the chick and move on.

Ruan Yue stroked her chest, exchanged glances with Lu Yin that they only understood each other, and each smiled.

After Ruan Yue was called away by the staff, Lu Yin was about to leave, and asked Chris and the others, "Are you coming tomorrow?"

Not to mention, it feels pretty good to hang out with everyone.

Lu Yin had never had so many friends, and he was a little greedy for this feeling.

Chris blinked and said, "That's a love letter—"

The little chicken stretched out his wings and hit him, so Chris only spit out half of his last words.

Jing Yi: "Cough cough cough!"

Chris came back to his senses and quickly covered his mouth.

The little white pig reacted and said with a dry smile: "Hahaha... Ying, should it be gone?"

After hearing this, Hei Yu asked, "What?"

The little leopard and the little black wolf covered their mouths with their claws, shaking their heads desperately, so guilty that Qiao Xi couldn't bear to look directly.

"There is a ghost, what are you hiding from us, what is it?" Butterfly inquired.

"—Yeah, what are you hiding from us?" A sinister voice suddenly interjected.

Everyone present was terribly frightened, and when they turned to look, they saw a black wolf face emerging from behind the corner.

The big black wolf stared at them.

The scene was quiet for a second.

"—Jing, Jingyan have appeared!!!!"

The little leopard opened his eyes, shouted and ran away.

Qiao Xi stretched out her wings: "..."

It's not that you are running away!

Seeing Chris escaped, Jing Yi immediately ran away: "My brother found it!!!"

Qiao Xi: "..." Not yet!

Seeing that the two of them escaped, Lu Yin, the middleman who passed the love letter, also hurriedly followed.

Jing Yan widened his eyes and shouted: "What are you running away from?! Sure enough, there are ghosts! Sure enough, there is something hiding from me!!"

After speaking, he rushed out, chasing the prey as fierce!

Qiao Xi was in a mess, he flew over and shouted, "You, don't run away! By the way, why did you come here, Jing Yan... Wait for me!"

Hei Yu and A Xue, who were in the same place, looked at each other, and the beast-shaped Jiaoyue who only appeared at this time was speechless for a while.

Hei Yu cleared his throat: "Let's catch up and have a look?"

So one flew lightly, one jumped step by step, and the other walked slowly, chasing very calmly.

Ahead, a group of animals dashed past wildly, causing a lot of jumping, attracting a lot of attention!

It was "Ooooooooo" and "Ooooooo" again, and the scene was very chaotic.

When the two teachers passed by, and the conditioned reflex shouted "Don't chase and play indoors", the little rookie who fell behind finally became angry and violently flapped his wings, speeding up his flight, and rammed directly into the head of the big black wolf. !

The big black wolf staggered a step and fell to the ground!

Then everyone saw that the little girl was so angry that she patted the head of the big black wolf with her wings, and shouted, "I told you to stop chasing you and chase after you! You still chase!"

The big black wolf was slapped and shaken, but... he silently clamped his tail, not daring to resist.