The Night Adorer

Chapter 1: Northern cold


"This batch of goods will be transported to 'Gangdian City' to participate in this year's Northern Auction"

"I hope to sell it at a good price so that I can survive this year's lonely cold wave."

The rustling sound of communication came from Su An's ears, disturbing the whole consciousness.

Who is speaking? !

I am obviously the only one in the family, so where did the strange voice come from? Su An felt that something was wrong, so she hurriedly opened her eyelids.

The field of vision was blurred at first, and then covered with a layer of dim yellow, and there was a faint light source shining from the front.

—It was a horse lantern hanging on an iron cage.

Under the shroud of the dim light, Su An saw an iron cage the size of a single person, which isolated him from the outside world. Hay was spread under his body, and the bitter night wind passed through the iron cage, blowing on his body, making Su An shudder.

Da da da.

The rhythmic sound of horseshoes came from the front, accompanied by the shaking of the iron cage.

Seeing this, Su An realized that there must be horses and animals with strong legs in front of them, dragging the iron cage cart.

With some curiosity, Su An stared at it.

On the snowy field shrouded in night, it was white and pale, and one could faintly see dark creatures with figures like horses running in the snowy night.

Looking carefully, there is a row of eyes growing on the ribs on both sides of those dark creatures, which are brown and yellow, shaking slightly under the light. If ordinary people witness this scene, they may turn pale with shock and call out hell.

But Su An, who is a hardcore player in "Eternal Night", didn't panic at all. With just one glance, he recognized the opponent as a 'Snow Nightmare Horse', which is the most common vehicle in the cold northern land. .

But then, Su An realized a serious problem—

Northern cold soil

Isn't this the northernmost area in the main world of the "Eternal Night" game

"Eternal Night" is a new generation of virtual games, developed and operated by Tianqi Company. Since its release, it has been at the top of the game player list. Such a popular global game has naturally supported a large number of professional players.

For example, Su An is one of them.

Su An is a veteran player who started the server and entered the pit. After the game opened the gold bank for currency exchange, he relied on "Eternal Night" to earn gold for a living. Everyone in the game circle called him "An Gou". It can be seen that his Strength is recognized. Not only that, Su An is also a core member of the 'Twilight Field' related strategy group, and one of the few in Huaxia District, who can hopefully step into the high-level demigod knight.

Even though he was used to strong winds and waves in the first half of his life, Su An couldn't help feeling astonished when he faced this bizarre scene——

"I'm on the land of Evernight World?"

Su An rubbed his head, obviously in his memory, he drank a few bottles of wine and went to bed instead of lying in the game cabin.

One more point, if he really sneaked into the world of Evernight, according to his personal account, Su An, as a high-level knight and a top expert belonging to the 'Twilight Domain', shouldn't be trapped in a cage. No, mine Something is wrong!

With some confusion, Su An looked at the body.

Under the somewhat messy gray windbreaker, the slender and delicate body is wearing a gray vest with straight trousers underneath. Because of the slender legs, the night wind blows the trousers, like a 'balloon' on the small on the child.

The strength that was once full in the body disappeared, only a real sense of weakness surged up.

Most importantly, through the light, Su An found that his skin had become white, tender and delicate, no longer the wheat color it was before.

This body is not Su An's game character!

Am I logging into the wrong account? Not impossible! Su An denied the idea.

In the interstellar generation with advanced technology, as a national game that takes into account the social field, the image in "Eternal Night" depends on the real appearance, and there is no condition for plastic surgery. In addition, each citizen is bound to a game account, and there is no login. Possibility of wrong account number.


Combining the above clues, it seems that there is only one answer—

"I won't be time-traveling."

"Aboriginal people in the Evernight world?!"

Su An muttered to himself, as a lover of online literature, he didn't need to think for too long when facing a scene with such a strong "sense of sight", an idea popped up in his mind, even when he used to watch the videos of station B , often follow the barrage to play cross-talk.

However, when things really fall on their own heads.

Su An's first reaction was not ecstatic, but feeling empty in her heart, as if something was lost—

"Sure enough, online novels are deceiving."

"This kind of thing is not as gratifying as I imagined. Hey, this is 'Ye Gong is a good dragon'?"

"At least there is good news, I didn't transmigrate into a woman"

Until the howling cold wind made Su An's cheeks hurt. At this moment, he finally recovered and realized his personal situation.

"There are still a lot of iron cages in the night, is this a slave convoy?"

"Who is my identity? Why was I put in an iron cage."

This idea is like a key, which opened a certain key point. Suddenly, a wave of strange memories came to Su An's mind, making Su An crouch with his head in his arms, his mouth slightly opened, and he let out a low moan like a wild animal struggling. —


After a while, Su An returned to his normal state, and when he opened his eyes again, he showed some thought.

"The original name is Suleman."

"A fugitive descendant of the Stuart family."

At this moment, he inherited the memory of the original owner.

The original owner of the body that Su An passed through was Suleman Stuart, and Stuart was his family name.

The Stuart family is well-known in the cold regions of the north, and used to be a sect force that believed in the 'Lord of the Silver Moon' - Mercury Libra.

The important believers under their command donate wealth every year. In return, the Stuart family gained some power, and they had their seats in the House of Representatives in that prosperous city, the largest port in the northern cold region - Nusha Port.

As the saying goes, power and struggle are accompanying products. When people gain power, they are often involved in struggle.

The Stuart family is involved in a 'Game of Thrones'.

Unfortunately, Mercury Libra, who was originally standing behind the family, lost too much in that struggle. In order to stop the loss, the top leaders of the sect took the initiative to withdraw in defeat.

It is simply a classic case of "the ministers are about to fight to the death, why did your majesty surrender first"

Due to the failure of the struggle, someone needed to stand up and take the blame, so the Stuart family became victims. In the final sentence, they were framed as the ghosts of other sects, who had instigated Mercury Libra and planned the whole war behind the scenes— Su An felt that these remarks really tested the IQ of every audience. Of course, in the adult world, only the results are seen.

Mercury Libra gave up the entire Stuart in exchange for the opponent's compromise.

— This is a backstab from an ally.

Fortunately, the earl patriarch of the entire Stuart, retained the careful thinking of the noble tradition, and took the initiative to dismiss the descendants under his command, including the collateral children, just in time to escape the catastrophe.

Suleman Stuart is one of the absconded descendants.

This is the background of the original owner.

The sectarian strife incident that happened in Nusha Port had a great influence, almost radiating half of the northern cold land.

As a veteran player who started the server and entered the pit, Su An has experienced all iterations of the version, so when he accepted the memory of the original owner, he didn't need to think too long before he judged the time point he was in—

"The Angry Shark Harbor Incident."

"It seems to be the story line that took place in the cold northern land in the first official game chapter."

"Hiss, I was reborn to the opening period?!"

Su An felt inexplicably sore teeth, you know, that period of time was known as hell for newcomers.

Whether it is a professional veteran transferred from other games or a cute new player, all of them were thrown into the sand, and they were hanged and beaten in the general trend of the plot.

All of them had bruised noses and swollen faces, complaining endlessly, hating their parents for not giving them a suffering talent tree.

According to the statistical table on the official forum, in the "black history" of life voted by all players, the first game chapter [Northern Overture] is their eternal nightmare. But I found that I downloaded a whole disk of gourd babies.

Because of this, hardcore players who can open up the plot are respected by everyone as pioneers, and Su An is one of them.

Su An is quite familiar with this time version.


Even if Su An has an important position comparable to Master Kirito, there is still one thing that cannot be changed, that is the particularity of "Eternal Night" - players have limited influence on the world of Eternal Night, because the important plot characters, their strength level is too high. Taller.

In each version, the individual strength of those important characters in the plot far exceeds that of ordinary players. No, to be precise, it is all players.

Take the most obvious example.

Until Su An's rebirth, the members of the front-line strategy team, the first-tier global masters, could barely touch the threshold of the 'half-god' level, and they seemed quite powerful.

But if the black abyss erupts, the ancient seal is released, and the whole earth falls into the dark eternal night period.

It is also the later version of "Eternal Night", which can be called "half gods are as many as dogs, walking from the gods to the ground", these players are still cannon fodder, not worth mentioning!

How much influence can a group of cannon fodder have on the entire plot line

There is also a joke on the forum, if it is the "fourth natural disaster" in other games, the lunatics everyone fears, if they are placed in the world of "Eternal Night", they are all a group of little brothers-because of the plot of "Eternal Night" In itself, it is the most terrifying natural disaster!

The so-called players are just a group of spectators in the world of Evernight.

Thinking of this, Su An couldn't sit still any longer. With his back to the lantern, he whispered into the darkness—

"Apocalypse mastermind? I am your dear paying user, are you still mastermind?"

There was no response, only the cold wind in the snowy night, whistling, answering his wings.

Hiss. Su An gasped, and extinguished the thought in his heart.

“Looks cool”

Somewhere, Su An inexplicably had a premonition, a very real premonition.

In the world of eternal night, no other players descended.

There will be no more in the future, the so-called fourth natural disaster!

Of course, the players in the previous life also failed to form a natural disaster, and were crushed into slag by the general trend of the plot.

"Does this count as one person resisting everything?"

After having some self-deprecating fun, Su An calmed down and cheered up—

"No matter what, I have to get out of the desperate situation first."

Su An looked up again, looking at the world outside the iron cage.

At this moment, the pale white man on the snowy field, the iron-caged carriages like him gathered into a long dragon, running along the snowy field.

Accompanied by the sound of horseshoes, Su An sorted out the memory of the original owner.

According to memory, the original owner was not caught by Stuart's enemies. On the contrary, in fact, his identity was very successfully hidden. Nothing special, not noticeable.


This mediocre caravan unfortunately encountered the bandits on the snowy field, and when they were still elites with black sails, it was a matter of course that the entire caravan had little resistance.

Including the usual guards hired by the caravan leader, they are easily dealt with by the opponent like slaughtering a pig.

It only took three minutes for the entire caravan to detect the enemy and voluntarily surrender.

This is a standard abuse game!

The original owner suffered disaster with the caravan, and unfortunately, he became a prisoner.

It's really a bit of a backlog. Su An sighed, and in an instant, he thought of the threat he was facing—

Those bandits are not good people. The reason why they saved everyone's lives was simply to do a slave business, and convert them into reliable gold pounds at the northern auction in Gangdian City to enrich their own pockets.

On the eve of the "Lonely Cold Wave", make a fortune to ensure that you can survive that period of bad times.

This is a normal choice for every Beihan person!

To be precise, the instinct of storing food like a winter bear has already been carved into their bones.

Just like before the Spring Festival on earth, there are always a few lawbreakers who are willing to take risks to commit crimes. Su An laughed at himself silently. The next moment, he looked at the iron cage around him and couldn't help but feel his teeth hurt—

This start is too bad.

"Don't give me a chance to come back."

Su An knew very well that with his current body, it was impossible to break the iron cage without mastering extraordinary power.

Once they are sent to Gangdian City, they will meet their own fate. They must be moved to the slave booth, like a sow that has knocked a seal, and let others choose the goods. If they are lucky, they may be able to save some dignity.

However, judging from the rather good appearance of the original owner, this is probably an extravagant hope.

In this eternal night world where the laws are not perfect, even the weapons in the hands of the nobles can only protect the privileged class.

Sometimes pretty boys are more dangerous than girls.

What should I do? Just when Su An was in distress and felt at a loss as to what to do, suddenly, he felt his waist burning, so he fumbled for it, and found an animal skin book from the leather bag.

This book is not thick, but it feels unexpectedly heavy, and the animal skin is old, with a touch of time.

Su An was slightly taken aback, he recognized the source of the book - it was one of the few things that the original owner took away from the pile of relics left by his mother when he left the family, and it was also something that his mother valued a lot during her lifetime .

At that time, he was accompanied by animal skin books, a silver gray dagger, and a map of secret points to contact family members.

However, before the entire caravan was imprisoned in an iron cage, they were searched by the bandits.

The silver-gray dagger with its exquisite appearance naturally became the booty of the bandits, and the little money left was also confiscated. Only the animal skin books were mistaken for junk because of their poor appearance. Stay on Su An's body.

This was a move in Su An's heart, when he was holding a simple book and observing it carefully under the lantern.

The next moment, the quaint book mutated. The light yellow cover that looked like human skin trembled slightly, and a gap was torn from the center. Looking carefully, there were bright red flesh and blood wriggling in it. After a few breaths, these The flesh and blood condensed into a pair of pitch-black eyes.

The black-colored eyeballs turned slightly, and in the next second, they locked onto Su An, who was close at hand. The bottom under the crack of the cover was slightly vibrated, and a hoarse and somewhat bewitching voice came to Su An. An Erpan—

"It seems that you are in trouble, a descendant of the Stuart family"

"Need my help?"

(end of this chapter)

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