The Night Adorer

Chapter 10: Lionheart Chamber of Commerce (4K chapter)


What's up with Chris Sharp? The moment Suleman saw each other,

In his mind, one of the most impressive scenes could not help appearing: before departure, Chris announced loudly to all members of the caravan that he had obtained the transfer order from the General Assembly, and he was only waiting for this trip. Once the route' is over, he will be promoted to senior director.

This position can be regarded as stepping into the middle level of the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce, but unfortunately, this flag was raised too early. Judging from the results, this caravan encountered the White Wolf Group and suffered losses. As the leader of the caravan, Chris has an unshirkable responsibility. After returning to the chamber of commerce, he must be held accountable. It seems that this gentleman Not only was his promotion in vain, but it had to be delayed for several years.

"Mr. Suleman, thank you very much for your help and saved us."

As a director-level member of the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce, Chris is naturally aware of the 'extraordinary', even if he can't see the specific process of the battle, he can still guess that Suleman is an 'extraordinary'.

After all, ordinary people don't have the ability to single-handedly eliminate the entire White Wolf Group.

You know, that's the famous 'Silver Wolf' Hawthorne

In view of this, Chris's tone was very respectful, even if the other party was once his 'subordinate', and is currently an ordinary member of the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce in name, Chris did not dare to put on airs, but cautiously—

"About the next trip, do you have any plans?" Chris glanced at the noisy gathering place behind him, and involuntarily wiped the sweat on his forehead with his hand.

"Continue to follow the caravan until the next civilized city-state." Suleman noticed his gaze and looked at him in the same way. When he saw a somewhat noisy gathering point, Suleman seemed to understand, and understood the truth of the other party's nervousness. reason.

"Very good!"

Hearing this reply, Chris said excitedly: "Since you are willing to stay, why not, would you consider signing a new contract with our Lionheart Chamber of Commerce and joining us?"

After finishing speaking, Chris hastily added—

"Of course, definitely not as an ordinary member!"

"I can assure you that at this point, as long as you are willing to join the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce, you will immediately be able to obtain a director-level position and be solely responsible for trade matters in a region.

Of course, if you make enough contributions, you can be promoted to senior director soon."

Suleman raised his hand, interrupted the other party's narration like an MLM dealer, and said with a smile: "You seem to have encountered a little trouble? Mr. Chris, it seems that the aftermath of this distress is not over yet. "

Chris's tone faltered, his expression frowning: "Yes, other passengers demand compensation. According to the trade rules of the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce, part of the travel expenses will be refunded. Of course, this is not the most important thing."

The implication is that the most important thing is not the refund, but as a supervisor, Chris has to record a black account in the credit book, which seriously affects his promotion.

In order to eliminate the influence, Chris intends to attract a "superhuman" to join the club? Suleman had guessed what the other party was thinking, and this was a good solution. If it succeeded, not only would Chris be safe and sound, but he would even have credit for it.

Transcendents have a high status, and people with a clean identity are very popular with all major forces.

For example, if Suleman goes to Gangdian City and reveals his identity, well, as a remnant of the Stuart family, he will definitely be on the wanted warrants of major city-states, and he will probably be surrounded by them. But if you were a Transcendent with a normal background, it would be easy to receive an olive branch from the city guards or an invitation letter from the aristocratic forces.

As for private chambers of commerce that are lower than the official power, they are even more enthusiastic.

Suleman was sure that if he joined the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce, as Chris said, he would be promoted from an ordinary member to a director-level member, but Suleman did not rush to agree.

"I need a place to rest."

Suleman neither refused nor agreed, but raised his chin and tapped lightly towards the gathering point not far away.

Chris was overjoyed when he saw this, his obese body trembled a few times with excitement. He didn't expect a few words to make an extraordinary person join the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce. As a special group above ordinary people, there is naturally It belongs to their reserve.

As long as Suleman does not explicitly refuse, it means that there is still some hope, enough for Chris not to neglect.

"No problem!" Chris was very attentive and took the initiative to lead him the way. At this time, Suleman nodded slightly to the little man next to him: "See, you are also going on the road alone, come with me."

The little dwarf was slightly taken aback, his dirty face smeared with mud looked like a small tabby cat. He first looked at Suleman, then at the gathering point not far away, and after weighing things up, the little dwarf nodded slightly and did not speak. , followed behind Suleman.

Under the leadership of Chris, the three returned to the assembly point, which was also the central area of the entire convoy.

At this moment, groups of tourists who have broken free from the iron cage and regained their lives have passed the exciting period, and under the organization of the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce, they have begun to restore order. It's a pity that they didn't behave very well, especially when someone saw Chris, they immediately shouted—

"Winter, the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce must make up for our losses!"

"I can't believe it. Under your leadership, we actually fell into the trap of the Desolate Group."

"According to the contract, you have to bear the greatest responsibility and must compensate, at least the gold pounds that the bandits took from me."

The hustle and bustle of quarrels came like a tide, but when Suleman entered their field of vision step by step under the light of the lantern, the whole scene immediately became silent, as if a duck was being strangled by someone's neck—after all, They all saw Suleman coming back from the snowstorm with blood on his body. He was the murderer who single-handedly defeated the entire white wolf group!

Some people even shrank their necks, not daring to make any more movements.

Suleman raised his eyelids lightly and scanned the crowd—

"You guys still have time to quarrel. On the snowy field in the cold northern land, no one can guarantee that in the next second, no other desolate group will appear in your field of vision, or do you think there is only one Support the 'White Wolf Regiment'?"

As soon as this remark came out, the passengers present felt shivering all over their spines, and they didn't dare to have any more disputes. At least no one dared to delay the matter until they were out of danger, so they turned their heads to organize their luggage or search for the lost snow. Nightmare, I just want to leave as soon as possible.

For Chris, these words definitely don’t have such a big effect, mainly because Suleman’s series of performances have raised his reputation in the caravan to the limit. At least, his current words are more effective than Chris. much.

——Even for the members of the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce, this is the same state.

Chris breathed a sigh of relief, and glanced at Suleman very gratefully. The next moment, Chris ordered a few of his men, and immediately arranged a carriage for Suleman. The decoration was quite exquisite and the cost was not low. The most eye-catching thing is that there is still a Snowmare horse tied up in front of this carriage, and the other party is tightly buckled. Although there has been a riot, it has never broken the rein, and it is also an extremely small number in the entire convoy. The 'carriage' thing.

This is a bloodbath.

There was no words all the way, only the sound of snow blowing on a night.

Obviously, Suleman is still an ordinary member of the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce in name, but the two of them tacitly did not mention this matter.

In Chris's view, Suleman did not reveal his strength, but pretended to be an ordinary person and dabbled in the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce. As long as he had a normal mind, he could guess that there was something wrong with Suleman's identity.

However, Chris is willing to recruit the other party for the same reason. If there is really no problem, wouldn't it be good for them to join the ancient nobles or Orthodox Church? How can you think of a private chamber of commerce, a power lower than them? It is such a simple truth that good birds choose trees to live in, and vice versa.

Watching Suleman and the little man with most of his face hidden under the cloak, after the two got into the car, Chris heaved a sigh of relief and began to direct his men to reorganize the convoy—he ordered most of the iron cages to be abandoned. The other part of the carriage was disassembled into parts, carrying only important supplies, and headed towards Gangdian City under the footsteps of most people.

Because most of the Xuemai horses fled, and only a few remained, it was impossible to completely rely on the foot strength of the livestock like before, so most of the people had to rely on walking.

Of course, Suleman is not on this list

Under the wind and snow, the figures of the people gradually blurred and finally disappeared, and the snow field erased their footprints.

After a few hours.

On the boundless snowfield, suddenly, a group of men and women wearing exquisite leather armor, eagle feather hats on their heads, and exquisite steel bows around their waists appeared from the horizon.

Not long after, they came to the place where the white wolf regiment once fought Su Erman. A woman in leather armor with a straight chest and a slightly raised chin, who was pretty but with a bit of arrogance, suddenly raised her hand, and everyone People stopped one after another.

"Smells of blood"

The woman in leather armor sniffed her nose. The next moment, she looked at the snowdrift on the ground. The attendants beside her understood her eyes, and someone immediately stepped forward to dig the snow. A corpse was turned out.

—It is the body of 'Silver Wolf' Hawthorne!

Seeing the corpse, the woman in leather armor's face changed suddenly, and the nearby members acted immediately without her ordering.

Soon, the nearby shallow snow was swept away, and the residual scene after the night battle was displayed in front of everyone.

"Ms. Selina, the victims were members of the White Wolf Group, and 'Silver Wolf' Hawthorne," a young man dressed in a gray windbreaker said respectfully.

The arrogant woman called 'Selina' gave him a cold glance: "I haven't lost my eyesight, and I can recognize the appearance of the 'Silver Wolf'. What I want to know is, who did this well? Or Tell me, what happened to the White Wolf Group?"

If anyone is here, they will definitely be surprised by Selena's words, because they wear badges on their chests, the pattern is a pure white snowflake, surrounded by an eternal iron blade, they are "Pilgrims" '.

As pilgrims, their task is to hunt the desolate group, but at this moment, Selena and the white wolf group's tone of old acquaintance absolutely subverts their normal image. If ordinary people see it, it is impossible to say, To cause mass panic.

Hearing this, the reprimanded young man in gray didn't get angry, but said respectfully: "According to the 'archer' who is good at tracking, judging from the scene traced back from the original place, it seems that the White Wolf Group hunted down an ordinary Caravan."

"Unfortunately, they were killed by someone during the transportation, and the whole group was wiped out."

After finishing speaking, the young man in gray paused, and cautiously said, "Ms. Selena, are we going to track down that caravan?"

Selena thought for a moment, and suddenly, she sneered: "Ordinary caravan? You tell me, an ordinary caravan is capable of destroying the White Wolf Group, and even the 'Silver Wolf' fell into the hands of the other party." , Will a person of this strength be hired by an ordinary caravan?"

The young man in gray was taken aback for a moment, and in the next moment, he realized something: "What do you mean?"

"Oh, isn't it obvious? This is a 'trap' aimed at us." Selina said confidently: "They disguised themselves as ordinary caravans to lure the white wolf group to hunt them. During the transportation, Which ambusher lurking in the dark suddenly launched an attack, annihilating the entire White Wolf Group in one fell swoop, and leaving an extremely obvious 'clue'—"

"Have you tracked down the whereabouts of that caravan?"

"Ms. Selina, yes. They didn't use extraordinary means to cover up their whereabouts. Of course, it may also be the other party's extraordinary profession, which is not suitable for the act of eliminating traces, such as knights, such as Herrscher." The gray-clothed youth said. Going down, the voice became weaker and weaker. Obviously, he also realized that something was 'something wrong'.

"Oh, they left traces on purpose." Selena shook her head, turned around and ordered: "Don't worry about these things, the top priority is to track down the remnants of the 'Stuart' family and help our old rivals, take care of them." Clean them up."

Now that it was determined which caravan was a 'trap', there was no need for them to bite the bullet and run into it.

Who knows, what kind of trap is waiting for them ahead

Selena chose to ignore it. Anyway, in her opinion, this trap was most likely set up by 'Mercury Libra', specifically targeting them. After all, they are members of 'Natural Shelter'. Sects are in dire straits.


Everyone obeyed her order, but before leaving, the young man in gray couldn't help but asked a lot: "Ms. Selina, we are obviously in the same situation as 'Mercury Libra', why do you want to help them hunt down?" traitor'?"

Selena glanced at him, and suddenly, the lady's tone was playful: "With your IQ, you can tell that the Stuart family is a scapegoat, so it's obvious that everyone else is the same. "

"So, we help Mercury Libra eliminate the 'traitors,' so that others will feel afraid to pledge their allegiance to Mercury Libra."

Suddenly, the young man in gray chose another direction and continued to pursue the remnants of the Stuart family.

Soon, this group of pilgrims disappeared at the end of the snow field.

—The direction they chose was completely opposite to the Lionheart Caravan.

4,000-word chapters, the contract has been sent, and I will keep two chapters per day (2,000-words x2) when I get a recommended position. The information is almost finished. Hey, the sudden blue screen last week is really hurt, please ask for a ticket.

(end of this chapter)