The Night Adorer

Chapter 102: Looking for Classics


Central Library. Suleman looked at the hall-like building in front of him, and in the night, he saw the guard at the door from a distance.

This is the palace of knowledge controlled by the ancient nobles. Although it is open to the public, a certain social status is required to enter the library, so guards are arranged to be on duty at night.

With Suleman's identity, coupled with his friendship with the ancient nobles, it is easy to get in, but the problem is that his identity is too 'high-end', which instead brings some troubles.

Even if the ancient nobles pay attention to his privacy, they will not monitor Suleman.

But the problem is that the library itself is an open building, and the library is full of fish and dragons during the day. God knows, will some of the inner ghosts of the prayer society stay in the library? Taking the opportunity to monitor Suleman

After all, the original belief of this civilized city-state is the Praying Society, and it is normal for some people to slip through the net.

In fact, Suleman's original intention was not to have any major enmity with the Praying Society, but since he joined the Bounty Guild, everything he did was explicitly or secretly aimed at the Praying Society.

Even if he doesn't care about it, and has let the other party go a lot, the other party may not appreciate it. Maybe he still harbors resentment and wants to retaliate against Su Erman. The opponent is on the road.

This is Suleman's code of conduct. He will not act like a fool, waiting for the other party to come to revenge.

Unable to enter through the main entrance, Suleman quietly used his dark vision to walk around to the side of the central library, where there are windows corresponding to the public washroom.

After all, no matter how clean a public washroom is, it would not dare to make it into a closed environment unless it wants to suffocate the user.

These windows are all set higher, about seven or eight meters above the ground, which shows the height of the entire library.

As soon as Suleman's fingers circled around, the shadow condensed into the control line, pulled his body, like a nimble night cat, successfully climbed to the edge of the window, and the next moment, he pushed away the colored plaid The window, silently, turned into the interior of the bathroom.

"The vigilance is not strict enough. After all, even if there are stolen books, selling them is a big trouble." Suleman commented on this.

It is true that knowledge is very precious in this era, but the books that record knowledge cannot be converted into gold coins immediately.

Some thieves have stolen books and want to sell them, but who wants to buy them? The latter paid a membership fee to the ancient aristocrats, or had enough social status to enter the library to borrow books, and there was no need to take the risk of offending the ancient aristocrats.

What's more, can't someone who is capable of stealing just steal gold pounds? Why bother, selling stolen goods is even more troublesome, so the library's defenses are relatively lax, which also gave Suleman a chance to sneak in.

Suleman left the bathroom and came to the corridor outside, which was dark and quiet.

According to the memory of his previous life, he did not stay at the bottom floor, but quietly went to the upper floor along the spiral staircase.

On the way, Suleman encountered several patrolling guards, holding lanterns and carrying batons to patrol around. But helplessly, Suleman was always one step ahead of them, and his field of vision was wider than the range of lanterns. He found a good position every time, and avoided their inspection without danger. Came to the upper floor of the library.

A huge bronze door with a simple appearance stood in front of him.

This is the upper floor of the library, like the auditorium of the ancient Roman Colosseum, with a circular building layout, with gates embedded in the walls, and behind the gates are book warehouses, which store a large number of borrowed books.

The strange thing is that the huge bronze gate in front of Suleman is very high, at least seven or eight meters high, not like a gate prepared for humans. Under normal circumstances, if a borrower wanted to open the door, he would have to call two guards and ask them to work together to push open the huge bronze door.

"This is a door left over from ancient times, from the second era ruled by giants." Suleman looked at the giant bronze door, and relevant information naturally appeared in his mind.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Central Library, that is, the period when the three nobles were established, as collateral members of the Sith nobles, they also inherited certain customs.

For example, books that record historical knowledge must be stored behind the 'Giant's Gate', which is a tradition imprinted in the blood.

These giant bronze gates are in fact the products left over from the ancient city-state of giants. After all, Gangdian City existed very early. From the information provided by Ms. Heidi, it is not difficult to conclude that this city-state existed as early as the second era. The Silver Age has already existed. Then, when the ancient nobles overthrew the Qishenghui's rule, it was not uncommon to find a few 'Giant's Gates' from the ruins of the city-state.

"According to the information on the forum, it should be this door."

Suleman didn't act in a hurry. He listened for a while and relied on his perception attributes to confirm that the other guards were far away. Even if there was a small movement, they would not be alarmed in a short time.

The so-called perception attribute, like the luck attribute, cannot be added, but its value depends on the weighted influence of the four major attributes (strength, agility, constitution, mystery).

To put it simply, no matter what attribute you upgrade, it will increase perception. The difference is that some attributes have a greater impact, such as mysterious attributes, which have a far greater impact on perception than attributes such as strength and agility. It just so happens that 'Dark Knight' is a career path that focuses on mystery. Suleman's mystery attribute is as high as 17 points, so his perception is also 8 points, which is close to the limit of 9 points for ordinary people.

More than 10 attributes, this is the attribute field that only extraordinary people can step into.

In this case, Suleman's listening effect is very good, unless the other party has the ability to focus on concealment. Obviously, the group of ordinary guards do not have this ability. Their movements cannot be hidden from Suleman, and every move is under control. .

"It's time to act."

Suleman took a deep breath, and stretched out his hands to support the huge bronze gate. The next moment, he straightened his back, and his strength was deduced to the bronze gate along his arms. Ka Ka Ka, accompanied by veins popping up on his fair skin, the heavy door was slowly pushed open, making a slight, imperceptible creaking sound, which spread far away in the silent corridor, but it was not clear enough to be heard. Alarm the guards below.


When Suleman stopped exerting force, a burst of smoke filled the air, and the bronze door revealed a gap for only one person.

Seeing this, Suleman sneaked in sideways, but considering the difficulty of pulling the door in the opposite direction, and the fact that the guards seldom go to the top floor, even if they did, it would be difficult to find a gap in the door in a dim environment, so Suleman did not Close the door smoothly.

Behind the bronze gate, rows of towering bookshelves are neatly arranged, filled with all kinds of books. If you don’t know someone, you want to find a goal in the library without relying on the “book collection” , the difficulty of executing it is no less than searching for an ancient shipwreck in the sea of ashes.

After thinking for a while, Suleman relied on his 'dark vision' to search carefully.

He numbered from the letters on the wooden shelf, and found the 'Biography of Bards' bookshelf smoothly.

"Biography of Bard, "Legend of Heroes of Algas." Suleman silently recited the famous taboo, and soon, his eyes were on the bookshelf, near the right side, a book hidden among many books, with a brown cover The animal skin book attracted.

According to the description on the forum, there are no pictures of the real thing, but the players searched the scholar's diary and found the appearance description of "Legend of the Argas Heroes" and the corresponding bookshelf location. Judging from the situation, it should be this one. Book.

Suleman reached out from the bookshelf and gently pulled out the animal skin book.

The cover is covered with dust, and with Suleman's wiping, it reveals a brownish book cover with a sun wheel pattern surrounded by rocks. In ancient times, this was a symbol of giants. It is less mysterious, but more historical.

In the center of the wheel of rocks, there are four large characters of 'Algas' depicted on it.

Turning to the first page, Suleman saw the description above—

"This is a bardic biography that records the famous characters in 'Algas'. When you open the preface, it means that you will step into this adventure full of wonder and fantasy."

"This is the silver age when giants and ancient dragons are fighting each other, and ancient species rule the world, and everything is subject to them."

"When I write this preface, I hope someone can glimpse the traces of history, and"

"Hehe, remember my words firmly."

Suleman quickly flipped through the book, and soon, the contents of the book appeared in front of his eyes. Generally speaking, the perspective of the story unfolded from a half-giant named 'Elmon', who was a hybrid between a giant and a human.

Although he has giant blood in his body, the other half comes from human blood, which made him despised, because in the Silver Age, human status was very low. Even compared to mixed-race half-orcs, they were discriminated against and bullied by the former because of their inherently weak bodies. In the Silver Age, humans were the bottom of the biological pyramid, only slightly better than beasts without intelligence.

It is worth mentioning that half-orcs are high-level extraordinary beings, descendants of human races mixed with humans. Because they have broken through the normal reproductive isolation, their reproductive ability is very low. It is necessary to find half-orcs with similar blood in order to give birth to offspring.

Due to the special way of reproduction, they often disappear after two or three generations. Today, in the human society of the gray iron age, it is difficult to find their traces. Perhaps, only the southernmost Pine Tree Domain, there will be half The whereabouts of the orcs.

Gathering his thoughts, Suleman continued to read. This half-giant named 'Edmond' was born in the city-state of [Algas], the sanctuary of the kingdom of giants, but due to the mixed blood in his body, he Not allowed to live there.

So, Edmond, who was expelled from the city by the pure-blood giants, walked northward along the dark forest covered with gray mist and iron thorns, and came to the northern end of the world of eternal night, which was the northern cold land in the second era.

At that time, the cold land in the north was not as cold as it is now. The bitter cold ice wall that has stood for thousands of years still resisted the wind and snow. Moon Night'.

On normal days, ordinary people can enjoy the scorching heat of summer even in the cold northern city-states, and there are four seasons in a year instead of only one long winter left.

After a long journey, Edmund finally came to a civilized city [Lanya] established by a mixed race. This is a civilized city that is loyal to the kingdom of the giant gods but has its own rule. There are also some mixed-race nobles in the territory. , such as Sith.

On the first day Edmund arrived in [Lanya], he met the half-orc Kadan from the caravan. Later, they were involved in the vortex of the nobles in [Lanya]. , resolved many disasters.

During this period, Edmund also got acquainted with the beautiful and charming noble lady Lina, and the two sides fell in love with each other. However, in the follow-up adventure, the [Lanya] nobleman hired a powerful assassin. As a result, Edmund was killed. Assassinated to death.

main character is dead

Seeing this, Suleman felt no wavering in his heart, because the name "The Heroes of Argas" explained the content of the book, and it was complained by the scholar in his diary in his previous life as "the narrative of the characters is extremely chaotic, But the logic of the plot is smooth, which constitutes a weird storyline, for which Suleman has long been prepared.

So he read on.

After Edmund's death, the content of the novel was changed to an assassin's perspective. The assassin relied on his achievements to climb up the ranks, and hoped to obtain a "specially trained" aristocratic secret. In the end, things backfired. At the most critical moment, the assassin was attacked and killed by the half-orc Kadan who came to take revenge, and became the second death protagonist in this book.

In the end, the content of the book was transferred to the half-orc Kadan, because his actions violated the aristocratic majesty, but there was an intercession from the noble lady Lena. As a result, he was punished and sent to the giant axe arena, where he needed to perform a life-and-death fight before he could regain his freedom.

The content of the book ends here, and there is a paragraph of "to be continued" at the back.

"The next step is to unlock the secret of the book"

Suleman didn't hesitate. With a swipe of his finger, he used the hatching to cut a little of the skin, allowing the blood to seep out and land on the brown pages of the book in front of him.

In the next second, the blood seems to have life, and it is derived independently, and outlines the text content that is far greater than the blood volume——

"Originally, the enemy that half-orc Cardan had to face would be a half-blood with giant blood. The opponent was so powerful that he could smash Cardan's head with a single axe. It's too much to handle!"

"It is foreseeable that Kadan's end will not be too good."

"But the noble lady Lina couldn't bear to see that ending. In fact, after Edmund's death, her feelings had been passed on to Cardan. deeply imprinted in her heart."

"So, the noble lady Lina came up with a brilliant plan."

"As long as the opponent is replaced with a weak one, then Kadan will be able to survive!"

"Oh my god, that's a really clever plan!!!"

The blood drawn on the book paused slightly, as if it was experiencing something, and the next moment, it regained the information, and outlined a large paragraph of text at an extremely fast speed—

"Miss Noble Lina cleared up the relationship and let the jailers secretly replace the cell of the duel target with another object, um, a very weak human, a pure-blooded human!"

"My God, in a city-state ruled by mixed races, there is still a pure-blooded human. However, the status of pure-blooded humans is low, which seems reasonable, and it is also in line with the goal of the noble lady Lina."

"the most important is"

"Kadan can survive!!!"

Accompanied by the extremely exciting text description, wow, an inexplicable suction came. The next moment, Suleman felt the environment around him change. It suddenly became extremely noisy and lively, and the air was also filled with fiery heat!

When he raised his head again, under the extremely hot sun, it slowly came into view like an ancient Roman arena.

Above the arena, rows of races with traces of mixed blood raised their arms high and burst into appalling cheers. Their eyes were filled with excitement and bloodthirsty, and they were ready to welcome the next match that happened at Fighting in the arena.

PS: This is a two-in-one word count, but there will be another update tonight, which counts as an additional update!

(end of this chapter)