The Night Adorer

Chapter 104: Storyteller


When the billowing black smoke was like thick ink, the cheers of the audience were silenced.

In an instant, Kadan's face changed suddenly, and a horrified expression appeared on that animal face with fluff!

After all, in his perception, the pure-blooded human being in front of him was so weak, how could he reveal minions even more vicious than him when he turned his head? !

At the moment of life and death, Kadan didn't care about hiding his secrets, his body was one step faster than his consciousness, roar! Accompanied by his roar, an extremely solid, rock-like shell appeared on his body, which seemed full of security.


The extremely sharp straight knife slashed at the body of the rock. The next moment, the rock exploded, winding up like thick black smoke, tearing the half-orc's skin, causing him to let out an extremely shrill scream that echoed in the arena Voice!

Accompanied by the screams, Kadan hurriedly retreated away, no longer the previous ferocious posture.

Kadan is a half-orc with feline features, so his face has obvious tiger whiskers and thick fluff. At this moment, due to the blood staining his body and face, these features are no longer fierce. It looks like, There is an illusion of a tiger falling in peace.

But the "Legend of the Heroes of Argaz" floating beside Suleman did not stop there. On the contrary, it described crazily in the book, narrating the development of the next "plot"—

"Kadan! God, he was injured!"

"No one can imagine that that pure-blooded human being who looks extremely weak actually has the strength to traumatize Kadan."

"But what is even more unexpected is that Kadan! He is also an extraordinary person!"

"No wonder, the half-orc Kadan was able to attack and kill the assassin and complete a gorgeous revenge. It turned out that he had already learned the basic knowledge of the extraordinary field from Edmund's relics, and also got the knowledge about the 'Warrior of the Rock' The promotion ceremony, as well as a core material closely related to him, secretly completed the promotion. Others do not know this, even the noble lady Lina!"

"This is really a plot twist with ups and downs!"

Accompanied by the description in "The Legend of the Heroes of Algas", Kadan, who is facing Suleman, has been rising steadily, and he is approaching the second level. No, it should be said that he is showing his strength!

Because while he was increasing his strength, a certain book next to him was also describing——

"It turns out that Kadan has been hiding his strength. After he killed the assassin, he learned about the extraordinary domain from the other party. Regarding the mystery of subsequent promotion, before he was arrested by the nobles of Yalan, he fled for a long time. For months!"

"During this period of time, Cardan has been collecting materials and secretly preparing for promotion."

"In fact, he is already a Tier 2 powerhouse!"

Accompanied by the description in the text, in front of him, Kadan finally 'exposed' his second-level strength, a section of rock derived from his muscles, completely covering the entire body, leaving only his face exposed, looking from afar , as if he was wearing a set of rock armor, giving people the illusion of a 'rock iron man'.


The spectators above the arena burst into incomparable cheers.

As the residents of the second era, as the intelligent life of the Silver Age, they are not like the humans of the third era, who themselves know little about the extraordinary domain. On the contrary, they are very clear about the division of extraordinary ranks, and can vaguely guess the characteristics of ranks.

At this moment, they realized that Kadan was not as strong as he appeared on the surface, this is a transcendent who has stepped into the second level!

Shocking reversal!

Great value tickets!

The audience, who were mainly mixed races, suddenly became as excited as if they had been beaten into chicken blood. They thought it was a massacre, but who would have thought that pure blood humans would burst out with the strength of extraordinary people? But Kadan is more perverted than him, and it is beyond everyone's expectations. This seemingly naive half-orc actually hides the second-level strength!

"Kill him! Kill him! Kill him!!!"

"Crush his neck! Kadan!!!"

"Sure enough, it was the right choice for me to pressure Kadan to eat the subsistence allowance!"

The extremely loud cheers came to my ears one after another, Suleman felt a little helpless, and turned to look at the book.

The ups and downs of the plot, you are writing a novel instead Suleman complained silently, of course, he knew that this is a secret keeper, a test given to those who accept the test, and once they pass the test, they are eligible to accept that sub-profession.

"From the description of the situation, there is a lot of 'information' contained in this cracked space, and it can actually breed 'second-order' powerhouses." Suleman silently analyzed, and the next moment, he raised the straight knife again—

"Of course, this should be its limit. After all, it is a creation without a master, and there is no new spiritual power injected into the book. It is impossible to create a life at the level of 'pardoner'!"

"However, the 'Secret Keeper' was indeed powerful. I'm afraid he wasn't a demigod, but he was close to that level."


In the next instant, Suleman took the initiative to attack, not giving the half-orc Kadan a chance to breathe—

"If you only have the second level, then stop here!"

at the same moment,

Kadan was about to move, when suddenly, his eyes froze, and at some point, his body was covered with shadow lines!

These shadow lines have a color similar to the environment, and are extremely difficult to distinguish. Moreover, they have already quietly wrapped around Kadan's bones without anyone noticing, involving his joints, making Kadan seem to be suspended The puppet, hard to break free!

At the end of all these shadow lines, it was Suleman's hand. He was holding the invisible thread ball. In the next second, Suleman squeezed it hard!


There was a clear grinding sound erupting from Kadan's body, which made his evasive action dragged down. He could only watch Suleman approaching him straight away. The straight knife covered Kadan's entire field of vision!


The smoke and dust filled the air, covering the sight of the audience, and everything happened too fast.

Especially Suleman's outburst made them instantly silent.

The entire gladiatorial arena was silent, quietly looking at the central field, and when the smoke and dust cleared, Suleman was behind the half-orc.

The next moment, Suleman turned around gently, and with his actions, the half-orc Kadan's neck spurted blood, and an animal head with an expression of disbelief and horror rolled away in front of everyone's eyes. fell to the ground.

In an environment that seemed to be silent, only Suleman's side, the books that were not seen by others, crazily described words—

"My God! It turns out that Suleman has already been promoted to the second rank! This is a relic gift left to him by a retired bounty hunter. Suleman came to [Yalan] to be on the stage and show his personal strength. This will win the favor of the Yalan nobles!"

"In fact, Suleman Stuart has long been under the command of the nobles of Yalan, but his identity is extremely secret, even the noble lady Lina doesn't know it, oh yes, Lina is dumbfounded at this moment, staring at Suleman's back is fascinated."

"She feels like she's in love!"

"Sulman was imprisoned as a 'pure-blood human', and was secretly arranged by the Yalan nobles to replace the original half-blood giant, just to kill the half-orc Kadan by surprise, and also to make the arrangement of the noble lady Lina fall through. Fact In the end, he did a great job, not only obeying the entrustment of the nobles of Yalan, successfully replacing the half-blood giant, but also killing the half-orc Kadan—he is the final winner!"

"This is really a plot twist with ups and downs!"


The audience burst into cheers, deafening, like the best gift for Suleman!

PS: There is another update tonight.

(end of this chapter)