The Night Adorer

Chapter 106: Blood of Giants


clatter! clatter! clatter!

When crisp footsteps came from the stairs behind him, Suleman didn't need to turn his head, he could already feel the silence-like atmosphere in the nearby auditorium. The next moment, he turned his head and saw an aristocratic girl, she was wearing a 'Crinolin skirt', very luxuriously dressed, with a pendant larger than her body, making one suspect that she was not wearing clothes, but fitness equipment.

The beauty of this noble girl's facial features may not be as good as Ibis's, but she is also a rare beauty. Her actions immediately made all the people in the nearby auditorium who were watching Suleman become silent and their faces turned pale. There was a mixture of surprise and envy on his face.

This is 'Lena'

Suleman is not an idiot. The first time he saw the other party, he combined her dressing style and the other party's behavior in line with the plot text, and immediately guessed her identity. Obviously, this is the one who once had a crush on Edmund, and later fell in love with the half-orc Kadan. After he killed Kadan, he obviously fell in love with him again!

This. This is definitely a master of tea art, right? Suleman recalled her character design again, only to feel that the roots of the teeth were sore, full of complaints, and the feeling of having nowhere to pour out.

At the same time, Lina had already lifted her skirt and came to him, smiling sweetly and saying—

"This warrior, I... can I hear your name?"

Accompanied by her words, the nearby auditorium regained consciousness, and whistles broke out immediately.

Some people applauded, some whistled wildly, as if cheering for Lina.

The romantic feeling of bravely pursuing love is something that is sought after by people no matter what era it is. Especially in the second era, under the rule of the giant royal family in the silver age, people worshiped simple and crude power, and also set off a passionate custom.

Isn't a charming noble girl chasing after a down-and-out young man an extremely attractive topic

The whole atmosphere was well created. Suleman was not charmed by the other party's actions. On the contrary, he glanced at the books in mid-air from the corner of his eyes. As expected, the "Heroes of Argas" was describing words—

"Oh, my God! Lena couldn't restrain her infatuated love anymore, she decided to confess her love in public!"

"Confess in front of thousands of people in the arena, and let them become witnesses of my love with Suleman!"

"Yes, although Kadan's body is still lying on the arena not far away, it is not important."

"The corpse is not the point!"

"As long as the love between her and Suleman is witnessed, even the nobles of Yalan can't separate the two. Oh, just as they looked at each other silently, on the steps behind the two, Lena's father Jeffery are coming too"

Before the text was finished, Suleman suddenly interrupted the noble girl—

"Sorry, my name won't be announced to mixed races."

"I am a pure-blooded human being."

After finishing speaking, Suleman turned his head and ignored her. Such an obvious refusal also made the pretty face of the noble girl turn pale. For a moment, it seemed a bit pitiful, making it difficult for males to resist her charm.

It's a pity that Suleman was not moved at all. After all, in his eyes, the life in this book world is just a bunch of spiritual information. Their essence is similar to that of ethereal creatures. How can Suleman be deceived? Taking a step back, in terms of beauty alone, Lina is still not at the forefront in his eyes. Besides, he has this spare time, so why not go home and flirt with the more attractive 'sister'

These words just fell into Jeffrey's ears. He had just rushed to the entrance of the arena, and he was unhappy because of his daughter's actions.

As a result, Suleman's words were like the sounds of nature, making the corners of Jeffrey's mouth rise.

The gaze that looked at him was also full of admiration

Only the "Legend of the Heroes of Algas" floating in the air, the text written on it paused violently, as if it had encountered a jam, and the next moment, its text was distorted to the point of graffiti, and it also had a tired posture like a void.

At this moment, it seemed to have given up struggling, like a social animal lying flat and letting ridicule, and narrated the text paragraph by paragraph—

"Sulman rejected the noble girl Lina's love proposal. This move made Jeffrey appreciate her character very much."

"At the same time, Suleman's wit also eliminated a hidden crisis, preventing himself from becoming the next Kadan."

"Whether it's Kadan or Edmund, none of them have Suleman's wisdom to deal with them, so they are not the protagonists."

In the narrated text, Jeffrey stepped forward and patted him kindly on the shoulder: "Sulman Stuart, your wonderful performance has conquered me, if you have any needs, you can ask me! "

After finishing speaking, Jeffery winked at him. After all, according to the former, Suleman was an undercover agent he sent.

"I want to get that kind of 'special training' aristocratic secret method, the thing you promised to the high-ranking assassin." Suleman's tone was firm, and the request he made was exactly when he opened "Argas", Assassin background seen from above.

From the perspective of the second character, that is, the assassin who assassinated Edmund, he received a promise from the nobles of Yalan that he could get a "special training" noble secret method, as expected, that is the key to the sub-profession information!

It's a pity that the assassin was killed by Cardan before he got paid

It may be difficult for ordinary people to notice, but Suleman has previous life experience and has performed countless tasks.

He will not neglect every detail.

This is the necessary ability and quality for pioneers who fight on the front line of Eternal Night and dig deep into the plot!

"No problem, come with me!" Jeffery nodded lightly, not forgetting to tell the maids to take the absent-minded lady away: "Miss is very tired, take her down to rest."

When the two left the arena, Suleman couldn't help but glanced at Lena who had been rejected by him.

Suleman was a little concerned about the clothes on the other party.

After all, in his impression, this luxurious and crinoline skirt with a pannier only became popular in the third era, and the most typical one is Rin Snow City. Now that the mainstream is luxurious and complicated, wearing clothes one by one can exercise the abdominal muscles and increase the individual's load-bearing capacity. By the way, the invention of this style of clothing can be attributed to the Church of Steam.

However, in the Second Era, the Church of Steam did not seem to be officially recognized.

Hmm, they seem to be called 'Steam Joint Research Association'? While Suleman was thinking, he followed Jeffrey to the promenade with white stone pillars. As the two of them walked forward, dazzling sunlight shone through the gaps in the stone pillars and fell in front of them.

"Sulman, you are doing very well"

Jeffrey stopped suddenly, turned around and looked at him: "As expected of some rare giant blood, I read it right, you really have extraordinary potential!"

Some thin giant bloodlines. Suleman subconsciously wanted to refute. Suddenly, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught the new words written on the books floating beside him—

"It turns out that this fisherman from Angry Shark Bay is not a so-called pure-blooded human!"

"Sulman Stuart actually has an extremely thin, almost imperceptible giant blood in his body!"

"No wonder, he will be valued by the retired bounty hunter, and he will teach all skills, which originate in his body, with an extremely thin blood of the storm giant! At the same time, it is precisely this point that the old man A bounty hunter will let him go to [Yalan], only in this land can there be a place for hybrids!"

This is described in my background. Suleman’s pupils gradually widened. You must know that he is not an information object in this intersecting space, and he will not be directly affected by "The Legend of the Heroes of Argas". Only for Jeffrey, Lena and others.

Because they are the information creations of "Algas", fabricated from spiritual information floating in the virtual world, just like programs, they can be tampered with by "Algas" at will, of course, this action will consume "Algas" strength.

If the plot is tampered with too much in a short period of time, "Algas" will fall into a weak state.

It's like the computer memory is not enough and it is stuck.

However, Suleman is not within the scope of the 'tampering'. In other words, neither his power nor the blood in his body are affected by "Algas". He invents a 'background'.


"Algas" said that he has a thin blood of a giant in his body. This is not a tampering of the plot, but Suleman himself. He has some thin blood in his body, which will be shown in the background!

I... I am the same as the Sith nobles, and I am also a descendant of giants? Suleman's heart was shaken, and for a while, some strange details in the memory left by the original body also appeared in his mind—

The direct descendants of Stuart tend to be taller, especially males. They are tall and powerful, their arms are thicker than the thighs of normal people, and they are simply synonymous with humanoid beasts.

However, there are some exceptions among the direct descendants, such as the half-sister Sylvie, who is slightly taller than girls of the same age and has no other characteristics. She is still a beautiful girl with a slender figure, and her blood seems to be suppressed same.

Even those burly male members didn't dare to be rude to Sylvia, and they were a little afraid of her. They only dared to secretly look at that radiant girl with greedy and infatuated eyes in a corner where no one was paying attention.

Su Erman was bullied in the family because of his lack of stature, slenderness, and bad background. On the contrary, Sylvie seemed to like him very much, and often treated him as a direct descendant. to defend him.

Why, the original body didn't know that he had giant blood in his body.

correct! 'I' has a bad background, and it's normal for the Stuart family to keep 'me' a secret. After all, apart from being a bit taller, the members of the Stuart family really don't look like descendants of giants from their appearance. In this generation, bloodlines are already extremely thin. Suleman figured out everything.

Although there is giant blood in his body, it is extremely thin as recorded in "Algas", perhaps less than 3%, and the remaining 97% is human blood, so in essence, he is still counted as a human being. Humanity.

As for Sister Sylvie, there may be about 5%, which is only reflected in her tall figure and long legs.

Only those straight line members who are tall and burly will have a blood concentration of more than 20%. Well, they may be born with an extra talent, which is what the aborigines call a 'trait'. This is the panel advantage brought by the race value. Suleman complained silently, and withdrew his thoughts again.

"Algas" will mention the source of his blood, which is probably also a "customs clearance reward", a small easter egg set by the secret keeper for the inheritors. After all, Suleman has completed all the assessments and can immediately obtain the sub-profession.

At this time, Jeffery also stopped, and he took out a sheepskin scroll from his arms and handed it to Suleman.

"This is the assassin who originally asked for that 'special training' noble secret."

PS: This chapter is two in one, and there will be another update in the evening.

(end of this chapter)