The Night Adorer

Chapter 107: A Thousand Illusions (additional subscription)


The noble secret method Surman looked at the sheepskin scroll in front of him, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Finally got it.

At the moment, without any hesitation, he took the sheepskin scroll from Jeffrey's hand, which was soft but light in weight.

At the same time, a reminder sounded in Suleman's ear—

[Hint: You have obtained the professional item Thousand Illusionist's training secret method (unique), this item can be taken out of space.]

[Reminder: Your occupational status meets the opening conditions of 'Thousand Illusions' (the only one), do you want to use occupational items?]

[Note: Occupational items are the opening requirements for sub-occupations, and they must meet the conditions before they can be used. Please read the manual for specific requirements]

"This is the sub-profession, Thousand Illusionist!" Suleman's eyes lit up, without any hesitation, the next second, he chose to open the item.


Accompanied by Suleman's thoughts, the sheepskin scroll in his hand had a faint stream of light, blending into his body, but Jeffrey, who was close at hand, didn't notice it at all, and didn't know Suleman's actions at all.

This is a movement that players can only detect. The use of professional items will absorb the energy of the above. Generally speaking, a single professional item can only be provided to one player to successfully comprehend the sub-profession.

Some special class items, such as family scrolls that have been passed down for thousands of years, may be provided to three or four players to successfully comprehend the sub-class.

But no matter what, after the energy of granting skills on them is exhausted, the player can no longer use the items to obtain sub-professions.

However, these energy-depleted professional items can still allow the aborigines to comprehend skills (sub-professions) through self-training through the above content. They do not have the instant comprehension of players, but they have the ability to grow themselves.

Suleman has a character panel, which can be regarded as half a player. He can absorb the art-giving energy on the item and comprehend the sub-profession in an instant.

What's more, Suleman is still an aboriginal, even if he doesn't absorb the energy of teaching skills, he can rely on the content of the job item to gradually understand the sub-job. Of course, it is a rather long process, so it is more convenient to add points directly a little.

[Hint: You are comprehending the sub-profession.]

[Hint: The current progress is 5% 20% 50% 100%]

[Hint: comprehend success!]

Boom! Suleman felt a heat flow in his body, rising from his lower abdomen and flowing all over his body. Accompanied by this phenomenon, he had mastered a new ability, which was different from when he was first promoted to the night knight. The ability represented by talent!

[Reminder: You have obtained the sub-profession Thousand Illusionist (the only) Lv1, and the current character level is Lv20 (Dark Knight Lv19+Thousand Illusionist Lv1).]

[Hint: You have obtained the 'only' sub-job, please read the manual for details]

Sorry, I'm in another world and can't read the manual. Suleman ignored the bottom prompt and focused on the panel.

At this moment, the secondary occupation on the character panel changes—

Sub-job: Thousand Illusions (Lv1/Unique)

And in the talent bar below, a new talent has also been added.

[The Face of Thousand Illusions (Incomplete)]: You have the ability to grasp spiritual information, and can intercept part of the information as your own 'mask' cover. The upper limit of the number of masks currently mastered is '1'. Every time you switch the mask object, you need a cooling time of one natural day. You have a gap in the virtual world (fantasy sea) where you can store the 'masks', and you can capture information and store them in it. .

However, your mastery of this 'trait' (innate feat) is not complete enough.

Only when you become a qualified Thousand Illusionist can you master the entire ability.


The 'only' sub-profession Suleman focused on the 'Thousand Illusionist' suffix, which was quite a special suffix.

It means that in the entire Eternal Night World, there is only one player who is eligible to open the 'Thousand Illusionist' profession.

Apart from him, there is no second person who can activate the 'Thousand Illusions'. Including the aborigines!

Using a specific example to describe it, if one player masters the 'Thousand Illusionist', the remaining players cannot trigger the conditions for opening the sub-profession. As for the aborigines, even if they get the sheepskin scroll, they will still be unable to comprehend the content on it due to "force majeure", and they will not be able to become "thousand illusions".

Correspondingly, the sub-job of Thousand Illusionist is extremely powerful, because it is the only profession, even if you have not upgraded the profession to the full level, you can still master a talent in an incomplete state, this is [The Face of Thousand Illusions (Incomplete)] The origin of the reason.

As long as the sub-level is fully promoted, [The Face of Thousand Illusions] will be upgraded to a full state, but Suleman did not act in a hurry.

At the same time, the two were about to come to an end in the long corridor with white stone pillars.

Suddenly, Suleman stopped and attracted Jeffery's attention: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the noble secret method I gave you?"

"No, I'm very satisfied." Suleman shook his head, but looked past Jeffrey to the auditorium behind him.

Suleman has mastered [The Face of Thousand Illusions (Incomplete)] and has the ability to observe spiritual information to a certain extent. At this moment, he can see that the auditorium has become distorted and crumbling, as if it is about to collapse.

Not only the auditorium, but also the outside scenery of the white corridor, the arena in the distance, and a large number of mixed races with various characteristics. Everything is twisting and collapsing, and it is not far from the end.

This is a small space constructed in "The Legend of the Heroes of Argas". It relies on the cracks in the virtual world and mainly provides a testing ground for the inheritors. It also lost its meaning of existence.

Therefore, according to the treatment plan set by the Secret Keeper, this place will actively disintegrate and return to the embrace of the virtual world.

There is not much time left for Suleman.

Without further delay, Suleman asked straightforwardly the nobles of the second era: "Jeffrey, I want to ask, since you said that I have the blood of the storm giant, how much do you know about the storm giant? "

While he was asking each other,

Out of the corner of Suleman's eyes, he also caught the plot text being described on the book suspended in the air—

"In the final stage of the story, Suleman raised his doubts towards Jeffrey, the big man among the Yalan nobles."

"Jeffrey didn't want to answer, but because of Suleman's outstanding performance, he decided to make an exception."

"Tell Suleman everything about the 'Storm Giant'."

Jeffery's eyes were dazed for a few seconds, and he regained his clarity in an instant. Then, like a ruthless repeater, he narrated a piece of history:

"Storm giant."

"Those are the giants who live on the coast and live in the storm. Like other giants, they occupy an important seat in the Giant Court."

"Even because of their powerful force, the unbroken high-ranking members of the storm giants have more prestige than other giants. They are strong winds, heavy rains, and synonymous with the anger of the sea. Well, as far as I know, they also invented A strange ritual, quite an evil and bizarre ritual."

"It seems to be called the 'Silent Moon Ceremony'."

With the end of Jeffrey's narration, the collapse that spread from a distance finally touched the position of the two of them.


The entire space was shattered, like broken glass, cracked and disintegrated inch by inch. In the end, Suleman's eyes flickered, and he saw a large number of mixed races decomposed into spiritual information, including Jeffery in front of him, a piece of A piece of information flowed into a certain place in the imaginary world, a gap much smaller than the space created by "The Legend of Heroes of Argas".

However, Suerman had a premonition that there was a certain connection between himself and that small gap, precisely because of his talent [The Face of Thousand Illusions (Incomplete)]—that is the space where the 'mask' is stored. In the future, if Suleman wants to replace the 'Masquerade', he can obtain materials from that place, that is, all the characters recorded in "The Heroes of Argas"!

This is a small gift from the secret keeper!


Suleman's eyes blurred, and he had returned to the real world. In front of him, the last stroke was written on the "Heroes of Argas".

"Sulman Stuart has become the most famous hero in the [Yalan] area."

"His story is spread among the people, even a three-year-old child is familiar with it."

"The story about "The Heroes of Argas" ends here."

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(end of this chapter)