The Night Adorer

Chapter 108: Try flair


When Suleman opened his eyes again, he returned to the upper floor of the central library, and in front of him was the "Legend of the Heroes of Argas" spread out.

But unlike before, the spiritual power in "The Heroes of Argas" is dissipating, and it won't be long before this book will lose its strangeness and completely return to an ordinary biography.

The only difference is that the story recorded above will not change. It still starts with 'Edmund' as the starting point of view, goes through several characters, and ends with 'Sulman Stuart' as the end of the story. The whole character narrative is extremely chaotic, but the plot logic is smooth, forming a rather weird story length.

If it is sold for money, it is foreseeable that its sales will not be very good.

Suleman withdrew his gaze, turned to open the panel, and looked at the newly acquired sub-profession Thousand Illusionist.

At present, Thousand Illusionist only has Lv1 level, and Suleman has very little experience, but it is not a big problem, because he still has a backlog of tasks that he has not submitted voluntarily.

[Reminder: The Secret Event·The Origin of the Praying Society (Lv27) meets the submission criteria, yes/no to submit the task?]

[Reminder: Your task completion rate is 89%, and the reward is being calculated]

[Reminder: After the calculation, your rewards are as follows—]

"Reward: 15,000 experience points."

As soon as the experience entered the soul, Suleman's experience gauge became rich again. Not only that, he also met the additional reward conditions.

[Reminder: Since the completion of the plot event is above 80%, special rewards will be triggered.]

[Hint: Please choose one of your talents to get the associated skill scroll—]

"The face of a thousand illusions!"

Suleman didn't hesitate. He suppressed the task and refused to submit it, just to obtain the sub-job of Thousand Illusionist, and comprehend the talent · Face of Thousand Illusions (incomplete), and then rely on this talent to obtain its related skills.

When Suleman made his choice, there was a glimmer of light on his palm, and the next moment, a skill scroll emerged, which was the skill for digging deeply into the 'A Thousand Illusory Faces' - [Magic Art]!

"It's actually [Illusion Art]. It's not the best lottery, but it's still a lottery."

Seeing this scroll, Suleman was overjoyed, and directly chose to use it. The next moment, as the scroll turned into a dim light and dispersed from his hand, Suleman had already learned [Magic Art].

"It seems that Ms. Black Butterfly has retained some information. After I listened to her narration, the completion rate of the whole incident is only 89%." Suleman glanced at the completion rate. From the above information, he guessed that Ms. Black Butterfly had concealed facts.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, his goal is more than 80% completion, the skill scroll given by the special reward, the final goal has also been completed, and Ms. Black Butterfly has something to hide, and it doesn't hurt him.

Tuk tuk.

Suddenly, hurried footsteps came from the corridor outside, as if they were heading straight for here, with a very clear goal.

"The guards in the library on duty? did they notice the movement?" Suleman was puzzled, but when his eyes moved to the front, the "Legend of the Heroes of Algas" that was spread out suddenly appeared. understand why.

Since "Argas" released all the spiritual information it imprisoned, it must have brought some visions. For example, when Suleman returned from the world of books, there may be, but not limited to, women in the warehouse where the books are stored. Demon-like howls, children's cries at night, weird and strange shouts, and even at the windows, there will be neon-like brilliance that illuminates the entire song and dance hall.

It's still a weird version of a dance hall!

As long as the guards below are not blind, and have not lost their sight and hearing, especially the latter, they will definitely find something abnormal and organize people to check the situation.

With this in mind, Suleman didn't leave the warehouse in a hurry, but with a thought, he poured all his experience points into the 'Thousand Illusionist' sub-profession, preparing to upgrade its level first!

After consuming a lot of experience, the 'Thousand Illusionist' quickly raised his level, from the initial Lv1 to Lv9.

At the same time, the large amount of experience points accumulated on Suleman's body was completely exhausted.

Today, Suleman's character level is Lv28, level 19 Dark Knight (main job) plus level 9 Thousand Illusionist (deputy job).

When the Thousand Illusionist reached Lv9, only one step away from reaching the full level, Suleman also received a notification sound—

[Reminder: Your sub-profession Thousand Illusionist has been upgraded to the limit (Lv9), triggering a special 'deduction' task.]

[Reminder: Every sub-profession must go through 'deduction' to reach the full level, and at the same time start the progress of the deduction, the entire progress bar reaches 100%, and the sub-profession can be upgraded to the full level, that is, it can be upgraded to Lv10 (and comprehend the talent specialty) .]

["Deduction·Thousand Illusionist": You need to use the ability of Thousand Illusionist to pretend to be a character in the eyes of others. The higher their recognition, the higher your interpretation progress. The current progress is 0% (satisfied with 100% Will unlock the Lv10 limit of the deputy)]

Deduction task, which is the prerequisite for the full level of the sub-class. Su Erman is not surprised. In the past, he was not in a hurry to start the sub-job because of the "deduction" task. Full of a sub-profession.

If understood from the perspective of the aborigines, this is a kind of "epiphany". They need to undergo training, slowly hone the progress bar, meet the conditions at a certain node, and successfully upgrade to the sub-profession, which is the "epiphany" in their eyes ', which is equivalent to learning to be a teacher.

Tuk tuk.

When the footsteps outside the door gradually approached, Suleman stepped a little, and his body disappeared into the shadows.

at the same time,

In front of the bronze gate, a group of guards holding dim yellow lanterns and wearing black and gray police uniforms looked at each other, looking at the gap opened in front of the gate, hesitating each other, no one dared to step in, the dark To the warehouse where people want to eat.

"Austin! You go in and take a look at the situation, we will support you outside!"

Finally, among them was a middle-aged guard who wore a star badge on his shoulders and was obviously higher than the others. He looked like a middle-aged guard who was much younger than him and said to a young man with freckles on his face. .

"Me, me!" The young man called 'Austin' immediately blushed, and instinctively wanted to reject the proposal, but when Austin met his boss's unquestionable gaze, he thought about the upcoming year-end salary, and the lady in the tailor shop who was engaged to him.

Finally, he gritted his teeth—


The middle-aged guard was very relieved, and patted him on the shoulder: "Don't worry, we will support you outside."

Shit support. Austin cursed inwardly and pulled out an extremely ugly smile. The next moment, he took over the dim yellow lantern and walked towards the bronze gate. His right hand was already touching the baton at his waist, his fingers trembling slightly.

Everyone looked at his figure, and disappeared into the thick blackness, followed by a long wait, about a minute, when everyone was anxious, suddenly, a figure in the warehouse came towards them.


"it's me."

The figure's voice was slightly low, as if it was intentionally made difficult for them to hear. However, when his appearance was presented in the dim light of the lantern, everyone saw a very familiar young face with freckles.

"Oh, Austin, are you trying to scare people on purpose?" The middle-aged guard was furious. He looked angry but concealed his nervousness. He stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder. My palms hurt a little. When did this guy's bones become so hard

"I didn't mean it. By the way, there's nothing in the warehouse." Austin scratched his head, looking a little shy.

These words made everyone feel relieved, and they all echoed:

"Yeah, maybe we're just blindsided"

"In the middle of the night, it is always easy to make people nervous, hehe, maybe we are hallucinating due to collective tension?"

"Is this a 'collective hallucination'? I heard that the psychiatrist in Lin Xuecheng has put forward this point of view."

While talking, the group of guards walked into the warehouse. Even though Austin said it was all right, they still had to inspect it. This is an indispensable process in the work, but since Austin came out safely, it will prove everything, at most it is theirs. It's just an illusion.

No one noticed that Austin quietly stayed outside the door, watching their backs, with the corners of his mouth slightly upturned. The next moment, his appearance changed like watermarks, and he became a young man with soft features again.

He bowed slightly to the crowd, saluted, as if thanking them for their cooperation, and then quietly left the arena like a magician in a circus.

In the extremely dim warehouse, the guards were patrolling in groups.

Suddenly, the middle-aged guard stumbled and suddenly lost his balance, causing him to almost fall.

The middle-aged guard, full of anger, suddenly raised the lantern, and with the help of the dim yellow light, wanted to see who the culprit was—

A very familiar face of a young man with freckles came into view. It was a young man with short hair. He had his coat removed and only his vest was left on his body. At the same time, he was lying on the ground with his face With astonishment—it seemed as if someone hit him with a sap, and he passed out directly.

Looking at the young man who was close at hand, a chill suddenly climbed up the back of the middle-aged guard, cold sweat poured down, soaking his underwear, and a large "water stain map" was lined on the back, and the cool wind blew , cold and creamy.

(end of this chapter)