The Night Adorer

Chapter 110: Ibis' determination


Tuk tuk.

Accompanied by Suleman's light knock on the door, hurried footsteps came from above. The next moment, when the door was pulled open by the blond girl, Suleman was about to come up with a new idea to tease this " My sister' time.

Suddenly, the blond girl standing in front of him suddenly took a step forward.


Ibis slammed the door behind him shut, blocking the view of the outside world. In an instant, there were only two people left in the corridor.

This. What is this for? Suleman was a little stunned, and looked at the blonde girl who had been with him for a long time with slightly confused eyes. Based on his understanding of Ibis, the other party was not a hothouse flower, and she would not have any long-term love, let alone make a confession move.

At the beginning, she was able to escape from the Fushi Palace and go north all the way alone, which proved that she was not easy.

In this guy's bones, he is pursuing 'freedom'. Suleman looked at Ibis who was behaving in a 'human confusion' with a bit of confusion. The next moment, he saw the blond girl suddenly raised her head. On Jue Lu's face, there was a look of determination:

"I, I have decided!"

After yelling this sentence almost like gritting her teeth, Ibis seemed to be unshackled, and her tone was firm—

"That contract, let's sign it now!"

With the two of them close at hand, Suerman could see faint black circles around her eye sockets. It was obvious that she didn't sleep well last night. In addition, she got up in the middle of the night to look for Suerman, but Found that the other party was not in the room, and stayed in the living room on the second floor for a long time

Naturally, she turned into a giant panda.

This. Is this considered for one night? Then I thought about it for a long time during the day, until late at night, before I made up my mind to sign a contract with me? Suleman guessed her psychological process, and for a moment, he had the urge to laugh or cry.

I just pretended to give you a chance to 'choose', but I didn't expect you to be so serious about it. Even if you refused, I would try my best to get you to sign the contract of sale. A thought emerged in Suleman's mind, Of course, it was impossible for him to say that.

"Okay, let's go upstairs then."

Suleman maintained a calm appearance, nodded slightly, turned around and hung his coat on the hanger, put on his shoes, and walked up the wooden steps to the second floor. Ibis looked at his back, silver teeth With a light bite, he followed him up to the second floor.

When Ibis came up to the hall on the second floor, she saw that Suleman was already sitting at the table, with his elbows resting on the table and his palms crossed in front of him. The strange thing is that Suleman didn't take off his gloves. He was wearing white cotton gloves. Matching the dark night outside the window behind him, Ibis's legs tightened, and she felt an inexplicable tension in her heart.

"Please sit down."

Suleman took the initiative to invite her, looked at the nervous blond girl, smiled inwardly, and couldn't help adding—

Commander Ikari's posture is still useful.

Ibis sat down with her legs together. Her posture was very correct. There was no gap between her slender and white legs. Although she was not tall, the proportion of her body to her soft legs was just right, which was in line with the "golden ratio" in human concepts. To put it simply, the lower body occupies 0.618 of the total, that is, the ratio of the upper body to the lower body is 5:8, which will make the girl's legs look slender.

So some girls don't look tall, but their thighs look slender and full of beauty. This is the instinctive pursuit of perfect proportions of human beings - it is an instinct engraved in genes.

Just as Suleman followed his instinct and admired the beautiful scenery, Ibis took out a piece of yellowed paper, which was the "paper of contract" he handed to Ibis yesterday. Captured loot.

"I agree to all the terms and conditions above." Ibis pointed to the words above, which were the conditions that Suleman mixed with blood with spirituality and let the paper of the contract automatically record the conditions.

As he had promised, the conditions above were very broad.

Suleman provided the rituals and consumable materials for the promotion of superhumans. As a price, Ibis had to assist Suleman for half a year, as an assistant, to help him deal with the incident. During this period, if any assistance endangers her, including but not limited to life safety, body privacy, gender dignity, etc., she has the right to refuse. This is a very broad treaty.

Although it is the second-order quality 'Paper of Contract', its binding force is very low due to its broad conditions.

In fact, what really binds Ibis should be her heart.

When Ibis offered to prove that she had agreed in her heart, no matter how binding the contract was, Ibis would not go back on her word. At least she would abide by the bottom line and continue to assist Suleman as long as conditions permit. Up to half a year.

Anyway, if she doesn't sign this contract, she won't be able to be promoted to a superhuman in a short period of time, let alone have the power to protect herself. It is unrealistic fantasy to want to leave.

"Have you really decided?" Suleman wanted to sign immediately, but he still had to put on a show.

You have to give people the power to choose.

"Hmm!" Ibis said no nonsense.

The next moment, she cut her white finger with the steak knife on the table, and dripped bright red blood on the paper, which was absorbed by the second-order contract paper. At the same moment, Suleman also flicked her finger, unable to The captured shadow lines also cut through the skin, causing blood to drip on the paper of the contract. The blood of the two people mixed on the paper, a little bit brightening the contract above.


The entire contract paper turned into a mysterious and distorted bright red pattern. The next moment, the pattern split like a paramecium, split into two, and fell on the arms of Suleman and Ibis. When the bright red pattern was imprinted on the fair skin of the two, both of them trembled slightly, as if they had established some kind of connection.

Of course, this connection is very broad and weak. As long as it is affected by the outside world, its effectiveness will be greatly reduced, or even temporarily invalidated. After all, the conditions of this contract paper are very broad, and the timeline is very long. There are half a year—the longer a bond is bound, the less effective it is.

After signing the contract, Ibis breathed a sigh of relief as she watched the bright red pattern on her arm gradually disappear.

It was relaxed and comfortable, as if some burden had been left behind.

The next moment, under Suleman's surprised gaze, she got up from the chair and walked towards the kitchen.

"What are you doing?" Suleman asked in surprise.

Ibis paused when she heard the words, and turned her head to glance at him, her eyes were somewhat helpless, as if looking at a fool—

"Of course I will prepare supper for you"

"Could it be that you plan to go to bed hungry?"

The next morning, when the sun was shining through the window, Suleman opened his eyes and heard the doorbell from downstairs.

Knocking on the door so early. Who is it

Confused, Suleman hurriedly approved a coat, and walked to the door downstairs. As for Ibis's room, it was still quiet, because she was really tired last night, and stayed up all night until Suleman came home. Do some work.

At this moment, it is estimated that she has no image lying on the bed and sleeping soundly, and it looks like thunder outside can't wake her up.

Without disturbing Ibis's sleep, Suleman went downstairs to the gate, opened the crack of the door, and saw a girl in overalls with a round face and sweet facial features, standing prettyly outside the gate, seeing him Open the door and immediately smile—

"Mr Suleman"

"The materials you entrusted to me have already been collected by the service points in the city!"

(end of this chapter)