The Night Adorer

Chapter 112: promotion ceremony


Annie left in a hurry! Suleman was a little puzzled. The other party didn't seem to have discovered his identity, or Ibis's true identity. It was really confusing. Why did she run in such a hurry

Soon, Suleman no longer struggled with this problem.

He led Ibis downstairs, and came to the table where the ritual materials were placed as Anne said.

Outside the oriel window, the morning sun streamed in and reflected on the two materials of the table, which were in glass bottles.

Suleman stepped forward to check carefully, and found that there was no problem with the spiritual materials, which fully met his requirements—

"The heart vein bud of an ancient oak tree, and three water spirit crystals. The weight of the latter is about 30 grams, that is, one water spirit crystal weighs about 10 grams." Suleman compared the things on the bottle and made Confirm in detail, after all, this ceremony is for Ibis.

If something goes wrong, Suleman will lose a very useful maid cough, it should be said to be a reliable assistant! He silently emphasized in his heart, and the next second, Suleman looked up at the blonde girl, smiled and said to her: "It seems that we have all the materials ready, and we will be able to hold the ceremony for you soon."

"What is the content of the ceremony?" Ibis was a little nervous, after all, it was the first time in her life.

"It's okay to tell you in advance. After all, there is a small request about your upcoming ceremony." Suleman recalled the content of his previous life, confirmed the promotion requirements of the Secret Keeper, and told Ibis—

"When performing the ceremony, you must stay in place in the perception of more than 10 audiences, that is, they think you are staying in place. At the same time, you need to step into the virtual world and perform a very short body shuttle Well, you can understand it as travel."

"Of course, you currently don't have the ability to break into the imaginary world. And I don't have it either, after all, the profession doesn't match."

"But it's not a big problem, because the function of this ceremony is to allow you to complete a shuttle with the body of an ordinary person."

"When you travel through the virtual world, you will be infected by the information state, thus meeting the promotion requirements of the 'mage' profession. This is the heart bud of the ancient oak tree. The main function of this spiritual material is to protect you from Being completely infected by spiritual information and losing consciousness. That will lead to the failure of the promotion ceremony."

Looking at Ibis, who was a little scared by his explanation, the corners of Suleman's mouth rose, showing a 'relieved' smile:

"Don't worry, I will follow you to perform the ceremony."

"If something unexpected happens, believe me, there are means enough to prevent trouble."

There is another one in Suleman's hand, which is derived from the "transfer charm" left by the mage after the end of "The Heroes of Argas". With the power of that spell, it is impossible to guarantee the safety of the two of them. question.

Even if Ibis' promotion ceremony fails, her life can be guaranteed.

The only problem is that it will consume Suleman's hole cards, and considering her own interests, Suleman definitely hopes that she can succeed once.

Fortunately, this is not a ceremony for promotion to the second level, but a professional ceremony for stepping into the extraordinary realm. All Suleman did was to deal with the theoretical accidental probability of less than one in 10,000.

After all, it is a world of eternal night full of fantasy power, and no one can guarantee that it will be safe.

Suleman can't guarantee that there will be no accidents, but he can accumulate cards to correspond to the risks brought by accidents.

"I see, then...then where do we go to find more than 10 viewers?" Ibis couldn't help being curious.

In this regard, Suleman smiled slightly, and he pointed to the simple home clothes on Ibis.

Under the latter's expression full of question marks, Suleman coughed lightly—

"You can change into an evening dress, um, to prepare for the aristocratic party tonight."

"It is the 'target' held by the ancient nobles to attract others."

"Isn't that stage an excellent place? By the way, you should dress up beautifully, at least you must be worthy of my identity."

Ibis agreed with the previous words, until he revealed his true nature, Ibis rolled her eyes, and gave Suleman a hard look. The next moment, Ibis gave him the back of the head , turned around and walked towards the bedroom.

At night, Huangdian District, Mosley's Residential District.

Accompanied by the sound of the wheels of the carriage driving on the concrete road, in the carriage, Suleman looked at the blond girl sitting across from her, who was clearly well-dressed, more charming than before, and extremely eye-catching.

"Tonight, you will definitely gain the attention of more than 10 viewers," Suleman said in admiration.

Ibis raised her eyebrows, and the corners of her mouth raised imperceptibly. Even a mature girl would feel happy when she heard others praise her. What's more, this compliment came from her 'family' whom she knew well, making it even more sincere.

"I'm dressed like this, isn't it just to be worthy of your identity?" Ibis put back her smile and stopped him.

The narrow-minded woman Suleman muttered in her heart, just as the carriage stopped, the two got off together.

The magnificent hall was still ahead, and the weather was fine tonight without the usual snow or freezing rain.

Only thin dark clouds blocked the brilliance of the silver moon, and with the help of the gas lamps on both sides of the street, Suleman could see similarly dressed celebrities and merchants, and they went to the hall together. However, Ibis next to him was indeed very dazzling. Even standing at the entrance, Suleman could feel the regularity of eyes falling on his side.

Seeing this, Suleman stretched out his hand to hold the waist of the beautiful woman next to him. The latter obviously froze, as if trying to struggle.

The most disgusting thing was that Suleman's hand scratched the lower abdomen lightly, with a hot itchy touch, which made Ibis understand that it was not convenient for them to resist under the gaze of everyone. For a moment, a faint blush climbed up her face, and Ibis could only turn her head and glared at Suleman viciously.

But the distance between the two was too close, and Ibis turned her head and moved, not only did not have any effect, but the breath she exhaled, with the faint body fragrance unique to girls, floated into Suleman's nose, the smell was very faint , but it makes people a little inexplicably excited.

Fortunately, Su Erman's concentration is very high, he only held her right hand and scratched it again as a punishment, then he half hugged Ibis whose legs were weak, and the two pretended nothing happened into the hall.

"Mr. Suleman, the Moslian family welcomes you."

As soon as they entered the hall, Scarlett, who had been waiting by the side, greeted them, and she led the two of them into the banquet dance hall.

Long tables with bright red as the main tone are arranged in rows on both sides of the hall, filled with charcoal-grilled turkey, fruit wood-smoked veal steak, cheese and vegetable soup, raw-cut dragon tail fillets, and bread with honey sauce. This is a self-service form. In the center is a huge dance hall, where a pair of acquainted or just-acquainted male and female dancers are waltzing. In the melodious and slow rhythm, with the help of the charm of music, they release their inner emotions.

Sure enough, Suleman took a glance and didn't see 'Light Eye' and 'Code' and others. It seems that they should have acted quietly, and as the acting family head, they have a reason not to appear in the early stage of the dance.

On the contrary, when Suleman entered the hall with his 'sister' on his arm, he immediately attracted a lot of attention, and Suleman couldn't tell whether they were coming for Ibis, or simply mixed in with the noble circle. Ghost, Qisheng will secretly spy on his remaining members.

"As host, I can entertain you in the best way."

Scarci made a welcoming gesture and invited them onto the dance floor: "Please go ahead, I hope you have a good time."


Suleman thanked the other party, and then walked towards the dance floor with his 'sister' on his arm. Along the way, many young men took the initiative to say hello and asked Ibis to dance. Unfortunately, the latter shook his head , responded politely:

"The first dance of the evening, I have to dedicate it to my respected brother."

The seemingly impeccable reason became the best protection for the two, and Ibis' perfect acting skills made Suleman, who had witnessed everything, feel an indescribable sense of absurdity.

Of course, what Ibis didn't finish was that she had only one dance tonight.

"When will we hold the ceremony?" In order to keep it secret, Ibis had to keep close to his ear, and the girlish breath that she exhaled was blowing. For a moment, Suleman had the illusion of being dizzy.

"It's not enough, we have to be dazzling enough to attract everyone's attention." Suleman shook his head lightly, shaking off the strange feeling in his heart, then turned to explain to her: "We have to ensure that our personal impression stays within theirs. Keep it in your mind long enough, well, the longer the better, the effect of the ceremony can be guaranteed."

In fact, the requirements for professional rituals are not so strict, but Suleman strives for perfection.

Ibis didn't know the truth, and nodded in a ignorant way, only thinking that Suleman was quite responsible, and he was so careful in this regard.

As a result, before she was moved for a few seconds, the two had already stepped onto the dance floor. Suddenly, Suleman reached out with his right hand, and the original half-hugging along his waist completely turned into an embracing behavior, and his body also Accompanied by the rhythm of the music, it began to swing at the pace of the waltz.

"What's the matter? Don't you know how to dance the waltz?" Suleman deliberately provoked, and finally, he didn't forget to add: "If you don't know how to dance, I can teach you."

"Anyone can't do it!" Ibis seemed to be insulted. She came from a wealthy religious family, not to mention the common slow-tune waltz, even the relatively rare Latin dance.

After all, a female etiquette teacher was hired to teach them etiquette since childhood.

Before the words fell, Ibis turned her feet and stepped on the rhythm very flexibly, matching the rhythm of Suleman's dance.

Both of them have good dancing skills, which are above the standard line. At this time, the decisive factor in whether they can attract attention in the dance hall is no longer dancing, but the level of personal appearance.

Having said that, when normal people hold the professional ceremony of "Secret Keeper", they pretend to be the magician Suleman while dancing, and they can't help but think of other people's ritual methods, because there are more than one way to complete the ceremony.

In fact, the vast majority of people who become secret-keepers will pretend to be "magicians" to attract a large number of spectators and then "disappear" from their eyes. The area of the Sea of Fog is a typical example—there are many ancient families there, who have mastered the promotion method of the Secret Keeper and the deduction rules corresponding to the sub-professions.

In the port city of Yongwuhai, people highly respect magicians, and some magicians even invented large-scale magic tricks such as "the disappearance of the steel steam cruise ship". feel.

Unknowingly, the venue near the two of them became empty, and the dancing men and women subconsciously alienated the two of them, so as not to become the green leaves that set them off. When the two regained their senses, the focus of the audience had already gathered on them body.

"It seems to be ok?" Ibis's forehead was dripping with sweat, as if she had been fished out of the water, and her whole body became fragrant and sweaty. Suleman could clearly feel it when he stroked her fingers on her back. Moist and creamy touch.

"Well, it should be fine"

Suleman did not let go. On the contrary, he said in a rather high-pitched voice: "Ibis, oh my god! You look very tired. Let me help you to rest. Mosleyan must have a spare dormitory."

"Okay, brother." Ibis tried her best to smile and cooperated with the other party's performance.

It's really exaggerated. Ibis muttered something in her heart, and ignored the mischievous palm on her waist, this bastard, I'm not an idiot, I don't need you to remind me by pinching my flesh! They are almost swollen! Ibis complained silently, wishing to give this bastard a punch, but considering the difference in combat power between the two sides and the consequences of being hanged, she chose to forgive him.

So, under the attention of everyone, the two followed the maid into the second floor, next to the separate bedroom for guests.

Hey. Many young people who were eager to try, when they heard the 'conversation' between the two, and watched them disappear on the second floor, they were immediately disappointed, and all of them looked away reluctantly. Unfortunately, Ibis's moving figure on the dance floor still remained in their minds, just like the brainwashing magic music, which could not be waved away, which made the young people feel more resentment towards Suleman.

In the bedroom on the second floor, Suleman entered the room with the girl in his arms, and immediately closed the door behind his back.

Then, he took out the potion that he had prepared earlier from the secret bag—

"Drink it immediately!"

Ibis supported the wall with one hand, ignoring her weak legs and the inexplicable heat in her heart, she took the potion and twisted it away, and drank it all at once, pouring the cold secret medicine into her throat, She felt a chill in herself, and all the emotions faded away.

With some inexplicable reluctance, Ibis looked up and found that the surrounding environment began to become distorted, and there was a faint illusion of penetrating into the illusion. No! It should be said that her body is breaking away from reality and starting to merge into the imaginary world! And Su Erman, who was close at hand, reacted one step faster than her, and directly hugged her with his arms, and tightly wrapped her waist and abdomen with his arms—

"Sorry, this is a necessary means in an emergency." Suleman explained without ignoring her reaction. The next moment, the two of them stepped into the imaginary world at the same time, completely breaking away from the real world.

There is a scene of distorted colors nearby. Ibis looked up and saw a hut with a garden at one moment, and the next second, the hut stretched and twisted into a cemetery, and beside it, there were originally pedestrians The passing streets suddenly turned into a sea of roaring storms.

This is a place where spiritual information gathers. Many residual information after the death of the strong will gather here to form new life, or to strengthen the entire environment. They may come from the memories of the strong during their lifetime. Some are scenes, some are characters, and some exchange screen,

They are full of chaos, but maintain a certain order faintly. As a "mage" profession, the latter is in this illusory ocean, looking for the source of knowledge and pursuing extraordinary power step by step.

"Don't read too much, most of them are the leftover information of the strong, and you will be affected!"

"Reserve mental awareness, and try to imagine the scene nearby, the most impressive scene in your memory."

"The imaginary world will be pulled by your information and lead you into that place!"

The calm and firm reminder sounded from Ibis's ear, which made her escape from the strange attraction of the fantasy scene and regained her senses. While Ibis was a little scared, she also felt an inexplicable sense of relief.

For some reason, the arm around her waist doesn't seem so annoying anymore, just like before, at least it can bring her a sense of security

"Sketch the picture as quickly as possible without distraction!"

When the soft scolding sound came, Ibis woke up suddenly, and hastily followed his words, sketching a relatively close and extremely profound scene in her mind.

In the next moment, in the virtual world of distorted colors, there was an inexplicable suction force, which pushed away the sea that was roaring and stormy, and the cemetery where plants were growing, and pulled the two people who were vain, towards go in a certain direction.

During this process, a faint green light emerged from Ibis's heart, full of vitality, resisting the erosion of the virtual world's information state. As for her hands, there was a luster like a 'water spirit crystal', acting as a pulling force.

Somehow, in a certain direction behind her, the impressions in the audience's minds have also been turned into precise marks, so that Ibis will not completely lose herself and maintain a relatively clear self-cognition.

As for Suleman next to him, he only needs to use his spirituality to resist information erosion, but Suleman is not a mage profession, and his resistance to this aspect is not as good as that of a mage. long time.

During the whole process, Suleman firmly held a silver-gray charm, ready to activate it at any time.

Finally, I don't know how long


The whole environment suddenly broke open, and the cold wind and snow shone on the faces of the two of them. Suleman looked up, and suddenly found that this was the place where they were locked in an iron cage by the White Wolf Desolate Group at the beginning of time travel. It is also the place where he cheated Sin Yan, gained strength quietly, got out of the iron cage, and met that 'little man' face to face in the dark.

Here is. Suleman looked into his arms, and saw the blond girl opened her eyes, and she was looking at him, with a tired look on her face, but there was joy that could not be concealed. At this moment, Ibis had been promoted to the Secret Keeper Mage.

PS: This chapter is 5,000 words, not too short, right? There will be an update tonight, more updates!

It may be a bit late, but brothers who can't wait can go to bed first.

(end of this chapter)