The Night Adorer

Chapter 12: Deviated from the track


'The disaster girl in the starry sky'. Looking at the petite blond girl in front of him, Suleman couldn't help but think of that taboo name.

— Ibis.

A ruthless person who once slaughtered a large number of "fallen people", she used her profound research on arcane arts to start a bloody rose-like catastrophe. With the help of the ritual closest to the god level, she tore a part of the seal of the black abyss.

This is the pinnacle of the mage path, one of the plot characters closest to the gods!

To be precise, the other party is also a successor to the Black Abyss Secret Code, and one of the top ones.

The so-called successors of the Black Abyss Secret Code, their task is to unseal the Black Abyss and help the Grand Dukes invade the world of Eternal Night. How to break the seal of the black abyss

In response to this, Grand Duke Heiyuan has a backhand, and the method is very simple—using different secret tomes as devouring objects.

Black Abyss Secret Tome, this is the anchor point for the Grand Dukes to invest in the world of Eternal Night, they not only have the function of teaching the successors. Moreover, different secret tomes are also very good supplements to other secret tomes. If there is a black abyss secret book that kills the other successors and keeps devouring their secret books, it will grow rapidly and the entire anchor point will become more stable.

Until a certain critical point is the opportunity for the Black Abyss to invade.

This is also an act that all the princes of the Heiyuan recognize together. After all, the interior of the Heiyuan is not monolithic. I want them to work together to make a wedding dress for one of the princes, and let the other party take the greatest benefits. They are not happy either! Who would be willing to be a 'spare tire' if they can succeed in the position

Therefore, the Grand Dukes of Heiyuan made a contract, allowing the successors to compete with each other, which is the so-called raising Gu, and killing each other. Everyone speaks based on their ability, and the most powerful people are qualified to break the seal of Heiyuan.

— As a reward, they will also receive the greatest god gift.

This method is very good. After all, Duke Heiyuan doesn’t have much power to invest. To use a metaphor, the seal of Heiyuan is like a small water pipe, which can only be filled with content and text the size of a hard disk. lost.

The more power, the higher the loss, up to 95% loss rate.

But if only one black abyss secret book is stuffed, the loss rate may be only half. At this time, the other secret books that are only lost in half and also have spare power are devoured. The power accumulated is naturally higher than that directly through the seal , with higher utilization efficiency.

"It's worthy of the plot of 'raising Gu' that players complain about. Indeed, this part of the world plot is the core of the entire "Eternal Night"."

"The Lords of the Black Abyss are very good, and they are indeed the masterminds behind the invasion."

Thinking of this, Suleman suddenly realized.

No wonder, he has the Black Abyss Secret Tome on his body. According to the original historical trajectory, I am afraid that this secret tome is the contract object of Ibis, so Ibis is the collaborator of the Lord Sin Flame? However, Suleman's unexpected rebirth, like a butterfly flapping its wings, changed the entire trajectory of history Wait a minute, if Ibis gets the secret code!

As for the fate of the original owner.

Even the Black Abyss Secret Code has changed its owner, do you still need to guess? Obviously, the Suleman in the original history is estimated to be completely cold. Maybe he died of the White Wolf Group, maybe he died of other people, or even the Black Abyss Secret Code itself. For unknown reasons, this Secret Code fell into the In the hands of Ibis, she became her cornerstone. The process in the middle is unknown.

Suleman wanted to understand everything, and secretly exhaled. Perhaps, it was this unknown past that caused Ibis's temperament to change drastically. She was cold and bloodthirsty, and set off a killing spree in the cold northern land.

In the previous life, Ibis was one of the most severe disasters among the successors of the Black Abyss Secret Tome.

As for Suerman raised his head and looked at the petite girl who was held by his little hand and curled up slightly, when he looked over, the girl immediately trembled like a frightened little rabbit, but there was nothing he could do. Can only endure silently.

It was really difficult to connect the other party with the disaster girl in the starry sky in his memory.

"What's your name?" Suleman came back to his senses and asked knowingly.

The petite blond girl trembled again when she heard the words, and said weakly like a mosquito: "Ibis."

Ibis only said her name, but she didn't dare to reveal her surname. However, Suleman, as a reborn person, is very clear about the plot of Eternal Night World. Regarding Ibis, this important plot character, of course, he also Had a deep understanding.

Ibis's background is not simple, her actual identity, her mother is from the orthodox sect that believes in the 'Lord of War' - Hand of Glory, a powerful figure in the sect, both power and status are not low. At the same time, their ancestors also believed in warlords, passed down from generation to generation, and the religious giants Fielding with roots are red. It is said that three hundred years ago, the Fielding family had ancestors who were lucky enough to go to the holy land of the Hand of Glory. Church headquarters, participating in the Council of the Holy One presided over by the Pope.

The Stuart family before its decline was inferior to Ibis's background.

Because of this, when Ibis became the contractor of the Black Abyss, that is, the "fallen person" in the population, even her portrait was not on the wanted list, and she was always given enough "development time".

This matter was once complained by players: "In this day and age, you have to know your background to be a villain."

"Hmm, nice name."

Suleman put down her little hand, and said something lightly, but she didn't have any special thoughts. After all, it was the development of the plot in the previous life. With his arrival and changes, it seemed that Ibis would not be able to become a "fallen person".

After all, his hometown was stolen by him.

"Huh?" Ibis was slightly taken aback. She didn't expect Suleman's reaction. Originally, she had prepared the worst plan in her heart.

Regarding her appearance, Ibis definitely has "self-knowledge". Knowing her appearance is a dangerous signal among men, and it is easy to cause trouble. Because of this, she didn't dare to wipe her hands before, and she had to wear a cloak to hide her true appearance when she ate. However, Suleman's calm surprised her. For the first time in her life, she was not so confident about her own conditions up.

Goo. A slight sound came from her lower abdomen, and Ibis blushed, no longer caring about her reserve.

Gobbling a bit, Ibis picked up the fried bread on the table and stuffed it into her mouth eagerly and gracefully. She ate it very quickly, but with her movements, it didn't make people feel bored. However, Ibis quickly noticed that the young man sitting opposite her didn't do anything, just watched her eat quietly—

"Why don't you eat?" Ibis was a little embarrassed.

Suleman shrugged, and said indifferently:

"Wait until your poison test is over."


Ibis froze for a moment, and she suddenly realized the real reason why this guy let her get in the car.

PS: Brothers who have a ticket, you might as well be a little handy and give a ticket.

(end of this chapter)