The Night Adorer

Chapter 122: The method of deduction (additional subscription!)


"The front is the ceremony area, we have to hurry up"

The white-haired old man took the initiative to lead the way. As the senior of 'Adela', he is obliged to undertake the duty of inspection. Of course, the main reason is that the environment they are in is complicated. If 'Adela' leads the way, it may be Where did it bring the two of them.

Even the worst case, such as entering the penalty area by mistake, it is over!

Therefore, the white-haired old man was very active in guiding the way. It was precisely this that made Suleman, who was pretending to be 'Adela', secretly relieved and did not need to worry about his own exposure.

After a while, led by the white-haired old man, they came to the other end of the White Stone Corridor. There was a bronze gate and two black-armored guards waiting beside the gate.

They wore heavy and thick helmets that concealed their faces, leaving only a pair of eyes, and looked at the two 'night watchmen' who came with lanterns. After a few seconds, the black armored guard on the right spoke in a deep voice road-

"Pence, Adela. You are a little late. Do you need to delay so long on the way?"

"I'm really sorry, I. I accidentally tripped." The white-haired old man answered the other party first, and explained without any flaws: "As a result, the candle in the lamp was extinguished by me, and it took a little longer to relight the lantern. .”

The two black-armored guards took a deep look at them, and the next moment, one of them pushed open the bronze gate, and the guard who asked earlier warned them:

"Tonight is very important, don't make mistakes."

After finishing speaking, the black-armored guards behind him had already pushed open the door, revealing a deeper inner corridor embedded in the rock wall.

This is the human elite in training! He has at least level 10. What faction do they belong to? Could it be the remnants of the Praying Society? No, even the Praying Society might not have the financial resources to train an elite army! In Suleman's mind, a lot of thoughts appeared in an instant, but there was no abnormality on his surface, but he was pretending to be a nervous and uneasy 'Adela'.

From the performance of the white-haired old man, it is not difficult to guess that 'Adela' is a junior. Moreover, the black-armored guards also questioned their lateness. According to the character design of 'Adela', at this moment, they should show a little nervousness. If it is too calm, it will arouse suspicion!


The two black-armored guards glanced at 'Adela' and ignored him. In their perception, 'Adela' should have such a reaction. What's more, this is the deepest part of the secret place. No one would think that an enemy could sneak into this place without alerting the outer guards. Under the trend of blind thinking, no one doubted the power of 'Adela'. identity.

"Go in, let's hurry up."

The white-haired old man led him into the corridor, when Suleman passed by two black-armored guards.

At this moment, Suleman felt the progress of his own interpretation, which had been greatly increased by his actions. This was in the other party's point of view, fully recognizing his identity as 'Adela'! From them and the white-haired old man, the progress of the interpretation of "Thousand Illusions" was obtained.

Because I am completely hostile to them, so the deduction progress obtained by deception is very high? It hasn't even reached the step of their "after-the-fact vigilance/doubt of identity", but just "recognition of identity" has brought me such a big progress in interpretation. Suleman immediately understood through the feedback on the panel, and sure enough, the other party and his It is a state of complete hostility!

Are they the forces of the Prayer Society? But... but the members of the Guisheng Guild are gone, they don't look like the remaining members of the Guisheng Guild, they are too calm. It seems that everything is under control, and they don't have the fear of fugitives! Suleman judged silently, and the next moment, he followed the white-haired old man into the depths of the corridor.

On the next journey, the two also saw the waiters walking from the dark passage holding the ritual objects containing unknown things. They were wearing simple robes, but the robes were so wide that they could almost touch their ankles. , this is not the clothing style of the northern cold soil!

When the two parties meet in the corridor, they will take the initiative to nod to them. It seems that the identities of the two are very recognizable.

I can't procrastinate like this. I have to find an excuse that Suleman doesn't intend to waste time. Since he sneaked into this place, he has faintly noticed the huge shadow behind the other party, and he has to rely on the identity of 'Adela'. Find out everything before you know it!

According to the information disclosed in their communication, a major change will occur in the Silent Cold Wave. Indeed, tonight is the coming day of the Silent Cold Wave, leaving Suleman not much time!

Just as Suleman was thinking about a solution, suddenly, another group of waiters rushed forward. When the two sides intersected, the leading maid captain called out to the white-haired old man:

"Pence, immediately inform the people in the 'detention area' and ask them to send a new batch of 'sacrifices' over. My men don't know the way there, only the 'warehouse area' and the 'ceremony area'. Local interaction channels."

"Coco, my duty is to inspect the 'ceremony area'. I can't leave my post without the order of the 'messenger'!" The white-haired old man showed hesitation on his face, because he knew that this was the personal request of the maid captain, not Superior orders.

Otherwise, the other party will directly show the messenger's warrant instead of asking him to act like this

This is the opportunity!

Su Erman's heart moved, without any hesitation, he stepped forward and said to the white-haired old man: "You can leave this matter to me to handle!"

As the 'night watchman' who inspects the entire area, he must also know the roads in the warehouse area, at most he is not very familiar with it, just like the white-haired old man took him to inspect the ceremony area, probably out of worry.

But right now, the matter is urgent. If the white-haired old man refuses to agree, the captain of the maid who is obviously not low in status in front of him may not give up.

Therefore, Suleman chose to volunteer. On this point, I believe that the white-haired old man will agree to his proposal due to the situation.


The white-haired old man hesitated for a moment, then nodded and said: "Okay, Adela will inform the people in the warehouse area, I hope you will not lose the chain."

"After all, tonight is very important!"

After finishing speaking, the white-haired old man hurried forward, and the captain of the maid didn't bother anymore when she saw this, and led her subordinates to carry the ritual objects to the next target location.

Suleman deliberately slowed down by half a beat, and waited for their figures to disappear into the darkness. To be precise, he should have passed the opponent's vision range, but Suleman could still see their backs, forming a perfect vision suppress'.

At that moment, Suleman lowered his head resolutely, and hurriedly rushed towards the direction where the previous maid captain appeared!

From the previous inspection process, Suleman keenly discovered that all the waiters came from the same direction. It's just that he and the white-haired old man walked around the fork in the corridor and kept inspecting the surroundings in a circle. Ordinary people must have fainted long ago and would not notice this.

However, Suleman has 'dark vision', coupled with the imagination of his own mind, he almost formed an incomplete map of the corridors they passed through in his mind. This is the instinct to open up wasteland cultivated in his previous life exploring the world of eternal night!

Of course, it is also inseparable from the outstanding memory after rebirth.

Following this point, Suleman realized that these batches of waiters had a big secret in the direction they used to be in!

Taking the opportunity to shake off the white-haired old man, without any hesitation, Suleman stepped forward and rushed towards the direction where the waiters appeared.

Along the way, he encountered several groups of waiters, but each time, Suleman relied on his dark vision to give priority to the traces of the other party, either hiding behind the white stone pillar, or pretending to be patrolling, Passed in front of them in an upright manner.

Thanks to this, Suleman felt that the progress of the interpretation on his body was soaring at an extremely crazy speed!

Finally, Suleman broke into the end of the corridor, and his sight suddenly disappeared. In front of him was a huge empty hall, with a huge statue in the center covered by green plants. The whole space was like a song and dance theater, extending inwards layer by layer. There are a lot of shadows around.

There was no one in the hall, and the waiters who had stayed here seemed to have evacuated one after another during the previous operation.

Suleman quietly stepped into the hall, followed the shadow by the wall, and was about to get close to the center, under the mysterious statue, when he went to spy for a while, suddenly, his footsteps stopped, and the whole person entered the shadow.

at the same time,

In front of the statue in the center below, a burly man slowly emerged from the shadows. He had braided hair tied with fine shell decorations. He was a person living in the harbor city. have customs.

The moment Suleman saw the other party, he couldn't help shrinking his pupils, and a strange, yet somewhat instinctive, inexplicably familiar name appeared in his heart—


"Jenkins Stuart!!!"

(end of this chapter)