The Night Adorer

Chapter 126: Fierce battle



Suleman rushed out of the shadow area. At the same time, he held a straight knife in his right hand, and billowing black smoke wrapped around it. As if tearing the air, he suddenly slashed at Jenkins under the giant statue.

call! Hearing the wind from behind, Jenkins felt a chill down his spine. Driven by his fighting instinct, he couldn't help but look back. The next moment, a delicate face with a sense of familiarity came into his vision, and Jenkins couldn't help it. blurt out—


At this point in time, under the circumstances of absolute secrecy, Jenkins never expected that he would meet a member of the 'same family', but it happened to be the guy he hated the most, the little wild species who had been protected by Sylvie all the time. When Jenkins thought about it, the cold wind that could almost penetrate the skin came, and a sharp blade tainted with black smoke was already magnified in his pupils, heading straight for the door!

damn it!

Jenkins cursed angrily in his heart. He didn't care about questioning the other party, and his body took the first step—

Wow! A little bit of silvery white light was born on Jenkins' body, as if it was the bright color of the silver moon. This is the blessing from the silver moon, and it is also the exclusive ability of a certain profession - Silver Moon Archer!

This is one of the two branches of the archer profession, the professionals of the silver moon path, and at the same time, they are also the inheritance of Stuart's family!

The Stuart family has the same inheritance as the Silvermoon Church, so they believe in the Lord of Silvermoon and get the support of 'Mercury Libra' in Shark Shark Harbor. The relationship between Silvermoon Church and Hunting Church!


Chiba with the 'Touch of Misfortune' slashed Jenkins' skin fiercely, and in an instant, the sound of metal collisions erupted. Jenkins, as a strong man who had stepped into the third level and had reached the level of 'Member of Pardon' , the blessing of the moonlight that I personally performed, the effect is extremely terrifying. How, how is it possible? !

Jenkins' eyes widened, and in his line of sight, on the long knife that should have been blocked by the blessing of the moonlight, black smoke erupted fiercely, which originated from the erosive power of the night knight.

On this point, Jenkins is also very clear.

After all, Stuart is an ancient aristocrat with a long history. As one of the former rulers of Nusha Port, he is not comparable to the remote Gangdian City. The former is like a first-tier city, and the latter is not even a third-rate city. on the county seat. With such background, the direct descendants of the Stuart family can naturally recognize many paths in the seven major professions, including the night knight.

It was precisely because of his preliminary understanding of the Night Knight that Jenkins dared to resist the opponent's slash after attaching the 'Moonlight Blessing' to his body.

However, this erosive force seemed to be more terrifying than he had imagined, like a gangrene, crazily devouring the moonlight covering his body. In just a short moment, Jenkins felt a sharp pain, piercing through the moonlight grid Blocked, straight into his skin!

Tear it!

Under the severe pain, Jenkins hurriedly retreated. A large stream of blood bloomed in the air, reflecting the astonishment and anger of the 'Member of Pardon'. His eyes wished to kill Suleman.

Suleman shook lightly, and the blood on the long knife fell to the ground, blooming an incomparably bright red.

This is the astonishing power that erupts from the 'Touch of Suffering' after his attribute is raised to 23 mysterious points!

The mysterious attribute is the main attribute of the night knight, which is related to most of the ability effects of this path. At the second level, the attributes of normal professionals will not be above 20 points, because they do not have a panel and cannot assign attributes independently—natives The distribution of attributes depends entirely on daily training and combat instincts. This is the 'development potential' in their cognition. In fact, it is easy to go into a balanced flow.

Only some peerless geniuses, relying on their fighting instincts after being promoted, quickly allocated attribute points, that is, the potential stimulation in their cognition, and would also add points to the 'extreme', so that the main attribute of their career fit was far more than other The attributes are a bit higher!

At this moment, Suleman is equivalent to those geniuses. His main attribute, mystery, is much higher than other attributes, almost doubled. In this case, the killing effect of his ability is naturally also increased significantly.

Not only that, 'Touch of Suffering' is the initial skill of the night knight, and it is not associated with any traits. Although every night knight has learned it, most of them stay behind in the development of 'Touch of Suffering' on the surface.

Very few people can do it. Deeply developing the 'Touch of Misfortune' is like a basic skill. Everyone can do it, but very few people can practice a simple set of Arhat Boxing to the point of perfection, which can be called Extremely rare.

In the world of Eternal Night, if the aborigines want to upgrade the 'Touch of Suffering' to the full level, they need a set of specially trained secret techniques. Some ancient nobles have achieved this, but it is a pity that people who know this news are very Less, and not including Jenkins.

Suleman has a character panel, so he doesn't need to train secret techniques, as long as he spends experience points, his skills can be fully upgraded.

With the superposition of the two, the power of Suleman's slash exceeded Jenkins' imagination. One blow broke the defense!

Suleman drove the spirituality in his body, and crazily poured it on the long knife. At the same time, he looked at the vigilant Jenkins in front of him, and his eyes were fixed on his right hand. Even though the injury was not serious, he still maintained himself. contact.

"It seems that you are still determined and want to maintain the ceremony." The corner of Suleman's mouth rose, and suddenly, his expression became malicious: "How long do you plan to maintain? One minute, or two minutes?"

"Or, do you think you can continue to defend against my attack while maintaining the ritual?"

Hearing Suleman's words, Jenkins trembled and almost cursed.

Indeed, he was able to be cut through by the opponent's "Moonlight Blessing", not only because of Suleman's amazing lethality, but also because he was distracted from maintaining the ceremony. The ravings of the soul.

With the help of their vitality to hit a higher level, Jenkins also has to bear the impact of their remaining souls, internal and external difficulties, which put Jenkins in a desperate situation, but he is unwilling to give up. If he gives up, it means that the promotion will fail!

Otherwise, with his strength at the peak of Tier 3, he wouldn't be so embarrassed.

"Sulman! We are all descendants of the Stuart family, obviously you and I should cooperate"

call out!

Suleman didn't give the other party a chance to speak. He spoke earlier just to disturb the other party's state of mind. At this moment, Suleman has waited for the best opportunity—boom!

Suleman, who suddenly rushed forward, raised his knife and slashed at Jenkins. In an instant, Jenkins retreated instinctively, trying to avoid the vital point, and resisted the knife with his body. This bypassed him.


Suleman approached the giant statue behind him, and slashed at the blue vines above, shattering all the vines with one blow.


Jenkins roared angrily, and the next moment, a very sharp raving sound that seemed to tear apart the soul came from his ears.

(end of this chapter)