The Night Adorer

Chapter 133: Christy



When the scarlet wind blew past, lifting the hair of the two of them, for a moment, Suleman looked at the red-robed woman in front of him, and a name flashed in his mind, that is also an important figure in the Floating World Palace. Members of the Council of Saints of the Church of War:

— Melody Christie.

In addition, she also has a more well-known title, the Red Sacrifice Saint.

It's her? Suleman was a little dazed. The next moment, he realized the reason why the other party appeared here. To be precise, that was the fundamental reason why she could find the two of them. Ibis used her special ability [Messenger], with the help of The virtual world sent a message to the other party!

At this moment, Suleman had already outlined a vivid scene in his mind:

That was the blond girl in the dormitory, witnessing the disaster erupting outside the window, she was at a loss, she could rely on someone for help.

Only her biological mother, who is far away in the floating world palace, is her only remaining relative. At the same time, Melody, as the red priest of the Church of War, is indeed capable of calming down everything and saving Sur who is in danger. Man.


Didn't Ibis run away from home? She took the initiative to report to Melody. She was no less than a criminal who had been on the run for many years. She took the initiative to walk into the police station. She acted outrageously. Did she not want to escape? No, maybe Ibis made up her mind to run away, but before she left, she couldn't abandon me after all, and turned back halfway, looking for my trace in Gangdian City—Sulman guessed her thoughts.

Ibis is a keeper of secrets, and she is not worried about being surrounded by the Church of the Hunt. At the lower level, keepers of secrets have always been known as "masters of escape". What they are best at is not fighting, but escaping, at least in the early stage.

Of course, even if the Secret Keeper is good at escaping, Ibis still faces huge risks if she stays in the city!

She is the 'sister' of Suleman Arthur Doyle, and she is definitely on the list of important figures in the Church of the Hunt. Under such circumstances, Ibis still stays in the city. It shows her determination!

As if to prove his conjecture, in Suleman's sight, Ibis faced the red-robed woman with a flustered expression on her pretty face: "Old mother, me, me, me!"

Before she finished speaking, she was interrupted by the red-robed woman. Melody, who had a mature charm, raised her eyebrows lightly: "I'm not old, little guy, you don't respect me less and less."

Before the words were finished, a gust of wind swept in, causing Suerman to squint his eyes. When the gust dissipated, he saw the face of the woman in the red robe, and it was suddenly in front of his eyes. The two of them were very close, as if very close. He could even see the ocean-like blue eyes on the other party's flawless face, quietly reflecting his appearance.

In an instant, the black abyss secret tome in Suleman's arms, his ink-like eyes widened to the extreme, and star flames appeared faintly.

As long as there is something wrong, there is no doubt that the Black Abyss Secret Code will launch measures. However, the other party's next actions made it calm down a little, and no measures were taken. That was the last rescue method.

"Are you the man the little guy wants to save? Hehe, she ran out for a walk, not only met a very good-looking man, but also willing to give up her freedom for him. She didn't plan to run away." Melody was full of curiosity and looked at him carefully.

Hearing this, Suerman smiled wryly in his heart. Sure enough, this seemingly carefree woman in red robe was not stupid at all.

Even though she didn't personally experience the whole incident, she only got a message from Ibis, and after rushing to the scene, Melody witnessed the changes in Gangdian City, plus the delicate atmosphere between the two of them.

In an instant, she judged Ibis' mind—she gave up running for Suleman.

Melody's analysis is not inferior to Suleman's, but you must know that the former has very little information, but she can make the same guess. Her wisdom is very high. Sure enough, there is no fool in the high-level powerhouse, except for Sin Yan.

Because of this, Suleman gave up the idea of fooling the other party. He couldn't treat Melody the way he treated Sin Yan. It would be self-defeating to treat her like that.

"So, what are you going to do with me?"

Suleman looked at her quietly, straight to the point, without any politeness or pretense.

After all, to deal with a smart person like Melody, you don't need much foreplay, just get straight to the point.

"Disposal. Do you seem to have misunderstood me?" Melody stepped forward suddenly, almost putting her face on it.

The two were so close that Suleman could smell the faint body odor from her body, but it was not a delicate fragrance, but a bloody smell like rust. The taste makes people's blood rush and their heart beat faintly faster.

Before Suleman could understand it carefully, Melody suddenly smiled, but the corners of her eyes were charming, which looked like roses in full bloom, charming and thorny: "I'm not interested in breaking you apart, on the contrary, I have a lot of love for you." I'm very interested. Little gentleman, you don't look like a 'third rank', right? But you can play around with those idiots from the Church of the Hunt and mess up their little tricks."

"Hahaha~, you are really interesting."

"If you're with the little guy, I don't have to worry about her brain. Being tricked into a circle by others, well, being tricked into a circle by you, is it considered a 'bad' situation?" Melody's tone was inexplicable, Especially on a certain word, severely accentuate the tone.

Coupled with her obsequious expression, it's hard to imagine that a man can maintain a calm mind in the face of this scene. It's really a foul! Suleman scolded a tortured goblin in his heart, but he also felt a little strange. The red sacrificial saint in his previous life had an extremely indifferent attitude towards men and women. Basically, no one could see her true side. .

"Then can I stay by Suleman's side?!"

Finally, Ibis, who had been silent all this time, suddenly spoke happily.

What answered her was Melody's teasing tone: "I didn't tell you to follow him, but it would be a huge trouble. If you want to kill him, I don't really mind."

Huge Trouble Suleman's heart moved, and he asked: "You mean the surname 'Christie'?"

"Little gentleman, you are indeed very smart." Melody praised, and took a few steps back gently. She hugged her a little playfully, looked at the blond girl who was still in a daze, and began to explain the hidden meaning of their conversation. —

"I'm strong, but I can't fix everything."

"As a 'Saint of the Red Sacrifice', my every move will attract a lot of attention. Some of them have good intentions and want to establish friendship with me, and some of them have malicious intentions and want to peek at my flaws. Little guy, you are very Good breakout point."

"Your identity and bloodline are all given to you by me. If you enjoy this convenience, then you will have to bear the 'trouble' it brings."

Melody paused, her face was a little dazed, as if she was thinking of something, the next moment, she restrained her smile, and the charm disappeared from her whole body, and there was a sense of solemnity and holiness: "I came from the Floating World Palace The movement is too loud, it must have alarmed some people, their eyes will be cast here, even if I pretend not to see you... Do you think other people, they are all blind?"

"No, they will quickly discover your existence and use you to achieve their goals. Whether they hand you over to me with good intentions or more malicious ones, using you as a chip is a very important thing for you and me. Troublesome things, are you right?"

Ibis pursed her lips, expressing her attitude with silence. Seeing this, Melody smiled lightly, with a look of satisfaction on her face.

At this moment, Suleman took a deep breath, and suddenly asked—

"Did you take the initiative to let Ibis leave the Fushi Palace?"

"Huh?" Melody turned her head to look at him, but nodded lightly: "Yes, she has grown up and has the right to choose her own life, huh, she thought I couldn't see that pair of eyes when I was teaching. Is the disgust contained in the eyes similar to mine? You also underestimate the intuition of a mother, and also underestimate my understanding of her, little guy, I know everything better than you."

After finishing speaking, Melody turned to her daughter, her tone becoming more teasing: "The blueprint of the secret path you got from the head maid Helen... Heh, to be honest, the route you chose is too troublesome. I deliberately arranged the scarlet guards along the way to other places one by one, and it took a lot of effort, if you save me a little time and show consideration for my mother, I won't be so troublesome."

A single sentence was like thunder, making Ibis's face even paler, her fingers tightly pinched her dress, and she looked down at the riding boots on her long legs.

Even if she couldn't see her toes, Suleman could still imagine that she was so embarrassingly embarrassing that she picked out her toes in the "three rooms and one living room". dead.

It's so pitiful. Suleman sighed silently. At this moment, he finally understood the "doubtful plot points" in his previous life. Sure enough, all of this was arranged by Melody, but isn't she worried about her daughter

"Aren't you worried about her safety?" Suleman didn't hold back, and asked again.

In this regard, Melody shook her head lightly: "She chose to abandon her identity and the surname 'Christie', as an ordinary person, to pursue her own life, so she has to bear the corresponding consequences if she loses the protection of her surname."

"Whether she was wronged, bullied, or even hurt her body, I would regret it, but I also respect her choice, not to mention, you also protected her safely and didn't let her suffer any harm, right? "

Suleman was a little speechless, and Ibis, who was next to him, glanced at him quietly, and hurriedly lowered her head like an ostrich.

Sure enough, Melody let her daughter escape successfully, hoping that she could live a relatively ordinary life as an ordinary person—without bearing the responsibility of her surname. Of course, she also lost the protection of her surname.


Melody became serious, and said with a serious tone: "Little guy, since you called me, it means that you have accepted 'Christie' again, so from now on, you have to live as 'Ibis Christie', you understand me mean?"

Without waiting for Ibis' answer, at this moment, Melody looked at the black-haired young man next to her:

"However, I will give him a choice"

"Good-looking little gentleman, are you willing to join the War Church? Come with us and return to the Floating World Palace together?"

ah! Ibis raised her head abruptly and covered her mouth in disbelief. She didn't expect that her mother not only didn't object to the two of them.

On the contrary, there was a faint move to match them up, which surprised Ibis!

Not only Ibis was stunned, even Suleman was stunned for a moment, and couldn't help asking: "Why?"

"I've said it before, you seem to have misunderstood me." Melody raised her eyebrows lightly, and said angrily, "What do you think I'm doing? A gesture of looking down on you, and then telling you to get out? Take the initiative to leave Little guy, stay away?"

"This giggling, it's not like I can do such a stupid thing." Melody laughed slightly, her chest was a little turbulent, and then she restrained her smile: "To be honest, I am very satisfied with your performance , a young man who has not stepped into the third rank can make the hunting church's little trick fail, um, although they are a small stronghold in the countryside."

"No matter what, you are a very good young man, you are very pleasing in appearance, and the little guy also likes you. In addition, the Church of War is also absorbing excellent newcomers and needs to replenish blood. No matter from which aspect, I have no reason to reject you."

"Compared to other wealthy families in the War Church, your background is cleaner and more suitable for the little guy. If you dare to bully her, I guarantee that you have no backer to stop my revenge, right?" Melody blinked. , some playfully threatening words.

"Tell me your answer."

Suleman was a little dumbfounded. He had to admit that what Melody said was very reasonable. However, this beautiful saint who seemed to be only in his early twenties was indeed very courageous. He was just like Ibis in his bones. But more mature than her.

as for my answer

Join the Church of War now? No, this is definitely not a good idea. At least for Suleman, this choice is very bad. Let alone the secret of the black abyss on him, the secret on the character panel alone prevents him from joining the War Church.

Suleman's greatest advantage lies in the future plot in his mind. If he joins the Church of War and prefers to live in the Floating World Palace, even if he has a stable time, it will only be temporary.

In the future plot of Eternal Night World, it may not be a safe place in the face of the natural disaster-like battle of gods and Ukiyo Palace.

There are many plots in the Floating World Palace, which still have a great influence on the world plots, but it is still too early, and the fate node that they trigger has not yet been reached.

Currently running to the Ukiyo Palace, there are only a bunch of small incidents of rotten fish and rotten shrimps. It is more difficult to improve the strength, which is far inferior to Suleman's plan. Thirst for strength more and more.

I'm sorry, I can't go with you because I have cheats. Suleman complained in his heart, but on the surface, he said very seriously:

"I will not join the Church of War for the time being!"

Without waiting for the two women to ask questions, Suleman immediately explained: "I plan to travel the entire northern cold land, looking for breakthrough opportunities from experience, the great red priest, you must be able to see my state, and I am preparing to hit the third place. rank."

"If I go to the Ukiyo Palace with Ibis, I worry that I will lose the motivation to fight!"

"It will also lose the opportunity for promotion!"

These words, he spoke righteously and loudly, and the corners of his brows stained with wind and frost were shining brightly under the sun.

The two women were moved by his words, especially the expression of Ibis, with beautiful eyes, which became more and more beautiful under the morning light.

"very good!"

Melody couldn't help but say that even though she, as a saint, had seen countless talents in the Church of War, at this moment, she felt that none of them were as good-natured as Suleman. Who could face the invitation of a saint? , Still frankly refuse, choose self-breakthrough? !

"Since you want to travel to the northern border, I won't stop you. However, my invitation to you is always valid. As long as you want, you can come to Fushi Palace at any time and choose to join us." Melody finished inviting him, and then Turning to her daughter, she said, "You go and say goodbye to him. In a short time, I can't let you go. I can only return to Fushi Palace with me."


Ibis lowered her head and walked in front of Suleman. At this moment, the two of them were suddenly silent. The atmosphere between the two was interrupted.

Now that they were relieved, the two of them didn't know what to say. After a long time, the eyes of Melody who was not far away became more playful.

Finally, Suerman took a deep breath, and suddenly said, "Yibiwu?!"

The blond girl who had been silent all this time took the initiative to hug the young man who was half a head taller than herself, and suddenly stepped on her feet. For a moment, Suleman felt a soft touch from her lips. The next moment, following his instinct, he subconsciously responded to this. enthusiasm.

After a long time, the two separated gently, and Ibis gasped for breath. She wanted to muster up the courage to say something again, but she met the young man's eyes.


Ibis covered her face, turned around and ran to the red-robed woman, who took a deep look at him, and held Ibis' little hand:

"Come to Fushi Palace early, don't make me wait too long."

Ibis raised her head in astonishment, and looked at 'mother' in disbelief. The next moment, she saw Melody and showed herself a playful expression: "I said it for you, after all, that sentence You didn't say it."


Ibis threw herself into her arms and buried her head like an ostrich. Seeing this, Melody smiled lightly, then turned her head and blinked at Suleman. The next moment, like a red mist, The storm was born out of thin air and swept across the entire snow field.

When the storm passed, the two were nowhere to be seen.

Suleman stayed on the snowfield, looking at everything restored to its original state, only the remaining heat on his lips told him what happened just now.

PS: It's a 5,000-word chapter, I can't hold it anymore since I coded it at night.

(end of this chapter)