The Night Adorer

Chapter 134: 'frank'


When the morning sun shines on the body, it brings a touch of warmth.

Suleman finally came back to his senses and let out a long breath. He looked in the direction where the two women disappeared, and remained silent for a few minutes to calm himself down. The next moment, Suleman withdrew his gaze and was about to turn around.

"You seem to be in a lot of trouble?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice came from his arms, it was the projection of the gods attached to the Black Abyss Secret Tome - Sin Flame.

"Are you awake?" Suleman was a little surprised.

It was thought that it would 'sleep' for a long time, that is, the consciousness of Lord Heiyuan, could not penetrate the seal and come to the world of Eternal Night.

Unexpectedly, at this juncture, Sin Yan took the initiative to 'wake up', much earlier than Suleman expected.

"This seal has been around for too long. I recovered my strength a little faster than you imagined. In fact, I was also surprised. Heh, you Stuart ancestors, it seems quite useless." Sin Homura seemed to see through his confusion, and gently explained.

In fact, he didn't need to explain this to Suleman. Anyway, his identity was a sealed life. As long as he kept his mouth shut, how could the other party know about his situation? However, Sin Yan was in an inexplicably good mood, with an indescribable joy, which made him explain a few words.

This seal is too long. Suleman's eyelids twitched. As a reborn who knew the opponent's background, after hearing Sin Yan's active explanation, he understood the reason for the opponent's early awakening:

Sin Flame is different from other Dukes of Heiyuan, in the world of Eternal Night, he only released a secret book.

In this situation, he had cheated information from Sin Yan back then—at the beginning, Sin Yan had declared that he was the first person he taught, and wanted to conceal his identity, but instead exposed his underpants.

The most terrible thing is that Sin Yan didn't know that he was exposed, and always thought that Suleman was kept in the dark by him.

Because Sin Flame only released one secret tome, it is more concentrated in consciousness, and it is easier to "go online" again. Suleman guessed the reason, after all, the consciousness on each black abyss tome is the god itself, only His They were separated by the seal, and their power was greatly weakened.

The object of the conversation with Suleman at this moment is Sin Flame itself.

However, some grand dukes have released multiple secret books, which are equivalent to multi-line operations. If you use simple game terms to explain, they just opened a few more accounts, and at the same time they are laning/jungle/fighting with others. Even if they are beings at the level of gods, they often have to scatter their energy, but Sin Flame does not. Same, one-to-one mode, the standard VIP service can be called very good.

In this case, the speed at which he re-penetrated the seal was naturally one step faster than other secret tomes.

Of course, I should cooperate with your performance. Suleman thought silently, with excitement on his face: "Sin Yan, it seems that your strength is much stronger than I imagined, yes, I did get into a lot of trouble, It took all the means to save a life."

"Well, when I woke up again, I found that you were already on the snow field. By the way, where is that little girl?" Sin Yan's tone was confused, as if he had woken up not long ago, and all passers-by had nothing to do with it.

Hiss. Suleman took a deep look at it, a little suspicious in his heart, the timing of Sin Yan's waking up was too coincidental, did he really just wake up? But the matter is over, and these are not important anymore. Next, Suleman's top priority is to improve his strength.

At least he had to step into the 'Dawn' level before he had the confidence to go to the Floating World Palace and meet Ibis again.

Melody made an olive branch promise to him, but if his strength is too weak, he may not even be able to accept this olive. The interior of the Church of War is not monolithic, but a new vortex. Suleman is very concerned about this. clear.

As for the way to 'enhance' his strength, Suleman aimed at himself. Since he came to this world, the second mission he has accepted is also the highest level of the world plot · The Battle of the Secret Code (Golden Epic)!

This is the plot of Sin Flame.

Apparently, another round of wool stroking.

"Ibis's family came to her. That family is very powerful. Not only did they solve the problem, but she also took Ibis back." Suleman did not hide the story, and told Sin Yan everything about what happened to him.

From Ibis's true identity, to her mother Melody, they met on the snow field, and the other party, as the saint of the Church of War, offered him an olive branch—she admired Suleman very much, Invite him to be a door-to-door son-in-law.

"You tell me everything, no, why don't you find an excuse to fool me?" Sin Yan was a little stunned.

In this regard, Su Erman walked towards Gangdian City step by step against the dawn on the snow field, and said lightly: "We are partners, and there is no need to hide anything from you on these matters, at least, I think so .”

After hearing these words, Sin Yan became silent. It was very rare that He did not speak any more during the journey, but his eyes fell on Suleman from time to time, which was somewhat complicated and elusive. ponder.

After all, in the process of spying in secret, not only did he see the whole picture of the whole incident, but he also knew that Suleman had 'no reservations' about him, and did not hide anything from him, which can indeed be called telling the truth.

As he approached Gangdian City, Suleman's facial features began to change. At this moment, he did not change into 'Adela', because the cooldown time had come and a new mask could be replaced.

Therefore, Suleman borrowed from the small space left to him by "The Heroes of Algas" the appearance of an ancient person, that is, the residents of the Second Era. Anyway, the people in Gangdian City would definitely not recognize a dead man. There are 'old ones' of thousands of years.

In an instant, Suerman's sideburns became vicissitudes, and his face gradually matured. At the same time, he also became ordinary and no longer conspicuous. Anyone who saw him would react at most as if he was nearly forty years old. The middle-aged man's body is a little too well-proportioned, neither tall nor short, and there is no sign of fat that a middle-aged man should have.

Eagle eyebrows, high nose, slightly thin lips, and a faint scar on the left cheek. This is the current image of Suleman. Except for a pair of red wine eyes, he is completely different from 'Sulman Arthur Doyle'. One can perceive his identity.

With this face on his face, Suleman walked towards the city gate with high strides, towards the city-state after the disaster subsided.

Suddenly, a slight voice came from his ears, like a whisper, only the two of them could hear each other: "Choosing you as a partner is the most regrettable and wisest choice I have made."

Suleman's footsteps stopped, and the next moment, he looked at the city-state that had restored order from the disaster and welcomed the dawn again.

"I'm going to hitch a ride and leave the Sith ruins on the steam train"


"I am also very honored to be your contractor."

There is another update at night, let's see what time I wake up, ask for a ticket.

(end of this chapter)