The Night Adorer

Chapter 136: Northern train


The Jazz Quarter, Tulip Avenue, on the ruins of the 'Golden Song' club.

Teams of loyalists belonging to the ancient nobles were searching for the remnants of the ruins. At the same time, a noble girl wearing silver armor and a slightly heroic appearance looked at the subordinates in front of her solemnly:

"Haven't got Suleman's whereabouts yet?"

"Is there not one of your search personnel in the city-state who can find his trace?"

"I'm sorry, Miss Scarci." The subordinate she questioned had a troubled face on her face: "I, we searched almost every corner of the Jazz District, no, even every area of Gangdian City, unless He hid in the sewer!"

"Otherwise, as long as he stays in the city-state and is seen by others, he will definitely leave traces. We are very good at tracking, but the other party seems to evaporate out of thin air, and there is no trace at all. This... This is contrary to common sense!"

After hearing his justification, Scarlett sighed deeply, but she didn't make things difficult for him any more, and waved her hand with some disinterestedness: "Then you go down, we still have to clean up the mess, this city-state, and the people who have suffered disasters , it will take time to heal everything."

The loyalists followed her instructions, and one by one re-invested in the search operation in the ruins. They wanted to find the clues left by the 'Golden Song' and wipe out the forces behind the opponent.

Scarci stared blankly ahead, her memory still remained on the explosion last night. From that moment on, not only did Suleman disappear, but also a catastrophe broke out in the city. All the ancient nobles were caught off guard, until now, Scarce didn't even understand, what is the connection between these two

I always feel like an idiot. No, the three nobles in Gangdian City are all idiots.

I don't know how long it took, Scarci regained her senses, just as she patted her knees, preparing to join the search operation of her subordinates.

Suddenly, her eyes were attracted by a notebook placed out of thin air on the ground on the right.

"Who let this go?" Scary stepped forward to pick up the notebook with some confusion, and opened it gently. The next moment her eyes widened suddenly, with a hint of astonishment, shock and disbelief.

On the page of the notebook, an opening sentence was clearly written:

"The main points about [Yatu Ruins] are as follows. First, [Yatus Ruins], as the main city ruled by the Sith nobles, was also subject to the rule of the Court of Giants in the Second Era, and believed in the King of Giants. With his followers, in other words, they are all dependent races of the giants, similar to the status of slaves."

"As the vassals of the giant royal family, they followed the giant customs in the ancient customs, so the main entrance of [Yatu Ruins] will adopt the form of 'race identification', and all non-giant races who enter the middle gate will be subject to The punishment of the city-state itself! Of course, these are ancient divine arts that were activated during the war, and their power has dropped significantly to this day."

"If you can pretend to be a descendant of giants, you might as well try the central gate. Heh, I'm kidding."

"Second point, in the depths of the center of [Yattle Remains City], on the site of the former Byrons College, there is a crazy monster that failed to advance, and its level of strength is pseudo-dawn. It is recommended not to approach Byrons College, where It's your forbidden area"

"The third point is that at the eastern end of [Yatu Ruins], there is a bell tower that once rang throughout the city. If you ring the bell tower, the monsters will follow part of their instincts in life, and even gather in that direction. Make good use of it. This can achieve a lot of things, for example, to transfer that crazy monster from Byrons College, but be careful, this kind of behavior is very dangerous!"

"Fourth point, it is said that the Sith nobles once gave birth to a well-known scholar, Lawrence, who was one of the founders of 'blood therapy'. However, in the second era of academic ignorance, that is, the ancient period of the Silver Age , it is not called blood therapy, but is called "exchanging blood" by the general public.

At the same time, blood exchange is not a treatment method, its role is mainly as a gift from the superior to the dependents.

For example, quite a few hybrid giants are not descendants of giants themselves. They have become hybrid giants by using the 'exchanging blood' technique, and there are quite a few of them. After all, the blood of giants was an eternal glory at that time, just like the Sith nobles who were hybrid giants, they were often a head taller than pure-blooded humans, and they were born with dignity. Regarding the blood exchange technique, it may be hidden in Lawrence's The former residence - the largest clock tower that is always illuminated by the moon, the upper restricted area, the locked place, you need to be careful about this. "


Scarce was almost suffocated by the notes full of information. After several seconds of being dazed, she finally came to her senses, swish! Scarci immediately stood up, turned her head fiercely, and swept the entire street.

It's a pity that her efforts were doomed to be in vain, and she couldn't find the familiar figure in her memory. The next moment, Scarlett breathed a sigh of relief, looked at the note and cursed with a smile: "Sure enough, I knew you were still alive, thank you!"

Not far away where no one was paying attention, a middle-aged gentleman with his back turned away from them paused for a while, and soon resumed his steps, disappearing step by step at the end of the street with a brisk and bright rhythm.

[Reminder: You have obtained deductive feedback, and the current progress of 'Thousand Illusions' is 76% (omit the decimal point)]

"Phew, there's only a quarter of the progress left, not even a little bit." Suleman sat on a chair in the waiting hall, having a rare bit of leisure, from his war with the gray-robed man to intervening in the conspiracy of the Hunting Church .

Along the way, all kinds of fierce battles and extremely thrilling situations made his spirit stretched to the limit. If he hadn't had the life experience in his previous life, if he handled it carelessly, he would be in a situation that would be beyond redemption.

However, such a huge risk also comes with a huge reward.

In the process of sneaking into the underground palace, Suleman received great deductive feedback, pushing the "Thousand Illusions" to more than 45% in one fell swoop, especially in the follow-up progress, the Church of Hunting may have mistaken him for other bad luck Egg, let another 'blame man' bear all the hatred. This situation also fits the professional meaning of 'Thousand Illusionist'.

Let the deceived realize that something is wrong, and find that the person they know is actually a 'Thousand Illusionist' pretending to be.

This is the first type of deductive feedback.

Let the deceived have a wrong perception, mistakenly believe that it was done by another object, and let other people take the blame instead of 'Thousand Illusions'.

This is the second type of deductive feedback.

Depending on the occupation, there is more than one way to complete the deduction. Normal people need to explore the method. Suleman does not need to know the answer in advance like them. This is due to the player forum in the previous life.

Of course, there are also his life memories that became clearer after time travel.

"Not only that, but after the matter was over, I faced Miss Anne, Ms. Black Butterfly (Selena), and the ancient nobles with another identity. 45% has been pushed to more than 75%." Suleman silently analyzed his gains, satisfied with this in his heart.

You should know that the progress of deduction does not grow linearly. When it is 0% to 25%, it is easier, but the difficulty of 25% to 50% has increased a bit, which is a bit more difficult than the former, and the further you go, the more difficult it becomes. difficult.

Because the deduction of the sub-professional includes different aspects, such as the two deduction examples above, there are two aspects.

[Deduction progress] It is equivalent to a large-scale map with defects. What the superhumans have to do is to fill in the blank spaces on it piece by piece, and the deduction method is a puzzle style in their hands.

Using only one deduction method, it must be very difficult to fill from 0% to 100%, but using two deduction methods is like having two copies of the same puzzle building blocks in your hand, which is equivalent to having an extra backup. Even if your original version is missing a few pieces, you can find the same color puzzle pieces from the backup and fill in the gaps in the big map. This is much simpler.

If you find all the methods, then your deduction progress will be amazingly fast, such as Suleman.

Suleman returned to Gangdian City with another new identity, and took the initiative to meet Miss Anne, Selena and others. This was his farewell to this journey and the most unique third way of interpretation.

After bidding farewell to several people, Suleman's performance progress skyrocketed, almost as good as the performance in the underground palace, and the original identity was also a perfect curtain call. From now on, Suleman will be able to travel with a new identity——Yasen · Robin.

This is Suleman's diabolical onset, giving himself a new name.

Anyway, in this world, no one will understand its meaning

"From now on, I will be Mr. Yasen."

Suleman looked at his disguised, calloused and secure hands, and complained in his heart, if this 'Robin' was put on the screen, it would probably be the oldest version, right? Of course, this is his disguised appearance, and his real age has to be reversed.

— Woooooo!

There was another billowing sound of air coming from the platform in front, and crowds of people swarmed up, immediately surrounded the entrance of the steam train with a dark exterior, passengers lined up to get on the train according to the order of the station.

Suleman regained his senses, looked over there, ignored them, and pretended to read the morning newspaper.

It is still very early for his train schedule. As the only external transportation of Gangdian City, this station has to bear a large number of steam trains every day. They come from different civilized city-states and head to different civilized areas. .

Because of the large number of incoming trains and the interlacing of routes in all directions, the frequency of steam trains is also surprisingly complicated.

On the cold soil in the north, if there are passengers who take the train, they need to buy a thick line-bound "train timetable" from the station. There are at least hundreds of pages, and the train schedules of major steam companies are written on it. and their departure times.

The major steam companies belong to different moving castles. They are all peripheral organizations of the Church of Steam, but they have internal competition. Therefore, the major steam companies often compete for passenger flow, and like to arrange shifts on peak hours/popular routes. Even on the same steam route, the ticket prices are different due to the different steam companies they belong to.

This kind of situation further increases the confusion of train schedules, such as rushed departures, train collisions, delays, and even serious car accidents. Such bad situations are common and can be called "involvement". Classic interpretation.

Of course, apart from the slightly expensive overall ticket price, the safety of steam trains is still very reliable.

At least it is much safer than traveling with a caravan. Suleman has not forgotten what state he was in when he came to this world. Of course, thanks to this, he met Ibis. , and the flame of guilt!

Now, Suleman already has good strength, and his deduction progress is very high. He only needs to reach the full level of 'Thousand Illusions' to be eligible to advance to the level of 'Member of Amnesty'. Traveling alone on the snowy field is completely not a problem.


Who wants to suffer on the snow field when they can enjoy the comfortable carriage and hot water bath? Therefore, Suleman didn't have the idea of traveling alone, but ordered a 'special seat' ticket, preparing to go to another destination, where he planned to carry out the mission of the secret code.

Fortunately, due to the disaster in Gangdian City, many people lost their identity certificates, or were in a hurry, and there was no time to pack many things, so they wanted to leave this place and stay away from the whole whirlpool.

For the sake of the gold pound, the railway staff who sold the tickets happily added a little to the price of each ticket. Of course, for the convenience of the victims, they also waived the ID card. links.

It's a standard act of taking advantage of the fire, but it's also convenient for some people.

Otherwise, Suleman would have to go to another gray market merchant in Gangdian City to get the identity certificate from him, which would be a bit troublesome, and the most important thing would be to waste time, so there is no need for it right now.

It can be foreseen that good and bad people are likely to be mixed on the steam train in this environment. After all, some absconded elements like 'Ibis' or famous people on the wanted list can get on the train openly and aboveboard without identification.

I hope that there are no people who don't have long eyes and won't offend me. Suleman looked at the morning newspaper, and his heart was quite peaceful.

At this moment, while enjoying his leisure, he silently calculated in his heart.

In addition to the progress of the interpretation, what other things have I gained—

The 40,000 experience points obtained by killing Jenkins, plus the all the way out of the ground, in Gangdian City and the Hunting Church's dealings and killing enemies.

After some battles, he has accumulated more than 50,000 experience points. This is an amazing experience reserve!

He will be able to take off in a wave just after he is promoted to 'Member of Pardon'!

Jenkins' own contact volume, his wallet, and President Qisheng's contribution wallet, even if the coins in the bank's registered account cannot be withdrawn, only cash, Suleman has about 9,000 yuan Gold pounds—that's a lot of money!

This is equivalent to the income of a small country gentleman with land for about five years, which is about equal to the total income of a full-time lawyer working without food or drink for ten years. Moreover, he must be at the top of the elite among lawyers. Otherwise, the income of ordinary lawyers The annual salary is only about 400 gold pounds, and it has to be doubled on the basis of ten years, and it takes twenty years without food or drink to earn this sum of money.

"If you convert it to the earth, it's about four to five million. Well, it refers to before the house price soared." Suleman complained silently. In the end, he still didn't forget the spoils in the secret bag.

Excluding a large number of experience points, more than 9,000 gold pounds, and the Stuart family's "Contact Scroll".

Suleman also seized a C-grade soul tool quality 'Eye of Breeding', which has not been unsealed and is in the state of sealing the negative effect.

This is a courier gift from him when he fought against members of the Hunting Church in the city.

Compared with the beginning of time travelling, Suleman's belongings and possessions are quite different now.

Both the Hunting Church and the Prayer for Survival Society are good people. Suleman sighed silently.

4K4, two chapters in one, please vote.

(end of this chapter)