The Night Adorer

Chapter 139: planner


"Old nobleman."

Hearing this term, not only the woman wearing a cloak on the bed showed excitement on her seemingly ordinary face, even the curly-haired young man leaning against the wall and pretending to sleep immediately opened his eyes, with a look of excitement in his expression. How much joy:

"As long as we join the ancient nobles, we will no longer be wild."

"From now on, we don't have to worry about the Bounty Hunting Guild of the Orthodox Church seems safe, but the area they radiate is limited. Some city-states are completely ruled by the Orthodox Church, or they are autonomous cities of ancient nobles. "

"Without a third-party force to balance, even bounty hunters will be secretly murdered by them."

The curly-haired young man's words resonated with the cloaked woman and the gray-clothed man, who both nodded in agreement with what he said.

They are a fairly typical bounty team. They work in groups of three and collaborate on a large number of tasks. In the thrilling execution experience, the three have cultivated an extremely tacit cooperation and the deepest mutual trust.

However, the long-term tasks have also made them feel tired, especially when they have reached the peak of the first level, but lack the secrets of promotion, and do not know how to advance to the second level. This is a life problem that most bounty hunters will face.

Under such circumstances, they have already begun to think about retreating, and they are ready to find a retreat for themselves to live in seclusion for the elderly.

It just so happens that this mission is their opportunity. As long as they complete it well, they can join the ancient nobles of a certain city-state and spend their old age there. As an official force, they are much safer than wild ones.

That's why they booked this carriage.

It was obviously a bed for four people, but the three of them insisted on buying an extra special seat ticket, four tickets, a total of hundreds of gold pounds, which was worth half a year's income. After all, even if silver hunters earn more than gray iron hunters, they are at the bottom of the superhumans after all. The earning power of first-order superhumans may not be comparable to that of descendants of nobles who have received a 'public school' education, even if they are not superhumans.

Only by being promoted to the second level and becoming the [Original Hunter] in the Bounty Guild, can one accept the internal tasks of the Bounty Guild, and the ability to make money is greatly improved. As for them, it was only by chance that they received this hunting mission from another big shot.

"However, we must be careful in this operation!"

The words of the man in gray attracted the attention of the two team members.

As the leader of the team and their trustworthy object, McCarthy Perkin warned in a very serious manner: "We bought tickets from other cities, arrived at Gangdian City first, and then bought tickets at the halfway station. Get on this train again."

"During this process, I heard one thing from other passengers: the current Gangdian City has undergone a major catastrophe. It is said that it is a secret organization entrenched in the city—the Praying Society. However, due to the timely actions of the Snow Sacrifice Church and the ancient nobles, their actions failed to achieve their goals."

"That ceremony was terminated, but the interior of Steel Code City also suffered heavy losses. It is said that a large number of members of the Hunting Church died in that attack. Hiss. Those are extraordinary members of the Orthodox Church! They accepted the perfect Training, mastery of extraordinary power, and special abilities are all better than us, even if everyone is at the same level, we are not their opponents."

As he spoke, McCarthy Perkin sighed softly, not knowing whether it was because of his own situation or the group of hunting members who died:

"Fortunately, we were one step late. If we were involved in that disaster, the consequences would be unimaginable and terrible."

"Whether it is the ancient nobles or the Orthodox Church, they are the objects we need to look up to. In that kind of disaster, even the members of the Hunting Church are not safe. Huh! After this major disaster, the unscrupulous people in Gangdian City Those who are less wild will definitely want to leave the city-state, maybe some absconders are on the same train as us, so we must solve this mission as soon as possible, and we cannot delay it!"

"Otherwise, unexpected changes will be caused, and the steam investigators on the train will be alarmed, and things will be difficult to control."

McCarthy's words deeply won the approval of the two, and the cloaked woman said in a deep voice: "Yes, we must complete the task as soon as possible. I have determined the approximate location of the box where the target is located by virtue of the effect of the soul tool. The scope should be on the train No. 31-40, we need to knock on the door one by one to determine the real location of the other party."

"In addition, I need to deal with the negative effects of the soul tool, so I can't act together with you."

After the cloaked woman finished speaking, under the unsurprising gaze of her two companions, she lay down directly on the bed. The sound of snoring resounded from her mouth, resounding throughout the room—the E-grade soul tool used by the cloaked woman, and she returned it Not a second-order personality, unable to suppress negative effects.

The negative effect of this soul tool is that every second it is turned on by the user is equivalent to an hour of mental experience. As long as it takes about 24 seconds, you are equivalent to staying up all night.

If it is turned on for one minute, then you have not slept for more than two days, and for one and a half minutes, congratulations, you are not far from sudden death.

The cloaked woman used the power of the soul tool just now to carry on for a total of more than a minute, about seventy seconds, and she was already extremely tired mentally. In this state, she naturally couldn't act together with her two teammates.

Extremely tired she is not a help, but a drag.

"Fanny needs to rest, and we can only rely on the two of us for the next action." McCarthy said seriously to the curly-haired youth, "We have to pretend to be the waiter selling snacks in the car, and knock on each individual box, borrow It's okay to get close to the target and complete the assassination at the end, right?"

The curly-haired young man leaning against the wall heard the captain's inquiry, and the next moment, the corners of the curly-haired young man's mouth slightly raised:

"Pretending to be someone else, this kind of thing."

"No one is better at it than me."

On the steam train, box 36.

Suleman was leaning against the wall next to the bed, silently counting his taskbar.

After leaving Gangdian City, he has already met the submission conditions of the "Heroic Mission: Birth of the Lonely Moon" and has not submitted it. The main reason is that he is about to board the steam train and leave the scope of Gangdian City completely. Then turn in the quests in exchange for rewards.

[Reminder: Heroic mission: Birth of the Lonely Moon (Lv38) meets the submission criteria, yes/no to submit the mission?]

[Reminder: Your task completion rate is 96%, and the reward is being calculated]

[Reminder: After the calculation, your rewards are as follows—]

PS: there is another chapter tonight

(end of this chapter)