The Night Adorer

Chapter 143: identity


"A member of the New Order."

James heard the other party's self-report, and couldn't help opening his eyes. The next moment, he heard Sherlock's explanation: "We accepted your clan's commission and secretly protected you to go to [Cangxue Mountain]. meet you in the town below"

"But the situation has changed. I got an important message from the Bounty Guild's internal intelligence network. The 'Dead Hunting' team is going to attack you. It is the group of people on the train that are hunting you. Their strength is very powerful. .”

Having said that, Sherlock paused slightly, his face extremely serious—

"As far as I know, the 'Death Hunting Squad' has a total of three members, all silver hunters, and they are still the pinnacle of the silver hunters, only one step away from the original hunters! Even if I face their hunting actions, I am afraid I will die , Whether he can save his life is a difficult problem.

Hearing that they were going to attack you, I had no choice but to change the route halfway, and was going to be the first to meet you in the car at Gangdiancheng Station."

"In the end, I didn't expect that the 'Death Hunting Squad' acted so quickly. They had already boarded the steam train, and at the same time they were preparing to attack you, and finally involved me in the dispute. Hehe, I actually have the intention to quit , but the timing seems to be too late."

Sherlock smiled bitterly, and the next moment, he saw James squatting opposite, his expression froze as he was about to speak.

Immediately afterwards, a panicked, almost undisguised expression appeared on his face, sending chills down Sherlock's back. The two had a tacit understanding, and they rushed to the side at the same time, bang! The moment they rushed forward.

The round table in the restaurant that originally blocked their figures was blown to pieces, facing the direction of the attacking two people. A curly-haired young man held his hands in a strange posture, as if he was squeezing something.

boom! boom! boom!

Accompanied by the actions of the curly-haired young man, bursts of popcorn-like crisp sounds resounded in the pitch-black restaurant. Even if the sight of the two was obstructed, they felt the threat posed by each other.

Especially James, at this moment, with the help of the illusory eagle-shaped shadow, he clearly saw the other party's actions, as well as the air depressions that exploded on the floor one by one under the squeezing action.

It seemed that the air in that place was instantly drawn away, causing an explosion that violated order! It has the power that they have to dodge, and the attack method that is difficult to guard against!

This... is this the enemy of the Herrscher profession? James felt awe-inspiring. As the heir of an important branch of the Boya clan, he had been influenced by his ears and eyes since he was a child, and he knew a lot of professional anecdotes, among which some characteristics of the herrscher profession were wrapped.

The scene in front of him not only allowed James to recognize the other party's occupation, but also guessed the specific branch—probably the 'chaos' branch!

This is the attack method possessed by the 'Chaos Herrschers', using the depression after the air is drawn away, which seems to violate the original order, coupled with their extraordinary power, to create an astonishingly powerful explosion. At the same time, the entire attack method has the characteristics of being weird and difficult to distinguish. At the low level, the methods of the Chaos Herrscher are difficult for the enemy to capture, further expanding their threat.

"No, this environment is too suitable for him to play!"

Relying on the hawk-like sight, James narrowly avoided the attack of the air explosion, but his movements were somewhat difficult.

After all, there is not much space in the entire restaurant and even the steam train, leaving little room for the two to dodge, but the other party is still at the peak of the first order, which is a bit higher than James' strength. Whether it is hard power or the environment to play, it is completely Crushed James' situation.

Right now, Sherlock's strength is only enough to be able to compare with the opponent. The chance to break the deadlock lies with Sherlock!

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The curly-haired youth waved his arms, infusing spirituality as if he didn't need money, and invisible and colorless air depressions suddenly appeared at the feet of the two, behind them, or in the direction of the whole body. In just a short moment, they triggered violent and terrifying air explode.


James managed to avoid the explosion, but his left forearm was hit by the aftermath, and it was dripping with blood. However, his injury may not be a bad thing, at least it created an opportunity for Sherlock, bang! With a kick on Sherlock's feet, he rushed towards the curly-haired youth brazenly.

Because of his decisive burst and extremely fast action, coupled with the attention of the curly-haired youth, he was still stuck in manipulating the air and continuously compressing the range of motion of the two of them—this matter.

In an instant, the curly-haired young man was approached by him, with a bit of astonishment remaining on his face. Seeing this situation, the corner of Sherlock's mouth rose, and using his left foot as a fulcrum, he spun his right foot violently, actively covering the solid rock formation. The calf, kick towards the opponent's face!

As a 'Rock Warrior', as a melee-type deputy, and has mastered a plurality of special abilities that are biased towards melee combat! Sherlock has enough confidence that when he gets close to the enemy, he can seize the precious opportunity and kill the enemy with one blow!


When the strong wind wrapped around the rocky whip leg lifted the bangs of the curly-haired youth, the next moment, Sherlock saw the other person's face, and there was no panic at all. On the contrary, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, showing an obvious smile. meaning. not good!

Sherlock felt a chill in his heart, and out of his fighting instinct, he frantically urged his spirituality. In half a breath, his body was covered with thick rock formations, regardless of wear and tear, as if he was facing the enemy of life and death!

At the moment when Sherlock's body was violently condensed into a rock suit, a large number of shadows surged crazily beside him, and in the next second, these shadows condensed into a tall and thin man wearing a black gray coat , wearing silver knuckles in both hands, it was McCarthy Perkin who had been lying in ambush for a long time, waiting for Sherlock to take the initiative to catch him!

"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Accompanied by a slightly hoarse voice, Sherlock's pupils shrank suddenly, and then, he saw the ghostly silver fist shadow all over the sky.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

McCarthy brandished the silver knuckles, and hit Sherlock's body one after another, cracking the rock formation above, and there was a faint tendency to completely explode. The most deadly thing is that Sherlock's hands are protecting his vitals, including his head. At this moment, he can only rely on the rock armor's own defense power, which is one of the special abilities of Panjie fighters, which focuses on defense ability.

But no matter how powerful the defensive power is, there is no way to block the fierce and continuous attacks of the enemies of the same level!


Sherlock flew out and knocked over three or four round tables along the way before he stabilized himself.

But the rock armor on his body has completely disappeared, and his defense ability has been greatly reduced. At the same time, blood is overflowing from his mouth, but he dare not rest at all, his eyes are fixed on 'McCarthy Perkin'—

"You are indeed the captain of the 'Death Hunting Squad', McCarthy Perkin, you are really as rumored, you can endure like a tortoise, this skill makes us sigh." Sherlock said while speaking. Take the time to rest quietly.

Clearly, McCarthy is a Shadow Warrior.

Moreover, he is the pinnacle of the silver hunters, only one step away from the original hunters, that is, the second-level 'powerhouse' level.

Because of this, McCarthy has the ability to lurk in the dark, and with the advantage of the environment, he hit Sherlock in one fell swoop.

In the very beginning, the curly-haired youth used himself as a bait to trick them into approaching them actively, and then let McCarthy, who was hiding in the dark, successfully make up for the fatal blow.

Although the opponent was more vigilant, their goal of killing the enemy with a single blow fell through.

However, they also completed most of their goals. In this case, Sherlock's combat effectiveness was greatly reduced, and he was no match for them at all.

McCarthy looked up at him, as if looking at a dead person: "Even if you try to delay for a few seconds, you can't change the situation. Have you prepared your will?"


At the same moment when McCarthy's words attracted their attention, the curly-haired youth suddenly clenched his hands, as if twisting something. With his actions, the air around Sherlock and James exploded into fireworks again!

Sherlock and James, who had been vigilant for a long time, retreated one after another. They avoided the blasted air under their feet, but the strong escaping wind blade still cut their trousers, adding a few more holes to their legs. The scar was dripping with blood all of a sudden.

As reward-seeking bounty hunters, they essentially abide by the law of the jungle, and there are no strange rules such as 'you must be polite when talking to you'. In this place, how to deal with the enemy is the most critical issue.

"The situation is not good."

Sherlock felt desperate in his heart, not only him, but James next to him also fell from the heaven environment to hell.

But their instincts as extraordinary beings still supported their own will and maintained the final struggle. I saw that the two of them kept tossing and turning back and forth in the dining hall, trying to delay every second.

Facing this scene, McCarthy and the curly-haired youth were not in a hurry. Under the air bomb controlled by the curly-haired youth, they kept crushing the space for Sherlock and James to move. At the same time, they also deliberately kept their distance and did not give Opportunity for the opponent to 'jump over the wall'.

Don't underestimate any extraordinary person, it originated from their dying counterattack!

This is the tragic experience summed up by the bounty guild, and it has been taken as a warning by other extraordinary people. Even if you are not a member of the bounty guild, as long as you travel in the world of eternal night, you must have heard this sentence.

Therefore, McCarthy and the curly-haired young man were very experienced, and they chose to boil the frog in warm water very tacitly, consuming the enemy's state little by little.

This is the end.

Just when Sherlock was getting more and more desperate, he wanted to drag someone to bury him with his strength while he still had strength.


Suddenly, a gust of wind erupted from behind the two of them, sending chills down their backs, because it stands to reason that the master who manipulated the soul tool to pull them into this ghostly place was affected by the negative effect and estimated that the other party resting.

Coupled with the two enemies who are flying their 'kites', now that the three members of the 'Dead Hunting Squad' are complete

Who will be the person who emerges behind them? !

The moment this thought came up, they saw a middle-aged gentleman with a familiar face, with an indifferent and cool expression, and suddenly rushed towards the two people in front of him!

A. Arsen Robin? James and Sherlock's eyes straightened, and their eyelids widened suddenly. They never expected that this seemingly ordinary "one-way roommate" was actually an extraordinary person!

Moreover, the other party, just like their actions, forcibly concealed their identity!

It turns out that there are actually three actors in the box that looks like four 'ordinary people'.

The most outrageous thing is that James felt that his identity was well hidden, but he didn't know that he had already been exposed in front of Sherlock. At the same time, Sherlock still felt that he was the most secretive of the four. As a result, Arson Robin seemed to have known their identities a long time ago!

Sherlock looked at the two terrifying enemies who seemed to be ignorant of Yasen, and he was shocked for a moment: "Come back quickly, you shouldn't be so reckless—"


Before he finished speaking, the air exploded under Suleman's feet. It was the curly-haired youth who used his special ability to deal with the approaching Suleman. , How dare to hit his air bomb. Wow!

There was a silvery white sword light, stained with thick black smoke. The latter seemed to have spirituality, and spread to the handle automatically. The next moment, a large amount of black smoke exploded in the opponent's field of vision! Not only blocked the air explosion, but also completely drowned the latter's sight!

Boom! When Suleman and the other party passed by, the next moment, the light in the eyes of the curly-haired young man disappeared, and the entire corpse fell heavily on the ground under McCarthy's horrified and horrified gaze, completely losing its vitality.

Just one knife!

At the same time, Suleman also heard related kills. However, the level of the curly-haired youth is too low. There is a big difference, and the experience given is very scarce.

Without time to open the panel, Suleman turned his head slowly and looked at the lonely McCarthy.


McCarthy's hair suddenly rose. At this moment, he almost didn't need to think about it. His body was already a step ahead of his reaction, and he retreated first, as if he didn't even look at the corpse on the ground, as if it had nothing to do with him.

In the next second, Suleman also followed the opponent, leaving only two stunned spectators, James and Sherlock, who witnessed Suleman's appearance from the stage to killing the curly-haired youth with a single knife, then But the existence of the peak of the first order!

It was no less powerful than Sherlock, but he was instantly killed by Suleman

Thinking of this, Sherlock shuddered again. If even the curly-haired youth was killed by Suleman, wouldn't he end up similar to the curly-haired youth if he played

Thinking of this, Sherlock couldn't help but feel a little more fear and respect for Mr. 'Arson Robin'.

James next to him was even more bewildered. After a while, he seemed to understand a little bit, turned his head hastily, and asked Sherlock:

"This Mr. 'Arson Robin', he is also a member of the New Order. No! Is he the priest of the diocese?"

This 4K, I stayed up all night to adjust the time difference code, maybe the condition is not very good, please forgive me if there are any omissions.

(end of this chapter)