The Night Adorer

Chapter 149: Get intelligence


Hearing the other party's narration, Mutual Wealth Suleman couldn't help feeling that the 'Amway' logo faintly appeared on Sherlock's face. With this familiar tone, he almost thought he had received a scam call!

No, I don't want to understand. Suleman really wanted to reply to the other party's old stalk, but unfortunately, his character design did not allow it, so he could only pretend to be indifferent, and nodded lightly: "You continue to tell."

Seeing the permission of 'Mr. Arsen', Sherlock was obviously relieved.

Then, he began to introduce the core teachings of [New Order Society]: "The so-called common prosperity is to prevent wealth from being concentrated in the hands of a few people and make wealth distribution more equitable!"

"Everyone can get the wealth that matches themselves through hard work."

"We are different from the Orthodox Church. They rule civilized city-states, but they don't care about the people at the bottom. How do you say that word? Oh yes, life. Quality of life! That's the word. When the president taught us, she had Explain the meaning of this word, can I say it?" Sherlock looked like a student who encountered a difficult problem in the exam, his face was slightly flushed, and there was faint sweat oozing from his forehead.

Hiss. Your ability to fool is not good enough! Su Erman felt a little hot-eyed. Those guys who made Amway others in the previous life were all eloquent. How could they get stuck after just a few words

This, this is too unreliable!

Are you afraid that you are not a cross talk actor invited by the monkey? I don't recommend you to eat this bowl of rice. There is a high probability that you will starve to death Suleman complained in his heart. On the surface, he still pretended to be indifferent and glanced at the other party quietly:


For a moment, Sherlock felt the pressure on his body. Fortunately, he was a little quick-witted and changed the subject without a trace: "Under the premise of pursuing common prosperity, we think that some country gentlemen use too dirty means of accumulating wealth, which violates the They should have a conscience, and the wealth they possess does not match their own efforts!

In this regard, we have decided to take certain measures.”

To put it bluntly, it is 'robbing the rich and helping the poor'? Some are similar to the gangsters on the earth. I happen to have some impressions about the [New Order Society]. It is indeed a criminal gang that roams on the snowy field, has a wider scope than the Desolate Group, but has a goal of action. Suleman silently recalled Then, the information about them in the previous life.

The reason why it is called a 'criminal gang' rather than a criminal group is that the [New Order Society] has a unique way of acting. They will target specific people with wealth and property, also known as capitalists. Then, they deprive each other of their wealth through secret hunting or secret trials, but distribute it to poor bottom workers.

Moreover, most of the targets they hunt are capitalists with bloody hands and immoral ways of making their fortunes. The latter often squeeze workers and even suppress strikes.

From the point of view of behavior, they really like the 'Grand Rogue' group on earth.

However, Suleman remembered that there was a speculation on the player forum, thinking that the career paths mastered by the [New Rank Society] and the matching deputy promotions might be related to this behavior—when their deputy reached level 9, they wanted to upgrade For a full career, the required performance progress must be obtained from this aspect.

If you remember well, the sub-profession mastered by [New Order] in Suleman's impression has been exposed on that forum, and the specific name is -'Wanted Person'.

"All in all, [New Rank Society] has a very great goal. Our members come from all corners of the country. No matter what your status is, as long as you join [New Rank Society], we are brothers and sisters." Sherlock is very bewitching As he spoke, there seemed to be a sense of introducing Mr. Yasen.

Half-sister? I have it too! Suleman thought silently. Of course, he couldn't say this, but Suleman also roughly confirmed one point from Sherlock's words.

Sure enough, [New Rank Society] has the sub-profession of 'Wanted Man', and they want to improve their performance through this move. But in the eyes of the aborigines, this is the 'special' training method, the secret handed down by every ancient noble or secret organization. They rely on this method to dig out the special abilities step by step, and finally master them (sub-professional upgrade to full level /comprehend trait ability).

The only thing that is not clear is whether [New Rank Society] is influenced by the deduction of sub-professions, and it is necessary to form a group, or is it the wish of the founder, who is ready to develop like-minded subordinate members

No matter what, [New Rank Society] is a very special organization. They have a good intelligence network. Otherwise, they would not be able to deal with the authorities for so long. You must know that their wanted degree is not low or even inferior to Su. The Stuarts of Ulman.

"I understand." Suleman nodded slightly, but did not respond to Sherlock's expectations.

Seeing this situation, Sherlock was a little embarrassed, but he didn't dare to disturb Mr. Yasen, so he could only look away. Originally, he wanted to persuade James to join the [New Order], after all, they have always been very good at attracting people. But considering In the presence of 'Mr. Arsen', Sherlock did not dare to act.

He was afraid of offending the other party, so he sent himself to follow in the footsteps of those attackers.

As a result, the whole box returned to an eerie silence, only the sound of axles coming from outside the window, and Suleman's upper bunk position, and Ywinnie's heartless snoring, quietly resounding in the box.

There is still more than half a night before the next stop.

Suleman didn't care about them at all, and closed his eyes on his own, because he knew that a certain book in his arms would monitor the situation for him, and if it was really bad, it would definitely wake him up.

In addition to being a bit stupid, Sin Flame is still very useful in vigil. Suleman thought silently.

Fortunately, this idea will not be known by a certain book, otherwise, with Sin Yan's unconvinced temperament, I am afraid that he will have to cut off contact on the spot, temporarily disconnect the Internet, and let Suleman fend for himself

So, with this thought in mind, Suleman slowly closed his eyes.

As everyone knows, Suleman's act of falling asleep with peace of mind fell into the eyes of the two people on the opposite bed, making them even more difficult, because in the eyes of the two—

The 'cold' Mr. Yasen didn't care about the two of them at all, and fell asleep in front of them. This simply despised the existence of the two of them, but it also showed his confidence in his own strength from another aspect.

In the darkness, the figure of Suerman sleeping peacefully fell on the eyes of the two, and it became more and more cold and profound

(end of this chapter)