The Night Adorer

Chapter 15: Hunter test


73 Nancy Avenue, in a townhouse.

"The cabinet here needs to be cleaned, and the balcony is handed over to me."

"Oh my god, the bathroom needs to be cleaned too, it's so dirty"

"What division of labor? Isn't it common sense that the bathroom belongs to you and the stairs belong to me?"

After some cleaning, Suleman wiped the sweat from his head. Even as a Transcendent, he still had to clean the room.

As for Ibis next to her, she was even more unsightly. She was leaning on the sofa with her fair and pretty face blushing, her eyes as blue as the sea glared at Suleman. Asking the lady to clean the bathroom is quite justifiable, affirming that it is her job obligation, which makes Ibis's teeth itch with hatred.

Ibis, who grew up in a wealthy religious family, has been sought after since she was a child. How has she ever received such treatment

People under the eaves had to bow their heads.

However, Ibis didn't have any particular complaints. From the moment she rejected the maid for Suleman, she acquiesced in the job. After all, Suleman proved his character on the carriage, and compared to sleeping on the street, Ibis felt that it was safer to be a maid in his residence—most importantly, her identity could not be revealed .

Before learning the ability to protect herself, Ibis didn't plan to leave here, but in fact, she never thought that the guy in front of her was actually a person who couldn't reveal her true identity. The two were very similar.

After dinner, the two went back to their respective rooms. The house they rented was very large, with two floors.

Their bedrooms are on the second floor. Suleman's room is the main room, and Ibis lives in the side room diagonally opposite.

"Good night."

Before closing the door, Suleman greeted her, but the door closed with a bang in response.

However, Suleman, who has keen hearing, still heard a faint, almost imperceptible sound of mosquitoes——

"Good night."

Suleman secretly smiled, but did not close the door and enter the room. Instead, he used his control over his body to go downstairs quietly.

Putting on a night coat in the hall, Suleman held the secret book in his arms, and suddenly the voice of 'sin flame' came out:

"Congratulations, you have an extra half-sister."

There was a bit of teasing in the tone, which was not in line with his status as a Grand Duke. In Suleman's impression, the Grand Duke of Sin Flame was a terrifying existence that made all living beings tremble. He never thought that he would have such a side.

However, in the concept of Lord Sin Flame, his identity has not been revealed yet, and it is not difficult to understand the tone of the other party.

"This helps to conceal my identity. No one would have thought that someone with a 'sister' would be an absconding descendant of the Stuart family." Suleman shrugged and said truthfully.

Regarding the excuse in this regard, he had already thought about how to fool Grand Duke 'Sin Flame', he could easily grasp it.

"Then, do you really plan to become a bounty hunter next?" Sin Yan was fooled, and asked about the business.

"Yes, don't you want to unblock it?" Suleman continued: "I became a bounty hunter. On the one hand, I can become stronger faster. On the other hand, the news channels of bounty hunters are very well-informed and have A lot of income, I think if you want to break the seal, you must be inseparable from spell rituals, and this is also inseparable from expenses."

These words seemed to touch Sin Yan's heart, and he did not refute.

Bounty hunters are a very common profession in the northern cold land, and even in the entire world of Evernight. Basically, every civilized city-state will have a gathering point for bounty hunters—Hunter Bar.

In the afternoon, Chris sent the address of the Hunter's Bar, as well as an 'Assessment Token', which is used to participate in the bounty hunter's qualification assessment and requires the introduction of acquaintances. For the Lionheart Chamber of Commerce, this kind of thing is not hard to get.

After all, bounty hunters are mainly elites among ordinary people, and extraordinary people are only a minority.

The assessment token is relatively easy to obtain. Of course, Suleman also owes Chris a favor, and with the previous promise to him, probably, he will have to help him with the assessment of the chamber of commerce in the future. needed.

Without opening the envelope, Suleman knew the location of the Hunter's Bar by relying on his past life memory.

Suleman walked along Nancy Avenue, and came to the Tyre River that runs through the whole city. In his sight, a long steel bridge across the river, like a giant beast under the night, crouched in his sight the end.

The Tyre River originated from the Alfred Mountains and passed through the civilized city-states such as Solan City and Gangdian City. It is one of the few underground rivers in the north. About 2/3 of its total volume is buried underground. The remaining 1/3 show their faces in the city.

Through the steel bridge named 'Day and Night Bridge', Suleman stepped into the steelmaking area.

Gangdian City is one of the civilized city-states in the northern cold land. The divisions within the city also follow the social class, such as the jazz district where Suleman lives, which belongs to the residential area of elites or wealthy businessmen in Shangriu. It is also the southern part of Gangdian City. district.

Higher than it is the Huangdian District, which is located in the central district and half of the eastern district of the city.

Right now, the steelmaking area that Suleman stepped into is located in the northern area of Gangdian City. There are a large number of factories, ironworks, and metal processing workshops. It belongs to the residence of civilians and manual laborers. It is dirtier than the dirtiest area. The messy gray soil area is slightly better, covering the entire northern part of the city and a small half of the western part, and is the largest urban area of Gangdian City.

As soon as you step into the steel-making area, the two sides of the street are obviously bustling. People wearing faded workers' uniforms and duck-billed hats can be seen everywhere. Strange smell.

Above is a gray sky surrounded by chimneys like Optimus Prime.

Straight to the dome, a puff of gray smoke spewed out, making the curtain under the night darker and darker.

Following his memory, Suleman found a tavern with 'Flintlocks and Horseshoes' hanging in a crowded and dark alley.

Pushing the door open, the noisy sound, mixed with impetuous heat waves, billowed oncoming.

Although it was late at night, the bar was at its peak business hours. Some of the men in workman's uniforms took off their shirts to reveal their strong muscles, trying to show off their charm to the women around them.

On the left side of the tavern, there are several fenced gambling fields, but instead of common bridge or dice, two hounds are chasing a rooster. guests—

"'Killer' grab it and bite it!"

"Hurry up, don't let 'Headhunter' get ahead of you!"

"Fly hard, don't let them catch you!"

Suleman glanced at it, shook his head helplessly and smiled. In his previous life, this kind of activity was nicknamed "online Australian gambling" by players. Unfortunately, the water here is very deep, and many drinkers and even gambling nurses rushed into it. In the game, he would definitely lose his underpants.

Ignoring them, Suleman came straight to the bar, the bartender saw him and whistled—

"New here, why don't you try 'catch chicken', this is our specialty here."

He pouted in the direction of the gambling table.

Suleman took out a letter from his pocket, with a bronze seal on it, and placed it in front of the bartender.

The bartender's face tightened, he took a deep look at Suleman, stopped selling him "special gambling", turned around and opened the bar and the door behind the bar—

"The assembly point is at the back, please come in, sir."

Suleman walked into the door, and after his figure disappeared, the drinkers who had been watching him in the tavern, beside the gambling table, hurriedly looked away, for fear of attracting the other party's attention.

A real bounty hunter is not someone to be deceived.

Wait for another chapter.

(end of this chapter)