The Night Adorer

Chapter 150: The best actor



When the siren sounded in the middle of the night, Suleman suddenly opened his eyes. He looked to the right, and there was a faint mist outside the window without knowing when.

The steam train had already entered the station, and as usual, the steam members stationed on the train sounded the whistle to notify every passenger on the train.

Although some passengers do not get off at this stop, but in the eternal night world where the technology tree is biased towards steam power, there are only copper pipes and sirens, and there is no personal mobile phone, this is the only and effective way to notify.

Fortunately, there are not many stops on each snowfield route.

After all, only civilized city-states or wild settlements have stations that provide stops. A journey spanning hundreds of kilometers is only a few stations. So the passengers on the train have long been used to being awakened from sleep one by one. Complaining and cursing a few words, he lay back on the bed again.

Suleman looked at the opposite shop. The two young gentlemen who had been 'persecuted' by the contract did not fall asleep like him. They stared dryly, unexpectedly staying up all night.

Obviously, they didn't have the guts of 'Mr. Yasen' to continue to sleep peacefully in this situation.

Boom boom boom.

At this time, there was movement from the upper bunk, and Ewinie was awakened by the sound of the siren. She was about to go back to sleep, but saw two young gentlemen sitting in a row under the opposite bunk, and couldn't help saying:

"Mr. Sherlock, don't you sleep at night?"

As expected of a die-hard fan of Sherlock, he directly ignored James Suleman next to him and complained silently. Then, he heard hesitation from the upper bunk—

"Mr. Sherlock, though, I know that opera singers have a saying of 'life school', you will try all kinds of new things, I mean more avant-garde things."

Ewinie was sitting on the upper bunk, looking at the two gentlemen sitting diagonally below, who looked like Siamese twins, with a strange expression: "I can understand your approach, but at least please pay attention to the image .”

“After all there are ladies in the house”

After finishing speaking, Ewinie took a deep look at Sherlock with a bit of confusion. Then, she sighed and lay back on the bed. She turned her head to face the wall, with her back completely turned away from them, as if she didn't want to see someone again.

This... It's all due to that terrible Mr. Yasen! Sherlock opened his mouth. As an opera singer on the bright side, but a member of the New Order secretly, he is certainly not an idiot. He understood Ms. Ewinie's 'misunderstanding'. At this moment, he really wanted to stand up and accuse the culprit in order to get rid of the stigma on him.

Then, Sherlock took a look at 'Mr. Arsen' who was sitting across from him and was watching them quietly. In extreme anger, Sherlock shrank his neck and dared not make a sound.

"Get ready to get off."

Su Erman didn't give them a chance to defend themselves. As early as the stage of self-introduction, they knew where each other got off the bus. It was a coincidence that all three of them were arranged in [Cangxue Mountain], and only Yi Wenni planned to go to Rin Syracuse, the goal is not consistent with them.

However, there are still three stops left on this train route on the snow field. It is not surprising that the three of them get off at [Cangxue Mountain], after all, [Cangxue Mountain] is the most famous place on the entire train.

Due to Suleman's power, the two young gentlemen did not dare to have any rebuttals. Therefore, when they were about to leave side by side, and returned to the deserted box behind them, there was another timid voice——

"Mr. Sherlock!"

"Even if you have special hobbies, I, I will still support your performance, and look forward to the day when you will be on the Golden Theater next time! You are the best opera singer!"

After finishing speaking, there was a rustling sound from behind. It seemed that the speaker buried his head in the quilt, and the glorious image of not wanting to face the idol was shattered.


Sherlock's expression faintly twitched, and Suleman, who was standing beside him, could also feel the other party's mood, and could not help but silently lamented for a second. The next moment, Suleman, who maintained his indifferent personality, closed the door of the box smoothly under the former's eyes full of despair.


In the promenade of the steam train, passengers have already come out one after another. They are carrying large and small baggage and are preparing to get off at this station.

The originally quiet night was also broken by the busy passengers. Not only that, the crew on the steam train was also at the entrance and exit of the train, guiding them to get off without causing congestion.

"After getting off the car, you can leave alone." Suleman turned around and said to someone.

"Me?" The young Boya with oil paint on his face did not expect this situation at all, and even prepared himself to be a servant for a month, but Mr. Yasen's generous behavior made him hesitate Unexpected.

"Why?" James asked.

"Trial." Suleman spit out a word briefly.

As the 'victim' who had been with him for a long time, James was already used to the other party's way of speaking, and understood Mr. Arsen's meaning, which was to allow himself to participate in the gold trial. For a while, his face was full of joy.

Then, James saw the other party's eyes like red wine, staring at himself quietly—

"Leave your contact information."

"Don't leave the Cangxue Mountains within a month."

James shivered, and suddenly remembered that he was still bound by a contract. Even if he wanted to leave the Cangxue Mountains and stay away from this terrifying Mr. Arsen, he would be backlashed by the contract. What's more, he has to participate in the gold trial in this place, and there is no option to run away.

For a moment, the joy in James' heart dropped greatly, and the corner of his mouth was a little bitter: "Okay, this is my whistle."

He took out a dark green plant whistle from his pocket, and explained:

"If you blow it, as long as there are living animals within half a mile nearby, they will listen to the call of the whistle and pass the things you give them to me all the way. The premise is that the distance between me and you It won’t be too far, as long as it’s within the range of the Cangxue Mountain Range, it shouldn’t be a problem.”

Sure enough, it is [Natural Archer], but the sub-job is different from the Hunting Church. This is the special ability of the 'listener'. Suleman took over the plant whistle and knew it in his heart.

After handing over the whistle, James breathed a sigh of relief. After nodding to 'Mr. Yasen', he turned and ran to the drop-off place in front. escape.

He just walked away. Sherlock was a little dazed. All this happened so fast and so suddenly that he was not mentally prepared. The next second, Sherlock seemed to realize something, and hurriedly said happily:

"Mr. Yasen, then... what should I do?"


Suleman looked at him in surprise, and said calmly, "You lead the way first, and we will find a place to stay."

"Me and me?" Sherlock was stunned for a few seconds, and finally realized that the other party meant that the two of them would act together in the next month. In other words, he had to stay with this cold monster like a monster one month!

As if seeing his doubts, Suleman added quietly—

"When you were in the box, didn't you say that the [New Order Society] has a huge intelligence network? Especially, you are active in the eastern snow region, including the Cangxue Mountains."

"Very well, I believe you are an excellent partner."

hell! damn it! It's not fair! ! ! Sherlock's heart was roaring wildly. At this moment, he really wanted to beat himself up a few hours ago, and let him swallow those words that boasted about his organization, because he was better and more valuable than James. , you have to stay next to this cold monster

What kind of logic is this! ! !

So, with his heart full of anger, and under Suleman's indifferent gaze, Sherlock silently picked up the salute of the two, with a stiff smile on his face—

"It's my pleasure."

PS: There is another chapter in the afternoon, ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass! Ask for a monthly pass!

(end of this chapter)