The Night Adorer

Chapter 155: Fierce battle


"James, he's running this way"

"It should be in this direction."

A young man in a gray cloak with oil paint on his face, holding a lantern, came all the way to the hotel.

Then, he took the initiative to stop, and suddenly blew out the lantern.

When the lantern was extinguished, the surrounding thick gray mist surged in bursts, drowning his figure in an instant.

Covered by the gray mist, a smile appeared on the face of the young man in the cloak. As a superman of the archer profession, as a branch of the 'natural' pathway, after planting plant poisonous seeds on James, he also used the poisonous seeds to determine The specific location of the opponent.

In this case, the gray mist that shrouds the Cangxue Mountains all year round is his best amulet.

As long as the lantern is blown out and the light from the special sesame oil block is not allowed to disperse the entire mist, in this case, the young man in the cloak can quietly approach that position without being noticed.

"Jaime has been corroded by my poisonous seeds, so he must be in a bad state." The cloaked youth thought silently while sneaking: "Even if he is also a natural archer, he is one level lower than me, and he only held a professional ceremony once. , whether it is a special ability or a physical resistance."

"He and I are not on the same level!"

"If it weren't for the fog in the Cangxue Mountains that is too disturbing, if you are not careful, you will easily lose your sight. Heh, James can't get rid of me at all, and he can be solved halfway." The cloaked youth sighed, This environment has advantages and disadvantages. It is indeed conducive to his sneak attack, but in turn, it will also become a difficulty in hunting.

The young man in the cloak is none other than Dubonne.

After ambushing James, he originally wanted to take advantage of the victory and pursue the opponent once and for all, so as to get rid of the first competitor he set his sights on after he came to the Cangxue Mountains, that is, the 'Son of Gold'.

It's a pity that I missed, let the other party get away with it

"However, something must be wrong with James!"

"He should be hiding in the hotel ahead, mistakenly thinking that he has escaped my tracking."

Dubana was feeling the exact location of the poisonous seed, and was about to break open the window after approaching the hotel, so as to catch the opponent by surprise. Boom!

Suddenly, Dubana saw a stern gentleman wearing a top hat on the balcony of the hotel in front of him, jumping down decisively from the balcony shrouded in lights, and the strong night wind blew his sleeves, whistling.

It was a middle-aged gentleman with a vicissitudes of life, white temples, and unremarkable facial features. The only thing that stood out was that he had a pair of deep red wine-like eyes, exuding a unique charm.

The next moment, after landing on the ground, the middle-aged gentleman suddenly rushed to Dubonna's position with agility that did not conform to his appearance.

He... he found me? !

Dubana was shocked, obviously he was hiding under the cover of the fog, unlike the balcony on the hotel where the fog was illuminated by lights, logically speaking, only he could observe the people in the hotel, and they were very It's hard to find yourself.

This doubt had just arisen from Dubonna's heart, and the middle-aged gentleman in front had already approached him.

Regardless of thinking too much, Dubana, as the direct line candidate of the Golden Clan, is also one of the most promising members of the Golden Sons. His combat experience is not weak. For a moment, Dubana did not retreat but advanced—


Dubangna's body swelled, and a large number of seeds shook out. Not only that, these seeds were leaving his body, and immediately changed strangely, some turned into flowers that looked like human faces, and some turned into The fine and difficult-to-see needles, some of which turned into bullet-like purple seeds, all rushed towards Suleman!

Suleman pulled out Chiba, and wrapped it around the blade with the power of the gray mist.

In the next second, he rounded the blade and slashed towards the surroundings—


Like a silver moon, the knife glow spread out instantly, covering a large number of objects thrown by Dubangna with one knife!

boom! boom! boom!

Objects exploded and cracked, and they were completely eroded by the power of the mist on the blade, even if it was a natural spell driven by the extraordinary power of the natural archer combined with the special seed, facing the night knight The power of the mist also appears extremely fragile!

Even if both parties are at the second level, the lethality cannot be compared.

not good!

Dubana's pupils shrank, and he was terrified in his heart. He never expected that the opponent's lethality would be so terrifying. With just one knife, the emergency measures he had prepared for a long time were wiped out on the spot!

Horrified, Dubonna desperately mobilized his spirituality and poured it into a certain part of his body.


On his right shoulder, where there is a strange ornament hanging, an ornament that was originally regarded as a bone fragment suddenly sprouted vines, covering half of Dubonna's body section by section, and the latter also tried to lean sideways, Let the right half face Surman.

— tear it up!

The light of the knife collided with the green vines, the former mercilessly cut through the vines like a meat grinder, bang, strands of blood sprayed from Dubonna's shoulders, dyed his face red, and reflected The consternation of the latter.

This... this is impossible!

Enduring the severe pain, Du Bangna suddenly backed away a bit, obviously in his mind, he only needed to activate the pre-made 'Vine Armor Seed' on his shoulder.

Even if the opponent's lethality is strong, that consumable item made by the "Seed Sender" should block the opponent's attack, and at worst, buy him enough time.

However, that seemingly vicissitudes-looking middle-aged gentleman has a lethal power that makes him feel desperate. The blade wrapped in gray mist is surprisingly sharp, and nothing seems to be able to stop it. No, more than that!

While pulling away and retreating violently, Dubana could clearly feel that there was a coldness on his shoulders, which was invading his body.

attendant negative effects.

It was because he felt his body sluggish and his movements stagnant, as if he had been immersed in the icy sea water, and every move was accompanied by resistance, but for some reason, in Dubana's eyes, the middle-aged gentleman seemed to move a little faster? !

The situation is not good!

This... this guy is no ordinary second-order! ! !

Dubana opened his eyes wide. At this moment, he seemed to smell the breath of death and wanted to find a chance to survive.

At this moment, they are already far away from the hotel during the battle, and there is still a distance from the end of the snow and fog area, where is the garrison point of the Silver Moon Church, if they can attract their attention... No, the movement on the street, definitely They noticed it, as long as I hold on for a while longer! Some deacons from the Orthodox Church came to quell the turmoil!

Dubana was shocked, as if he had found a way to break the situation, but before his face became happy.

Suleman, who had successfully stacked layers on his body, did not hesitate for a moment, and suddenly grasped the empty left hand.


Du Bangna's movements froze, and at some point, his body was covered with shadow lines!

(end of this chapter)