The Night Adorer

Chapter 158: Fortunately


clatter! clatter! clatter!

A team of investigators from the Silver Moon Church carrying special lanterns, led by deacons, came to the scene of the conflict, and what they saw was the mess on the ground after the lanterns dispersed the fog. .

"The people fighting are two extraordinary people, and their strength is not low. I'm afraid they all held the second ceremony." The leader of the investigation team is a mature man with a rough beard on his chin, but a round face and blue eyes. .

After careful inspection, he explained to the team members in a deep voice.

The people around him questioned Captain Sidney's judgment, because he was a deacon-level member of the Silver Moon Church, and was also known as the Silver Moon Deacon within the church.

The status of deacon-level members is equivalent to that of the priest of the parish, and both of them are third-level strengths, that is, extraordinary people who have held the third ceremony.

The only difference between them is that the bishop of the diocese needs to work in the branch diocese for at least two years, generally three to five years as a term of office. Enter the holy city—that is, the civilized city-state where the sanctuary is located.

They accept the holy baptism in the holy city, and they hope to be promoted to the dawn level.

At the level of Dawn, it is already regarded as the middle and high-level inside the Orthodox Church. Except for the saints above, they are the backbone of the Orthodox Church. Promoted to Dawn Tier.

After completing three service cycles, he will be promoted to the Holy City. This is the promotion process for the priest of the diocese.

As for the deacons, they are different from the priests. The former do not have a fixed place of office. Instead, they accept the internal entrustment of the church, and use the entrustment to determine the grades of their titles. When they meet the standards, they can also be promoted to the Holy City.

Of course, the internal entrustment of the deacons is more risky than the priest stationed in the diocese, and they must be in danger at all times.

As the so-called high returns brought by high risks, the promotion speed of deacons is often higher than that of the parish priest. Similarly, deacons have experienced more dangerous missions, and their control of extraordinary power and their combat effectiveness are often higher than those of the same level. parish priest.

The status of the two is the same, but in many cases, the wanted wild man would rather face the priest of the diocese than be targeted by the deacon sent out, and this is also the reason.

Captain Sidney, the Deacon of Silver Moon, also manages all the investigation teams of the Silver Moon Church in the snow fog area.

"Captain, what are you going to do?"

The investigation team next to him asked for his opinion.

"It seems that they don't pay enough attention to the Silver Moon Church, and actually disrupted order on our site."

Sidney, the deacon of Yinyue, glanced around lightly, his eyes seemed calm, but contained an emotional storm. None of the investigators who were familiar with him dared to look at him, and all lowered their heads.

They silently felt sympathy and pity for the person who dared to provoke the Silver Moon Church, because Sidney's punishment would come soon.

"We need to strengthen the security in the snow and fog area, and send out an investigation team to take out the 'patrol night bell' in the church. From now on, everyone will be on duty in shifts."

"At least one team is guaranteed to patrol the snow and fog area."

Sidney ordered everyone, and finally, he did not forget to add—

"The Saint Son of Silver Moon, who is in reserve in the Holy Church, is about to come to the Cangxue Mountains. He needs to hunt specific targets in order to complete his professional ceremony. This is my Lord's test for him." Sidney drew two points on his chest. , and made a gesture of praising Yinyue.

Everyone followed suit one after another, expressing their belief in the Lord of Silver Moon with the same movements.

Finally, Sidney's tone was firm—

"Don't let accidental factors become an obstacle to the promotion of the reserve son!"

In the snow and fog area, on the balcony of the folk hotel.

In the boundless gray fog, Suleman returned to the private hotel all the way according to the direction he remembered. When he climbed up to the balcony, he saw two people staring at each other under the light ahead— James and Sherlock.

This... This is Sherlock who came to find me on business, only to find that I was not in the room and saw James on the balcony? Well, the two are reunited after a long absence, right? Although they were separated for less than a day, they ended up returning to the stalemate on the train, hey, if I were any of them, I would feel embarrassed. Suleman silently found it funny, without any awareness of what caused everything feel.

The next moment, he maintained an indifferent expression, intentionally did not cover his voice, and climbed onto the balcony from the mist.

Hearing the movement, the two turned their heads in unison.

When they saw Suleman's figure, they both heaved a sigh of relief, as if the embarrassing confrontation had ended, and they didn't have to continue suffering in an awkward atmosphere.

"Mr. Arsen, he...why is he back?" Sherlock was the first to ask, pointing at James opposite.

Did you stay here for so long without saying a word? Suleman's eyelids twitched, and he could vaguely imagine the feeling of two people confronting each other, which was so embarrassing that people picked their toes. In the end, before he could speak, James next to him actually made a knife.

"Mr. Arsen, why is Sherlock still here? Didn't he leave?" James cautiously raised his own doubts. After all, he witnessed 'Mr. Arsen' jumping out of the hotel and actively chasing after Dubonna. .

Today, Suleman can return safely, to a certain extent, has proved the result of this battle between the two sides.

In view of this, James' tone was extremely cautious, because he knew very well how terrible Dubonna was. Even if he just repelled the opponent and prevented Dubonna from chasing and killing him, it was enough to prove the strength of 'Mr. Yasen'. Of course, the best outcome is that Dubonna died at the hands of Mr. Yassen, but the possibility of James knowing this is extremely slim.

Really didn't say a word, and the two had no communication. Suleman had already guessed the specific situation from James' inquiry, but he didn't rush to answer James, but looked at Sherlock—

"Jaime is being hunted by the other Golden Sons of their clan."

"As you can see, his condition is very bad, his life is in danger, and he came to seek my protection when he was desperate."

Hearing Suleman's words, Sherlock nodded silently. Indeed, he was taken aback when he first saw James. Obviously, the opponent's strength was not much worse than his. As an entrustment in the meeting, he asked to protect the opponent to reach the Cangxue Mountain Range .

Sherlock is well aware of James' range of strength. In this case, the other party appeared in such a miserable appearance. If it were him... Hey, it seems that leaving Mr. Arsen's side may not be a good thing

At this moment, Sherlock couldn't help but felt a sense of gratitude in his heart.

(end of this chapter)