The Night Adorer

Chapter 159: deductive object


Just when Sherlock was secretly rejoicing, Suleman turned his head and said softly to the anxious James, "I have made the person who chased and killed you promise, just like what was done in the car, He will not come to murder you again."

"Instead, he will assist you to participate in the gold trial."

"What?!" James was stunned by the news in front of him. According to his thinking, as long as Dubonna was blocked by Mr. Yassen, and he couldn't be killed, and let him save his life, this is already a pretty good result.

But James never expected that Dubonna not only gave up chasing him, but even made a pledge to assist him in the gold trial? This... is this a beautiful thing like a pie in the sky? No, it should be said that 'Mr. Yasen' forced Dubonna to sign an unequal contract, just like what they encountered on the steam train!

This... This needs to crush the strength of the opponent to do this, right

Otherwise, how could Dubonna sign the contract? It shows that the strength of Mr. Yasen is much higher than he imagined. At least from the results, Mr. Yasen is enough to crush Dubonna. I am afraid that he is close to the level of the pardon!

Thinking of this, James' awe of Mr. Yasen deepened a bit.

A strong man comparable to the 'Member of Pardon' is already out of reach in the eyes of the underground wild people. After all, even within the Orthodox Church, except for the group of Dawn powerhouses, Tier 3 strength is the parish Officiant or deacon-level members can also be regarded as quasi-middle-level, or their reserves, which James and others need to look up to.

Every professional ceremony is a huge leap in strength. These ceremonies are in the hands of the Orthodox Church or the ancient nobles. They monopolize the promotion channels, leaving little room for the wild ones to advance.

Even if James was from the Golden Clan, he couldn't easily get the content of the ceremony. Because of this, they were forced to participate in the Gold Trial. Even if they couldn't win the first place, they were still eligible for the follow-up ceremony if they got a better place.

This is the interior of a large clan, a promotion process different from that of the Orthodox Church, and it is also the reason why the 'Golden Trial' affects people's hearts.

"Mr. Arsen, did he really agree?" James asked cautiously for fear of hearing it wrong.

"Yes, he signed a third-level contract paper, so you don't have to worry about his reputation." Suleman opened his eyes and said nonsense, his acting skills were so natural and smooth that the two of them didn't even realize what he said 'Dubana' has been replaced by someone.

Now that Suleman is going to sneak into the Golden Trial disguised as 'Dubana' and participate in the plot event of the Son of Gold in a more in-depth way, then he must create a new level for himself—just in time, James is a very suitable entry point.

The so-called third-order contract paper is completely nonsense by Suleman. It is just to win people's trust. Anyway, they can't find 'Dubana' to confront.

Even if he did find it, he was pretending to be that person.

Of course, Suleman won't admit his relationship with the other party. What does the follow-up impact of anything done by 'Dubana' have anything to do with him as 'Mr. Yasen'? The two are not the same person at all, he doesn't know any son of gold!

"In addition, I don't know him very well, and I don't even know the name of the other party." Suleman looked for a high-sounding reason: "I only used the power of the contract to make the other party bound by the paper of the contract. For safety's sake, You need to tell me all his information, without any omission or concealment."


James had no doubts about him, and completely believed Suleman's words, but he glanced at Sherlock.

The implications of this move are self-evident.

Just when Sherlock understood what they meant, he was about to take the initiative to retreat and leave the balcony.

"No need." Suleman stopped him, and said in very concise words: "There is no need to hide him, it doesn't matter if you tell Sherlock these things, anyway, he will still be by my side and continue to be a servant of time."

The previous sentence moved Sherlock's heart slightly, and he was faintly moved. He suddenly felt that the unkind 'Mr. Arsen' had such a gentle side. However, when he finished listening to the last sentence, his face suddenly changed, and he prayed to the president in his heart, hoping that she would come to save him and punish this cruel monster soon!

"Okay, I don't know much about Dubana, and it's limited to the communication within the clan. Ah, Dubana is the one who attacked me. His full name is Dubana Kay Ireland."

"Among them, Elland is the name of one of his ancestors, which proves that there was a figure comparable to the saint of the church in his ancestors, and that was an existence above the dawn level. Well, this is the pride of Dubonna, and he has always been very proud. people." According to the memory in his heart, James explained to the two of them little by little all the deeds he knew about 'Dubana'.

In the process, Suleman has a deeper grasp of the person's external image and inner character.

Not only that

Suleman also realized that after he listened to James' general narration, the phantom of the figure formed by the information of 'Dubana' hidden in the small space of the imaginary world became more and more solid, as if fit his image.

At this moment, the progress of the interpretation has increased by a bit, which is also a way that Suleman did not expect.

"From the audience's mouth from another angle, knowing the image of the character is also one of the ways of sublimation interpretation? Sure enough, this point has not been recorded by the player forum in the previous life. It seems that the information that the players understand is not absolutely comprehensive. , There are still omissions." Suleman suddenly felt, and then, he had a faint feeling.

Once he completes the deduction, this "Thousand Illusionist" profession, which has troubled him for a long time, will be able to complete the progress and upgrade to the full level!

It was almost there. Suleman was excited, and was looking forward to a new target, an unfamiliar strong man, to let him complete the interpretation.

"...The above is the Dubonna as I know it." James finished his narration, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief.

Suddenly, his face was slightly distorted, and he glanced at the lower abdomen.

"What's the matter, your injury?" Suleman didn't want him to die on the spot. After all, James is related to the success or failure of the mission. Although the description of the mission content of "Son of Gold" is vague, you can guess its completion by thinking about it with your thighs The way is to let James get a good ranking.

"It's okay, my special ability has the function of relieving poison, but it takes a certain amount of time." Before James finished speaking, Suleman interrupted him and directly ordered: "At night, Sherlock will accompany James and monitor with his condition."

After finishing speaking, Suleman took a look at the cramped and crowded servant room with an indifferent expression on his face.

Seeing this situation, the two of them naturally had no objection. It was like an embarrassing scene on a steam train, and it was re-enacted. Of course, they stayed in the servant's room and would not interfere with Suleman's sight.

Phew, it's time to take a rest. Suleman sat down, enjoyed the spacious master bedroom, then turned off the lights, preparing for a good night's sleep.

The fog outside the window flowed quietly, gradually, Suleman's mind calmed down, and began to belong to his sweet dreams.

In the mist outside the hotel, suddenly, a petite and lovely figure was wearing a close-fitting vest, with a pair of strong and smooth legs on the lower body, and cowboy-like boots. With the help of the mist cover, he quietly looked at someone. windows.

—That's where Suleman's room is!

(end of this chapter)