The Night Adorer

Chapter 16: Fog event


Suleman stepped into the door, and behind the door was a venue slightly smaller than the hall of the tavern, which also had a bar and wine tables.

The difference is that this 'inside tavern' is no longer noisy. A group of young men and women dressed dignifiedly, generally with black and gray as the main tone, with neat clothes and top hats, sit around the wine table.

Some were talking in low voices, some were playing bridge, but more people focused their eyes on the reward board in the center of the bar, which was hung with densely packed small papers. This was the bulletin board for bounty hunters to accept tasks. .

The bulletin board is managed by the bounty guild, and tasks are received and dispatched uniformly.

The bounty guild is second only to the Orthodox Church in the northern cold land. In terms of scale alone, it is larger than the ancient local nobles, but the bounty guild does not participate in secular power struggles. They only give bounty Hunters provide a trading platform and draw rewards from it.

No matter where you belong, as long as you pay, give enough, bounty hunters will work for you.

Even during times of war, it is not uncommon for different factions to hire bounty hunters to attack and kill members of each other. They are similar to the arms dealers on Earth, the difference is that those merchants sell arms, and bounty hunters sell abilities.

When Suleman came in, some bounty hunters cast curious eyes.

This is an unfamiliar face.

As the bounty hunters in Gangdian City, most of them have a little impression of each other, even if they don't have a deep friendship, at least they are familiar with each other. However, the young man in front of them makes them feel strange, and it is very likely that they are newcomers.

Sure enough, the next move of the waitress in front of the counter made them confirm this.

"Sir, are you Suleman Arthur Doyle who came to participate in the assessment?"

Apparently, the waitress had already heard the news, so she asked directly in the first sentence.

"Yes, I'm here to obtain the bounty hunter's qualification certificate." Suleman nodded slightly. In his previous life, he also joined the bounty hunter. Not only that, but his level is also very high, and he is eligible to go to the headquarters of the bounty guild .

At the beginning, Suleman relied on that identity to participate in the epic war that swept across the entire northern cold land. He once became the "Night Harvester" on the battlefield, making people in the opposing camp fearful and earning a lot of experience and meritorious service.

"This is a very wise choice, Mr. Suleman." The waitress was very polite and explained to him the nature of the bounty hunter's work, which is what Suleman already knew. At the end, she smiled: "As bounty hunters, sometimes we will receive commissions from ancient nobles or Orthodox sects. Of course, those tasks are very risky."

Bounty hunters are different from joining private chambers of commerce. The former is a mercenary in nature. Not only does it not limit itself, but it is favored by large and small forces. Sometimes, when the official forces are helpless, they will ask bounty hunters to help.

"For new entrants, we have to take assessment"

The female waitress led him to the bulletin board, on which were densely packed task papers, but there was a small note under each paper, which read: gray iron, silver and original words, etc., she said with a smile : "Regarding the division of bounty hunters, we use the name of the era, just like today is the third era, also known as the gray iron age, so the bounty hunters in the first stage are gray iron hunters."

"The second stage is the silver hunter, corresponding to the second era, also known as the silver age."

"The third stage is the original hunter, corresponding to the first era, the earliest era, also known as the original era."

After finishing speaking, the waitress added: "Of course, promotion to the title of hunter is very difficult, and you must have enough contributions. If you have reached the original hunter, you are even eligible to go to the headquarters to participate in the assessment of higher titles."

"However, this situation is too far away for you. Not to mention original hunters, even silver hunters are very rare. There are only three silver hunters in the guild of Gangdian City, and two of them are accepting commissions, which are not within the scope of Gangdian City. .

The remaining one is the president, who is currently following the 'Pilgrim' to investigate a major commission. "

After the waitress finished her introduction, she finally got to the point. She pointed to the request on the bulletin board—

"Please choose a commissioned event as your assessment."

Suleman looked at the bulletin board and began to choose slowly. At this moment, he recalled in his mind the future plot about Gangdian City.

While he was making the selection, the curious hunters at the other wine tables looked away and started chatting after drinking again—

"It is said that Mr. President has cooperated with the pilgrims and is searching for the descendants of the Stuart family."

"The original level task? There is only this original level task on the entire bulletin board."

"After all, Steel Code City is not as good as those top cities with temples. It is said that the city where the church of Jixue Church is located, and the bounty guild in Rin Snow City, have more than double digits for missions above the original level. "

The speaker was unintentional, but the listener was interested, and Suleman's heart was moved. Sure enough, the target of the pilgrims was not him, but another, the descendant of the Stuart family who was hiding in Gangdian City. The other party was of great value, even Inspired the president of this branch!

I can catch that guy's location, do you want to report him? A bold idea popped up in Suleman's heart, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was not appropriate. It was not a blood relationship. Except for Sylvie, those people had bullied the original owner.

Suleman reported the other party without any psychological pressure.

Just one thing, he couldn't explain the source of the 'news', and he couldn't say: 'I'm the ghost among them, right? ', this is definitely not appropriate, it is easy to pit yourself into it, just like reporting other people's failure cases.

It seems that this task needs to be considered in the long term. Suleman retracted his gaze and secretly kept this unique original task in his heart. Maybe when he became an official bounty hunter, he would have a chance to complete the task.

And he remembered correctly that if the gray iron hunter completed an original mission, he could be promoted to the silver hunter.

Let's go through the test first.

Suleman scanned again, and soon, his gaze was fixed on a certain commission.

— The Fog Event.

Commission Difficulty: Silver.

Content of the event: In the steelmaking area of Gangdian City, No. 16 Hansen Street, the northernmost place, in the Golden Xiangyu ironworks, there were people missing for several days in a row. .

Remuneration: 25 gold pounds.

"That's it!" Suleman's eyes lit up, because he remembered the steel code city in his previous life, and this fog event was recorded.

The reason is that the extraordinary life that caused the incident is a very rare 'fog monster'. It is not only a kind of extraordinary monster, but also an extremely precious extraordinary material. When players advance to the second level, it can greatly increase the success rate !

At present, after being promoted to the Night Knight, Suleman has already stepped into the first level (Transcendental Realm), but he will definitely seek promotion in the future and plan ahead, so Suleman must definitely get the materials for the mist monster.

"Miss Waiter, I decided to be it." Suleman was about to reach out to peel off the paper, when suddenly, a slender palm covered with armor came in beside him, and also pressed the corner of the commission paper.

"I take on this task, huh?"

The owner of the armor is a young woman. Her appearance is not good-looking, but her facial features are somewhat sharp. Beside her, there are two hunters, a man and a woman, who are also ready to set off .

At this time, Suleman heard someone on the wine table next to him exclaim: "Scarci is back."

Scarci, this is one of the two silver hunters who went out.

It turned out that the two had taken a fancy to the same entrusted event.

The waitress was stunned for a few seconds, then stepped forward and asked Suleman: "Sir, why don't you change the entrustment? Besides, this is a silver entrustment."

What responded to her was Suleman's firm shaking of the head.

half an hour later,

Steelmaking area, No. 16 Hansen Street, in front of the gate of the Golden Taro Ironworks.

Suleman glanced at the bounty hunters next to him, especially Miss Scarci with a tense face.

He couldn't help shaking his head secretly, he never thought that the result of the dispute between the two sides would be

That is,

jointly carry out this mandate.

Second update, please vote.

(end of this chapter)