The Night Adorer

Chapter 173: Gather



Type: Soul tool (weapon category)

Quality: D+ grade

Sharpness: 25~40 (calculated according to the cut part)

Equipment requirements: strength/agility 9 points or above, mystery 20 points or above to meet the use standard.

Special effect: When you infuse spirituality, the weapon will gain the property of soul curse, making the target feel the pain in the soul (spiritual attack), and the intensity of the pain depends on your mysterious attribute x1.6 spiritual coefficient.

Negative effect: The person holding this weapon will hear murmurs from unknown sources every once in a while. The opponent may be ordinary dead souls, or the information body left by the strong, or even the gaze of high-ranking beings. The specific effect depends on your level. The higher your level, the longer the cycle of triggering negative effects, and the lower the probability of encountering disaster.

Introduction: This is a weapon that failed to be forged, but a great high life has blessed it and reforged it. When the user holds it tightly, he can feel the power flowing from it.

This was Suleman's eyes. Although he was mentally prepared, he guessed that Sin Flame would not only help him upgrade his soul equipment, but also solve his troubles, but he never expected that He would solve it so thoroughly!

This knife-type soul tool reforged by Sin Yan and named [Qian Ye] was first upgraded from the original E-level to D+ level. According to the corresponding relationship between the rank and the level of the soul tool, this is almost equivalent to Only the third-tier powerhouses are qualified to use soul tools.

However, Suleman's attributes meet the requirements, even if he has not been promoted to the third level, it will not hinder his use.

In particular, the effect that comes with the soul tool—the soul curse characteristic, is tailor-made for Suleman. His mysterious attribute is very high, and due to the extreme point addition, it is much higher than other attributes.

I'm afraid that Sin Yan forged this soul tool on purpose just because he sensed that his mysterious attributes were extremely high.

Sin Yan really put his heart into it. Suleman sighed silently.

After all, he is one of the grand dukes who rule Heiyuan. Not to mention anything else, the power and resources under his command alone are beyond the reach of the current Suleman. Not to mention him, even the ancient aristocrats of Rin Snow City, the Stuart family before being abandoned, or the powerful secret organization, in front of the Lord Sinyan, they don't look good enough.

With such a huge power, it is not difficult for Sin Flame to create a specific soul tool.

"Try the effect."

Suleman held onto Qianye, and for a moment, there was a faint sound in his ears, but in the next moment, Suleman reached out and grabbed the sin flame on the stone bed, and stuffed it back into his clothes.

In an instant, the raving voice that had originally rang in his ears disappeared without a trace as if it had been stuck in his neck.

It is indeed a tailor-made soul tool for me. Even the negative effects can be offset by the 'sin flame'. Suleman looked at the secret tome in his arms.

As a personal item, because of the extremely high personality of Sin Yan, it immediately offset the negative effects on [Qianye].

To make a simple analogy, it is the beast peeing—the most powerful king of beasts, he pissed hot on a certain piece of land, so as to mark his mark and claim the ownership of this place to other beasts. The later beasts were afraid of this obscenity, so naturally they didn't dare to approach the territory. This was the fundamental reason why the ravings on [Qianye] were canceled out by the sinful flames.

Sin Yan must have calculated this point before making [Qianye] look like this. However, this kind of power is no longer something a "craftsman" in the dawn realm can do, at least at a level above dawn. It seems that Sin Yan The investment for him is indeed generous.


After Suleman packed everything, he thought about the 'prayer' given to him by Sin Flame before the ceremony.

That paragraph of "Prayer" clearly contained the words "Grand Duke Who Ruled the Black Abyss", which almost pointed to his underpants. This attitude means that he is not going to hide his identity anymore? Or, Sin Yan felt that he didn't understand the meaning of 'Heiyuan', after all, even the strong in the Dawn Realm, few of them knew the meaning of this word.

Middle and low-level transcendents, they don't know anything about the existence of the black abyss!

It's a pity that the sin flame was fainted, otherwise I would still be able to ask. To probe its tone, Suleman suppressed his thoughts and stopped thinking about it. He will ask again when he wakes up.

After cleaning up the traces of the ceremony, Suleman returned to the street outside the house. Since the negative effect of [Qianye] was eaten by the sin flame, he didn't need to be distracted, worrying about the loss of control of the soul tool.

This is tantamount to Suleman buying a soul tool for nothing and enjoying the personality suppression of the 'pardoner' in advance. If other extraordinary people know about this situation, their eyes will turn red with envy.

"It's time to go to the 'Gold Trial' assembly point."

Suleman didn't delay any longer, and headed towards the giant's palace. Soon, his figure disappeared into the mist.

A grand and majestic palace stands in the gray mist, and in front of the palace, a group of young people in different costumes surrounds them.

The strange thing is that these people seem to know each other, but their distribution is extremely scattered, and they are far away from each other, as if they are afraid that the other party will attack them. Such a scene, combined with the silent gray fog, is inexplicably a bit absurd.

In an inconspicuous corner, James looked not far away at those familiar genius figures, and he couldn't help but secretly gritted his teeth: "Jonah, Ross, Elisha, hell, why did they all enter the venue safely? "

"In the next gold trial, as competitors, don't I have to give them a back?"

"But after thinking about it, even I got involved, so it's not surprising that they can enter the arena safely. Hey, did I underestimate myself?" James thought silently, and deeply realized his own strength. How humble it is.

At this time, he saw the center of the palace closest to the center. Among the three young figures who attracted the attention of the audience, a young man with short blue hair, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised, with a provocative smile, took the initiative to cast his gaze at him. —

"James Kay, I really didn't expect that we would meet again in this place."

"This is reassuringly good news."

The blue short-haired young man said so, but James didn't believe him at all, because the other party was Ross, who was passionately pursuing another talented girl in the clan, Elisha.

Because James and Elisha had known each other for a long time, they were childhood sweethearts, so they were naturally suppressed by Ross secretly. In fact, Elisha had no interest in either James or Victor.

It's a pity that Ross didn't notice this. The other party was still keen to suppress James, and beat James whenever he had something to do.

James is very self-aware of his own level of strength.

So he simply pretended to be deaf, ignoring Ross's strange aura. However, before Ross continued to speak, there was another undisguised footstep in the mist not far away. Suddenly, everyone looked at him subconsciously. go.

There is not much time left until the start of the 'Golden Trial', who would be so late.

This idea had just appeared in everyone's minds, and the next moment, they saw the mist stirring, a young man with short blond hair, ordinary facial features, but with arrogance at the corners of his mouth, walking straight towards the palace.

In an instant, no matter whether it was the other people in the outer circle or the three geniuses in the center, all of them showed solemn expressions, looking at the blond young man as if facing a big enemy, and the same name appeared in their hearts.

— Dubonne!

(end of this chapter)