The Night Adorer

Chapter 188: See you honestly


"It turns out that you are the great master of the black abyss."

Hearing Suleman's words, Sin Flame stared at him quietly, but did not move. From the performance point of view, it seemed that it had expected this scene a long time ago!

After all, from the moment it bestowed the prayer directed at itself to Suleman, the identity of Sin Flame was basically revealed. However, in the world of Eternal Night, Black Abyss is a rather mysterious term that has long been buried. in history.

Even if it is the powerhouse of Dawn, there may not be a few who can know the meaning of 'Heiyuan'.

Therefore, when Sin Yan bestowed the prayer that contained her own identity to Suleman, she also took this into account, so she acted calmly and calmly in the face of Suleman's questioning.

"That's right, I am the ruler of the Black Abyss." Sin Yan admitted it outright, and then turned his gaze to Suleman, anticipating that he would ask where the 'Hei Abyss' is. On this point, Sin Yan is fully sure .

Yo, you actually confessed directly. Suleman complained silently.

Sin Yan is really a dead pig and is not afraid of boiling water. Well, it is really a rascal. Players in the previous life will definitely be surprised when they see it. Is it still the Lord Sin Yan who dominates Heiyuan? Even if you exposed your own prayer, there is a better way to deal with it, probably because IQ limits its performance.

The next step is to see Sin Yan's acting skills. Suleman sneered in his heart, but on the surface, he pretended to be serious: "Heiyuan? What is that place? Don't try to deceive me by saying that this place is the seal." Your captive domain, right?"

"This book can't fit such a large field. Heh, I'm still a little self-aware. Although the Stuart family has a deep foundation, none of the strong people in our ancestors can do this."

These words seem to have insulted the powerhouses of the ancestors one by one, defining them all as rookies, but they are very appropriate, and even Sin Yan couldn't help laughing, and then he said slowly: "Yes, in fact, the place where I was sealed is not contained in this book. To be precise, this is just a portal."

"Portal?" Suleman has a great talent for being a joke.

"Yes, about the end of the Second Era, about the end of the Second Era, the Battle of Twilight, you have also heard about it?" Sin Flame had already woven a reason in his heart, and at this moment, it narrated solemnly in a tone of revealing history :

"The Sun King who now rules the Twilight Realm was born back then, overthrowing the rule of the ancient dragons, exterminating most of the ancient dragons, and expelling the remaining giants after the war between the two gods."

"The giants were the losers in the war between the two gods, and they were expelled to the extreme north by the Sun King. They guarded the bitter cold ice wall. There were not many of them left, and they withered away quickly during the process of duty. So far, the first The two ancient species of the Second Era have all disappeared from the land of the Eternal Night World, and even if there are occasional traces, they will attract greedy humans to covet them."

"Hehe, their existence is helpful for the control of 'special abilities'. Simply put, just like our promotion ceremony, there are some special abilities (sub-professions) that need to be controlled, which is to kill designated giants or ancient dragons."

Speaking of this, Sin Yan paused for a moment, and added: "Of course, the modern ancient species has long been extinct, and they may have found other methods to replace the conditions for killing the ancient species."

"But the effect is definitely not as good as the above ones, and their value is still precious and high."

Hearing the words of Sin Yan, Su Erman felt nothing. These important plots in history, as a reborn person, he could memorize them all by heart. Not only did he know the reason for the extinction of the ancient species, he also knew that the first The history of the Second Era is divided into two main periods.

The first period is the war of the two gods, which mainly refers to the battle between the giants and the ancient dragons. The two have a large number of vassal races, as well as the real gods of their own races. Compared with today's human beings, they are still somewhat prosperous.

Two such powerful ancient species, because of various disputes over belief, geography, and population development, finally broke out in a faction war, leading their respective vassal races, with today's twilight domain and the roof of the world in the last era as the center of battle .

The war between the two gods means the war between the two 'god races'.

The second period is the Twilight War, also known as the War of the End. This is when mankind united, under the leadership of the Sun King, overthrew the dominance of the ancient species, established the human court, and created the third era. That is the prologue of the gray iron age.

The above is the main history of the Second Era. Sin Yan took the initiative to tell him, and also specially emphasized the background of the "Twilight War". Obviously, the other party was hinting at him some information.

"You mean that the ancient species are being coveted? Maybe there are still some of them in the world of Eternal Night, but they are well hidden and not easy to be found. For example, they are hidden in a secret address?" Su Erman looked at Sin Yan, deliberately cooperating with him.

At this moment, Suerman felt like a joker, and he almost took a microphone and had a double-mouthed crosstalk with Sin Yan.

"Hehe. You're pretty smart, you should understand what I mean." Sin Yan shuddered rarely, as if he was crushing his opponent in terms of IQ. Of course, he answered very implicitly, without directly identifying his identity.

Tell half the truth, and let the other party guess the rest. Anyway, it didn't admit that it is an 'ancient species'. Suleman also guessed what Sin Yan was thinking. , I'm afraid I was really fooled by it.

But the thing is, Surman isn't an aboriginal.

He even stripped off Sin Yan's underpants, and the other party's acting skills in front of him were no less than that of "Sumen's axe". A way to test your acting skills.

"Leaving aside my identity, you also know the situation in the imaginary world. There are some 'space cracks' suitable as habitats. Of course, we are also lost in the deepest part of the imaginary world—even for mages at the dawn level, it is difficult to find them. Find our place." The Sinblaze fashioned itself into the image of an Elderborn, who took refuge in the depths of the Nether during the cataclysms of the Second Age.

But he also lost his coordinates and could not return to the world of eternal night.

"I will abide by the agreement." Suleman nodded slightly to express his personal attitude.

Of course, he didn't forget to add in his heart that it was mainly due to the world mission.

"That's good."

Sin Yan was obviously relieved, and the two looked at each other for a while, and finally, it closed its eyes quietly, allowing Suleman to stuff it back into his bosom.

Phew, Suleman tidied up his clothes after Mu Biao's performance, came out of the bathroom, and was about to lie back on the bed.

Then, he saw the stone bed opposite, Shirley was looking at him quietly, her little head was half exposed from the quilt, the next moment, the eyes of the two happened to meet, and Suleman realized that he was washing room, seems to have stayed a little long.

In the middle of the night alone

Men. Lavatory. Arranging clothes Suleman realized that there was something wrong. However, before he could speak, Shirley snorted and retracted under the quilt, as if she didn't want to talk to him.

In the unspeakably awkward silence, Suleman silently climbed onto the stone bed and covered himself with a quilt.


There was no snoring on the other side, it came from under the quilt.

a long time-

"Mr Suleman"


"Don't worry. I. I don't know anything, and I won't remember what happened tonight!"

(end of this chapter)