The Night Adorer

Chapter 193: The oriole is behind



Suleman moved too fast!

From when he cut into the battlefield to violently killing people, back and forth, it took only half a breath. Even, Felice's beheaded head still had a ferocious look, and the eyes reflected the figure of the Holy Envoy of Silver Moon. .

This sleepless priest who took [Yousef's Curse], she never expected that she would die at the hands of a stranger, or be killed by a sneak attack in full view of everyone!

It's not over yet!

After Suleman succeeded, he turned around and killed without hesitation, and the sharp blade wrapped in the power of the mist went straight to Morpheus' face!

In an instant, Morpheus' face changed drastically. He had fought Phyllis for too long, and he almost ran out of cards.

The two sides played a real fight, and both sides also suffered losses. His situation was not much better than Phyllis's. If the two sides switched positions, he thought he would not be sure of stopping the sneak attack.

Facing the crisis of life and death, Morpheus exploded with great potential. At this moment, he frantically stimulated the spirituality in his body, and shook his right hand towards Suleman Void, boom! A thick beam of light like a moonlight descended from the sky, covering Suleman in a straight line!

In an instant, Suleman felt the strength in his body, and was faintly drawn away by the silver beam of light.

At the same time, his movements became sluggish, like a slide show. Even from the perspective of a bystander, one could clearly see that Suleman's movements slowed down. At this moment, Shirley, who was hiding in the crowd, also acted.

But she didn't choose to help Suleman. On the contrary, Shirley stepped on it suddenly, her beautiful pupils erected faintly, as if turning into a beast posture, and stopped another enemy who was about to take advantage of the chaos to evacuate. Stevenson, who is wearing the sleepless teaching uniform, is also Phyllis's companion!

"Want to go?"

Shirley snorted and clenched her right hand down, boom! The big purple hand condensed on top of Stevenson's head, and fell towards him fiercely, not asking for a kill, just holding the opponent down!

This was the task Suleman entrusted to her, and Shirley kept it firmly in her heart.

Although Suleman's situation seemed bad, she chose to trust him.

After all, since the two joined hands and entered the dreamland, the performance of the other party has conquered her, so that Shirley does not need to think independently, and listens to the other party wholeheartedly, which is also the most suitable cooperation mode for the two.

simply put.

This is the self-awareness of being a 'thug'!

Stevenson, who originally wanted to evacuate, couldn't help but his face changed suddenly, and he was forced to be dragged into the quagmire of the battle. Not only that, Shirley was at the peak of the battle, completely better than Stevenson.

The latter had fought against Deacon Yinyue for too long, and he also fell into the embarrassing situation of declining combat power.

So, relying on the peak of her own state, Shirley crushed Stevenson all the way and beat them violently. Ordinary people could not intervene in their battlefield. At the same time, Suleman was covered by the moonlight, and his movements were like pouring cement. Same, very slow and solidified.

"This is the special ability of the 'Moon Singer'."

"Through chanting, you can summon the silver moonlight beam and put the target into a slow state."

A judgment flashed in Suleman's mind. It was Morpheus's sub-job. As a reborn, he had game experience in his previous life. He could easily guess the other side's sub-job. Not only that, Suleman also customized A simple yet effective tactic.

"Shadow hiding!"

Suleman recited a sentence silently, and at the same time activated his secret technique trait Shadow Attendant, which is a new trait that can only be activated when 30 points of mysterious attributes are met. Every professional, when their first attribute reaches 30 points, will activate the 'occult trait'.

However, there is only one 'occult trait' they can activate.

When the second attribute reaches 30 points, the second occult trait will not be comprehended. Each person has only one occult trait, and with different attributes, they are different from each other. In addition, the occult traits of different professions Properties also vary.

Even if they are the same night knights, due to the different point addition schemes, the secret art characteristics they master are completely different. After all, the night knights not only use the attribute of "mystery" to add points, but also have the "strength" style of standing in the physical body. There is also 'pure agility' dexterity, but the most orthodox is, without a doubt, the mystic style.

The 'Shadow Attendant', who was comprehended by the mysterious attribute, naturally inherited this point. Its ability effect is very simple, that is, it jumps in the nearby shadows. increase and increase.

In addition, the release ability in a short period of time will make the cooling time longer and longer.

The first cooldown may be three seconds, but the second cooldown will be four to five seconds, increasing in turn. However, the higher the rank of the night knight, the cooling time can be shortened. In short, this is a very useful ability.

Suleman proved this with his own actions.


Suleman's figure disappeared from the silver beam of light like a bubble. In the next second, he re-condensed in the shadow behind Morpheus, and holding a sharp blade, he slashed at Morpheus' back fiercely!

Everything happened so fast that Morpheus had no time to summon a new beam of light, so he could only turn sideways slightly.

While avoiding the vital point, his back muscles were also cut by the sharp blade, and a chill penetrated his body from above. Morpheus did not feel much pain. At this moment, the reaction was different from that of normal people. Morpheus I was terrified to the extreme.

Because pain is normal.

Not being able to feel normal physical feedback can only explain the situation, which is much worse than he imagined.


Morpheus couldn't help cursing, but unfortunately, his furious emotions didn't help him solve the problem. When Morpheus stepped on his feet, he suddenly opened the distance between the two.

He found that the wounded part of his body was entwined with gray mist, like worms, desperately penetrating into the depth of the wound bit by bit. The most frightening thing was that he couldn't feel any pain, but his own mobility had declined.

It turned out that the feeling in his body came from this.

Is this the opponent's characteristic ability

Morpheus opened his eyes wide. Even though he knew most of the career paths, at this moment, he didn't understand what the ability of the fog wrapped around his body was? It's so difficult to deal with, and can reduce one's own mobility, comparable to the 'Moon Singer' he has mastered!

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Suleman swung his knife mercilessly, and slashed at Morpheus's vitals, regardless of the other party's thoughts. Anyway, both sides are enemies. The descendants of the Stuart family themselves are wanted by the Silver Moon Church. It is difficult to move an inch in the civilized city-state of the soil.

If the enemy knows his identity, they will not let Suleman go.

Regarding killing the opponent, Suleman will not have the slightest psychological burden. When he did not know how many times he cut, suddenly, there was a heat flow along the blade and passed to him, which made Suleman's actions more intense. How fast!

This is the 'power of mist' stacked full of layers, triggering its own sensitive rise!

Under the ebb and flow, Suleman completely gained the upper hand, and his knife speed became faster and faster, forcing Morpheus to dodge left and right, unable to parry at all, and unable to summon the silver beam of light that fell from the sky. , to restrict Suleman's actions.

At this moment, the people who were fighting fiercely outside the square, including the sons of gold, saw the battle circle in the center, and saw the envoy of Silver Moon, who was like a bereaved dog under Suleman's attack, who could only linger on his last breath. For some reason, they all had the same idea in their hearts, and they all came up with a term—wolf pack tactics.

It is said that wild wolves who are good at hunting will not press too hard in the face of prey stronger than themselves, and cannibalize the opponent step by step. When the powerful prey loses a lot of physical strength due to bleeding injuries, they will pounce on them to finish The life of the other party.

At this moment, the Holy Envoy of Silver Moon was the prey.

"Master Judgment, something happened over there in the city square, we need support as soon as possible!"

James sat on the chair on the back of the giant beast and listened to the reports of the cavalry below. For a moment, his heart was churning.

After weighing the pros and cons, James sat firmly on the chair and said to the subordinate, "We stay where we are. This is the duty given to us by the celebration. You must not leave your post without permission."


The subordinate member who heard the order couldn't help looking at James, with a look of 'suspiciousness' flashing across his face. The behavior of this adjudicator seems a little abnormal

You know, as the elite force of the Sleepless Church, their first duty is to defend the Sleepless Church.

And on the city square where the outbreak broke out, there are two leaders of the Sleepless Church. According to the normal situation, shouldn't they return to the square to support them? However, the cavalry regiments in other blocks have all moved, and it seems that they are the only ones. The team led by Lord 'Judger' stayed in place, which is really not a normal situation. Thinking of this, the subordinate's face Suspicion grew stronger.


James was in a bad mood, knowing that this moment was the most dangerous moment since he was involved in [Yelmond].

It is impossible to go to the city square. Thinking with the hair of his thighs, he also knows that there is a big mess over there. If he goes there in his capacity, he must help the Sleepless Church to get stabbed? If he doesn't act, he will be regarded as a traitor again, which is simply not good for both sides.

As for the gold trial, go to hell with me! James has gone through several changes, and has long since given up on the gold trial. He doesn't want to think about the rewards in the clan after completion. His goal is to survive.

Not only that, but James also misses 'Mr. Yasen' very much. No, it should be Suleman Stuart!

When Suleman was promoted to the third level, James not only witnessed the whole process, but also learned the real identity of Mr. Yasen. It was the vest that Suleman used to conceal his identity. level.

It would be great if he had his strength

No matter what, let's solve the immediate troubles first. James looked at the subordinate members who had doubts about him, and his heartstrings were slightly tensed. Stimulated by his survival instinct, James pretended to be calm and said—

"The mission entrusted to us by the priest is to guard the entrance and exit of the golden zone."

"There is an outbreak in the square now. According to common sense, I should go to support the square. But, think about it carefully. With the strength of the chief priest and the members who assist her, do you need to worry about safety?"

"Since the officiant is holding the ceremony, with her wisdom, she must have already prepared for it."

"At this time, they transferred us away from the entrance and exit of the Golden Zone"

James' words seemed to be persuasive, guiding the nearby subordinates step by step, letting them follow the former's train of thought, and couldn't help thinking about it. Suddenly, the previous subordinate who raised objections seemed to be enlightened: "Mr. ! Do you mean that our task is not as simple as it appears? The dean of the priest asked us to go to the entrance and exit of the Golden Zone, but it is actually another intention?"

Your understanding is very good, I need an accomplice like you. James smiled: "Yes, our real task is not to deal with the fallen, but to guard the entrance and exit of the golden zone and prevent them from escaping from there. This is our real mission!"

"The officiant is wise!"

"Master Judge, wise!"

In an instant, members of the nearby cavalry regiment shouted, and under the leadership of James, they headed for the end of the golden district, far away from the city square.

Scared to death, James sat on a chair, feeling the admiring gazes from around him, his heart trembling secretly, and he really used himself to interpret what it means to be "seemingly stable like an old dog, but actually panicked."

The mighty team surrounded James and left.

In the minds of the cavalry who listened to the order, the priest of the Sleepless Church must have shown his might, beating those fallen people and running around with their heads in their arms, and what they have to do is very simple, as long as they guard the gate of the Golden Zone, victory will be belong to them.

After fighting for a long time, Morpheus finally missed, and Suleman seized an opportunity to bully him.

- Hiss!

Accompanied by the flash of the knife, Morpheus lost his right arm, and the pain surged up, but before Morpheus could taste the pain, Suleman took advantage of the opponent's empty door and swung the knife Handle, boom!

A head belonging to Morpheus flew up, and horror remained on the blood-stained face.

As the envoy of the Silver Moon Church, and as the reserve of the future Holy Son, Morpheus never thought that he would die in this place, and in such a simple way, under the gaze of everyone, he was defeated.

The main reason is that in the fight between him and Phyllis, he really overdrawn too many cards. When Suleman intervened, Morpheus was almost in a state of exhaustion. He died in the hands of Suleman!

However, things are not over yet.

At the moment when Morpheus died, a large amount of black silk thread was released from the waist of his body, and the black abyss secret tome wrapped around the corpse suddenly froze, and the black silk threads on the secret tome turned into Fly ash disappeared completely.

At the same time, the cover of the Black Abyss Secret Tome became cracked, and there was a faint howling like a soul, lingering from above.

"This is my win!"

There was a cheer from Suleman's arms, and in the next second, the sinful flame came out of Suleman's arms wrapped in thick flames, and the flames on it swept towards the mysterious black abyss with a ruthless attitude. Code.

The secret tome belonging to Morpheus seemed to want to move, but unfortunately, its silk threads were smashed to pieces, and without any resistance, its body was stained by pale flames, and it let out a shrill and slightly fearful scream :


"It's actually you!!!"


The entire secret tome was shattered by the pale flame, and the mysterious star point that floated out was absorbed by it. The next moment, it slipped back into Suleman's arms, and the book cover was tightly attached to the latter's chest, faintly bringing A burning sensation.

(end of this chapter)