The Night Adorer

Chapter 196: Acting behavior


Among the five righteous gods in the northern cold land, they are mainly divided into two factions—the Lord of the Silver Moon and the Goddess of Hunting are foreign forces. They do not belong to the northern cold land. , Containing the original forces in the northern cold land.

The remaining three righteous gods are the native "Gods of the North". They are the God of Winter, the Lord of War and the Master of Steam. During the reign of the emperor, a new god appeared suddenly, and no one knew his past origin.

All I know is that the Master of Steam and the Northern Twin Gods (God of Winter, Lord of War) at that time joined forces to clean up the remaining giants after the failure of the war, and expelled the few remaining survivors to the Northern Continent At the end of the world, let them guard the bitter cold ice wall.

In the previous life, in the future plot of the Evernight World, due to the internal split of the Church of Steam and the long-term failure of the [Steam Master] to respond to the prayers of the saints, the [Steam Revolution] finally broke out, which also caused the north to fall into a war of gods and eventually weakened one of the main reasons.

In addition to this reason, there are two other important reasons. One is the belief dispute between Mercury Libra and Natural Asylum, and the belief dispute between the two orthodox churches that invaded from foreign lands in the cold land of the north.

The other is that the holders of the Black Abyss Secret Code took advantage of the fire and caused troubles in different civilized city-states. To a certain extent, it involved the energy of the Orthodox Church and made them ignore the abnormality of the Church of Steam. Various factors superimposed, and finally A war of gods broke out.

This is the first battle of gods since the third era!

In [Steam Transformation], players who have participated in the plot know the term [Steam Research Society], which is the predecessor of the Church of Steam. They disguised themselves as an academic organization in the second era, and then The mid term is gone.

It was not until thousands of years later that they suddenly appeared at the turning point of the Twilight War. At that time, the [Steam Joint Research Association] had already been 'destroyed' in the dust of history, and no one connected them with the Church of Steam. After all, there is more than one ancient organization that studies steam, and there are hundreds of civil organizations that were destroyed in the war because of their weakness, not less than one [Steam Joint Research Association].

As a reborn person, Suleman naturally knows this secret, but ordinary people don't know it. Even Shirley in front of her doesn't know that the [Steam Joint Research Association] she mentioned is the predecessor of the Steam Church. , is also the Orthodox Church where Anne belongs.

After listening to Shirley's narration, Suleman heard another mission completed. Just like Ms. Black Butterfly, the mission rewarded a lot of experience and a scroll of derivative skills.

At the beginning, it was for the completion reward of the 'Golden Son', but unexpectedly, there were twists and turns, and the derivative scroll was not found on the Golden Son.

Instead, it was Shirley who told him the historical secrets afterward, triggering a secret mission, and finally completed his original goal.

This is considered unintentional. Suleman secretly sighed, not in a hurry to look at the task, but looked at Shirley: "So, you follow the founder's admonition, while trying to master the training method he left behind , while awe of machinery?"

"Yes." Shirley nodded slightly, and added: "In fact, we have also mastered some promotion ceremonies related to 'craftsman', but we just followed his admonition and never used it. Of course, to a greater extent, we are worried cause trouble."

Suleman nodded silently, understanding that the trouble she mentioned was the Church of Steam.

Inexplicably grasping part of the other party's professional rituals, or the rituals of the Orthodox Church, is it disgusting that he didn't live long enough? Once exposed, it will inevitably cause big trouble. It seems that the founder's admonition is not useful, but the reality forces them to be cautious.

"Actually... I'm an orphan."

After talking about all the secrets, Shirley seemed to let go of the restraint, and she took the initiative to talk about her life experience: "I was adopted by the previous president since I was a child. She is a kind woman, um, I know the meaning of kindness." It may not be very appropriate to use the word for the leader of a secret organization, but the fact is that she is not only kind, but also makes the organization smaller and smaller."

"When she took me in, the New Order Society was not as large as it is today. At that time, only she and two other members of the New Order Society stepped into the extraordinary, and they were limited to the first rank, which was very weak."

"However, they often help the workers. Sometimes, even we don't have enough to eat."

When Xue Lier said this, her pretty face showed memories, a little warm, but also a hint of bitterness and sadness: "Because they often help the workers, their income is not enough to pay. So, the president is going to be promoted to the next rank, and she I feel that as long as I have strength, I can do more dangerous things and get richer rewards, even become a bounty hunter."

"And she died during the trial?" Suleman guessed, after all, the New Order would be popular to 'trial' capitalists.

This reminded Suleman of the good tradition of a certain 'hanging street lamp' in his previous life.

"No, she is going for another promotion plan. You know, there is more than one way to complete the promotion." Shirley rubbed her eyes and tried to smile: "The way we master trait abilities can be to judge those Dirty rich people can also call people together and let them gain new wealth through hard work, both of which can meet our needs in feedback, and she chose the latter."

Shirley's voice dropped, and the last few sentences became inaudible. Suleman could faintly hear words such as 'stupid', 'naive', 'bastard', etc. He didn't pursue the question, and vaguely guessed the former president ending.

"After you took over the legacy of the previous president, you chose this path to keep judging those factory owners?" Suleman's voice was much softer, as if he was afraid of disturbing her memory.

Shirley nodded slightly, and when she was about to speak, she heard Suleman suddenly say, "But, do you think that judging those factory owners and distributing their wealth will solve this problem?"

"You have been promoted to the third rank, but you still stay in the new order. I am afraid that it is not for mastering special abilities. If it is the second rank, it can also be explained that he is pursuing power, but you who have been promoted to the third rank, the next goal It's the realm of dawn"

"The New Rank Society is already dispensable to you. You stayed to develop your power just for a wish?"

Xue Lier fell into silence. A few minutes later, she nodded with difficulty, not giving her a chance to speak, Suleman pressed on step by step like a big devil: "But you also realize that this method is only temporary. Yes, it can’t be long-term at all. Even if those workers get the money, after a short period of prosperity, most people will return to their original lives and continue to repeat the squeeze.”

"A small number of people will become new factory owners. They live a life they hate and choose to squeeze others."

"If this continues, the Cangxue Mountains cannot be changed, let alone the cold land in the north, or even the entire Evernight World."

Shirley's head was lowered by what he said, and she was buried deeper and deeper. The next moment, she suddenly heard Suleman say: "This is a problem of wealth structure. You can judge a few people, but you can't change the whole world. There may be a way to start with it.”

"What way?" Shirley raised her head suddenly, looking at Suleman's gaze, which was faintly burning.

"Change the entire wealth system, just like the moving castle of the Church of Steam." Suleman finally threw out his foreshadowing, which is also the real idea behind the insight into the future plot: "It's just that their choices are much more extreme, and there are also hidden dangers. There are a lot of hidden dangers, it is not recommended to learn directly, but you can seek some changes and advance to the gate of dawn."

"Although you are a contract master, the Church of Steam also has what you want."

what i want Shirley seemed to understand what he meant, and began to recall the legacy left by the 'founder'. Soon, her eyes lit up, and she vaguely thought of a solution. The next moment, Shirley excitedly said: "Then which moving castle do you think is the most suitable for the development of our members?"

The savvy is so high. Suleman said decisively: "Iron Heart City, among the eighteen moving castles wandering in the northern cold land, I recommend that place the most. The steam university there recruits foreign students. Of course, the conditions will be stricter."

Ironheart City is exactly the moving castle where Annie is.

After listening to Shirley's anecdote, Suleman already had an idea in his mind, and he was going to take the initiative to intervene in the plot.

Anyway, people are living in the cold northern land, so these plots cannot be avoided. No matter where they hide, they will be involved in natural disasters, even more unlucky than previous encounters, just like what happened in Gangdian City. In this case, Su Erman plans to take the initiative to attack, not only the plot of the Black Abyss, but also the plot of [Steam Transformation], he is also ready to intervene in it.

Take advantage of it as a prophet!

Guiding Shirley to the moving castle is the opponent's opportunity, and it is Suleman's attempt to influence the plot. Of course, the safety of the opponent will definitely be guaranteed. After all, Ironheart City is the most tolerant city among all the moving castles. .

Moreover, Suleman still has a back door to go, as long as he can contact Anne, the identity of the wanted criminal in the north is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Church of Steam. They will not care about this. The two Orthodox churches didn't want to provoke the steam forces, so Suleman didn't have to worry about Shirley's entry procedures.

After hearing what he said, Shirley bowed her head silently, apparently agreeing to his proposal.

Unknowingly, I also reached the point of stirring up the plot. Suleman saw this scene and was about to sigh a few words.

Suddenly, the two seemed to have noticed something, turned their heads hastily, and looked at each other.

As members of the amnesty who have been promoted to the third rank, they have already comprehended [unity of body and spirit], and the bloodline trait activated by Suleman is [Dream Spirit]. I don't know, what is the bloodline trait activated by Shirley? But judging by her beautiful and white appearance, she shouldn't look like a giant, or the blood of other barbarians.

In short, after the two of them mastered the traits of the blood, they had a deeper understanding of spirituality. With this, they immediately noticed the breath of dreams on their bodies, and there were faint ripples, as if they had been disturbed by something.

Someone is capturing their location

The two of them understood the situation without words. If they were powerhouses of the first and second ranks, they would not be aware of this at all, but as members of the amnesty, their spiritual control over themselves has already penetrated into every inch of the body. [Body and Spirit Unity].

Even the breath of dreams can capture changes in their perception!

"Strange, we are the pair who played the best role among all the intruders." Shirley wanted to blurt out, and then she realized that the next word was not suitable for a girl to say, especially unmarried women.

Even those things, she knew from the description of the previous president, and she had never tried it herself. She couldn't speak easily based on the instinctive shame of women. However, Suleman didn't notice her small actions, but looked solemnly—

"Could it be that"

"[Ancient Eye] adopted the most extreme method?"

Suleman looked out the window. At some point, the noisy tavern had quieted down. It seemed that something was cruising the streets outside, making the drinkers afraid to be presumptuous.

Not only that, that thing is still looking for clues. Along the way, it makes occasional movements, picking out well-hidden intruders from the townhouses beside the street. Some of them are children of gold, some are believers of the silver moon, or simply It's ordinary people.

After all, none of the people on the Cangxue Mountains were spared, and all of them were drawn in by the dream ceremony, whether they were extraordinary or not.

"Sure enough, it consumes the origin of [Yelmond] and is tracing every strange breath. Anyway, [Yelmond] is about to collapse. We can return to the real world in two or three hours at most."

"In this case, it doesn't care about the consumption of the source anymore." Suleman guessed the truth, he stopped the red-haired girl who wanted to look out of the window, and said seriously: "Don't do anything against the human design, otherwise , we will be locked into position by it soon. Just like the others, but the others are much more dangerous than us!"

Xue Lier understood the meaning, stared at him faintly, and asked suddenly: "You mean, as long as we fit the human design?"

"Yes, let's stay in the house and don't move around, and then we'll gamble on luck." Suleman was looking at the sky outside the window, silently predicting the time, when suddenly, he felt a fragrant wind blowing.

Hey, he was astonished in his heart and was about to turn his head when he felt a pair of white hands lightly clasping his shoulders. Naturally, with Suleman's strength, he would not be attacked by someone, but the target was beyond him. Unexpected, so that the reaction was half a beat slow.

It was this half beat that made him lose his last chance to resist. In an instant, Suleman felt his lips warm up, as if blocked by something soft, and the youthful fragrance of a girl penetrated into the tip of his nose , making the heart beat inexplicably faster.

Looking up, Suleman saw a pair of blue eyes like autumn water, and the complex emotions contained in them:

"I hope you can cooperate with my performance."

"I won't regret it either."


PS: This chapter is 4K, 2-in-1, fulfilling the promise and adding updates, ask for a monthly pass for the third update today!

I'm going to have a meal and see if I can squeeze out another one late at night.

(end of this chapter)