The Night Adorer

Chapter 197: Back to reality


[Yelmond], on the streets of the slums.

In the direction of the city square, a giant eyeball as big as a millstone was floating in the air, and it was surrounded by cavalry regiments raised by the Sleepless Church, following the footsteps of the eyeball one by one, searching the entire street.

The giant's eyeballs hovered in the air, watching a large street from afar. Rather than saying that it was guarded by the cavalry regiment, it might be better to say that it was the king of the dream city and was patrolling its domain.

From time to time, the figure of the giant eyeball on patrol would stop for a while.

Then, as if it had discovered some clues, it turned around suddenly, and the bloodline on the giant's eyeballs stretched out and penetrated into that direction. it catches.

The blood line touched each other, and those batches of dream invaders hadn't made a move to resist. The whole person seemed to be drugged and in a trance. They gave up resistance one by one. After a while, they regained their self-awareness , but acting according to the identity of the dream.

They were transformed into true dream dwellers.

Sometimes, there is not necessarily the only way to eradicate an opponent. In the scope of [Yelmend], which is a collective dream, it is much easier to transform the dream aura on the opponent than to kill the opponent.

This is the home field advantage of the giant eyeballs. As long as [Yelmond] has not completely collapsed, even if it deals with enemies at the dawn level, it only needs a slight transformation, and the opponent will become a dream dweller, and there is no need to fight hard.

In fact, with the real combat power of giant eyeballs, it is only at the level of the third-order peak.

It's just that the advantage on the home field allows the giant's eyeballs to easily 'kill' the powerhouse of Dawn, creating its status as a monarch.


Rumbling, there is a faint sound of building disintegration, coming from the direction of the city border, this is the precursor of the collapse of [Yelmond], and in at most two hours, this ancient city that resides in the collective dream will be destroyed. Complete disintegration, everyone will return to reality.

Except for the dream dwellers.

Yes, the dream residents have integrated into [Yelmond], they are part of the dream city.

Since the dreamland was disintegrated and destroyed, they, as the residents of the dreamland, were naturally unable to escape, and also died along with the ancient city-state.

Now, the 'Ancient Eye' is executing the will of [Yelmond], constantly transforming the intruders into dream dwellers. Since its own destruction is inevitable, it must drag down enough funeral objects before it is destroyed.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

Strains of bright red blood emerged from the body of the 'Ancient Eye' and penetrated into different directions on the street. As for the 'Ancient Eye' still hanging high in the sky, there were lights and shadows flickering in its eyes.

That is, it consumes the original power of [Yelmond], and forcibly pursues the identity of the 'intruder'. Once the other party's behavior does not conform to the identity of the dream, even if it is only a little bit, it will leave traces and let the 'Ancient Eye' 'Find each other.

When the mighty search team came to the depths of the slums, there were large and small taverns and hotels nearby, suddenly, the 'Eye of the Ancients' froze, and it turned to a certain tavern, as if looking into the holding something.

From its perspective, it can be aligned with the location on the second floor of the tavern. At this moment, the 'Ancient Eye' seems to be searching for clues, and the light and shadow in the eyes become more and more fluid, and each picture is a fragment of the life of the 'Dream Resident'.

It seems to be comparing, just like a criminal police officer is taking a photo to compare the appearance of the suspect.

The only difference is that the former is compared to the appearance, and the latter is compared to the breath of the dream.

Suddenly, there seemed to be some changes in the tavern, and the movement of the 'Ancient Eye' was stopped, and there was a rare trace of human doubt in that huge eye like a millstone, as if it was strange——

There was obviously something wrong with the aura in that direction, but for some reason, the other party's aura quickly became 'normal' again, just like ordinary dream residents, there was no flaw at all.

Even if it concentrates its energy, at the cost of [Yelmonde]'s original power, it can't detect any abnormalities.

Is this an illusion

The 'Ancient Eye' hovering in the air was slightly tilted, and the huge eyes were at a 60° angle, which looked quite funny.

Coupled with its seemingly ferocious appearance, it has a strange feeling of tiger head and tiger brain.

Ten seconds later, the 'Ancient Eye' took the initiative to withdraw its gaze. In the final analysis, it is just the will incarnation of [Yelmond], which is essentially similar to a rule of wisdom. Although there are some modifications, it cannot be avoided. Rigid, will only follow the rules.

Since [Yelmond]'s original power has not been detected, it means that the other party has no problem.

With this in mind, the 'Eye of the Ancients' greeted the troops under his command, turned around and wandered towards another city. Its mission was heavy, and it needed to drag down all the invaders before the city completely collapsed.

But I don't have so much free time to think about that fleeting 'sense of strangeness'.

With the "Eye of the Ancients" taking people away, the slums seem to have returned to calm, only the distant city borders continue to collapse, and in the taverns after the calm, the drunkards and gamblers looked at each other, not understanding the silence of the situation. If there is no sound.

Due to the collapse at the edge of the city, there were waves of earthquakes that covered up the movement upstairs. The gamblers in a certain tavern never noticed what happened upstairs.

Two hours later, the city of [Yelmonde] collapsed to the limit.

In an instant, a large amount of fog was born, covering all urban areas including the slums, and making all the living people in the city unable to stop their movements. Among them, one by one was transformed into a dream dweller.

In an instant, they gained sobriety.

Then I was horrified to find that I was being wiped away inch by inch like an eraser, like the end of the city, being buried in nothingness together, but there were also invaders who survived, hiding in the ruins and rejoicing.

The next moment, they were shrouded in the spreading mist. All the surviving intruders were the same, including the two people in a certain room who also stopped their movements, woke up from their instincts, and only had time to tidy up their clothes. In an instant, they were swallowed up by the fog and finally escaped from this collective dream.


The feeling of imbalance swept over, and Suleman instinctively grasped the soft things beside him. The next moment, when he opened his eyes again, the bright and dazzling sunlight came in from the window, and when he looked up, he found that he was on the upper floor of a certain factory. in the office.

But outside the window is no longer fog, but bright and dazzling sunshine.

A soft chime sounded from beside him, Suerman realized the situation, let go of the other party hastily, looked up, and saw a red-haired girl rubbing her head, she seemed a little dizzy, and her face was blushing, As if not separated from the previous state.

When she raised her small head, she looked at the young man in front of her.

She couldn't help opening her small mouth, contrary to her usual capable image, she sounded like a mosquito:

"Susurman, good morning."

there is another chapter tonight

(end of this chapter)