The Night Adorer

Chapter 2: psychological game


This. This is the 'Black Abyss Secret Code'? !

Su An looked at the things in front of him. As a reborn person, a noun couldn't help but pop up in his mind.

The Black Abyss Secret Code, something that once made people turn pale when they talked about it, has deeply affected the entire Eternal Night World. The reason is that any aborigine who has obtained the Black Abyss Secret Code will eventually be bewitched by the Lord Hei Abyss.

The bewitched, they set off killings and disasters on the land of the Eternal Night World, and unlocked the seal of the Black Abyss step by step. In the later version of "Eternal Night", the Black Abyss that was completely unsealed exploded, and the sun turned into an extinguished sun. Dusky Star, despair and disaster enveloped the whole world.

yes they.

There is more than one Black Abyss Book of Secrets. According to the information players know, at least in the vast area of the northern cold land, there are double digits of fallen people who own the Black Abyss Book of Secrets. Some of them were exterminated by sects, and some They have been dormant for a long time, without exception, they are all men with illustrious reputations.

Su An never expected that the original owner actually carried a black abyss secret book on him.

On the pale yellow classic book, the dark, ink-like eyeballs turned slightly, looking at the black-haired young man who was in a daze, mistakenly thinking that he was frightened, and couldn't help pulling the cracks, making a hoarse and bewitching voice—

"It seems that your situation is very bad, but I can help you out of it."

"do not be afraid."

"I'm just your elder, just like those old guys you read in knight novels, hehe, in fact, I still know your grandpa."

The words of the Black Abyss Secret Code are full of persuasion, gentle and easy-going, just like facing a junior of your own family, if you are someone who does not know the inside story, I am afraid that the first time, in a desperate situation, it is easy to say Trust each other.

"Young man, are you willing to help me?"

Su An came back to his senses and immediately realized that he was facing a major decision.

If you were an ordinary person, you would definitely agree to come down with joy.

However, Su An, as a reborn person, is very aware of the plot trend of "Eternal Night". The so-called Black Abyss Secret Code is essentially the "bait" thrown into the world of Eternal Night by the Hei Abyss Grand Dukes. The heir to the world of Eternal Night is being eroded step by step.

This is a very standard 'sugar-coated cannonball', with sugar coating as a temptation to make them drink poison like poisonous wine.


I want to reject each other

This idea flashed through Su An's mind, and in the next second, he overturned the whole idea.

The key is that his situation is very dangerous. You must know that Su An is being imprisoned. Once they arrive in Gangdian City, they will end up being reduced to auction goods. In this case, Su An must seize every root to save his life. Straw, to get rid of their own fate.

The original owner had never mastered extraordinary power, and was imprisoned in an iron cage, the only chance to turn the situation around

—Only the Black Abyss Secret Code in front of me!

Su An doesn't care about the future of the Evernight World, as for the invasion of the Black Abyss.

In essence, Su An, as a former pioneer, witnessed the magnificent epic plot of disaster.

Knowing that a person is small, he will not have the naive idea of saving the world, his appeal is very simple, as long as he can survive.

For this goal, Su An doesn't mind taking some 'extraordinary measures'.


Su An decided to use the Black Abyss Secret Code, but when it came to specific methods, it was another major problem.

The Black Abyss Secret Code communicated with him in front is essentially the projected power of the Lord Heiyuan. In other words, Su An is having a psychological game face to face with a Lord Heiyuan. You must know that the Lord Heiyuan is "Heiyuan" true master.

The strength of every Heiyuan Grand Duke is no less than that of the gods in the world of Eternal Night. Even the players in the previous life are like ants in front of them, and they have no resistance. Can kill in seconds.

They are equivalent to gods, the essence is the same as the latter, and they have existed for an unknown number of years.

If he cooperates with the Black Abyss Secret Code, it is no less than seeking skin with a tiger. If he is not careful, he may be swallowed up to nothing.

Those "fallen people" in the previous life did not have a happy ending, and it was difficult to die well.

It can be seen that in the eyes of Grand Duke Heiyuan, they are just tool people who can be discarded at any time. What's more, Su An's situation is bad, and he lacks bargaining chips with the other party, which is a great disadvantage.

[The other party doesn't know that I have insight into his identity. This is my only advantage.]

[At the negotiating table, I need to take the initiative]

With this in mind, Su An looked at the Black Abyss Secret Code, and suddenly interrupted the other party—

"You're lying!"

Hearing this, the tone of the Heiyuan Secret Tome faltered, and his black eyes, like graphite, kept staring at Su An.

The main thing is that Su An's words and deeds do not follow the routine at all, directly disrupting the rhythm of the Black Abyss Secret Code.

The key point is that it didn't show its feet, and it didn't know where it made a mistake, but Su An's tone was very certain.

Such a determined attitude made Heiyuan Secret Code feel confused, and even doubted his own acting skills

Let's watch my performance next. Su An took a deep breath, knowing that success or failure depends on one move. The next moment, he raised his head a little "proudly", with a confident smile, his eyes looked at the secret code of the black abyss, and said lightly :

"You lied on purpose. In fact, you are not an ancestor of our family at all."

"If you are really an ancestor, or our could you watch the Stuart family fall? You don't want to help my fathers earlier and find a way to reverse the situation? Prove that you are deceiving I!"

"According to my guess, in fact, you are a sealed extraordinary life. In this regard, I am afraid that my ancestors did a good job."

Having said that, Su An paused slightly, and her tone became calm—

"Of course, the Stuart family has long been destroyed."

"It doesn't matter what the truth is."

"It seems that you plan to use me to try to break free from the seal on your body. This is your real motive!"

Speaking of this, Su An raised his head slightly, pointed the tip of his nose at the book on purpose, looking a little 'young and vigorous', while speaking confident and sure words, while looking a little 'nervously' at the Black Abyss Secret Code, In terms of performance, it is very in line with his appearance age.

An immature youth who has just held a coming-of-age ceremony and is only eighteen years old.

Of course, Su An's age in his previous life was not very old, but one thing is, "Eternal Night" is an immersive virtual game, the time conversion ratio between the game and the real world is 6:1, and the number of real days is equal to six in the game. sky. In his previous life, Su An was a hardcore professional player who had been immersed for many years. He spent as much mental time in "Eternal Night" as most of his life for ordinary people.

— so his mental age is different from appearance, very deceiving.

The Black Abyss Secret Code fell silent.

In fact, as early as Su An said the sentence 'You are lying', it had already shown signs of doing something, and the black eyes on the cover flickered slightly.

However, when Su An expounded his personal opinion, and then said 'you are a sealed extraordinary life', the Black Abyss Secret Code stopped and waited patiently for the other party to finish speaking, and then spoke again—

"You are very smart."

The Black Abyss Secret Code took a deep 'look' at him, his eyes were a bit complicated and seemed unpredictable.

From the perspective of outsiders, at this moment, it looks like a liar whose lies have been exposed, and is a little at a loss.

But in fact, Su An caught the faint trace of playfulness under its gaze——

"I didn't expect that you actually guessed my identity."

The Black Abyss Secret Code was a little emotional, but he didn't deny Su An's 'guess', instead he took the initiative to confirm it.

This is the result it wanted, because in his opinion, Su An guessed a little wrong—

You must know that He is the Grand Duke who rules the Black Abyss, and he is not the same concept as the so-called extraordinary life!

The difference between the two is like the difference between an ant and an elephant.

Of course, this misunderstanding helped to cover up its identity, so it made a mistake, and the Black Abyss Secret Code took advantage of the opportunity to admit this identity.

"So, what are you going to do?" Black Abyss Secret Code said with interest.

At this moment, it was curious how Su An, who had torn the window paper, would handle the relationship between the two parties? If it really wants to turn its face, even if its power is blocked by a seal, it is not a problem to solve an ordinary person.

With the idea of being able to deal with the worst situation, the Black Abyss Secret Code wanted to see what answer this young man would bring


This answer also determines the life and death of the youth.

"Of course I'm working with you." Su An smiled, her delicate and immature face looked extraordinarily delicate under the light of the lantern, and it was easy to give people a good first impression. Of course, most people would also be too young because , so it is easy to underestimate his ideas.

"Cooperation?" The tone of the Black Abyss Secret Code rose, expressing his own doubts.

"Yes, you should know my identity, right? A collateral descendant of the Stuart family, oh, a descendant of absconding now." Su An's face showed a reminiscence look, and gradually, a little bit of melancholy and With faint 'resentment', he said bluntly: "I am not a serious direct son, and the title of the family has nothing to do with me.

Not only that, but my mother is a wandering adventurer from the 'Twilight Realm', and she is born lower than the noble noble family in the cold land of the north. As for my father, his attitude towards her is also similar to that of The servant is mean and ungrateful.

After my mother died, my position in the family became more and more awkward."

"Except for my half-sister Sylvie, everyone's attitude towards me is not friendly. They treat each other coldly on weekdays. In fact, I don't have any sense of belonging to the Stuart family.

What's more, I myself was implicated in the pit, so I could only flee incognito. "

After finishing speaking, Su An changed his tone and stared at the Black Abyss Secret Tome: "You must be full of resentment towards the Stuart family, right? Even though they are powerful extraordinary beings, they have been sealed by them for such a long time. , I am also unfair to my own experience."

"We can work together. I'll help you break the seal. If you think it's not enough, I can also help you deal with the enemies, that is, those of the Stuart family. Except for Sister Sylvie, I don't care about the lives of others!

Even, I kind of hope to see them unlucky."

"What do you think of this proposal?"

The Black Abyss Secret Code froze for a few seconds, as if he hadn't expected it to encounter a rebellious development. Probably, among all the Heiyuan Grand Dukes who invaded the world of Eternal Night, it may be the only one who will encounter this kind of 'host', It was unexpected.

However, after all, it was a high-ranking and strong man who had experienced the storm, and soon came back to his senses. It stared at Su An quietly without saying a word.

This is thinking about pros and cons.

I hope to be fooled into betting by me. Su An prayed silently. At this moment, his heart was a little nervous. As the only way to pry out the current desperate situation, Su An has achieved the 'extreme'. The rest depends on whether the other party listens. he.

Compared to being a puppet and being completely controlled by the other party, Su An hopes to gain benefits from Grand Duke Heiyuan as a 'collaborator'. Of course, he does not have any power, which is the most important thing on the negotiating table. disadvantages.

For this reason, Su An used the knowledge of the reborn person to fabricate a 'reason' that Grand Duke Heiyuan could not refuse.

Whether the other party is willing to take the trap, no one can guarantee, it can only depend on the attitude of the goddess of fate, whether she will lift her skirt to Su An.

Time passed quietly.

After almost a long silence, finally, the Black Abyss Secret Tome pulled the cover and said faintly—

"Your proposal is good, we can cooperate."

Hu. Suan breathed a sigh of relief. On the surface, he still pretended to be ignorant, and tried: "How to cooperate? I don't have any power, and I am in a prison cage. In a few days, I will be put on the steel code." The northern auction in the city, as goods, I can't help you lift the seal, or take 'revenge' against the Stuart family."

Unknowingly, Su An secretly replaced the concept of getting out of trouble with helping the other party to "unblock", which hit the key point of Duke Heiyuan.

"I can give you strength." The Black Abyss Secret Code didn't notice it, and took the initiative to stop the responsibility. At the end, it still didn't forget to add a sentence: "Of course, don't forget our cooperation and take revenge on the Stuart family .

Hey hey hey, we have the same hatred goal, we are on the same side! "

Brother, you are very into the drama. Su An silently slandered, but he also confirmed that the awakening time of the Black Abyss Secret Code was very early, and he has been pretending to be dead all the time, because the Black Abyss Secret Code is sure that he hates the family, which proves that It had seen it all.

In fact, this is exactly what happened to the original owner.

From this point, it can be inferred that the Black Abyss Secret Code was watching everything in a sober state long before the family was disbanded, but it suffered from no chance, so it has been holding back and pretending to be dead. With confidence, Su An is willing to call the other party the strongest suppressed king.

Another point,

Grand Duke Heiyuan really wants to cover up his identity and cannot reveal the truth, otherwise he will become a public enemy of the world.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to admit the identity Su An threw to it.

From this standpoint, it is the best choice to cooperate with Su An.

It's on.

This point is exactly the routine that Su An set for it. Simply put, Su An threw a character design to the other party. Grand Duke Heiyuan thought it was very good, and he thought he was smart. took it.

Let Grand Duke Heiyuan have to live with Su An on an equal footing as a 'collaborator'.

It's not that Duke Heiyuan is stupid, on the contrary, Duke Heiyuan has lived such a long life, his wisdom must be on the level, but he never imagined that Su An would know his true identity, and he would naturally fall behind if he did mental calculations or not. into the downwind.

After all, I opened the plug-in of Rebirth Su An silently complained.

Then, he saw winding veins protruding from the cover of the Black Abyss Secret Book, like dry tree branches. In the next moment, these veins continued to swell and pulsate, as if fresh flesh and blood, forcibly breaking free from certain restrictions.

The air oscillated slightly, and there were layers of ripples floating out, accompanied by indistinct whispers.

It began with Su An, as a reborn person, clearly aware of this abnormality, which is the ceremony of stepping into the extraordinary realm!

Under normal circumstances, ordinary players must prepare rituals if they want to step into the realm of the superhuman. Different professions have different requirements for rituals. This is a characteristic of "Eternal Night", which is a bit like the "worshiping the entry school" in traditional online games. '.

Based on this prerequisite, after entering "Eternal Night", ordinary players first have to find a way to join a local force, and then obtain professional rituals and corresponding layout materials. The whole process can be as short as a few weeks or as long as several months, which can be called the virtual world with the longest period for novices—so the "training business" in the game is quite popular, supporting many professional players.

However, there are exceptions to everything.

If you are lucky enough, at the low level, you can get the favor of big people, which will greatly shorten this cycle.

For example, among those players who touched the threshold of demigods in their previous lives, some of them have obtained divine abilities, which can be bestowed on low-level players, simplify their promotion ceremony, and use experience points to replace materials—of course, this is a paid service for top players.

Grand Duke Heiyuan is naturally not a demigod.

He is a more terrifying existence than a demigod, a high-ranking life who dominates the black abyss!

Therefore, the ritual materials are naturally not a big problem for him, and this trouble can be solved at a small price.


When the ripples in the air spread layer by layer like a mirror, the moment they touched Su An, the latter felt in a trance. This meant that his spirituality had been sublimated and he was about to step into the extraordinary realm.

This time, when he was promoted to a career, there was no longer the panel of the mastermind of the apocalypse to guide Su An's thoughts, and he was a little expectant and nervous. The next moment, he heard a familiar voice in his ear——

[Hint: You have triggered a career ceremony and are being promoted]

This. This is? ! Su An's pupils shrank, and his heart shuddered.


Is my character panel still on me? !

(end of this chapter)