The Night Adorer

Chapter 201: Clear the harvest


"The stop ahead is [Kings Mineral Lode], passengers who get off the bus, please get ready"

Hearing the sound from the train radio, Suleman sorted out his luggage, and got off the train with the bustling crowd under the arrangement of the guards of the Church of Steam. This is a temporary stop and the last place to accommodate this group of refugees. good location.

As refugees on the Cangxue Mountain Range, they didn't have much choice but to follow the arrangement of the Church of Steam.

Suleman is not surprised that the Kings Mine is indeed this place. Looking at the area of the Cangxue Mountains, there are only a few nearby places that can meet the criteria for 'containment' - among them is the 'Kings Mine'.

After getting off the train along with the crowd, Suleman looked up. Against the background of the night, the streets outside the station were slightly dark, and the gas lamps surrounded by black iron fences tried their best to release the dim yellow, dispelling the darkness little by little.

Fortunately, this place is not the Cangxue Mountains, so there is no need to worry about the influence of the fog.

After leaving the station, Suleman came to the street and saw many off-duty workers. They crossed their arms and yelled at each other as they walked into the tavern, using alcohol to numb their tired nerves after a tiring day.

The Kings Mine Lode is a mine for mining underground rock formations. This place is not considered a civilized city-state, but a large gathering point.

In the northern cold land, there are many large-scale gathering points like this, most of which are the product of special circumstances, such as the Sea of Ashes adjacent to Nusha Port, which is also the Sea of the Far East. There are quite a few large gathering points.

When Suleman went to Nusha Port, he had to go east all the way to reach the extreme eastern border of the northern cold land, and the place where he is currently located is still south of the eastern region of the northern cold land, and there is still a distance from Nusha Port. .

The fastest way to arrive at Angry Shark Port is to take the long-distance train of the Church of Steam.

However, Suleman had to change his face first, and then prepare a reasonable identity.

You know, Nusha Port is the most important civilized city-state on the extreme eastern border of the northern cold land.

Even if it is a simple entry and exit, a certain identity is required.

At least, the homeless people on the snowy field cannot enter the city-state, Nusha Port does not accept refugees, this group of people will be accepted by other strongholds around Nusha Port, just like satellite towns.

As the main city, Angry Shark Port is even stricter. If Suleman wants to enter the city, he must have a clear identity.

This may be difficult for ordinary people to do.

Suleman is different from them. In his previous life, he spent a long time in the northern cold land. He had contact with various gray forces, and he knew several ways to forge 'identity certificates'. There are two ways.

The first one is to find the Miners Association of [Jinsi Lode], and if you pay a certain amount of wealth, they will help you forge the identity of a 'Mine Boss' as a commercial donation, and you can also get a stamped certificate from the Miners Association.

However, there are also disadvantages in this way. His case will be kept inside the Miners Association. If the Orthodox Church investigates his identity and pursues it all the way, Suleman's identity will definitely not be kept secret, and everything will be investigated by the Orthodox Church.

The second way is to find the Church of Steam and take the initiative to pay a huge amount of wealth in exchange for the status of "Steam Believers". But this also has a disadvantage, that is, the origin of Suleman's wealth is unknown, which can easily lead to internal investigations by the Church of Steam, which is also a huge trouble.

How to obtain the identity? Suleman thought for a few seconds, and already had a plan in his mind.

After he left the station, he went to the public washroom on the street first, and waited for more than ten minutes outside a single room, complaining in his heart about the other party standing in the latrine and not shitting. Then, when the middle-aged man in the private room came out and gave him an apologetic look, Suleman watched him leave with his hands on his pants, and then he stepped into the private room and resumed his face pinching plan.

Using his connection with the Magic Sea, Suleman re-selected a replacement.

However, the target age he chose this time was a little younger than 'Yasen'. The target person was set to be the 'Second Mining Generation' who inherited the family's mining industry. He was young and frivolous compared to Meng Lang, but had a good education. , and the excellent investment vision cultivated by the family, the reason for going to Nusha Port is to open up a new family business.

To put it simply, there is no other problem except that people have become a little bit bothered.

Because of the identity and background of the character, Suleman chose for a long time in the fantasy sea. After all, the target he chose could not have the "giant blood". 'It has the blood of a storm giant, and Shark Shark Harbor used to be the site of a storm giant. In this regard, it is similar to the situation of the mist giant.

Since Stuart's descendants have the blood of giants, and so on, do other families in Nusha Harbor have similar situations? Suleman even felt that the Silvermoon Church stationed in Shark Shark Port also had some secret information about the Storm Giant.

Just like the [Sleepless Eyes] on the Cangxue Mountains, they inherited the legacy of the Mist Giants, mastered the dream ceremony, and even killed the Silver Moon Church on the mountains, which shows the advantage of 'home battle' .

In view of this, Suleman must hide his identity. At least, he must not let the bright forces in Angry Shark Port not recognize Suleman. Instead, the character he played, because of his giant blood, was stared at by the Silver Moon Church. If you get on it, it won't pay off.

After all, the information objects in the Illusory Sea Space all originated from the Second Era, a city-state of mixed blood ruled by ancient giants, and it is not uncommon to randomly draw a 'special prize'.

Just like pinching numbers in games in his previous life, after careful consideration, Suleman finally pinched his 'face'.

Pa, Suleman pushed open the door, and found the old gentleman waiting outside the private room, his face flushed from inner urgency.

"Excuse me."

Suleman took off his hat to greet the other party, but the old gentleman was not angry, but patted him on the shoulder, turned around and walked into the private room with a look like "I understand that it's not easy for you".

I'm not that wrong. Suleman opened his mouth, but finally chose to remain silent. Anyway, no one knows him. Besides, what does this identity do have anything to do with 'Sulman Stuart'

Turning around, Suleman looked carefully at the outline of his facial features against the mirror on the bathroom.

The young man in the mirror has red hair, bright and eye-catching, and his facial features are more handsome. Although he is not as good as Suleman's original appearance, he is still a rare beautiful boy. It is worth noting that the corners of his mouth are slightly slanted, and his whole person is somewhat cynical, which will be particularly attractive to boudoir girls who are not deeply involved in the world.

The image is good, the personality is reasonable, and it will not attract the main forces of Nusha Port. Their special attention, but I always feel that there will be new troubles when I go out with this face? Suleman shook his head, putting aside the inexplicable thoughts in his mind.

The next moment, he pulled out the towel from his pocket. After tidying up, Suleman took another step and went to the center of the entire gathering place, the magnificent steel building that lasted all night.

That's where the 'Association of Miners' is located.

"Tell 'Black Rat' Tolland to pay the protection money for his workers if he doesn't meet the time limit!"

"Then I can't guarantee that they have opened a factory in Jinsi, can they guarantee the normal operation of the mining? It should be said that there is absolutely no guarantee!"

After Cromway finished speaking, he snapped the handshake on the phone. As the leader of the [Kings Lode], as the contemporary president of the Miners Association, Cromway Belen has great confidence to hang up any A mine owner's phone call.

At the same time, he also believed that the other party would, after careful consideration, call him again in a humble tone and offer a generous amount of money with both hands.

Putting down the phone, Cromway leaned back on the chair comfortably. His fat body made the chair sag downwards, and there was an overwhelmed 'clicking' sound. Hearing the sound, Cromway squinted his eyes and looked again. A glance at the metal phone on the table.

This is a new device launched by the Church of Steam. It uses underground copper pipes to transmit sound. It can only communicate within three miles. Since the maintenance cost of copper pipes is extremely high, extraordinary means must be arranged every other distance to ensure that the sound does not It will pass through the space and attenuate step by step, so there are very few people in the north who can use the 'telephone'.

This is a symbol of status. Those piggies who work under the rock formation are not worthy of touching it in this life. Cromway looked away and was about to read the copywriting on the table. For some reason, he suddenly felt a deep sense of tiredness. upwelling.

it's wired.

Sleepy so early today? Could it be that the new chick who went to Hongmeifang yesterday made me tired? No, when I came out of the room, I was quite alive and well. Cromway was extremely confused, but couldn't resist the inexplicable fatigue in his body, and suddenly fell into a sweet dream.

I don't know how long I slept until there was a clear knock on the door, which sounded rhythmically from outside.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Waves of beating sounds, like drums hitting people's eardrums, made Cromway, who was sleeping happily, break free from the dream. At the same time, an inexplicable resentment surged in his heart, as if a good dream had been disturbed insomniacs.

Irritability, anger, and the desire to tear everything apart surged up from his heart, occupying Cromway's mind.


Cromway couldn't help roaring. Accompanied by his reprimand, there was a slight pause in the knocking on the door outside. Then, the brass doorknob started to rotate on its own, as if against common sense.

Seeing this scene, Cromway's pupils shrank suddenly, and his body was filled with wakefulness, and he disappeared in an instant.

The only thing left was the chill from behind, all the way up the spine, making Cromway's brain shiver, and he couldn't help but feel scared.

He obviously locked the door, how did the other party open it

Is it superhuman.

As the president of the Miners Association, he has been in charge of the [Kings Lode] for many years. As it should be, Cromway knows the existence of the extraordinary world. Not only that, he also hired two wild extraordinary people to guard him in shifts. outside the door.

In other words, there is at least one extraordinary person on duty outside his door at all times, but the other person came to the door quietly, and the extraordinary person he hired did not give the slightest warning, which is enough to explain everything !

This is a very powerful Transcendent. Thinking of this, Karenway saw that the door had been opened.

A middle-aged gentleman in his thirties with a vicissitudes of life came in from the door. He carried a suitcase, walked up to Cromway step by step, and sat down opposite his desk. Snapped!

The suitcase was thrown on the table between the two of them, and the front was spread out, revealing strips of gold inside the suitcase. Immediately, the golden light attracted Cromway's attention, making him almost forget his situation, wanting to Reach out and touch it.


The middle-aged gentleman with a vicissitudes of life closed the suitcase and stared at him calmly. This move also brought Cromway back to his senses. He rubbed his brows and wondered what happened to himself today? It was as if every emotion had been magnified.

However, just as this idea was born in his mind, it was interrupted by the middle-aged man sitting opposite.

"I need to make a deal with you."

"What deal? No, no! Who are you? How did you get in?" Cromway replied instinctively. Then, he realized the crux of the problem, changed his words hastily, and began to question the other party's background.

"It doesn't matter who I am." The middle-aged gentleman pushed the suitcase and pushed it in front of the other party. Then, the middle-aged gentleman added: "Tell me one thing, the Miners Association keeps a list of members, and you Where is the seal that was entrusted to the steam craftsman to be hidden? I know that you change the hiding place every year."

"What do you want to do?" Cromway was terrified, and he wanted to refuse instinctively, but the middle-aged gentleman didn't give him a chance to refuse, and calmly said: "Tell me the exact location, the money belongs to you, or, You're ready to go down to earth with secrets."

"I hid in the office of the Church of Steam. I have a secret cabinet there. This is my key. The secret cabinet number is B-83!" Cromway did not dare to delay, telling his secret while He took the key from under the table.

The middle-aged gentleman put away the key and took a deep look at him.

"You are very smart."

After finishing speaking, the middle-aged gentleman turned and left. Cromway paralyzed on the chair and touched the sweat on his forehead. The next moment, he looked at the suitcase on the table with a smug expression on his face, as if the plot had succeeded.


Cromway snickered. The secret cabinet he arranged was wrong. As long as the other party dared to come to the door with the key, the Church of Steam office would arrest him. This was his agreement with the Church of Steam.

After all, the church of steam also needs a local snake to handle local trivial matters for them.

After relaxing, Cromway was about to step forward to open the suitcase full of gold. Suddenly, he felt his vision distorted, and he felt dizzy in front of him. Boom, Cromway jumped up from the chair, look around.

He found himself still in the office with nothing in front of him.

I. Am I dreaming

Cromway couldn't believe it. The next moment, he hurriedly opened the secret compartment under the table and found another key to the secret cabinet, still lying quietly in it. Suddenly, Cromway heaved a sigh of relief.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Suddenly, there was another knock on the door, scaring Cromway into a conditioned reflex, and he yelled, "Who?!"

"Boss, it's me."

A familiar voice came from outside the door, and Cromway heaved a sigh of relief. This was one of the two superhumans he hired, so Cromway put the key back in the secret compartment, locked it quietly, and shouted to the outside : "Randy, come in."

Randy, who had an ordinary appearance, came in from the door, gave Cromway a strange look, and then said, "Boss, 'Black Rat' Tolan has given in, and he is going to pay the protection fee."

Cromway came back to his senses. At this moment, he accepted the fact that he was dreaming. Then, Cromway nodded and said, "I see. I have something to do now. I have to go to the Church of Steam to pray first."

After finishing speaking, Cromway picked up his coat and put it on, and stopped Randy who wanted to follow up, and asked the other party to guard the empty office. If there is anything unusual, immediately call the Church of Steam and report to him directly .

Cromway left in a hurry, and the office returned to calm.

A few minutes later, Randy pushed open the door, his face changed slightly, and he turned into Suleman again. Then, he skillfully opened the dark cabinet under the table and took the key away.

"[Meng Ling]'s bloodline trait is really easy to use."

Facing the empty office, Suleman couldn't help sighing.

(end of this chapter)