The Night Adorer

Chapter 202: Popularity


When he came out of the office, Suleman already had an additional asset certificate on him. Not only that, he also added a little "seasoning" to the list of members of the Miners Association, for example, there is an extra "" Magellan Columbus' newcomer.

This name is Suleman's new vest.

To be more precise, Suleman intends to go to Shark Harbor. During this process, the name he announced to the outside world is 'Magellan Columbus', which is a combination of two celebrities from his previous life. One is an old brother who got lost and discovered the New World, and the other One is the first person who got lost and traveled around the world. In short, both of them are famous in history because of getting lost.

I hope I won't get lost like them... Suleman sneered, and couldn't help but think of the reason for the name—

Because it is close to the Sea of Ashes, as the largest city-state in the entire sea area, Angry Shark Port is also known as a paradise for sailors. When you walk around in the city, at least six of the ten people you bump into are practitioners of navigation. Such as sailors, fishermen, sea merchants and so on.

Even pirates would choose to return to Nusha Harbor to rest after a long hunt at sea. Of course, they had to disguise themselves as ordinary people. If they were found out by the authorities and arrested, they would often end up hanging.

Even though the risks are huge, the pirates still enjoy it. They will prepare a bright identity suitable for going ashore, and an appearance that is completely different from the original appearance. All of them are professionals who are good at disguise. Some pirates, their well-dressed appearance is enough to amaze the makeup girl paper called "Oriental magic" on the earth.

There was a time in the previous life when Shark Harbor issued a 'pirate ban'. At that time, players could look for disguised pirates, try to capture or report them, in exchange for huge rewards. Of course, most of the players who chose the former gave up, and only a few lucky ones were able to successfully capture the target. After all, the players had a level cap and were weaker than the aboriginals in the early and mid-term.

Suleman took the name of 'Magellan Columbus', which is a tribute to the gang of pirates. They will also prepare a second name, which is the name of their identity, as the 'code name' for the activities in Angry Shark Harbor '.

Having said that, there are still quite a few ancient secret treasures in the Sea of Ashes... Suleman thought to himself, if given the right opportunity, he wouldn't mind playing a cameo role as a pirate and going out to sea to seek those treasures. treasure.

Before the official battle between 'Mercury Libra' and 'Natural Asylum', that is, before the outbreak of the [Battle of Faith], there is not much time left for him to improve his strength... …

Suleman found a cafe on the street and ordered a grilled steak, two slices of oatmeal bread and a glass of butter beer.

While enjoying the dinner, he put the newly obtained asset certificate into his secret bag.

It is worth mentioning that the president of 'Kronway' was very cunning. He gave the target a fake key and the address of the secret cabinet for the first time. Unfortunately, Suleman knew the other party's whereabouts, and he fainted again on the way. Lunwei', created a false dream for him, let him tell the real address of the secret cabinet in the false prayer room, this is the main reason why Suleman returned to the office after a few minutes.

In the impression of 'Cromway', he has returned home from the prayer room of the Church of Steam, accepting the secret protection of the Church of Steam with peace of mind, but in fact, the object of his prayer is Suleman, and all cards are exposed to under the eyes of the latter.

Now I can not only read the dreams of the dead, but also the living... Suleman laughed at himself.

Of course [Dream Spirit] is not absolutely unsolvable, its effect is limited by the target's strength, the stronger the opponent's strength, the more false the dream.

At present, Suleman is only playing with ordinary people to make it so convenient. If it is an extraordinary person, the first-level strength can also produce resistance, and the second-level strength has negligible impact. Fighting at the same level almost does not use the [Dream Spirit] blood trait.

[Dream Spirit] is a typical specialization in information, and intelligence is also part of strength... …

Suleman settled the dinner and rubbed his stomach.

Before the dawn of promotion, he still needs to eat normally. Three meals a day are essential, and the extraordinary also needs to eat just right...

After drinking and eating, Suleman closed his eyes and leaned on the sofa. He seemed to be sleeping and resting. In fact, he was checking his own panel. After the incident in the Cangxue Mountains, nearly 40,000 experience, several advanced tasks that have not yet been submitted.

Turning in the task now is the time for him to collect the reward—

[Reminder: Hero Event·Golden Son (Lv38) meets the submission criteria, yes/no to submit the task?]

"Yes!" Suleman handed in the task.

[Reminder: Your task completion rate is 83%, and the reward is being calculated... ]

[Reminder: After the calculation, your rewards are as follows—]

[Reward: 20,000 experience points, a scroll of derivative skills, fame +10 points.]

The degree of completion has not reached 90%. Sure enough, there are still certain disadvantages in "cooperating" with the aborigines... Su Erman sighed silently. When he was in the dream city, he first cooperated with Shirley. The two joined hands to kill the two core figures of the Sleepless Church.

This will weaken the completion of the task. After all, he used Shirley's strength. Secondly, when they made the move, the two core figures of the Sleepless Church, Phyllis and Stevenson, fought with the Silver Moon Holy Envoy. Both sides were hurt, which once again weakened the completion of the task.

Therefore, the 'Son of Gold' task has not reached 90%, and there is no special reward. It is not a pity that Suleman has already anticipated this scene since he was about to reap the benefits of the fisherman. trade-offs.

Suleman's experience points suddenly reached 60,000, and at the same time, his popularity increased to 30 points.

Popularity is an important attribute. In the middle and later versions of "Eternal Night", the popularity is related to their faction power. You must know that one of the necessary conditions for players to be promoted to demigods in the future is 'faith', which is also called Called the 'anchor' of divinity.

Faith is needed, so it is natural to form a force, just like the Orthodox Church in the northern cold land. At this time, popularity is the prerequisite for opening the camp.

Under normal circumstances, if players want to gain fame, they must at least obtain the reputation of several camps, and then comprehensively promote to 'fame'.

Due to Suleman's foresight, he received too many important plots, which caused his "fame" to be opened at the second level. Now, Suleman's fame panel is—

Popularity: 30 (25) points

The 30 points represent the reputation, and the 25 points in the brackets describe the area where Suleman is located and how many deeds he has.

For example, Suleman's deeds are mainly concentrated in the Cangxue Mountains and Gangdian City, so he is in two places, and his reputation is full of 30 points, but he went to other places, two places away The farther away, the lower the reputation effect on the body.

This rule also exists for the gods.

Just like Mercury Libra, who believes in the Lord of the Silver Moon, and Nature's Shelter (Church of Hunting), who believes in the Goddess of Hunting, the two gods' popularity in the cold northern land is far less than that of the Twilight Domain and the Sea of Forests to which they belong.

PS: There is another chapter in the evening. Ask for a monthly ticket on Monday. If you really don’t have one, you can give me a recommended ticket~.

(end of this chapter)