The Night Adorer

Chapter 203: rumor


"The degree of fame is approaching the 50-point mark, getting closer and closer... …."

Suleman muttered something silently, and then he focused on another task reward.

—Scrolls of Derived Skills!

This was Suleman's original goal. He originally planned to use the 'Golden Son' mission to obtain derivative skills, and then expand the use of the special abilities on his body to dig deeper into their potential.

As a result, by mistake, the mission of the golden son has not been completed yet, but he personally learned a lot of secrets from Shirley.

Coupled with the reward from the Golden Son, right now, he has two derivative skills on him.

How to distribute

Suleman doesn't need to worry too much, he has already made a decision in his heart, he has enough traits and abilities, and he can't eat more.

In a short period of time, I don't need to learn new sub-professions. Even if I am promoted to the dawn level, mystic traits + blood traits are enough as fuel, and I don't need to add traits to meet the promotion conditions.

Therefore, what Suleman needs to do is very simple, which is to form a combat system with existing capabilities.

As for the special abilities he possesses, there are a total of four quantities, and when the bloodline characteristics and secret technique characteristics are counted, it is six quantities—

[Dark Vision], [Shadow Substitute], [Dream of Destiny], [A Face of Thousand Illusions (Unique)], [Shadow Attendant (Secret Technique Trait)], [Dream Spirit (Bloodline Trait)].

Those who prefer to fight are [Dark Vision], [Shadow Substitute] and [Shadow Attendant].

Those who prefer to obtain information are [Dream Spirit] and [Dream of Destiny].

The last remaining [Thousand Illusory Faces (The Only)] tends to hide its identity, allowing Suleman to have a large number of vests and all kinds of capital.

Deepen that trait? Suleman followed his thoughts, and with a thought, the derivative scroll in the secret bag disappeared.

[Hint: You have used a derivative scroll, and the associated object is 'dark vision'.]

[Hint: You have comprehended the 'Psionic Sight Lv1'.]

[Spiritual Vision Lv1]: You have the ability to gain insight into the flow of spirituality. After turning on 'Dark Vision', you gain additional insight into spirituality. The higher the skill level, the higher the determination of the insight you get.

Huh, my luck isn't particularly good, but it's not too bad... Suleman heaved a sigh of relief. He gambled on one of the skills he wanted. , he is roughly equivalent to half of 'Dawn' in combat insight.

He still has nearly 60,000 experience points and a derivative skill. However, Suleman didn't plan to consume them. He chose to upgrade the skill or upgrade the level of the main job depending on the situation, so as to sprint to the dawn realm.

At this time, Suleman felt someone patting his shoulder, and a slightly soft voice sounded lightly——

"Sir, can you settle the bill?"

Suleman opened his eyes again, and saw a little maid with freckles standing beside his table, and said timidly.

It seems that I've been 'sleeping' for too long, and I was mistaken for a debt... Suleman glanced out the window, and found that it was almost dawn, and the train to Nusha Port was about to leave Ben, understood the reason why the little maid woke him up, she must have been urged by the boss.

"Feel sorry."

Suleman responded with a good-natured smile, took out a silver token from his wallet, and handed it to the little maid. Just as he was about to get up, there was a communication sound from the dining table next door—

"Recently, why have there been more people in the Kings Mine?"

"I know about this, because the refugees from the Cangxue Mountains came... …"


The person who asked the question was a little surprised. After all, the phenomenon of refugees only existed after the destruction of large gathering places. However, there was the Silver Moon Church stationed on the Cangxue Mountain Range. How could refugees be born

As if hearing the questioner's doubts, the person continued to answer: "It is said that the ancient relics were reborn. The riots in the restricted area on the Cangxue Mountains not only destroyed the branch church of the Silver Moon Church, but also a silver moon church. Where did the Moon Sacred Envoy fall... …”


Hearing these words, there was an obvious gasp at the dining table next door. It seemed that they understood the meaning of the word 'Silver Moon Holy Envoy' very well. The death of the Moon Sacred Envoy shows the seriousness of the situation.

Are these people discussing extraordinary? Ordinary people don't know so many secrets. However, they discuss this kind of thing in the coffee shop. It seems that the level is not high, at most it is the first-order level... Suleman thought silently , can't help stretching out her neck, protruding a little height from the sofa, pretending to watch the little maid leave, but actually peeping at the next table from the corner of her eye.

The people who were discussing were two men and one woman. They were dressed like ordinary travelers. The appearance of the three of them was not outstanding, but they had a weather-beaten and sophisticated temperament, very similar to bounty hunters. Especially, when Suleman turned his head to look at the little maid, the woman with short golden hair turned her head sharply and gave Suleman a distant look.

When he noticed the girl's actions, Suleman didn't panic at all. On the contrary, the corners of his mouth raised slightly, in line with the style of a 'playboy', and he took the initiative to whistle at the girl, and did not forget to wink the corners of his eyes.

— This is the character design of 'Magellan Columbus', the standard mine second generation, with a frivolous style.


The blond woman withdrew her gaze and ignored her. Her behavior made the two companions curious: "Ingrid, what happened?"

"It's nothing, a rich man whistled to me, so don't pay attention to him." Ingrid replied calmly, and those who knew her could hear the slight disdain in her tone.

"I don't know which descendant of the mine owner. I really don't need to pay attention to him. The other party is just an ordinary person... People who are not in the same world as us." Mallory shook his head, agreeing with Ingrid moral approach.

With this little episode, their communication voices also became quieter, and Ingrid asked again: "By the way, you said earlier that the riots in the restricted area on the Cangxue Mountains even brought the Silver Moon Church into disaster, so... ...then there are still living people?"

She couldn't believe the number of refugees in the Cangxue Mountain Range. If it was really a riot in the restricted area and the entire church branch was wiped out, let alone ordinary people survive, even if they entered the Cangxue Mountain Range, they would definitely die lifeless.

"I don't know the inside story either. It is said that the church of steam sent people to support and quell the turmoil......" Another male companion, William, said in a low voice: "It is said that after the disaster subsided, the whole The fog on the Cangxue Mountains is gone, my God, I can't believe my ears, someone can see the sun on the Cangxue Mountains... … "

"Aren't there too many strange things in this world?" Ingrid shook her head lightly, she picked up her little felt hat, turned around and settled the bill with the waiter, and was about to leave: "Let's go, we have to go to Nuo as soon as possible." Shark Harbor......”

Two companions followed in her footsteps. When the group left the coffee shop, Ingrid thoughtfully glanced in the direction of the "rich boy" before, only to find that there was only cold coffee on the table , and eat the remaining half slice of bread.

I don't know when, the other party has already left quietly.

(end of this chapter)