The Night Adorer

Chapter 21: Get qualified


After tidying up, everyone left the ironworks.

As for the follow-up of the ironworks, tomorrow, there will be a security office in charge of this street to take over and deal with follow-up matters.

In fact, many commissions from the Bounty Guild came from the Security Office. After they are determined to be extraordinary events, or special events whose nature is to be determined, they will basically be handed over to the bounty guild. A very small number of events that are extremely harmful and will affect public safety will be handed over to the Orthodox Church, or the personal guards directly under the ancient nobles.

This process of handling events has been established since the beginning of the establishment of the civilized city-state, that is, the third era, and the eternal night world has entered the gray iron age. It can be seen that bounty hunters are indeed a very dangerous industry, especially since most of the gray iron hunters are only human elites, but they have to face extraordinary events directly, and the casualty rate is naturally extremely high.

At this time, it was already late at night, and the streets were empty, and they headed in the direction of the bounty guild.

"It's a bit strange that there are actually two extraordinary monsters in this entrustment event." Scarlett supported Katie, and while helping him to walk, she showed doubts: "In the recent Gangdian City, incidents that really involve the extraordinary level are becoming more and more common." It's getting more and more frequent. It's really strange, before half a month, I couldn't come across a silver-level commission, but now not only do I encounter two extraordinary monsters."

"Could it be the influence of the silent cold wave?" Lake next to him hesitated and interjected.

"It's possible. After all, the once-a-year cold wave will drastically deteriorate the living environment outside the high walls, that is, outside the civilized city-states, they are always on the snowy wilderness in the storm." Scarlet nodded slightly, and added: "No Except for the extraordinary life in the wild, they sensed the danger, and driven by instinct, they sneaked into the city quietly, in fact, such cases are not uncommon."

Suleman listened silently. As a pioneer who had been deeply involved in the plot, he actually knew a little more than everyone present.

"Maybe it's an ordinary person in the original city, not necessarily from the snowy wilderness." Suleman reminded.

Scarci was slightly taken aback, then nodded instantly: "Yes, it may be ordinary people who have been exposed to the 'traits', they did not perform the ceremony, and as a result, they were polluted and corroded by extraordinary power, unable to bear the consequences of power, they were distorted into monsters. "

"Since the end of the second era, countless traits have been scattered on the earth, some of which are buried deep, and ordinary people can touch them by chance. Many monsters in the wild are basically born in this way."

The so-called 'traits' are spiritual materials, but they belong to specific things, not general materials. They are the core of ordinary rituals.

The god bestowing ceremony is to use the stalwart power above the demigod to replace the material of 'trait', and achieve the same effect in different ways.

However, with the opening of the third era for hundreds of years, most of the traits scattered on the earth at the beginning have been cleaned up, such as the Orthodox Church, such as the ancient nobles, who have a lot of traits in their hands, and the corresponding promotion ceremony.

Compared with the early days of the gray iron age, the number of wild supernatural beings living among the people has been greatly reduced.

While the group was chatting, they had already arrived at the entrance of the Bounty Guild. This time, they did not go through the main entrance of the bar.

As long as you are not a new member, you don’t need to go through the troublesome main entrance. In the inner bar of the Bounty Guild, there is another side entrance in the alley. Of course, there are bodyguards standing by the door. They don’t recognize strangers, only familiar Faces in.

The bodyguard standing beside saw Scarlett and immediately opened the door respectfully.

"Ms. Scarce, welcome back."


Scarci nodded indifferently, and helped Katie enter. Suleman was about to follow, but heard a commotion from inside the door—

"I bet that new brat, absolutely terrible, will be labeled 'useless' by Ms. Scarci!"

"He may not be very clear about the meaning of the difficulty of entrusting silver, my God, I don't dare to die"

"I bet 5 silver orders, that guy won't pass the qualification test."

"Thomas, do you only have 5 silver tokens left? Hehe, I bet ten!"

Are all the bounty hunters in Gangdian City so idle? Suleman was a little powerless to complain, and followed the figure in front of him into the room.

There were some noisy voices, and suddenly, with Scarci's entry, there was a sudden silence, and everyone's eyes subconsciously converged. When they saw Scarci who was supporting Katie, and the red clothes on the former, When the bandaged shoulder.


A gasp came from the mouths of the bounty hunters present. You must know that, as senior hunters in Gangdian City, they knew very well that Katie was a member of Scarci's team, and the team with the Silver Hunter as the core , the combat power is definitely not weak.

Now that Katie has suffered such a serious injury, it is obvious that they have encountered a strong enemy!

This is a supernatural creature

Sure enough, the silver entrustment is full of dangers, and one careless will lose one's life. The senior hunters present are all thankful for their decision. However, before they can ask, the next moment, they see Suleman figure.

The other party was neatly dressed, with clean and tidy clothes, as if he had just returned from the theater, not as if he had completed a commission.


Before everyone understood the situation, they saw Scarlett stepping forward, and said loudly in front of the waitress: "This commission has encountered two extraordinary monsters, the evidence is in Mr. Suleman's hands, and he is keeping the spoils. , I am very grateful to Mr. Suleman for his assistance."


"Among us, I don't know how many of us will come back alive." Scarlett said with a wry smile, but her tone was serious, and she didn't mean to be joking at all. Inspired by this, the waitress hurriedly took out a pen and paper, and began to record: " Alright, I will record these as Suleman Arthur Doyle's assessment records."

As she said that, the waitress probably realized a little bit, turned her head hastily, and explained to Suleman: "If there is no accident, Mr. Suleman, you will be able to obtain the official bounty hunter qualification immediately, um, here Congratulations in advance."

Accompanied by her words, the eyes of everyone in the bar fell on Suleman, and there was a little silence for a while.

73 Nancy Avenue, townhomes.

Suleman returned to the front of the house and glanced at the iron badge on his body, which was the badge of a gray iron hunter.

Shaking his head and smiling, he was about to open the door and enter when suddenly, he looked up and found that the light in the house was still on.

It was rushed out a little bit, the second chapter, change first and then change.

(end of this chapter)